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marie antoinette and her son-第95部分

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the H6tel Dieu; where he had a long conversation with Doctor Naudin。
At the end of it; the director of the hospital entered his carriage
and drove to the city hall; in whose largest chamber a committee of
the Public Safety officials were holding a public meeting。 With
earnest and urgent words the revered and universally valued
physician gave the report about the visits which he had made at the
Temple for some days at the command of the authorities; and about
the condition of affairs there。 Petion the elder; the presiding
officer of the committee; listened to the report with a grave
repose; and the picture of the low health of the 〃little Capet;〃
while he paid the most marked attention to that part of the report
which concerned the Simons。

〃Citizen Simon has deserved much of the country; and he is one of
the most faithful supporters of the one and indivisible republic;〃
said Petion; when Doctor Naudin ended his report。 〃The republic
must; like a grateful mother; show gratitude to her loyal sons; and
care for them tenderly。 So tell us; Citizen Naudin; what must be
done in order to restore health to Citizen Simon and his wife。〃

〃They are both sick from the same cause; and; therefore; they both
require the same remedy。 That remedy is; a change of air and a
change of location。 Let Simon have another post; where he shall be
allowed to exercise freely out of doors; and where he shall not be
compelled to breathe only the confined air of a cell; and let his
wife not be forced to listen to the whining and the groaning of the
little sick Capet。 In one word; give to them both liberty to move
around; and the free air; and they will; without any doubt; and
within a short time; regain their health。〃

〃It is true;〃 said Petion; 〃the poor people lead a sad life in the
Temple; and are compelled to breathe the air that the last scions of
tyranny have contaminated with their poisonous breaths。 We owe it to
them to release them from this bad atmosphere; in consideration of
their faithful and zealous service to the country。 Citizen Simon has
always taken pains to repair the great neglect in Capet's education;
and to make the worthless boy prove some day a worthy son of the

〃But even if Simon should remain in the Temple; he would not be able
to go on much longer with the education of the boy;〃 said the
hospital director; with a shrug。

〃What do you mean by that; citizen doctor?〃 asked Petion; with a
pleasant lighting up of his eyes。

〃I mean that the boy has not a long time to live; for he is
suffering at once from consumption and softening of the brain; and
the latter disease will soon reduce him to an idiot; and render him
incapable of receiving instruction。〃

〃You are convinced that the son of the tyrants will not recover?〃
asked Petion; with a strained; eager glance。

〃My careful examination of his case has convinced me that he has but
a short time to live; and that he will spend the larger part of this
time in an idiotic state。 On this account Simon ought to be removed
from the Temple; in order that his enemies may not be able to
circulate a report about this zealous and worthy servant of the
republic; that he is guilty of the death of little Capetthat
Simon's method of bringing him up killed him。 And besides; in order
that the same charge should not be laid to the one and great
republic; and it be accused of cruelty to a poor sick child; kindly
attentions should be bestowed on him。〃

Petion's countenance clouded; and his eyes rested on the physician
with a sinister; searching expression。

〃You have a great deal of sensibility; doctor; and you appear to
forget that the boy is a criminal by birth; and that the republic
can have no special sympathy with him。〃

〃For me;〃 answered Naudin; with simplicity; 〃every sick person at
whose bed I am called to stand; is a poor; pitiable Iranian being;
and I never stop to think whether be is a criminal or not; but
merely that he is a sufferer; and then I endeavor to discover the
means to assist him。 The hallowed and indivisible republic; however;
is an altogether too magnanimous and exalted mother of all her
children not to have pity on those who are reduced to idiocy; and in
sore sickness。 The republic is like the sun; which pours its beams
even into the dungeon of the criminal; and shines upon the just and
unjust alike。〃

〃And what do you desire that the republic should do for the
offspring of tyrants?〃 asked Petion; peevishly。

〃I desire not much;〃 answered Naudin; with a smile。 〃Let me be
permitted to visit the sick child from time to time; and in his
hopeless condition to procure him a little relief from his
sufferings at least; and let him be treated like the child he is。
Let a little diversion be allowed him。 If it is not possible or
practicable for him to play with children of his age; let him at
least have some playthings for his amusement。〃

〃Do you demand in earnest that the republic should condescend to
provide playthings for her imprisoned criminals?〃 asked Petion; with
a scornful laugh。

〃You have commanded me to visit the sick boy in the Temple; to
examine his condition; and to prescribe the necessary remedies for
his recovery。 I can offer no hope of recovery to the patient; but I
can afford him some relief from his sufferings。 Some of my medicines
are called playthings! It lies with you to decide whether the
republic will refuse these medicines to the sick one。〃

〃And you say that the little Capet is incurable?〃 asked Petion;

〃Incurable; citizen representative。〃

〃Well; then;〃 said Petion; with a cold smile; 〃the republic can
afford to provide the last of the Capets with toys。 They have for
centuries toyed fearlessly with the happiness of the people; and the
last thing which the people of France give back to the tyrants is
some toy with which they may amuse themselves on the way to
eternity。 Citizen doctor; your demands shall be complied with。 The
first place which shall become vacant shall be given to Citizen
Simon; that he may be released from prison and enjoy his freedom。
The little Capet will be provided with playthings; and; besides; you
are empowered to give him all needful remedies for his relief。 It is
your duty to care for the sick child until its death。〃



In accordance with the instructions of Petion; playthings were
procured and carried into the gloomy chamber of the prince on the
very next day; and set by the side of the sick boy。 But Mistress
Simon labored in vain trying to amuse the little Louis with them。
The men danced; the wooden cocks crowed; the dogs barked; and to all
these sounds the child paid no heed; it did not once open its eyes;
nor care in the least for the many…colored things which the
officials had brought him。

〃We must try something else;〃 said the compassionate officer。 〃Do
you know any plaything which would be likely to please little Louis

〃Give him a riding…horse;〃 cried Simon; with a coarse laugh。 〃I am
convinced if the obstinate youngster should hear that there was a
riding…horse outside; and that he might ride through Paris; he would
be well on the spot and get up。 It is pure deceit; his lying there
so pale and without interest in any thing about him。〃

〃You are very cruel; citizen;〃 muttered the official; with a
compassionate glance at the child。

〃Cruel? Yes; I am cruel!〃 said Simon; grimly。 〃But it is the cursed
prison air that has made me so。 If I stay here a week longer; Jeanne
Marie will die; and I shall become crazy。 The director of the
hospital told us this; and you know; citizen; that he is the most
clever doctor in all France。 See if you would not be cruel if you
had such an idea as that in your head!〃

〃Well; citizen; you have at least the satisfaction of knowing that
it will not last long;〃 answered the officer; consolingly。 〃The
first vacancy is to be given to you。〃

〃Well; I hope it will come soon; then;〃 said Simon; with a sigh。 〃I
will take a vow to you。 If; in a week; I shall be released from this
place; and get a good situation; I will give little Capet a horse to
remember me by。 That is; not a horse on which he might ride out of
prison; but a wooden one; on which he can ride in prison。 Say;
little Capet;〃 called Simon; stooping over the bed of the child;
〃would you not like to have a nice wooden horse to play with?〃

Over the pale lips of the boy played the faint tint of a smile; and
he opened his eyes。 〃Yes;〃 he said; softly〃 yes; I should like to
have a wooden horse; and I should have a good time with it。〃

〃Come; citizen;〃 said Simon; solemnly; 〃I take you to witness my
vow。 If I receive another place; I give a hobby…horse to little
Capet。 You grant me the privilege; citizen?〃

〃I allow you; Citizen Simon; and I will report the matter to the
Public Welfare Committee; that it shall surprise no one by and by;
and I am sure no one will gainsay you in your praiseworthy offer。
For it certainly is praiseworthy to prepare a pleasure for a sick
child; and the great republic; which is the gracious mother of all
Frenchmen; will pity the poor child; too。 I wish you success;
citizen; in the fulfilment of all your hopes; and trust that you
will speedily be released from your trying imprisonment。〃

And; in fact; this release did not have to be waited for long。 A few
days brought the accomplishment of Doctor Naudin's prophecy; and the
official guard; who was then sick at the Hotel Dieu; died。 The
director of the hospital hastened to inform the authorities of this
event; and on the same day Simon was appointed his successor。 The
same official who had brought the sick prince the playthings; came
again to inform Simon; of his release; and was delighted at the
stormy outbreak of rapturous joy with which the tidings were

〃We will be off directly;〃 cried Simon。 〃Our things have all been
packed for three days; and every thing is ready。〃

〃But you must wait patiently till to…morrow; my friends;〃 said the
official; with a smile。 〃Your successor cannot enter upon his duties
here in the Temple before tomorrow morning at ten o'clock; and till
then you must be content to wait quietly。〃

〃That is
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