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the age of invention-第30部分

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tralia itself to Sydney; the biplane flew without mishap。 The time from Hounslow; England; to Port Darwin was twenty…seven days; twenty hours; and twenty minutes。 Early in 1920 the Boer airman Captain Van Ryneveld made the flight from Cairo to the Cape。

Commercial development of the airplane and the airship commenced after the war。 The first air service for United States mails was; in fact; inaugurated during the war; between New York and Washington。 The transcontinental service was established soon afterwards; and a regular line between Key West and Havana。 French and British companies began to operate daily between London and Paris carrying passengers and mail。 Airship companies were formed in Australia; South Africa; and India。 In Canada airplanes were soon being used in prospecting the Labrador timber regions; in making photographs and maps of the northern wilderness; and by the Northwest Mounted Police。

It is not for history to prophesy。 〃Emblem of much; and of our Age of Hope itself;〃 Carlyle called the balloon of his time; born to mount majestically but 〃unguidably〃 only to tumble 〃whither Fate will。〃 But the aircraft of our day is guidable; and our Age of Hope is not rudderless nor at the mercy of Fate。



A clear; non…technical discussion of the basis of all industrial progress is 〃Power〃; by Charles E。 Lucke (1911); which discusses the general principle of the substitution of power for the labor of men。 Many of the references given in 〃Colonial Folkways〃; by C。 M。 Andrews (〃The Chronicles of America〃; vol。 IX); are valuable for an understanding of early industrial conditions。 The general course of industry and commerce in the United States is briefly told by Carroll D。 Wright in 〃The Industrial Evolution of the United States〃 (1907); by E。 L。 Bogart in 〃The Economic History of the United States〃 (1920); and by Katharine Coman in 〃The Industrial History of the United States〃 (1911)。 〃A Documentary History of American Industrial Society〃; 10 vols。 (1910…11); edited by John R。 Commons; is a mine of material。 See also Emerson D。 Fite; 〃Social and Industrial Conditions in the North During the Civil War〃 (1910)。 The best account of the inventions of the nineteenth century is 〃The Progress of Invention in the Nineteenth Century〃 by Edward W。 Byrn (1900)。 George Iles in 〃Leading American Inventors〃 (1912) tells the story of several important inventors and their work。 The same author in 〃Flame; Electricity and the Camera〃 (1900) gives much valuable information。


The primary source of information on Benjamin Franklin is contained in his own writings。 These were compiled and edited by Jared Sparks; 〃The Works of 。 。 。 Franklin 。 。 。 with Notes and a Life of the Author〃; 10 vols。 (1836…40); and later by John Bigelow; 〃The Complete Works of Benjamin Franklin; including His Private as well as His Official and Scientific Correspondence; and Numerous Letters and Documents Now for the First Time Printed; with Many Others not included in Any Former Collection; also; the Unmutilated and Correct Version of His Autobiography〃; 10 vols。 (1887…88)。 Consult also James Parton; 〃The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin〃; 2 vols。 (1864); S。 G。 Fisher; 〃The True Benjamin Franklin〃 (1899); Paul Leicester Ford; 〃The Many…Sided Franklin〃 (1899); John T。 Morse; 〃Benjamin Franklin〃 (1889) in the 〃American Statesmen〃 series; and Lindsay Swift; 〃Benjamin Franklin〃 (1910) in 〃Beacon Biographies。 On the Patent Office: Henry L。 Ellsworth; A Digest of Patents Issued by the United States from 1790 to January 1; 1839〃 (Washington; 1840); also the regular Reports and publications of the United States Patent Office。


The first life of Eli Whitney is the 〃Memoir〃 by Denison Olmsted (1846); and a collection of Whitney's letters about the cotton gin may be found in 〃The American Historical Review〃; vol。 III (1897)。 〃Eli Whitney and His Cotton Gin;〃 by M。 F。 Foster; is included in the 〃Transactions of the New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association〃; no。 67 (October; 1899)。 See also Dwight Goddard; 〃A Short Story of Eli Whitney〃 (1904); D。 A。 Tompkins; 〃Cotton and Cotton Oil〃 (1901); James A。 B。 Scherer; 〃Cotton as a World Power〃 (1916); E。 C。 Bates; 〃The Story of the Cotton Gin〃 (1899); reprinted from 〃The New England Magazine〃; May; 1890; and Eugene Clyde Brooks; 〃The Story of Cotton and the Development of the Cotton States〃 (1911)。


For an account of James Watt's achievements; see J。 Cleland; 〃Historical Account of the Steam Engine〃 (1825) and John W。 Grant; 〃Watt and the Steam Age〃 (1917)。 On Fulton: R。 H。 Thurston; 〃Robert Fulton〃 (1891) in the 〃Makers of America〃 series; A。 C。 Sutcliffe; 〃Robert Fulton and the 'Clermont'〃 (1909); H。 W。 Dickinson; 〃Robert Fulton; Engineer and Artist; His Life and Works〃 (1913)。 For an account of John Stevens; see George Iles; 〃Leading American Inventors〃 (1912); and Dwight Goddard; 〃A Short Story of John Stevens and His Sons in Eminent Engineers〃 (1905)。 See also John Stevens; 〃Documents Tending to Prove the Superior Advantages of Rail…Ways and Steam…Carriages over Canal Navigation〃 (1819。); reprinted in 〃The Magazine of History with Notes and Queries〃; Extra Number 54 (1917)。 On Evans: 〃Oliver Evans and His Inventions;〃 by Coleman Sellers; in 〃The Journal of the Franklin Institute〃; July; 1886; vol。 CXXII。


On the general subject of cotton manufacture and machinery; see: J。 L。 Bishop; 〃History of American Manufactures from 1608 to 1860〃; 3 vols。 (1864…67); Samuel Batchelder; 〃Introduction and Early Progress of the Cotton Manufacture in the United States〃 (1863); James Montgomery; 〃A Practical Detail of the Cotton Manufacture of the United States of America〃 (1840); Melvin T。 Copeland; 〃The Cotton Manufacturing Industry of the United States〃 (1912); and John L。 Hayes; 〃American Textile Machinery〃 (1879)。 Harriet H。 Robinson; 〃Loom and Spindle〃 (1898); is a description of the life of girl workers in the early factories written by one of them。 Charles Dickens; 〃American Notes〃; Chapter IV; is a vivid account of the life in the Lowell mills。 See also Nathan Appleton; 〃Introduction of the Power Loom and Origin of Lowell〃 (1858); H。 A。 Miles; 〃Lowell; as It Was; and as It Is〃 (1845); and G。 S。 White; 〃Memoir of Samuel Slater〃 (1836)。 On Elias Howe; see Dwight Goddard; 〃A Short Story of Elias Howe in Eminent Engineers〃 (1905)。


The story of the reaper is told in: Herbert N。 Casson; 〃Cyrus Hall McCormick; His Life and Work〃 (1909); and 〃The Romance of the Reaper〃 (1908); and Merritt F。 Miller; 〃Evolution of Reaping Machines〃 (1902); U。 S。 Experiment Stations Office; Bulletin 103。 Other farm inventions are covered in: William Macdonald; 〃Makers of Modern Agriculture〃 (1913); Emile Guarini; 〃The Use of Electric Power in Plowing〃 in The 〃Electrical Review〃; vol。 XLIII; A。 P。 Yerkes; 〃The Gas Tractor in Eastern Farming〃 (1918); U。 S。 Department of Agriculture; Farmer's Bulletin 1004; and Herbert N。 Casson and others; 〃Horse; Truck and Tractor; the Coming of Cheaper Power for City and Farm〃 (1913)。


An account of an early 〃agent of communication〃 is given by W。 F。 Bailey; article on the 〃Pony Express〃 in 〃The Century Magazine〃; vol。 XXXIV (1898)。 For the story of the telegraph and its inventors; see: S。 I。 Prime; 〃Life of Samuel F。 B。 Morse〃 (1875); S。 F。 B。 Morse; 〃The Electro…Magnetic Telegraph〃 (1858) and 〃Examination of the Telegraphic Apparatus and the Process in Telegraphy〃 (1869); Guglielmo Marconi; 〃The Progress of Wireless Telegraphy〃 (1912) in the 〃Transactions of the New York Electrical Society〃; no。 15; and Ray Stannard Baker; 〃Marconi's Achievement〃 in McClure's Magazine; vol。 XVIII (1902)。 On the telephone; see Herbert N。 Casson; 〃History of the Telephone〃 (1910); and Alexander Graham Bell; 〃The Telephone〃 (1878)。 On the cable: Charles Bright; 〃The Story of the Atlantic Cable〃 (1903)。 For facts in the history of printing and descriptions of printing machines; see: Edmund G。 Gress; 〃American Handbook of Printing〃 (1907); Robert Hoe; 〃A Short History of the Printing Press and of the Improvements in Printing Machinery〃 (1902); and Otto Schoenrich; 〃Biography of Ottmar Mergenthaler and History of the Linotype〃 (1898); written under Mr。 Mergenthaler's direction。 On the best…known New York newspapers; see: H。 Hapgood and A。 B。 Maurice; 〃The Great Newspapers of the United States; the New York Newspapers;〃 in 〃The Bookman〃; vols。 XIV and XV (1902)。 On the typewriter; see Charles Edward Weller; 〃The Early History of the Typewriter〃 (1918)。 On the camera; Paul Lewis Anderson; 〃The Story of Photography〃 (1918) in 〃The Mentor〃; vol。 vi; no。 19。; and on the motion picture; Colin N。 Bennett; 〃The Handbook of Kinematography〃; 〃The History; Theory and Practice of Motion Photography and Projection〃; London: 〃Kinematograph Weekly〃 (1911)。


For information on the subject of rubber and the life of Charles Goodyear; see: H。 Wickham; 〃On the Plantation; Cultivation and Curing of Para Indian Rubber〃; London (1908); Francis Ernest Lloyd; 〃Guayule; a Rubber Plant of the Chihuahuan Desert〃; Washington (1911); Carnegie Institute publication no。 139; Charles Goodyear; 〃Gum Elastic and Its Varieties〃 (1853) ; James Parton; 〃Famous Americans of Recent Times〃 (1867); and 〃The Rubber Industry; Being the Official Report of the Proceedings of the International Rubber Congress〃 (London; 1911); edited by Joseph Torey and A。 Staines Manders。


J。 W。 Roe; 〃English and American Tool Builders〃 (1916); and J。 V。 Woodworth; 〃American Tool Making and Interchangeable Manufacturing〃 (1911); give general accounts of great American mechanics。

For an account of John Stevens and Robert L。 and E。 A。 Stevens; see George Iles; 〃Leading American Inventors〃 (1912); Dwight Goddard; 〃A Short Story of John Stevens and His Sons〃 in 〃Eminent Engineers〃 (1905); and R。 H。 Thurston; 〃The Messrs。 Stevens; of Hoboken; as Engineers; Naval Architects and Philanthropists〃 (1874); 〃Journal of the Franklin Institute〃; October; 1874。 For Whitney's contribution to machine shop methods; see Olmsted's 〃Memoir〃 already cited and Roe and Woodworth; already cited。 For Blanchard; see Dwight Goddard; 〃A Short Story of Thomas Blanchard〃 in 〃
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