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the age of invention-第31部分

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oodworth; already cited。 For Blanchard; see Dwight Goddard; 〃A Short Story of Thomas Blanchard〃 in 〃Eminent Engineers〃 (1905); and for Samuel Colt; see his own 〃On the Application of Machinery to the Manufacture of Rotating Chambered…Breech Fire Arms; and Their Peculiarities〃 (1855); an excerpt from the 〃Minutes of Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers〃; vol。 XI (1853); and Henry Barnard; 〃Armsmear; the Home; the Arm; and the Armory of Samuel Colt〃 (1866)。 


〃The Story of Electricity〃 (1919) is a popular history edited by T。 C。 Martin and S。 L。 Coles。 A more specialized account of electrical inventions may be found in George Bartlett Prescott's 〃The Speaking Telephone; Electric Light; and Other Recent Electrical Inventions〃 (1879)。

For Joseph Henry's achievements; see his own 〃Contributions to Electricity and Galvanism〃 (1835…42) and 〃On the Application of the Principle of the Galvanic Multiplier to Electromagnetic Apparatus〃 (1831); and the accounts of others in Henry C。 Cameron's 〃Reminiscences of Joseph Henry〃 and W。 B。 Taylor's 〃Historical Sketch of Henry's Contribution to the Electro…Magnetic Telegraph〃 (1879); Smithsonian Report; 1878。

〃A List of References on the Life and Inventions of Thomas A。 Edison 〃 may be found in the Division of Bibliography; U。 S。 Library of Congress (1916)。 See also F。 L。 Dyer and T。 C。 Martin; 〃Edison; His Life and Inventions〃 (1910); and 〃Mr。 Edison's Reminiscences of the First Central Station〃 in 〃The Electrical Review〃; vol。 XXXVIII。 On other special topics see: F。 E。 Leupp; 〃George Westinghouse; His Life and Achievements〃 (1918); Elihu Thomson; 〃Induction of Electric Currents and Induction Coils〃 (1891); 〃Journal of the Franklin Institute〃; August; 1891; and Alex Dow; 〃The Production of Electricity by Steam Power〃 (1917)。


Charles C。 Turner; 〃The Romance of Aeronautics〃 (1912); 〃The Curtiss Aviation Book〃; by Glenn H。 Curtiss and Augustus Post (1912); Samuel Pierpont Langley and Charles M。 Manly; 〃Langley Memoir on Mechanical Flight〃 (Smithsonian Institution; 1911); 〃Our Atlantic Attempt〃; by H。 G。 Hawker and K。 Mackenzie Grieve (1919); 〃Flying the Atlantic in Sixteen Hours〃; by Sir Arthur Whitten Brown (1920); 〃Practical Aeronautics〃; by Charles B。 Hayward; with an Introduction by Orville Wright (1912); 〃Aircraft; Its Development in War and Peace〃; by Evan J。 David (1919)。 Accounts of the flights across the Atlantic are given in 〃The Aerial Year Book and Who's Who in the Air〃 (1920); and the story of NC4 is told in 〃The Flight Across the Atlantic〃; issued by the Department of Education; Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Corporation (1919)。

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