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 lodgings。  〃Then;〃 said the king; 〃go after him; and tell him to be my guest to…day。〃  Thereafter the dishes were borne in; then came the musicians with harps; fiddles; and musical instruments; and lastly; the cup…bearers。 The king was particularly merry; and had many great people at table with him; so that he thought little of Emund。  The king drank the whole day; and slept all the night after; but in the morning the king awoke; and recollected what Emund had said the day before: and when he had put on his clothes; he let his wise men be summoned to him; for he had always twelve of the wisest men who sat in judgment with him; and treated the more difficult cases; and that was no easy business; for the king was ill… pleased if the judgment was not according to justice; and yet it was of no use to contradict him。  In this meeting the king ordered Lagman Emund to be called before them。  The messenger returned; and said; 〃Sire; Lagman Emund rode away yesterday as soon as he had dined。〃  〃Then;〃 said the king; 〃tell me; ye good chiefs; what may have been the meaning of that law…case which Emund laid before us yesterday?〃

They replied; 〃You must have considered it yourself; if you think there was any other meaning under it than what he said。〃

The king replied; 〃By the two noble…born men whom he spoke of; who were at variance; and of whom one was more powerful than the other; and who did each other damage; he must have meant us and Olaf the Thick。〃

They answered; 〃It is; sire; as you say。〃

The king  〃Our case was judged at the Upsala Thing。  But what was his meaning when he said that bad payment was made; namely; a gosling for a goose; a pig for a swine; and clay and dirt for half of the money instead of gold?〃

Arnvid the Blind replied; 〃Sire; red gold and clay are things very unlike; but the difference is still greater between king and slave。  You promised Olaf the Thick your daughter Ingegerd; who; in all branches of her descent; is born of kings; and of the Upland Swedish race of kings; which is the most noble in the North; for it is traced up to the gods themselves。  But now Olaf has got Astrid; and although she is a king's child; her mother was but a slave…woman; and; besides; of Vindish race。  Great difference; indeed; must there be between these kings; when the one takes thankfully such a match; and now it is evident; as might be expected; that no Northman is to be placed by the side of the Upsala kings。  Let us all give thanks that it has so turned out; for the gods have long protected their descendants; although many now neglect this faith。〃

There were three brothers:  Arnvid the Blind; who had a great understanding; but was so weak…sighted that he was scarcely fit for war; the second was Thorvid the Stammerer; who could not utter two words together at one time; but was remarkably bold and courageous; the third was Freyvid the Deaf; who was hard of hearing。  All these brothers were rich and powerful men; of noble birth; great wisdom; and all very dear to the king。

Then said King Olaf; 〃What means that which Emund said about Atte the Dull?〃

None made any reply; but the one looked at the other。

〃Speak freely;〃 said the king。

Then said Thorvid the Stammerer; 〃Atte  quarrel  some  greedy  jealous  deceitful  dull。〃

Then said the king; 〃To whom are these words of reproach and mockery applied?〃

Freyvid the Deaf replied; 〃We will speak more clearly if we have your permission。〃

The king  〃Speak freely; Freyvid; what you will。〃

Freyvid took up the word; and spoke。  〃My brother Thorvid; who is considered to be the wisest of us brothers; holds the words ‘quarrelsome; greedy; jealous; dull;' to be one and the same thing; for it applies to him who is weary of peace; longs for small things without attaining them; while he lets great and useful things pass away as they came。  I am deaf; yet so loud have many spoken out; that I can perceive that all men; both great and small; take it ill that you have not kept your promise to the king of Norway; and; worse than that; that you broke the decision of the community as it was delivered at Upsala Thing。 You need not fear either the king of Norway; or the king of Denmark; or any other; so long as the Swedish army will follow you; but if the people of the country unanimously turn against you; we; your friends; see no counsel that can be of advantage to you。〃

The king asks; 〃Who is the chief who dares to betray the country and me?〃

Freyvid replies; 〃All Swedes desire to have the ancient laws; and their full rights。  Look but here; sire; how many chiefs are sitting in council with you。  I think; in truth; we are but six whom you call your councillors: all the others; so far as I know; have ridden forth through the districts to hold Things with the people; and we will not conceal it from you; that the message… token has gone forth to assemble a Retribution…thing (1)。  All of us brothers have been invited to take part in the decisions of this council; but none of us will bear the name of traitor to the sovereign; for that our father never was。〃

Then the king said; 〃What council shall we take in this dangerous affair that is in our hands?  Good chiefs give me council; that I may keep my kingdom; and the heritage of my forefathers; for I cannot enter into strife against the whole Swedish force。〃

Arnvid the Blind replies; 〃Sire; it is my advice that you ride down to Aros with such men as will follow you; take your ship there and go out into the Maeler lake; summon all people to meet you; proceed no longer with haughtiness; but promise every man the law and rights of old established in the country; keep back in this way the message…token; for it cannot as yet; in so short a time have travelled far through the land。  Send; then those of your men in whom you have the most confidence to those who have this business on hand; and try if this uproar can be appeased。〃

The king says that he will adopt this advice。 〃I will;〃 says he; 〃that ye brothers undertake this business; for I trust to you the most among my men。〃

Thorvid the Stammerer said; 〃I remain behind。  Let Jacob; your son; go with them; for that is necessary。〃

Then said Freyvid; 〃Let us do as Thorvid says: he will not leave you; and I and Arnvid must travel。〃

This counsel was followed。  Olaf went to his ships; and set out into the Maelar lake; and many people came to him。  The brothers Arnvid and Freyvid rode out to Ullaraker; and had with them the king's son Jacob; but they kept it a secret that he was there。 The brothers observed that there was a great concourse and war… gathering; for the bondes held the Thing night and day。  When Arnvid and Freyvid met their relations and friends; they said they would join with the people; and many agreed to leave the management of the business in the hands of the brothers。  But all; as one man; declared they would no longer have King Olaf over them; and no longer suffer his unlawful proceedings; and over…weening pride which would not listen to any man's remonstrances; even when the great chiefs spoke the truth to him。 When Freyvid observed the heat of the people; he saw in what a bad situation the king's cause was。  He summoned the chiefs of the land to a meeting with him and addressed them thus:  〃It appears to me; that if we are to depose Olaf Eirikson from his kingdom; we Swedes of the Uplands should be the leading men in it: for so it has always been; that the counsel which the Upland chiefs have resolved among themselves has always been followed by the men of the rest of the country。  Our forefathers did not need to take advice from the West Gautlanders about the government of the Swedes。  Now we will not be so degenerate as to need Emund to give us counsel; but let us; friends and relations; unite ourselves for the purpose of coming to a determination。〃 All agreed to this; and thought it was well said。  Thereafter the people joined this union which the Upland chiefs made among themselves; and Freyvid and Arnvid were chiefs of the whole assemblage。  When Emund heard this he suspected how the matter would end; and went to both the brothers to have a conversation with them。  Then Freyvid asked Emund; 〃Who; in your opinion; should we take for king; in case Olaf Eirikson's days are at an end?〃

Emund  〃He whom we think best suited to it; whether he be of the race of chiefs or not。〃

Freyvid answers; 〃We Uplanders will not; in our time; have the kingdom go out of the old race of our ancestors; which has given us kings for a long course of generations; so long as we have so good a choice as now。  King Olaf has two sons; one of whom we will choose for king; although there is a great difference between them。  The one is noble…born; and of Swedish race on both sides; the other is a slave…woman's son; and of Vindish race on the mother's side。〃

This decision was received with loud applause; and all would have Jacob for king。

Then said Emund。 〃Ye Upland Swedes have the power this time to determinate the matter; but I will tell you what will happen:  some of those who now will listen to nothing but that the kingdom remain in the old race will live to see the day when they will wish the kingdom in another race; as being of more advantage。〃

Thereupon the brothers Freyvid and Arnvid led the king's son Jacob into the Thing; and saluted him with the title of king; and the Swedes gave him the name of Onund; which he afterwards retained as long as he lived。  He was then ten or twelve years old。  Thereafter King Onund took a court; and chose chiefs to be around him; and they had as many attendants in their suite as were thought necessary; so that he gave the whole assemblage of bondes leave to return home。  After that ambassadors went between the two kings; and at last they had a meeting; and came to an agreement。  Olaf was to remain king over the country as long as he lived; but should hold peace and be reconciled with King Olaf of Norway; and also with all who had taken part in this business。 Onund should also be king; and have a part of the land; such as the father and son should agree upon; but should be bound to support the bondes in case King Olaf did anything which the bondes would not suffer。

ENDNOTES: (1)  Refsithing  a Thing for punishment by penalty o
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