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the virgin of the sun-第16部分

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and my uncle I was one who bought and sold and the hand of the dyer
was stained to the colour of his vat。

Thus stood the business。 I; a stubborn man; not ill…favoured; to whom
Fortune had given wealth; was determined to win this woman who; it
seemed to me; looked upon me with no unkind eye since I had saved her
from certain perils。 To myself then and there I swore I would win her。
The question washow could it be done? I might enter the service of
the King and fight his battles and doubtless win myself a knighthood;
or more; which would open the closed gate。

Nay; it would take too long; and something warned me that time
pressed。 That strange foreign man; Kari; said that Blanche was
enamoured of this Deleroy; and although I was wrath with him; setting
his words down to jealousy of any on whom I looked with kindness; I
knew well that Kari saw far。 If I tarried; this rare white bird would
slip from my hand into another's cage。 I must stir at once or let the
matter be。 Well; I had wealth; so let wealth be my friend。 Time enough
to try war when it failed me。

On the third day of the new year; which at this time of Court revelry
showed that the matter must indeed be pressing; I received those
particulars for which I had asked; together with a list of the lands
and tenements that Sir Robert Aleys was ready to put in pawn on behalf
of his friend and relative; the lord Deleroy。 Why should he do this; I
wondered? There could only be one answer: because he and not Deleroy
was to receive the money; or most of it。

Nay; another came into my mind as probable。 Because he looked upon
Deleroy as his heir; which; should he marry the lady Blanche; he would
become。 If this were so I must act; and quickly; that is; if I would
ever see more of the lady Blanche; as perchance I might do by treading
this gold…paved road; but not otherwise。 I studied the list of lands。
As it chanced I knew most of them; for they lay about Pevensey and
Hastings; and saw that they were scarcely worth the moneys which were
asked of me。 Well; what of it? This matter was not one of trade and
large as the sum might be; I would risk it for the chance of winning

The end of it was that waiting for no valuings I wrote that on proof
of title clean and unencumbered and completion of all deeds; I would
pay over the gold to whoever might be appointed to receive it。

This letter of mine proved to be but the beginning of a long business
whereof the details may be left untold。 On the very next day indeed I
was summoned to the house of Sir Robert Aleys which was near to the
palace and abbey of Westminster。 Here I found the gruff old knight
grown greyer and having; as it seemed to me; a hunted air; and with
him the lord Deleroy and two foxy lawyers of whom I did not like the
look。 Indeed; for the first; I suspected that I was being tricked and
had it not been for the lady Blanche; would have broken off the loan。
Because of her; however; this I did not do; but having stated my terms
anew; and the rate and dates of interest; sat for a long while saying
as little as possible; while the others unfolded parchments and talked
and talked; telling tales that often contradicted each other; till at
length the lord Deleroy; who seemed ill at ease; grew weary and left
the chamber。 At last all was done that could be done at that sitting
and it being past the hour of dinner; I was taken in to eat;
consenting; because I hoped that I should see the lady Blanche。

A butler; or chamber…groom; led me to the dining…hall and sat me with
the lawyers at a table beneath the dais。 Presently on this dais
appeared Sir Robert Aleys; his daughter Blanche; the lord Deleroy;
and perhaps eight or ten other fine folk whom I had never seen。 She;
looking about her; saw me seated at the lower table; and spoke to her
father and Deleroy; reasoning with the latter; as it would appear。
Indeed; in a sudden hush I caught some of her words。 They were; 〃If
you are not ashamed to take his money; you should not be ashamed to
sit at meat with him。〃

Deleroy stamped his foot; but the end of it was that I was summoned to
the high table where the lady Blanche made place for me beside her;
while Deleroy sat himself down between two splendid dames at the other
end of the board。

Here; then; I stayed by Blanche who; I noted; wore the ruby heart
encircled by serpents。 Indeed; this was the first thing of which she
spoke to me; saying;

〃It looks well upon my robe; does it not; and I thank you for it;
Master Hubert; who know surely that it is not my cousin Deleroy's
gift; but yours; since for it you will never see your money。〃

By way of answer I looked at the sumptuous plate and furnishings; the
profusion of the viands; and the number of the serving…men。 Reading my
thought; she replied;

〃Aye; but pledged; all of it。 I tell you; Master Hubert; that we are
starved hounds; though we live in a kennel with golden bars。 And now
they would pawn you that kennel also。〃

Then; while I wondered what to say; she began to talk of our great
adventure in bygone years; recalling every tiny thing that had
happened and every word that had been spoken between us; some of which
I had forgotten。 Of one thing only she said nothingthe kisses with
which we parted。 Amongst much else; she spoke of how the ancient sword
had shorn through the armour of the French knight; and I told her that
the sword was named Wave…Flame and that it had come down to me from my
ancestor; Thorgrimmer the Viking; and of what was written on its
blade; to all of which she listened greedily。

〃And they thought you not fit to sit at meat with them; you whose race
is so old and who are so great a warrior; as you showed that day。 And
it is to you that I owe my life and more than life; to you and not to

So saying she shot a glance at me that pierced me through and through;
as my arrows had pierced the Frenchmen; and what is more beneath the
cover of the board for a moment let her slim hand rest upon my own。

After this for a while we were silent; for indeed I could not speak。
Then we talked on as we could do well enough; since there was no one
on my left where the board ended; and on Blanche's right was a fat old
lord who seemed to be deaf and occupied himself in drinking more than
he should have done。 I told her much about myself; also what my mother
had said to me on the day of the Burning; and of how she had
prophesied that I should be a wanderer; words at which Blanche sighed
and answered:

〃Yet you seem to be well planted in London and in rich soil; Master

〃Aye; Lady; but it is not my native soil and for the rest we go where
Fate leads us。〃

〃Fate! What does that word bring to my mind? I have it; yonder Moor of
yours who makes those jewels。 He has the very eyes of Fate and I fear

〃That is strange; Lady; and yet not so strange; for about this man
there is something fateful。 Ever he swears to me that I shall
accompany him to some dim land where he was born; of which land he is
a prince。〃

Then I told her all the story of Kari; to which she listened open…eyed
and wondering; saying when I had finished;

〃So you saved this poor wanderer also; and doubtless he loves you

〃Yes; Lady; almost too well; seeing that at times he is jealous of me;
though God knows I did little for him save pick him from a crowd upon
the quay。〃

〃Ah! I guess it; who saw him watching you the other day。 Yet it is
strange; for I thought that only women could be jealous of men; and
men of women。 Hush! they are mocking us because we talk so friendly。〃

I looked up; following her glance; and saw that Deleroy and the two
fine ladies between whom he sat; all of whom appeared to have had
enough of wine; were pointing at us。 Indeed; in a silence; such as now
and again happens at feasts; I heard one of them say;

〃You had best beware lest that fair white dove of yours does not slip
your hand and begin to coo in another's ear; my Lord Deleroy;〃 and
heard his answer;

〃Nay; I have her too fast; and who cares for a pining dove whereof the
feathers adorn another's cap?〃

Whilst I was wondering what this dark talk might mean the company
broke up; the lady Blanche gliding away through a door at the back of
the dais; followed; as I noted; by Deleroy who seemed flushed and

Many times I visited that prodigal house which seemed to me to be the
haunt of folk who; however highly placed and greatly favoured at
Court; were as loose in their lives as they were in their talk。
Indeed; although I was no saint; I liked them not at all; especially
the men with their scented hair; turned…up shoes; and party…coloured
clothes。 Nor as I thought; did Sir Robert Aleys like them; who;
whatever his faults; was a bluff knight of the older sort; who had
fought with credit in the French wars。 Yet I noted that he seemed to
be helpless in their hands; or rather in those of Deleroy; the King's
favourite; who was the chief of all the gang。 It was as though that
gay and handsome young man had some hold over the old soldier; yes;
and over his daughter also; though what this might be I could not

Now I will move on with the tale。 In due course the parchments were
signed and delivered; and the money in good gold was paid over on my
behalf; after which the great household at Westminster became more
prodigal than before。 But when the time came for the discharge of the
interest due not a groat was forthcoming。 Then afterwards there was
talk of my taking over certain of the pledged lands in lieu of this
interest。 Sir Robert suggested this and I assented; because Blanche
had told me that it would help her father。 Only when the matter was
set on foot by my lawyers was it found that these lands were not his
to transfer; inasmuch as they had been already mortgaged to their

Then there was a fierce quarrel between Sir Robert Aleys and the lord
Deleroy; at which I was present。 Sir Robert with many oaths accused
his cousin of having forged his name when he was absent in France;
while Deleroy declared that what he did was done with due authority。
Almost they drew swords on each other; till at length Deleroy took
Aleys aside and with a f
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