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the virgin of the sun-第29部分

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me I think that it means death。 Yet; not untilnot until〃 And she

At that moment the moon appeared from behind the rain…clouds and shone
upon her upturned face; and in her eyes there was a glory。

Now; as I learned afterwards; these words of its most famous oracle
went all through the land and caused great talk and wonder mixed with
fear; for none of such import had been spoken by it for generations。
More; they shaped my own fortunes; for; as I came to know; Quismancu
and his people had determined that I should not be allowed to go from
among them。 Not every day did a white god rise from the sea; and they
desired that having come to them; there he should bide to be their
defence and boast; and with him that hermit named Zapana; to whom; as
they believed; he had appeared upon the desert isle。 But after Rimac
had spoken all this was changed; and when I said it was my will to
depart and accompany Quilla upon her journey home to her father;
Huaracha; King of the Chancas; as by swift messenger this King
invited me to do; Quismancu answered that if I so desired I must be
obeyed as the god Rimac had commanded; but that nevertheless he was
sure that we should meet again。

Now; thinking these things over; I wondered much whether that oracle
came out of the golden Rimac or perchance from the heart of Quilla; or
of Kari; or of both of them; who desired that I should leave the
Yuncas and travel to the Chancas and further。 I did not know; nor was
I ever to learn; since about matters to do with their gods these
people are as secret as the grave。 I asked Kari and I asked Quilla;
but both of them stared at me with innocent eyes; and replied who were
they to inspire the golden tongue of Rimac? Nor; indeed; did I ever
learn whether Rimac the Speaker was a spirit or but a lump of metal
through which some priest talked。 All I know is that from one end of
Tavantinsuyu to the other he was believed to be a spirit who spoke the
very will of God to those who could understand his words; though this
as a Christian man I could not credit。

So it came about that some days later; with Quilla and Kari and
certain old men who; I took it; were priests or ambassadors; or both;
I departed on our journey。 As we went the people wept around my litter
for sorrow; real or feigned; for we travelled in litters guarded by
some two hundred soldiers armed with axes of copper and bows; and cast
flowers before the feet of the bearers。 But I did not weep; for though
I had been very kindly treated there and; indeed; worshipped; glad was
I to see the last of that city and its people who wearied me。

Moreover; I felt that there I was in the midst of plots; though of
what these were I knew nothing; save that Quilla; who to the outward
eye was but a lovely; innocent maiden; had a hand in them。 Plots there
were indeed; for; as I came to understand in time; they were nothing
less than the preparing of a great war which the Chancas and the
Yuncas were to wage against their over…lord; the Inca; the king of the
mighty nation of the Quichuas; who had his home at a city called Cuzco
far inland。 Indeed; there and then this alliance was arranged; and by
QuillaQuilla; who proposed to sacrifice herself and by the gift of
her person to his heir; to throw dust in the eyes of the Inca; whose
dominion her father planned to take and with it the imperial crown of

Leaving the coastland; we were borne forward through the passes of
great mountains; upon a wonderful road so finely made that never had I
seen its like in England。 At times we crossed rivers; but over these
were thrown bridges of stone。 Or mayhap we came to swamps; yet there
the road still ran; built upon deep foundations in the mud。 Never did
it turn aside; always it went on; conquering every hindrance; for this
was one of the Inca's roads that pierced Tavantinsuyu from end to end。
We came to many towns; for this land was thickly populated; and for
the most part slept in one of them each night。 But always my fame had
gone before me; and the /Curacas/; or chiefs of the towns; waited upon
me with offerings as though I were indeed divine。

For the first five days of that journey I saw little of Quilla; but at
length one night we were forced to camp at a kind of rest…house upon
the top of a high mountain pass; where it was very cold; for the deep
snow lay all about。 At this place; as here were no /Curacas/ to
trouble me; I went out alone when Kari was elsewhere; and climbed a
certain peak which was not far from the rest…house; that thence I
might see the sunset and think in quiet。

Very glorious was the scene from that high point。 All round me stood
the cold crests of snow…clad mountains towering to the very skies;
while between them lay deep valleys where rivers ran like veins of
silver。 So immense was the landscape that it seemed to have no end;
and so grand that it crushed the spirit; while above arched the
perfect sky in whose rich blue the gorgeous lights of evening began to
gather as the great sun sank behind the snowy peaks。

Far up in the heavens floated one wide…winged bird; the eagle of the
mountains; which is larger than any other fowl that I have ever seen;
and the red light playing on it turned it to a thing of fire。 I
watched that bird and wished that I too had pinions which could bear
me far away to the sea and over it。

And yet did I wish to go who had no home left on all the earth and no
kind heart that would welcome me? Awhile ago I should have answered;
〃Yes; anywhere out of this loneliness;〃 but now I was not so sure。
Here at least Kari was my friend if a jealous one; though of late; as
I could see; he was thinking of other things than friendshipdark
plottings and high ambitions of which as yet he said little to me。

Then there was that strange and beautiful woman; Quilla; to whom my
heart went out and not only because she was beautiful; and who; as I
thought; at times looked kindly on me。 But if so; what did it avail;
seeing that she was promised in marriage to some high…placed native
man who would be a king? Surely I had known enough of women who were
promised in marriage to other men; and should do well to let her be。

Thinking thus; desolation took hold of me and I sat myself down on a
rock and covered my face with my hands that I might not see the tears;
which I knew were gathering in my eyes; as they fell from them。 Yes;
there in the midst of that awful solitude; I; Hubert of Hastings;
whose soul it filled; sat down like a lost child and wept。

Presently I felt a touch upon my shoulder and let fall my hands;
thinking that Kari had found me out; to hear a soft voice; the voice
of Quilla; say:

〃So it seems that the gods can weep。 Why do you weep; O God…from…the…
Waves who here are named Hurachi?〃

〃I weep;〃 I answered; 〃because I am a stranger in a strange land; I
weep because I have not wings whereon I can fly away like that great
bird above us。〃

She looked at me awhile; then said; most gently:

〃And whither would you fly; O God…from…the…Sea? Back into the sea?〃

〃Cease to call me a god;〃 I answered; 〃who; as you know well; am but a
man though of another race than yours。〃

〃I thought it but I did not know。 But whither would you fly; O Lord

〃To the land where I was born; Lady Quilla; the land that I shall
never see again。〃

〃Ah! doubtless there you have wives and children for whom your heart
is hungry。〃

〃Nay; now I have neither wife nor child。〃

〃Then once you had a wife。 Tell me of that wife。 Was she fair?〃

〃Why should I tell you a sad story? She is dead。〃

〃Dead or living; you still love her; and where there is love there is
no death。〃

〃Nay; I only love what I thought she was。〃

〃Was she false; then?〃

〃Yes; false and yet true。 So true that she died because she was

〃How can a woman be both false and true?〃

〃Woman can be all things。 Ask the question of your own heart。 Can you
not perchance be both false and true?〃

She thought awhile and; leaving this matter; said:

〃So; having once loved; you can never love again。〃

〃Why not? Perchance I can love too much。 But what would be the use
when more love would but mean more loss and pain?〃

〃Whom should you love; my lord Hurachi; seeing that the women of your
own folk are far away?〃

〃I think one who is very near; if she would pay back love for love。〃

Quilla made no answer; and I thought that she was angry and would go
away。 But she did not; indeed; she sat herself down upon the stone at
my side and covered her face with her hands as I had done and began to
weep as I had done。 Now in my turn I asked her:

〃Why do you weep?〃

〃Because I; too; must know loneliness; and with it shame; Lord

At these words my heart beat and passion flamed up in me。 Stretching
out my hand I drew hers away and in the dying light gazed at the face
beneath。 Lo! on its loveliness there was a look which could not be

〃Do you; then; also love?〃 I whispered。

〃Aye; more; I think; than ever woman loved before。 From the moment
when first I saw you sleeping in the moonbeams on the desert isle; I
knew my fate had found me; and that I loved。 I fought against it
because I must; but that love has grown and grown; till now I am all
love; and; having given everything; have no more left to give。〃

When I heard this; making no answer; I swept her into my arms and
kissed her; and there she lay upon my breast and kissed me back。

〃Let me go; and hear me;〃 she murmured presently; 〃for you are strong
and I am weak。〃

I obeyed; and she sank back upon the stone。

〃My lord;〃 she said; 〃our case is very sad; or at least my case is
sad; since though you being a man may love often; I can love but once;
and; my lord; it may not be。〃

〃Why not?〃 I asked hoarsely。 〃Your people think me a god; cannot a god
take whom he wills to wife?〃

〃Not when she is vowed to another god; he who will be Inca; not when
on her; mayhap; hangs the fate of nations。〃

〃We might fly; Quilla。〃

〃Whither could the God…from…the…Sea fly and whither could fly the
daughter of the Moon; who is vowed to the son of the Sun in marriage;
save to death?〃

〃There are worse things than
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