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the virgin of the sun-第37部分

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keep a good heart; since I do not believe that all is ended between

〃Then we were parted and I saw her no more。〃

〃And did you hear no more; Kari?〃

〃I heard much; Lord。 I heard that when Urco learned that the lady
Quilla had vanished away into the House of Virgins; whither he might
not come; and that he was robbed of the bride whom he desired; he grew
mad with rage。 Indeed; of this I saw something myself。 Two days later;
with thousands of others I was in the great square in front of the
Temple of the Sun; where the Inca Upanqui sat in state upon a golden
throne to receive the praise of his people upon his safe return after
his long and hard journey; and as some reported; to lay down his
lordship in favour of Urco; also to tell the people that the danger of
war with the Chancas had passed away。 Scarcely had the ceremony begun
when Urco appeared at the head of a number of lords and princes of the
Inca blood; who are of his clan; and I noticed that he was drunk and
furious。 He advanced to the foot of the throne; almost without
obeisance; and shouted:

〃'Where is the lady Quilla; daughter of Huaracha; who is promised to
me in marriage; Inca? Why have you hidden her away; Inca?'

〃'Because the Sun; our Father; has claimed her as his bride and has
taken her to dwell in his holy house; where never again may the eyes
of man behold her; Prince!' answered Upanqui。

〃'You mean that robbing me; you have taken her for yourself; Inca;'
shouted Urco again。

〃Then Upanqui stood up and swore by the Sun that this was not so and
that what he had done was done by the decree of the god and at the
prayer of the lady Quilla; who having seen Urco; had declared that
either she would be wed to the god or die by her own hand; which would
bring the vengeance of the Sun upon the people。

〃Then Urco went mad。 He raved at the Inca and while all present
shivered with fear; he cursed the Sun our Father; yes; even when a
cloud came up in the clear sky and veiled the face of the god;
heedless of the omen; he continued his curses and blasphemy。 Moreover;
he said that soon he would be Inca and that then; if he must tear the
House of Virgins stone from stone; as Inca he would drag forth the
lady Quilla and make her his wife。

〃Now at these words Upanqui stood up and rent his robes。

〃'Must my ears be outraged with such blasphemies?' he cried。 'Know;
Son Urco; that this day I was minded to take off the Royal Fringe and
to set it on your head; crowning you Inca in my place while I withdrew
to pass the remainder of my days at Yucay in peace and prayer。 My will
is changed。 This I shall not do。 My life is not done and strength
returns to my mind and body。 Here I stay as Inca。 Now I see that I am
punished for my sin。'

〃'What sin?' shouted Urco。

〃'The sin of setting you before my eldest lawful son; Kari; whose wife
you stole; Kari; whom also it is said you poisoned and who at least
has vanished and is doubtless dead。'

〃Now; Lord; when I; Kari; heard this my heart melted in me and I was
minded to declare myself to Upanqui my father。 But while I weighed the
matter for a moment; knowing that if I did so; such words as these
might well be my last since Urco had many of is following present; who
perhaps would fall upon and kill me; suddenly my father Upanqui fell
forward in a swoon。 His lords and physicians bore him away。 Urco
followed and presently the multitude departed this way and that。
Afterwards we were told that the Inca had recovered but must not be
disturbed for many days。〃

〃Did you hear more of Quilla; Kari?〃

〃Yes; Lord;〃 he answered gravely。 〃It was commonly reported that;
through some priestess in his pay; Urco had poisoned her; saying that
as she had chosen the Sun as husband; to the Sun she would go。〃

〃Poisoned her!〃 I muttered; well…nigh falling to the ground。 〃Poisoned

〃Aye; Lord; but be comforted for this was addedthat she who gave the
poison was taken in the act by her who is named the Mother of the
Virgins; and handed over to the women who cast her into the den of
serpents; where she perished; screaming that it was Urco who had
forced her to the deed。〃

〃That does not comfort me; man。 What of Quilla? Did she die?〃

〃Lord; it is said not。 It is said that the Mother of the Virgins
dashed away the cup as it touched her lips。 But this is said also;
that some of the poison flew into her eyes and blinded her。〃

I groaned; for the thought of Quilla blinded was horrible。

〃Again take comfort; Lord; since perchance she may recover from this
blindness。 Also I was told; that although she can see nothing; her
beauty is not marred; that the venom indeed has made her eyes seem
larger and more lovely even than they were before。〃

I made no answer; who feared that Kari was deceiving me or perhaps was
himself deceived and that Quilla was dead。 Presently he continued his
story in the same quiet; even voice; saying:

〃Lord; after this I sought out certain of my friends who had loved me
in my youth and my mother also while she lived; revealing myself to
them。 We made plans together; but before aught could be done in
earnest; it was needful that I should see my father Upanqui。 While I
was waiting till he had recovered from the stroke that fell upon him;
some spy betrayed me to Urco; who searched for me to kill me and well…
nigh found me。 The end of it was that I was forced to fly; though
before I did so many swore themselves to my cause who would escape
from the tyranny of Urco。 Moreover; it was agreed that if I returned
with soldiers at my back; they and their followers would come out to
join me to the number of thousands; and help me to take my own again
so that I may be Inca after Upanqui my father。 Therefore I have come
back here to talk with you and Huaracha。

〃Such is my tale。〃

                             CHAPTER VIII

                          THE FIELD OF BLOOD

When on the morrow Huaracha; King of the Chancas; heard all this story
and that Urco had given poison to his daughter Quilla; who; if she
still lived at all; did so; it was said; as a blind woman; a kind of
madness took hold of him。

〃Now let war come; I will not rest or stay;〃 he cried; 〃till I see
this hound; Urco; dead; and hang up his skin stuffed with straw as an
offering to his own god; the Sun。〃

〃Yet it was you; King Huaracha; who sent the lady Quilla to this Urco
for your own purposes;〃 said Kari in his quiet fashion。

〃Who and what are you that reprove me?〃 asked Huaracha turning on him。
〃I only know you as the servant or slave of the White…Lord…from…the…
Sea; though it is true I have heard stories concerning you;〃 he added。

〃I am Kari; the first…born lawful son of Upanqui and by right heir to
the Inca throne; no less; O Huaracha。 Urco my brother robbed me of my
wife; as through the folly of my father; upon whose heart Urco's
mother worked; he had already robbed me of my inheritance。 Then; to
make sure; he strove to poison me as he has poisoned your daughter;
with a poison that would make me mad and incapable of rule; yet leave
me livingbecause he feared lest the curse of the Sun should fall
upon him if he murdered me。 I recovered from that bane and wandered to
a far land。 Now I have returned to take my own; if I am able。 All that
I say I can prove to you。〃

For a while Huaracha stared at him astonished; then said:

〃And if you prove it; what do you ask of me; O Kari?〃

〃The help of your armies to enable me to overthrow Urco; who is very
strong; being the Commander of the Quichua hosts。〃

〃And if your tale be true and Urco is overthrown; what do you promise
me in return?〃

〃The independence of the Chanca people; who otherwise must soon be
destroyed; and certain other added territories which you covet; while
I am Inca。〃

〃And with this my daughter; if she still lives?〃 asked Huaracha
looking at him。

〃Nay;〃 replied Kari firmly。 〃As to the lady Quilla I promise nothing。
She has vowed herself to my Father the Sun; and what I have already
told the Lord Hurachi here; who loves her I tell you。 Henceforward no
man may look upon her; who is the Bride of the Sun; for if I suffered
this; certainly the curse of the Sun would fall upon me and upon my
people。 He who lays a hand upon her I will strive to slay〃here he
looked at me with meaning〃because I must or be accurst。 Take all
else; but let the lady Quilla be。 What the Sun has; he holds forever。〃

〃Perhaps the Moon; her mother; may have something to say in that
matter;〃 said Huaracha gloomily。 〃Still; let it lie for the while。〃

Then they fell to discussing the terms of their alliance and; when it
came to battle; what help Kari could bring from among those who clung
to him in Cuzco。

After this Huaracha took me to another chamber; where we debated the

〃This Kari; if he be Kari himself; is a bigot;〃 he said; 〃and if he
has his way; neither you nor I will ever set eyes on Quilla again;
because to him it is sacrilege。 So; what say you?〃

I answered that it would be best to make an alliance with Kari; whom I
knew to be honest and no Pretender; since without his help I did not
think that it would be possible to defeat the armies of the People of
the Incas。 For the rest; we must trust to chance; making no promises
as to Quilla。

〃If we did they would avail little;〃 said Huaracha; 〃seeing that
without doubt she is dead and only vengeance remains to us。 There is
more poison in Cuzco; White Lord!〃

Eight days later we were marching on Cuzco; a great host of us;
numbering at least forty thousand Chancas and twenty…five thousand of
the rebellious Yuncas; who had joined our standard。

On we marched by the great road over mountains and across plains;
driving with us numberless herds of the native sheep for food; but
meeting no man; since so soon as we were out of the territory of the
Chancas all fled at our approach。 At length one night we camped upon a
hill named Carmenca and saw beneath us at a distance the mighty city
of Cuzco standing in a valley through which a river ran。 There it was
with its huge fortresses built of great blocks of stone; its temples;
its palaces; its open squares; and its countless streets bordered by
low houses。 Mo
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