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the virgin of the sun-第48部分

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fled down hill towards the city; taking with him the news of what had
passed in the palace of dead Upanqui。

We entered the mouth of the gorge; plunging towards the gloom; though
as it chanced this place faced towards the east; so that the low sun;
which now was fully up; shone down it and gave us light that later
would have been lacking。

I; who was very swift of foot and to whom rage and fear gave wings;
outran my companions。 Swinging myself round a rock which lay in the
pathway; I saw the litter again not a hundred yards ahead。 It halted
because; as it seemed to me; one or more of the bearers stumbled and
fell among the stones。 I rushed at them; roaring。 Perhaps it had been
wiser to wait for my companions; but I was mad and feared nothing。
They saw me and a cry went up of:

〃The White God! The terrible White God!〃

Then fear took hold of them and they fled; leaving the litter on the
ground。 Yes; all of them fled save one; Urco himself。

He stood there rolling his eyes and gnashing his teeth; looking huge
and awful in those shadows; looking like a devil from hell。 Suddenly a
thought seemed to take him; and leaping at the litter he tore aside
its curtains and dragged out Quilla; who fell prone upon the ground。

〃If I may not have her; you shall not; White Thief。 See! I give back
his bride to the Sun;〃 he shouted; and lifted his copper sword to
pierce her through。

Now I was still ten paces or so away and saw that before I could reach
him that sword would be in her heart。 What could I do? Oh! St。 Hubert
must have helped me then for I knew in an instant。 In my hand was
Wave…Flame and with all my strength I hurled it at his head。

The great blade hurtled hissing through the air。 I saw the sunlight
shine on it。 He strove to leap clear; but too late; for it caught him
on the hand that he had lifted to protect his head; and shore off two
of his fingers so that he dropped his sword。 Next instant; still
roaring; as doubtless old Thorgrimmer; my forefather; used to do when
he fought to the death; for blood is very strong; I leapt on the
giant; who like myself was swordless。 There in the gulf we wrestled。
He was a mighty man; but now my strength was as that of ten。 I threw
him to the ground by a Sussex trick I knew and there we rolled over
and over each other。 Once he had me undermost and I think would have
choked me; had it not been that his right hand lacked two fingers。

With a mighty heave I lifted him so that now we lay side by side。 He
was groping for a knifeI did not see; but knew it。 Near his head a
sharp…edged stone rose in the path to the height of a man's hand or
more。 I saw it and bethought me what to do if I could。 Again I heaved
and as at length he found the knife and stabbed at me; scratching my
face; I got his bull's neck upon that stone。 Then I loosed my hand and
caught him by the hair。 Back I pressed his great head; back and back
with all my might till something snapped。

Urco's neck was broken。 Urco quivered and was dead!

I lay by his side; panting。 A voice came from the white heap upon the
ground by whom and for whom this dreadful combat had been fought; the
voice of Quilla。

〃One died; but who lives?〃 asked the voice。

I could not answer because I had no breath。 All my strength was gone。
Still I sat up; supporting myself with my hand and hoping that it
would come back。 Quilla turned her face towards me; or rather towards
the sound that I had made in moving; and I thought to myself how sad
it was that she should be blind。 Presently she spoke again and now her
voice quavered:

〃I /see/ who it is that lives;〃 she said。 〃Something has broken in my
eyes and; Lord and Love; I see that it is /you/ who live。 You; you;
and oh! you bleed。〃

Then the Chancas came bounding down the gorge and found us。

They looked at the dead giant and saw how he had died; killed by
strength; not by the sword; they looked and bent the knee and praised
me; saying that I was indeed a god; since no man could have done this
deed; killing the huge Urco with his naked hands。 Then they placed
Quilla back in her litter and six of them bore her down that black
gorge。 The two who remained; for in that fight none of them had been
hurt; supported me till my strength came back; for the cut in the face
that I had received from Urco's dagger was but slight。 We reached the
mouth of the gorge and took counsel。

To return to Cuzco after what I had done; would be to seek death。 So
we bore away to the right and; making a round; came about ten o'clock
of the morning unmolested by any; to that ridge on which I had stood
at the beginning of the battle of the Field of Blood。 There I found
the Chancas encamped; some three thousand of them; as I had commanded。
When they saw me; living and but little hurt; they shouted for joy;
and when they learned who was in that litter they went well…nigh mad。

Then the eight warriors with me told them all the tale of the saving
of Quilla and the death of the giant Urco at my hands; whereon their
captains came and kissed my feet; saying that I was in truth a god;
though heretofore some of them had held me to be but a man。

〃God or man;〃 I answered; 〃I must rest。 Let the women tend to lady
Quilla; and give me food and drink; after which I will sleep。 At
sunset we march home to Huaracha; your king and mine; to give him back
his daughter。 Till then there is naught to fear; since Kari has no
troops at hand with which to attack us。 Still; set outposts。〃

So I ate and drank; but little of the former and much of the latter; I
fear; and after that I slept as soundly as one who is dead; for I was

When the sun was within an hour of setting; captains awakened me and
said that an embassy from Cuzco; ten men only; waited outside our
lines; seeking speech with me。 So I rose; and my face and wound having
been dressed; caused water to be poured over my body; and was rubbed
with oil; after which; clothed in the robes of a Chanca noble; but
wearing no armour; I went out with nine Chanca captains to receive the
embassy on the plain at the foot of the hill; at that very spot where
first I had fought with Urco。

When we drew near; from out of the group of nobles advanced one man。 I
looked and saw that he was Kari; yes; the Inca himself。

I went forward to meet him and we spoke together just out of earshot
of our followers。

〃My brother;〃 said Kari; 〃I have learned all that has passed and I
give you praise who are the most daring among men and the first among
warriors; you who slew the giant Urco with your naked hands。〃

〃And thus made your throne safe for you; Kari。〃

〃And thus made my throne safe for me。 You also who clove Larico to the
breast in the death…house of Upanqui; my father〃

〃And thus delivered you from a traitor; Kari。〃

〃And thus delivered me from a traitor; as I have learned also from
your messenger who handed to me the knotted cord; and from the spy
whom you had in your keeping。 I repeat that you are the most daring
among men and the first among warriors; almost a god as my people name

I bowed; and after a little silence he went on:

〃Would that this were all that I have to say。 But alas! it is not。 You
have committed the great sacrilege against the Sun; my father; of
which I warned you; having robbed him of his bride; and; my brother;
you have lied to me; who told me but yesterday that you had put all
thought of her from your mind。〃

〃To me that was no sacrilege; Kari; but rather a righteous deed; to
free one from the bonds of a faith in which neither she nor I believe;
and to lead her from a living tomb back to life and love。〃

〃And was the lie righteous also; Brother?〃

〃Aye;〃 I answered boldly; 〃if ever a lie can be。 Bethink you。 You
prayed that this lady might die because she came between you and me;
and those that kings pray may die; do die; if not with their knowledge
or by their express command。 Therefore I said that I had put her from
my mind in order that she might go on living。〃

〃To cherish you in her arms; Brother。 Now hearken。 Because of this
deed of yours; we who were more than friends have become more than
foes。 You have declared war upon my god and me; therefore I declare
war upon you。 Yet hearken again。 I do not wish that thousands of men
should perish because of our quarrel。 Therefore I make an offer to
you。 It is that you should fight me here and now; man to man; and let
the Sun; or Pachacamac beyond the Sun; decide the matter as may be

〃Fight /you!/ Fight /you/ Kari; the Inca;〃 I gasped。

〃Aye; fight me to the death; since between us all is over and done。 In
England you nurtured me。 Here in the land of Tavantinsuyu; which I
rule to…day; I have nurtured you; and in my shadow you have grown
great; though it is true that had it not been for your generalship;
perchance I should no longer be here to throw the shadow。 Let us
therefore set the one thing against the other and; forgetting all
between us that is past; stand face to face as foes。 Mayhap you will
conquer me; being so mighty a man of war。 Mayhap; also; if that
chances; my people who look upon you as half a god will raise you up
to be Inca after me; should such be your desire。〃

〃It is not;〃 I broke in。

〃I believe you;〃 he answered; bowing his head; 〃but will it not be the
desire of that fair…faced harlot who has betrayed our Lord the Sun?〃

At this word I started and bit my lip。

〃Ah! that stings you;〃 he went on; 〃as the truth always stings; and it
is well。 Understand; White Lord who were once my brother; that either
you must fight me to the death; or I declare war upon you and upon the
Chanca people; which war I will wage from month to month and from year
to year until you are all destroyed; as destroyed you shall be。 But
should you fight and should the Sun give me the victory; then justice
will be accomplished and I will keep the peace that I have sworn with
the Chanca people。 Further; should you conquer me; in the name of my
people I swear that there shall still be peace between them and the
Chancas; since I shall have atoned your sacrilege with my blood。 Now
summon those lords of yours and I will summon mine; and set out the
matter to them。〃

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