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the virgin of the sun-第5部分

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leave orders that it be placed beneath my feet in the tomb; but who
will ever find that tomb again? Still I write because something in my
heart urges me to the task。

I return to the far…off days。 Our boat being full with merry hearts we
set sail before a faint wind for Hastings beach。 As yet there was
little light and much fog; still the landward breeze was enough to
draw us forward。 Then of a sudden we heard sounds as of men talking
upon ships and the clank of spars and blocks。 Presently came a puff of
air lifting the fog for a little and we saw that we were in the midst
of a great fleet; a French fleet; for the Lilies of France flew at
their mast…heads; saw; too; that their prows were set for Hastings;
though for the while they were becalmed; since the wind that was
enough for our light; large…sailed fishing…boat could not stir their
bulk。 Moreover; they saw us; for the men…at…arms on the nearest ship
shouted threats and curses at us and followed the shouts with arrows
that almost hit us。

Then the fog closed down again; and in it we slipped through the
French fleet。

It may have been the best part of an hour later that we reached
Hastings。 Before the boat was made fast to the jetty; I sprang to it

〃Stir! stir! the French are upon you! To arms! We have slipped through
a whole fleet of them in the mist。〃

Instantly the sleepy quay seemed to awaken。 From the neighbouring fish
market; from everywhere sailormen and others came running; followed by
children with gaping mouths; while from the doors of houses far away
shot women with scared faces; like ferreted rabbits from their
burrows。 In a minute the crowd had surrounded me; all asking questions
at once in such a fashion that I could only answer them with my cry

〃Stir! the French are upon you。 To arms; I say。 To arms!〃

Presently through the throng advanced an old white…bearded man who
wore a badge of office; crying as he came; 〃Make way for the bailiff!〃

The crowd obeyed; opening a path; and soon we were face to face。

〃What is it; Hubert of Hastings?〃 he asked。 〃Is there fire that you
shout so loudly?〃

〃Aye; Worship;〃 I answered。 〃Fire and murder and all the gifts that
the French have for England。 The Fleet of France is beating up for
Hastings; fifty sail of them or more。 We crept through them in the
fog; for the wind which would scarce move them served our turn and
beyond an arrow or two; they took no note of a fishing…boat。〃

〃Whence come they?〃 asked the bailiff; bewildered。

〃I know not; but those in another boat we passed in the midst shouted
that these French were ravaging the coast and heading for Hastings to
put it to fire and sword。 Then that boat vanished away; I know not
where; and that is all I have to tell save that the French will be
here within an hour。〃

Without staying to ask more questions; the bailiff turned and ran
towards the town; and presently the alarm bells rang out from the
towers of All Saints and St。 Clement's; while criers summoned all men
to the market…place。 Meanwhile I; not without a sad look at my boat
and the rich catch within; made my way into the town; followed by my
two men。

Presently I reached an ancient; timbered house; long; low; and
rambling; with a yard by its side full of barrels; anchors; and other
marine stores such as rope; that had to do with the trade I carried on
at this place。

I; Hubert; with a mind full of fears; though not for myself; and a
stirring of the blood such as was natural to my age at the approach of
my first taste of battle; ran fast up to that house which I have
described; and paused for a moment by the big elm tree that grew in
front of the door; of which the lower boughs were sawn off because
they shut out the light from the windows。 I remember that elm tree
very well; first because when I was a child starlings nested in a hole
in the trunk; and I reared one in a wicker cage and made a talking
bird of it which I kept for several years。 It was so tame that it used
to go about sitting on my shoulder; till at last; outside the town a
cat frightened it thence; and before I could recapture it; it was
taken by a hawk; which hawk I shot afterwards with an arrow out of

Also this elm is impressed upon me by the fact that on that morning
when I halted by it; I noted how green and full of leaf it was。 Next
morning; after the fire; I saw it again; all charred and blackened;
with its beautiful foliage withered by the heat。 This contrast
remained upon my memory; and whenever I see any great change of
fortune from prosperity to ruin; or from life to death; always I
bethink me of that elm。 For it is by little things which we ourselves
have seen and not by those written of or told by others; that we
measure and compare events。

The reason that I ran so hard and then paused by the elm; was because
my widowed mother lived in that house。 Knowing that the French meant
mischief for a good reason; because one of their arrows; or perhaps a
quarrel from a cross…bow; whistled just past my head out there upon
the sea; my first thought was to get her away to some place of safety;
no easy task seeing that she was infirm with age。 My second; that
which caused me to pause by the tree; was how I should break the news
to her in such a fashion that she would not be over…frightened。 Having
thought this over I went on into the house。

The door opened into the sitting…room that had a low roof of plaster
and big oak beams。 There I found my mother kneeling by the table upon
which food was set for breakfast: fried herrings; cold meat; and a jug
of ale。 She was saying her prayers after her custom; being very
religious though in a new fashion; since she was a follower of a
preacher called Wycliffe; who troubled the Church in those days。 She
seemed to have gone to sleep at her prayers; and I watched her for a
moment; hesitating to waken her。 My mother; as even then I noted; was
a very handsome woman; though old; for I was born when she had been
married twenty years or more; with white hair and well…cut features
that showed the good blood of which she came; for she was better bred
than my father and quarrelled with her kin to marry him。

At the sound of my footsteps she woke up and saw me。

〃Strange;〃 she said; 〃I slept at my prayers who did so little last
night; as has become a habit with me when you are out a…fishing; for
which God forgive me; and dreamed that there was some trouble forward。
Scold me not; Hubert; for when the sea has taken the father and two
sons; it is scarcely wonderful that I should be fearful for the last
of my blood。 Help me to rise; Hubert; for this water seems to gather
in my limbs and makes them heavy。 One day; the leech says; it will get
to the heart and then all will be over。〃

I obeyed; first kissing her on the brow; and when she was seated in
her armed chair by the table; I said;

〃You dream too well; Mother。 There is trouble。 Hark! St。 Clement's
bells are talking of it。 The French come to visit Hastings。 I know for
I sailed through their fleet just after dawn。〃

〃Is it so?〃 she asked quietly。 〃I feared worse。 I feared lest the
dream meant that you had gone to join your brothers in the deep。 Well;
the French are not here yet; as thank God you are。 So eat and drink;
for we of England fight best on full bellies。〃

Again I obeyed who was very hungry after that long night and needed
food and ale; and as I swallowed them we heard the sound of folk
shouting and running。

〃You are in haste; Hubert; to join the others on the quay and send a
Frenchman or two to hell with that big bow of yours?〃 she said

〃Nay;〃 I answered; 〃I am in haste to get you out of this town; which I
fear may be burnt。 There is a certain cave up yonder by the Minnes
Rock where I think you might lie safe; Mother。〃

〃It has come down to me from my fathers; Hubert; that it was never the
fashion of the women of the north to keep their men to shield them
when duty called them otherwhere。 I am helpless in my limbs and heavy;
and cannot climb; or be borne up yonder hill to any cave。 Here I stop
where I have dwelt these five…and…forty years; to live or die as God
pleases。 Get you to your duty; man。 Stay。 Call those wenches and bid
them fly inland to their folk; out Burwash way。 They are young and
fleet of foot; and no Frenchman will catch them。〃

I summoned the girls who were staring; white…faced; from the attic
window…place。 In three minutes they were gone; though it is true that
one of them; the braver; wished to bide with her mistress。

I watched them start up the street with other fugitives who were
pouring out of Hastings; and came back to my mother。 As I did so a
great shout told me that the French fleet had been sighted。

〃Hubert;〃 she said; 〃take this key and go to the oak chest in my
sleeping room; lift out the linen at the top and bring me that which
lies wrapped in cloth beneath。〃

I did so; returning with a bundle that was long and thin。 With a knife
she cut the string that tied it。 Within were a bag of money and a
sword in an ancient scabbard covered with a rough skin which I took to
be that of a shark; which scabbard in parts was inlaid with gold。

〃Draw it;〃 said my mother。

I did so; and there came to light a two…edged blade of blue steel;
such as I had never seen before; for on the blade were engraved
strange characters whereof I could make nothing; although as it
chanced I could read and write; having been taught by the monks in my
childhood。 The hilt; also; that was in the form of a cross; had gold
inlaid upon it; at the top of it; a large knob or apple of amber; much
worn by handling。 For the rest it was a beauteous weapon and well

〃What of this sword?〃 I asked。

〃This; Son。 With the black bow that you have;〃 and she pointed to the
case that leaned against the table; 〃it has come down in my family for
many generations。 My father told me that it was the sword of one
Thorgrimmer; his ancestor; a Norseman; a Viking he called him; who
came with those who took England before the Norman time; which I can
well believe since my father's name; like mine; till I married; was
Grimmer。 This sword; also; has a name and it 
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