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the virgin of the sun-第50部分

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in life and death; and there in death may we meet again and once more
be brothers where no women come to part us。〃

Then Kari turned and went with bowed head; together with his nobles;
who followed him as sadly as those who surround a corpse; but not
until they had given to me that royal salute which is only rendered to
the Inca in his glory。

                             CHAPTER XIII

                          THE KISS OF QUILLA

Her women bore Quilla swooning from that ill…fated field; and sick and
sad she remained until once more we saw the City of the Chancas。 Yet
all this while strength and sight were returning to her eyes; so that
in the end she could see as well as ever she had done; for which I
thanked Heaven。

Messengers had gone before us; so that when we drew near all the
people of the Chancas came out to meet us; a mighty multitude; who
spread flowers before us and sang songs of joy。 On the same evening I
was summoned by Huaracha and found him dying。 There in the presence of
his chief captains Quilla and I told him all our story; to which he
listened; answering nothing。 When it was finished he said:

〃I thank you; Lord…from…the…Sea; who through great perils have saved
my daughter and brought her home to bid farewell to me; untarnished as
she went。 I understand now that it was an evil policy which led me to
promise her in marriage to the prince Urco。 Through your valour it has
come to naught and I am glad。 Great dangers still lie ahead of you and
of my people。 Deal with them as you will and can; for henceforward;
Lord…from…the…Sea; they are your people; yours and my daughter's
together; since it is my desire and command that you two should wed so
soon as I am laid with my fathers。 Perchance it had been better if you
had slain the Inca when he was in your hand; but man goes where his
spirit leads him。 My blessing and the blessing of my gods be on you
both and on your children。 Leave me; for I can say no more。〃

That night King Huaracha died。

Three days later he was buried with great pomp beneath the floor of
the Temple of the Moon; not being preserved and kept above ground
after the fashion of the Incas。

On the last day of the mourning a council was summoned of all the
great ones in the country to the number of several hundreds; to which
I was bidden。 This was done in the name of Quilla; who was now named
by a title which meant; 〃High Lady;〃 or 〃Queen。〃 I went to it eagerly
enough who had seen nothing of her since that night of her father's
death; for; according to the custom of this people; she had spent the
time of mourning alone with her women。

To my surprise I was led by an officer; not into the great hall where
I knew the notables were assembling; but to that same little chamber
where first I had talked with Huaracha; Quilla's father。 Here the
officer left me wondering。 Presently I heard a sound and looking up;
saw Quilla herself standing between the curtains; like to a picture in
its frame。 She was royally arrayed and wore upon her brow and breast
the emblem of the moon; so that she seemed to glitter in that dusky
place; though nothing about her shone with such a light as did her
large and doe…like eyes。

〃Greeting; my Lord;〃 she said in her soft voice; curtseying to me as
she spoke。 〃Has my Lord aught to say to me? If so; it must be quick;
since the Great Council waits。〃

Now I grew foolish and tongue…tied; but at length stammered out:

〃Nothing; except what I have said beforethat I love you。〃

She smiled a little in her slow fashion; then asked:

〃Is there naught to add?〃

〃What can there be to add to love; Quilla?〃

〃I know not;〃 she answered; still smiling。 〃Yet in what does the love
of man and woman end?〃

I shook my head and answered:

〃In many things; all of them different。 In hell sometimes; and more
rarely in heaven。〃

〃And on earth which lies between the two; should those who love escape
death and separation?〃

〃Well; on earthin marriage。〃

She looked at me again and this time a new light shone in her eyes
which I could not misinterpret。

〃Do you mean that you will marry me; Quilla?〃 I muttered。

〃Such was my father's wish; Lord; but what is yours? Oh! have done;〃
she went on in a changed voice。 〃For what have we suffered all these
things and gone through such long partings and dangers so dreadful?
Was it not that if Fate should spare us we might come together at
last? And has not Fate spared usfor a while? What said the prophecy
of me in the Temple of Rimac? Was it not that the Sun should be my
refuge andI forget the rest。〃

〃I remember it;〃 I said。 〃That in the beloved arms you should sleep at

〃Yes;〃 she went on; the blood mounting to her cheeks; 〃that in the
beloved arms I should sleep at last。 So; the first part of the
prophecy has come true。〃

〃As the rest shall come true;〃 I broke in; awaking; and swept her to
my breast。

〃Are you sure;〃 she murmured presently; 〃that you love me; a woman
whom you think savage; well enough to wed me?〃

〃Aye; more than sure;〃 I answered。

〃Hearken; Lord。 I knew it always; but being woman I desired to hear it
from your own lips。 Of this be certain: that though I am but what I
am; a maiden; wild…hearted and untaught; no man shall ever have a
truer and more loving wife。 It is my hope; even that my love will be
such that in it at last you may learn to forget that other lady far
away who once was yours; if only for an hour。〃

Now I shrank as from a sword prick; since first loves; whatever the
tale of them; as Quilla guessed or Nature taught her; are not easily
forgot; and even when they are dead their ghosts will rise and haunt

〃And my hope; most dear; is that you will be mine; not for an hour but
for all our life's days;〃 I answered。

〃Aye;〃 she said; sighing; 〃but who knows how many these will be?
Therefore let us pluck the flowers before they wither。 I hear steps。
The lords come to summon us。 Be pleased to enter the Council at my
side and holding me by the hand。 There I have somewhat to say to the
people。 The shadow of the Inca Kari; whom you spared; still lies cold
upon us and them。〃

Before I could ask her meaning the lords entered; three of them; and
glancing at us curiously; said that all were gathered。 Then they
turned and went before us to the great hall where every place was
filled。 Hand in hand we mounted the dais; and as we came all the
audience rose and greeted us with a roar of welcome。

Quilla seated herself upon a throne and motioned to me to take my
place upon another throne at her side; which I noted stood a little
higher than that on which she sat; and this; as I learned afterwards;
not by chance。 It was planned so to tell the people; of the Chancas
that henceforth I was their king while she was but my wife。

When the shouting had died away Quilla rose from her throne and began
to speak; which like many of the higher class of this people she could
do well enough。

〃Lords and Captains of the Chanca nation;〃 she said; 〃my father; the
king Huaracha; being dead; leaving no lawful son; I have succeeded to
his dignities; and summoned you here to take counsel with me。

〃First; learn this; that I; your Queen and Lady; have been chosen as
wife by him who sits at my side。〃

Here the company shouted again; thus announcing that this tidings
pleased them。 For though by now only the common people still believed
me to be a god risen from the sea; all held that I was a great general
and a great man; one who knew much that they did not know; and who
could both lead and fight better than the best of them。 Indeed; since
I had slain Urco with my hands and overcome Kari; who as Inca was
believed to be clothed with the strength of the Sun and therefore
unconquerable; I was held to be unmatched throughout Tavantinsuyu。
Moreover; the army that had fought under my command loved me as though
I were their father as well as their general。 Therefore all greeted
this tidings well enough without astonishment; for they knew it was
their dead king's wish that I should wed his daughter and that to win
her I had gone through much。

In answer to their shoutings I; too; rose from my seat; and drawing
the sword Wave…Flame; which I wore girt about my dinted armour; with
it I saluted first Quilla and then the gathered nobles; saying:

〃Lords of the Chancas; when on an island in the sea; my eyes fell upon
this lady who to…day is your queen; I loved her and swore that I would
wed her if I might。 Between that day and this much has befallen。 She
was snatched away to be made the wife of Urco; heir to the Inca
throne; and afterwards; to escape him whom she hated; she took refuge
in the House of the Inca god。 Then; people of the Chancas; came the
great war which we shared together; and in the end I rescued her from
that house of bondage; and slew Urco while he strove to steal or stab
her。 This done; I conquered Kari the Inca; who was as my brother; yet
because I saved your lady from his god the Sun; became my enemy; and
together she and I returned to this; her land。 Now it is her will to
wed me; as it has always been mine to wed her; and here in front of
all of you I take her to wife; as she takes me to husband; hoping that
for many years it may be given to us to rule over you; and to our
children after us。 Yet I warn you that although in the great war that
has been; if with much loss; we have held our own against all the
hosts of Cuzco and won an honourable peace; by this marriage of ours;
which robs the Inca god of one of a thousand brides; that peace is
broken。 Therefore in the future; as in the past; there will be war
between the Quichua and the Chanca peoples。〃

〃We know it;〃 shouted the nobles。 〃War is decreed; let war come!〃

〃What would you have had me do?〃 I went on。 〃Leave your queen to
languish in the House of the Sun; wed to nothingness; or suffer her to
be dragged away to be one of Urco's women; or hand her back to Kari to
be slain as a sacrifice to a god whom you do not accept?〃

〃Nay!〃 they cried。 〃We would have her wed you; White Lord…from…the…
Sea; that she may become a mother of kings。〃

〃So I thought; Chancas。 Yet I warn you that there is trouble near。 The
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