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tales of trail and town-第14部分

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Forsyth and Cassidy; passed quietly out of the lower gate and

entered the wood。  An hour later the colonel was summoned from the

dinner table; and the guests heard the quick rattle of a wagon

turning out of the road gatebut the colonel did not return。  An

indefinable uneasiness crept over the little party; which reached

its climax in the summoning of the other officers; and the sudden

flashing out of news。  The reconnoitring party had found the dead

bodies of Peter Atherly and his sister on the plains at the edge of

the empty wood。

The women were gathered in the commandant's quarters; and for the

moment seemed to have been forgotten。  The officers' wives talked

with professional sympathy and disciplined quiet; the English

ladies were equally sympathetic; but collected。  Lady Elfrida;

rather white; but patient; asked a few questions in a voice whose

contralto was rather deepened。  One and all wished to 〃do

something〃anything 〃to help〃and one and all rebelled that the

colonel had begged them to remain within doors。  There was an

occasional quick step on the veranda; or the clatter of a hoof on

the parade; a continued but subdued murmur from the whitewashed

barracks; but everywhere a sense of keen restraint。

When they emerged on the veranda again; the whole aspect of the

garrison seemed to have changed in that brief time。  In the faint

moonlight they could see motionless files of troopers filling the

parade; the officers in belted tunics and slouched hats;but

apparently not the same men; the half lounging ease and lazy

dandyism gone; a grim tension in all their faces; a set abstraction

in all their acts。  Then there was the rolling of heavy wheels in

the road; and the two horses of the ambulance appeared。  The

sentries presented arms; the colonel took off his hat; the officers

uncovered; the wagon wheeled into the parade; the surgeon stepped

out。  He exchanged a single word with the colonel; and lifted the

curtain of the ambulance。

As the colonel glanced within; a deep but embarrassed voice fell

upon his ear。  He turned quickly。  It was Lord Reginald; flushed

and sympathetic。

〃He was a friend;a relation of ours; you know;〃 he stammered。

〃My sister would liketo look at him again。〃

〃Not now;〃 said the colonel in a low voice。  The surgeon added

something in a voice still lower; which scarcely reached the


Lord Reginald turned away with a white face。

〃Fall back there!〃 Captain Fleetwood rode up。

〃All ready; sir。〃

〃One moment; captain;〃 said the colonel quietly。  〃File your first

half company before that ambulance; and bid the men look in。〃

The singular order was obeyed。  The men filed slowly forward; each

in turn halting before the motionless wagon and its immobile

freight。  They were men inured to frontier bloodshed and savage

warfare; some halted and hurried on; others lingered; others turned

to look again。  One man burst into a short laugh; but when the

others turned indignantly upon him; they saw that in his face that

held them in awe。  What they saw in the ambulance did not transpire;

what they felt was not known。  Strangely enough; however; what they

repressed themselves was mysteriously communicated to their horses;

who snorted and quivered with eagerness and impatience as they rode

back again。  The horse of the trooper who had laughed almost leaped

into the air。  Only Sergeant Cassidy was communicative; he took a

larger circuit in returning to his place; and managed to lean over

and whisper hoarsely in the ear of a camp follower spectator; 〃Tell

the young leddy that the torturin' divvils couldn't take the smile

off him!〃

The little column filed out of the gateway into the road。  As

Captain Fleetwood passed Colonel Carter the two men's eyes met。

The colonel said quietly; 〃Good night; captain。  Let us have a good

report from you。〃

The captain replied only with his gauntleted hand against the brim

of his slouched hat; but the next moment his voice was heard strong

and clear enough in the road。  The little column trotted away as

evenly as on parade。  But those who climbed the roof of the

barracks a quarter of an hour later saw; in the moonlight; a white

cloud drifting rapidly across the plain towards the west。  It was a

small cloud in that bare; menacing; cruel; and illimitable waste;

but in its breast was crammed a thunderbolt。

It fell thirty miles away; blasting and scattering a thousand

warriors and their camp; giving and taking no quarter; vengeful;

exterminating; and complete。  Later there were different opinions

about it and the horrible crime that had provoked it: the opposers

of Peter's policy jubilant over the irony of the assassination of

the Apostle of Peace; Peter's disciples as actively deploring the

merciless and indiscriminating vengeance of the military; and so

the problem that Peter had vainly attempted to solve was left an

open question。  There were those; too; who believed that Peter had

never sacrificed himself and his sister for the sake of another;

but had provoked and incensed the savages by the blind arrogance of

a reformer。  There were wild stories by scouts and interpreters how

he had challenged his fate by an Indian bravado; how himself and

his sister had met torture with an Indian stoicism; and how the

Indian braves themselves at last in a turmoil of revulsion had

dipped their arrows and lances in the heroic heart's blood of their

victims; and worshiped their still palpitating flesh。

But there was one honest loyal little heart that carried back

three thousand milesto England the man as it had known and loved

him。  Lady Elfrida Runnybroke never married; neither did she go

into retirement; but lived her life and fulfilled her duties in her

usual clear…eyed fashion。  She was particularly kind to all

Americans;barring; I fear; a few pretty…faced; finely…frocked

title…hunters;told stories of the Far West; and had theories of a

people of which they knew little; cared less; and believed to be

vulgar。  But I think she found a new pleasure in the old church at

Ashley Grange; and loved to linger over the effigy of the old

Crusader;her kinsman; the swashbuckler De Bracy;with a vague

but pretty belief that devotion and love do not die with brave men;

but live and flourish even in lands beyond the seas。


Perhaps if there was anything important in the migration of the

Maynard family to Europe it rested solely upon the singular fact

that Mr。 Maynard did not go there in the expectation of marrying

his daughter to a nobleman。  A Charleston merchant; whose house

represented two honorable generations; had; thirty years ago; a

certain self…respect which did not require extraneous aid and

foreign support; and it is exceedingly probable that his intention

of spending a few years abroad had no ulterior motive than pleasure

seeking and the observation of many thingsprincipally of the

pastwhich his own country did not possess。  His future and that

of his family lay in his own land; yet with practical common sense

he adjusted himself temporarily to his new surroundings。  In doing

so; he had much to learn of others; and others had something to

learn of him; he found that the best people had a high simplicity

equal to his own; he corrected their impressions that a Southerner

had more or less negro blood in his veins; and that; although a

slave owner; he did not necessarily represent an aristocracy。  With

a distinguishing dialect of which he was not ashamed; a frank

familiarity of approach joined to an invincible courtesy of manner;

which made even his republican 〃Sir〃 equal to the ordinary address

to royalty; he was always respected and seldom misunderstood。  When

he wasit was unfortunate for those who misunderstood him。  His

type was as distinctive and original as his cousin's; the

Englishman; whom it was not the fashion then to imitate。  So that;

whether in the hotel of a capital; the Kursaal of a Spa; or the

humbler pension of a Swiss village; he was always characteristic。

Less so was his wife; who; with the chameleon quality of her

transplanted countrywomen; was already Parisian in dress; still

less so his daughter; who had by this time absorbed the

peculiarities of her French; German; and Italian governesses。  Yet

neither had yet learned to evade their nationalityor apologize

for it。

Mr。 Maynard and his family remained for three years in Europe; his

stay having been prolonged by political excitement in his own State

of South Carolina。  Commerce is apt to knock the insularity out of

people; distance from one's own distinctive locality gives a wider

range to the vision; and the retired merchant foresaw ruin in his

State's politics; and from the viewpoint of all Europe beheld

instead of the usual collection of individual Stateshis whole

country。  But the excitement increasing; he was finally impelled to

return in a faint hope of doing something to allay it; taking his

wife with him; but leaving his daughter at school in Paris。  At

about this time; however; a single cannon shot fired at the

national flag on Fort Sumter shook the whole country; reverberated

even in Europe; sending some earnest hearts back to do battle for

State or country; sending others less earnest into inglorious

exile; but; saddest of all! knocking over the school bench of a

girl at the Paris pensionnat。  For that shot had also sunk

Maynard's ships at the Charleston wharves; scattered his piled

Cotton bales awaiting shipment at the quays; and drove him; a

ruined man; into the 〃Home Guard〃 against his better judgment。

Helen Maynard; like a good girl; had implored her father to let her

return and share his risks。  But the answer was 〃to wait〃 until

this nine days' madness of an uprising was over。  That madness

lasted six years; outlived Maynard; whose gray; misdoubting head

bit the dust at Ball's Bluff; outlived
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