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tales of trail and town-第29部分

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accompaniment of deep feelingkept him from even hinting his story

to his host; though he knewperhaps BECAUSE he knewthat it would

gratify his enmity to the family。  A sudden thought struck Dick。

He knew her house; and her name。  He would write her a note。

Somebody would be sure to translate it for her。

He borrowed pen; ink; and paper; and in the clean solitude of his

fresh chintz bedroom; indited the following letter:

DEAR MISS FONTONELLES;Please excuse me for having skeert you。  I

hadn't any call to do it; I never reckoned to do itit was all

jest my derned luck; I only reckoned to tell you I was lostin

them blamed woodsdon't you remember?〃lost〃PERDOO!and then

you up and fainted!  I wouldn't have come into your garden; only;

you see; I'd just skeered by accident two of your helps; reg'lar

softies; and I wanted to explain。  I reckon they allowed I was that

man that that picture in the hall was painted after。  I reckon they

took ME for himsee?  But he ain't MY style; nohow; and I never

saw the picture at all until after I'd toted you; when you fainted;

up to your house; or I'd have made my kalkilations and acted

according。  I'd have laid low in the woods; and got away without

skeerin' you。  You see what I mean?  It was mighty mean of me; I

suppose; to have tetched you at all; without saying; 〃Excuse me;

miss;〃 and toted you out of the garden and up the steps into your

own parlor without asking your leave。  But the whole thing tumbled

so suddent。  And it didn't seem the square thing for me to lite out

and leave you lying there on the grass。  That's why!  I'm sorry I

skeert that old preacher; but he came upon me in the picture hall

so suddent; that it was a mighty close call; I tell you; to get off

without a shindy。  Please forgive me; Miss Fontonelles。  When you

get this; I shall be going back home to America; but you might

write to me at Denver City; saying you're all right。  I liked your

style; I liked your grit in standing up to me in the garden until

you had your say; when you thought I was the Lord knows what

though I never understood a word you got offnot knowing French。

But it's all the same now。  Say!  I've got your rose!

Yours very respectfully;


Dick folded the epistle and put it in his pocket。  He would post it

himself on the morning before he left。  When he came downstairs he

found his indefatigable host awaiting him; with the report of the

veterinary blacksmith。  There was nothing seriously wrong with the

mustang; but it would be unfit to travel for several days。  The

landlord repeated his former offer。  Dick; whose money was pretty

well exhausted; was fain to accept; reflecting that SHE had never

seen the mustang and would not recognize it。  But he drew the line

at the sombrero; to which his host had taken a great fancy。  He had

worn it before HER!

Later in the evening Dick was sitting on the low veranda of the

cafe; overlooking the white road。  A round white table was beside

him; his feet were on the railing; but his eyes were resting beyond

on the high; mouldy iron gates of the mysterious park。  What he was

thinking of did not matter; but he was a little impatient at the

sudden appearance of his hostwhom he had evaded during the

afternoonat his side。  The man's manner was full of bursting

loquacity and mysterious levity。

Truly; it was a good hour when Dick had arrived at Fontonelles;

〃just in time。〃  He could see now what a world of imbeciles was

France。  What stupid ignorance ruled; what low cunning and low tact

could achieve;in effect; what jugglers and mountebanks;

hypocritical priests and licentious and lying noblesse went to make

up existing society。  Ah; there had been a fine excitement; a

regular coup d'theatre at Fontonelles;the chateau yonder; here at

the village; where the news was brought by frightened grooms and

silly women!  He had been in the thick of it all the afternoon!  He

had examined it;interrogated them like a juge d'instruction;

winnowed it; sifted it。  And what was it all?  An attempt by these

wretched priests and noblesse to revive in the nineteenth century

the age of electricity and Pullman carsa miserable mediaeval

legend of an apparition; a miracle!  Yes; one is asked to believe

that at the chateau yonder was seen last night three times the

apparition of Armand de Fontonelles!

Dick started。  〃Armand de Fontonelles!〃  He remembered that she had

repeated that name。

〃Who's he?〃 he demanded abruptly。

〃The first Comte de Fontonelles!  When monsieur knows that the

first comte has been dead three hundred years; he will see the

imbecility of the affair!〃

〃Wot did he come back for?〃 growled Dick。

〃Ah! it was a legend。  Consider its artfulness!  The Comte Armand

had been a hard liver; a dissipated scoundrel; a reckless beast;

but a mighty hunter of the stag。  It was said that on one of these

occasions he had been warned by the apparition of St。 Hubert; but

he had laughed;for; observe; HE always jeered at the priests too;

hence this story!and had declared that the flaming cross seen

between the horns of the sacred stag was only the torch of a

poacher; and he would shoot it!  Good! the body of the comte; dead;

but without a wound; was found in the wood the next day; with his

discharged arquebus in his hand。  The Archbishop of Rouen refused

his body the rites of the Church until a number of masses were said

every year andpaid for!  One understands! one sees their 'little

game;' the count now appears;he is in purgatory!  More masses;

more money!  There you are。  Bah!  One understands; too; that the

affair takes place; not in a cafe like this;not in a public

place;but at a chateau of the noblesse; and is seen by〃the

proprietor checked the characters on his fingersTWO retainers;

one young demoiselle of the noblesse; daughter of the chatelaine

herself; and; my faith; it goes without saying; by a fat priest;

the Cure!  In effect; two interested ones!  And the priest;his

lie is magnificent!  Superb!  For he saw the comte in the picture…

gallery;in effect; stepping into his frame!〃

〃Oh; come off the roof;〃 said Dick impatiently; 〃they must have

seen SOMETHING; you know。  The young lady wouldn't lie!〃

Monsieur Ribaud leaned over; with a mysterious; cynical smile; and

lowering his voice said:

〃You have reason to say so。  You have hit it; my friend。  There WAS

a something!  And if we regard the young lady; you shall hear。  The

story of Mademoiselle de Fontonelles is that she has walked by

herself alone in the garden;you observe; ALONEin the moonlight;

near the edge of the wood。  You comprehend?  The mother and the

Cure are in the house;for the time effaced!  Here at the edge of

the woodthough why she continues; a young demoiselle; to the edge

of the wood does not make itself clearshe beholds her ancestor;

as on a pedestal; young; pale; but very handsome and exalte;


〃Nothing;〃 said Dick hurriedly; 〃go on!〃

〃She beseeches him why!  He says he is lost!  She faints away; on

the instant; thereregard me!ON THE EDGE OF THE WOOD; she says。

But her mother and Monsieur le Cure find her pale; agitated;

distressed; ON THE SOFA IN THE SALON。  One is asked to believe that

she is transported through the airlike an angelby the spirit of

Armand de Fontonelles。  Incredible!〃

〃Well; wot do YOU think?〃 said Dick sharply。

The cafe proprietor looked around him carefully; and then lowered

his voice significantly:

〃A lover!〃

〃A what?〃 said Dick; with a gasp。

〃A lover!〃 repeated Ribaud。  〃You comprehend!  Mademoiselle has no

dot;the property is nothing;the brother has everything。  A

Mademoiselle de Fontonelles cannot marry out of her class; and the

noblesse are all poor。  Mademoiselle is young;pretty; they say;

of her kind。  It is an intolerable life at the old chateau;

mademoiselle consoles herself!〃

Monsieur Ribaud never knew how near he was to the white road below

the railing at that particular moment。  Luckily; Dick controlled

himself; and wisely; as Monsieur Ribaud's next sentence showed him。

〃A romance;an innocent; foolish liaison; if you like;but; all

the same; if known of a Mademoiselle de Fontonelles; a compromising;

a fatal entanglement。  There you are。  Look! for this; then; all

this story of cock and bulls and spirits!  Mademoiselle has been

discovered with her lover by some one。  This pretty story shall stop

their mouths!〃

〃But wot;〃 said Dick brusquely; 〃wot if the girl was really skeert

at something she'd seen; and fainted dead away; as she said she

did;andand〃he hesitated〃some stranger came along and picked

her up?〃

Monsieur Ribaud looked at him pityingly。

〃A Mademoiselle de Fontonelle is picked up by her servants; by her

family; but not by the young man in the woods; alone。  It is even

more compromising!〃

〃Do you mean to say;〃 said Dick furiously; 〃that the ragpickers and

sneaks that wade around in the slumgallion of this country would

dare to spatter that young gal?〃

〃I mean to say; yes;assuredly; positively yes!〃 said Ribaud;

rubbing his hands with a certain satisfaction at Dick's fury。  〃For

you comprehend not the position of la jeune fille in all France!

Ah! in America the young lady she go everywhere alone; I have seen

herpretty; charming; fascinatingalone with the young man。  But

here; no; never!  Regard me; my friend。  The French mother; she say

to her daughter's fiance; 'Look! there is my daughter。  She has

never been alone with a young man for five minutes;not even with

you。  Take her for your wife!'  It is monstrous! it is impossible!

it is so!〃

There was a silence of a few minutes; and Dick looked blankly at

the iron gates of the park of Fontonelles。  Then he said: 〃Give me

a cigar。〃

Monsieur Ribaud instantly produced his cigar case。  Dick took a

cigar; but waved aside the proffe
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