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tales of trail and town-第30部分

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Monsieur Ribaud instantly produced his cigar case。  Dick took a

cigar; but waved aside the proffered match; and entering the cafe;

took from his pocket the letter to Mademoiselle de Fontonelles;

twisted it in a spiral; lighted it at a candle; lit his cigar with

it; and returning to the veranda held it in his hand until the last

ashes dropped on the floor。  Then he said; gravely; to Ribaud:

〃You've treated me like a white man; Frenchy; and I ain't goin'

back on yerthough your ways ain't my waysnohow; but I reckon in

this yer matter at the shotto you're a little too previous!  For

though I don't as a gin'ral thing take stock in ghosts; I BELIEVE

EVERY WORD THAT THEM FOLK SAID UP THAR。  And;〃 he added; leaning

his hand somewhat heavily on Ribaud's shoulder; 〃if you're the man

I take you for; you'll believe it too!  And if that chap; Armand de

Fontonelles; hadn't hev picked up that gal at that moment; he would

hev deserved to roast in hell another three hundred years!  That's

why I believe her story。  So you'll let these yer Fontonelles keep

their ghosts for all they're worth; and when you next feel inclined

to talk about that girl's LOVER; you'll think of me; and shut your

head!  You hear me; Frenchy; I'm shoutin'!  And don't you forget it!〃

Nevertheless; early the next morning; Monsieur Ribaud accompanied

his guest to the railway station; and parted from him with great

effusion。  On his way back an old…fashioned carriage with a

postilion passed him。  At a sign from its occupant; the postilion

pulled up; and Monsieur Ribaud; bowing to the dust; approached the

window; and the pale; stern face of a dignified; white…haired woman

of sixty that looked from it。

〃Has he gone?〃 said the lady。

〃Assuredly; madame; I was with him at the station。〃

〃And you think no one saw him?〃

〃No one; madame; but myself。〃

〃Andwhat kind of a man was he?〃

Monsieur Ribaud lifted his shoulders; threw out his hands

despairingly; yet with a world of significance; and said:

〃An American。〃


The carriage drove on and entered the gates of the chateau。  And

Monsieur Ribaud; cafe proprietor and Social Democrat; straightened

himself in the dust and shook his fist after it。


With the lulling of the wind towards evening it came on to snow

heavily; in straight; quickly succeeding flakes; dropping like

white lances from the sky。  This was followed by the usual Sierran

phenomenon。  The deep gorge; which; as the sun went down; had

lapsed into darkness; presently began to reappear; at first the

vanished trail came back as a vividly whitening streak before them;

then the larches and pines that ascended from it like buttresses

against the hillsides glimmered in ghostly distinctness; until at

last the two slopes curved out of the darkness as if hewn in

marble。  For the sudden storm; which extended scarcely two miles;

had left no trace upon the steep granite face of the high cliffs

above; the snow; slipping silently from them; left them still

hidden in the obscurity of night。  In the vanished landscape the

gorge alone stood out; set in a chaos of cloud and storm through

which the moonbeams struggled ineffectually。

It was this unexpected sight which burst upon the occupants of a

large covered 〃station wagon〃 who had chanced upon the lower end of

the gorge。  Coming from a still lower altitude; they had known

nothing of the storm; which had momentarily ceased; but had left a

record of its intensity in nearly two feet of snow。  For some

moments the horses floundered and struggled on; in what the

travelers believed to be some old forgotten drift or avalanche;

until the extent and freshness of the fall became apparent。  To add

to their difficulties; the storm recommenced; and not comprehending

its real character and limit; they did not dare to attempt to

return the way they came。  To go on; however; was impossible。  In

this quandary they looked about them in vain for some other exit

from the gorge。  The sides of that gigantic white furrow terminated

in darkness。  Hemmed in from the world in all directions; it might

have been their tomb。

But although THEY could see nothing beyond their prison walls; they

themselves were perfectly visible from the heights above them。  And

Jack Tenbrook; quartz miner; who was sinking a tunnel in the rocky

ledge of shelf above the gorge; stepping out from his cabin at ten

o'clock to take a look at the weather before turning in; could

observe quite distinctly the outline of the black wagon; the

floundering horses; and the crouching figures by their side;

scarcely larger than pygmies on the white surface of the snow; six

hundred feet below him。  Jack had courage and strength; and the

good humor that accompanies them; but he contented himself for a

few moments with lazily observing the travelers' discomfiture。  He

had taken in the situation with a glance; he would have helped a

brother miner or mountaineer; although he knew that it could only

have been drink or bravado that brought HIM into the gorge in a

snowstorm; but it was very evident that these were 〃greenhorns;〃 or

eastern tourists; and it served their stupidity and arrogance

right!  He remembered also how he; having once helped an Eastern

visitor catch the mustang that had 〃bucked〃 him; had been called

〃my man;〃 and presented with five dollars; he recalled how he had

once spread the humble resources of his cabin before some straying

members of the San Francisco party who were 〃opening〃 the new

railroad; and heard the audible wonder of a lady that a civilized

being could live so 〃coarsely〃?  With these recollections in his

mind; he managed to survey the distant struggling horses with a

fine sense of humor; not unmixed with self…righteousness。  There

was no real danger in the situation; it meant at the worst a delay

and a camping in the snow till morning; when he would go down to

their assistance。  They had a spacious traveling equipage; and

were; no doubt; well supplied with furs; robes; and provisions for

a several hours' journey; his own pork barrel was quite empty; and

his blankets worn。  He half smiled; extended his long arms in a

decided yawn; and turned back into his cabin to go to bed。  Then he

cast a final glance around the interior。  Everything was all right;

his loaded rifle stood against the wall; he had just raked ashes

over the embers of his fire to keep it intact till morning。  Only

one thing slightly troubled him; a grizzly bear; two…thirds grown;

but only half tamed; which had been given to him by a young lady

named 〃Miggles;〃 when that charming and historic girl had decided

to accompany her paralytic lover to the San Francisco hospital; was

missing that evening。  It had been its regular habit to come to the

door every night for some sweet biscuit or sugar before going to

its lair in the underbrush behind the cabin。  Everybody knew it

along the length and breadth of Hemlock Ridge; as well as the fact

of its being a legacy from the fair exile。  No rifle had ever yet

been raised against its lazy bulk or the stupid; small…eyed head

and ruff of circling hairs made more erect by its well…worn leather

collar。  Consoling himself with the thought that the storm had

probably delayed its return; Jack took off his coat and threw it on

his bunk。  But from thinking of the storm his thoughts naturally

returned again to the impeded travelers below him; and he half

mechanically stepped out in his shirt…sleeves for a final look at


But here something occurred that changed his resolution entirely。

He had previously noticed only the three foreshortened; crawling

figures around the now stationary wagon bulk。  They were now

apparently making arrangements to camp for the night。  But another

figure had been added to the group; and as it stood perched upon a

wagon seat laid on the snow Jack could see that its outline was not

bifurcated like the others。  But even that general suggestion was

not needed! the little head; the symmetrical curves visible even at

that distance; were quite enough to indicate that it was a woman!

The easy smile faded from Jack's face; and was succeeded by a look

of concern and then of resignation。  He had no choice now; he MUST

go!  There was a woman there; and that settled it。  Yet he had

arrived at this conclusion from no sense of gallantry; nor; indeed;

of chivalrous transport; but as a matter of simple duty to the sex。

He was giving up his sleep; was going down six hundred feet of

steep trail to offer his services during the rest of the night as

much as a matter of course as an Eastern man would have offered his

seat in an omnibus to a woman; and with as little expectation of

return for his courtesy。

Having resumed his coat; with a bottle of whiskey thrust into its

pocket; he put on a pair of india…rubber boots reaching to his

thighs; and; catching the blanket from his bunk; started with an

axe and shovel on his shoulder on his downward journey。  When the

distance was half completed he shouted to the travelers below; the

cry was joyously answered by the three men; he saw the fourth

figure; now unmistakably that of a slender youthful woman; in a

cloak; helped back into the wagon; as if deliverance was now sure

and immediate。  But Jack on arriving speedily dissipated that

illusive hope; they could only get through the gorge by taking off

the wheels of the wagon; placing the axle on rude sledge…runners of

split saplings; which; with their assistance; he would fashion in a

couple of hours at his cabin and bring down to the gorge。  The only

other alternative would be for them to come to his cabin and remain

there while he went for assistance to the nearest station; but that

would take several hours and necessitate a double journey for the

sledge if he was lucky enough to find one。  The party quickly

acquiesced in Jack's firs
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