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tales of trail and town-第6部分

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had caught from the chiefs; said: 〃He says he knew your father。  He

was a great chief;with many horses and many squaws。  He is dead。〃

〃My father was an Englishman;Philip Atherly!〃 said Peter; with an

odd nervousness creeping over him。

The interpreter repeated the words to Grey Eagle; who; after a

guttural 〃Ugh!〃 answered in his own tongue。

〃He says;〃 continued the interpreter with a slight shrug; yet

relapsing into his former impassiveness; 〃that your father was a

great chief; and your mother a pale face; or white woman。  She was

captured with an Englishman; but she became the wife of the chief

while in captivity。  She was only released before the birth of her

children; but a year or two afterwards she brought them as infants

to see their father;the Great Chief;and to get the mark of

their tribe。  He says you and your sister are each marked on the

left arm。〃

Then Gray Eagle opened his mouth and uttered his first English

sentence。  〃His father; big Injin; take common white squaw!

Papoose no good;too much white squaw mother; not enough big Injin

father!  Look!  He big man; but no can bear pain!  Ugh!〃

The interpreter turned in time to catch Peter。  He had fainted。


A hot afternoon on the plains。  A dusty cavalcade of United States

cavalry and commissary wagons; which from a distance preserved a

certain military precision of movement; but on nearer view resolved

itself into straggling troopers in twos and fours interspersed

between the wagons; two noncommissioned officers and a guide riding

ahead; who had already fallen into the cavalry slouch; but off to

the right; smartly erect and cadet…like; the young lieutenant in

command。  A wide road that had the appearance of being at once well

traveled and yet deserted; and that; although well defined under

foot; still seemed to disappear and lose itself a hundred feet

ahead in the monotonous level。  A horizon that in that clear; dry;

hazeless atmosphere never mocked you; yet never changed; but kept

its eternal rim of mountains at the same height and distance from

hour to hour and day to day。  Dusta parching alkaline powder that

cracked the skineverywhere; clinging to the hubs and spokes of

the wheels; without being disturbed by movement; incrusting the

cavalryman from his high boots to the crossed sabres of his cap;

going off in small puffs like explosions under the plunging hoofs

of the horses; but too heavy to rise and follow them。  A reeking

smell of horse sweat and boot leather that lingered in the road

long after the train had passed。  An external silence broken only

by the cough of a jaded horse in the suffocating dust; or the

cracking of harness leather。  Within one of the wagons that seemed

a miracle of military neatness and methodical stowage; a lazy

conversation carried on by a grizzled driver and sunbrowned farrier。

〃'Who be you?' sezee。  'I'm Philip Atherly; a member of Congress;'

sez the long; dark…complected man; sezee; 'and I'm on a commission

for looking into this yer Injin grievance;' sezee。  'You may be God

Almighty;' sez Nebraska Bill; sezee; 'but you look a dd sight

more like a hoss…stealin' Apache; and we don't want any of your

psalm…singing; big…talkin' peacemakers interferin' with our ways of

treatin' pizen;you hear me?  I'm shoutin';' sezee。  With that the

dark…complected man's eyes began to glisten; and he sorter squirmed

all over to get at Bill; and Bill outs with his battery。Whoa;

will ye; what's up with YOU now?〃  The latter remark was directed

to the young spirited near horse he was driving; who was beginning

to be strangely excited。

〃What happened then?〃 said the farrier lazily。

〃Well;〃 continued the driver; having momentarily quieted his horse;

〃I reckoned it was about time for me to wheel into line; for

fellers of the Bill stripe; out on the plains; would ez leave plug

a man in citizen's clothes; even if he was the President himself;

as they would drop on an Injin or a nigger。  'Look here; Bill;' sez

I; 'I'm escortin' this stranger under gov'ment orders; and I'm

responsible for him。  I ain't allowed to waste gov'ment powder and

shot on YOUR kind onless I've orders; but if you'll wait till I

strip off this shell* I'll lam the stuffin' outer ye; afore the

stranger。'  With that Bill just danced with rage; but dassent fire;

for HE knew; and I knew; that if he'd plugged me he'd been a dead

frontiersman afore the next mornin'。〃

* Cavalry jacket。

〃But you'd have had to give him up to the authorities; and a jury

of his own kind would have set him free。〃

〃Not much!  If you hadn't just joined; you'd know that ain't the

way o' 30th Cavalry;〃 returned the driver。  〃The kernel would have

issued his orders to bring in Bill dead or alive; and the 30th

would have managed to bring him in DEAD!  Then your jury might have

sat on him!  Tell you what; chaps of the Bill stripe don't care

overmuch to tackle the yaller braid。〃*

* Characteristic trimming of cavalry jacket。

〃But what's this yer Congressman interferin' for; anyway?〃

〃He's a rich Californian。  Thinks he's got a 'call;' I reckon; to

look arter Injins; just as them Abolitionists looked arter slaves。

And get hated just as they was by the folks here;and as WE are;

too; for the matter of that。〃

〃Well; I dunno;〃 rejoined the farrier; 〃it don't seem nateral for

white men to quarrel with each other about the way to treat an

Injin; and that Injin lyin' in ambush to shoot 'em both。  And ef

gov'ment would only make up its mind how to treat 'em; instead of

one day pretendin' to be their 'Great Father' and treatin' them

like babies; and the next makin' treaties with 'em like as they wos

forriners; and the next sendin' out a handful of us to lick ten

thousand of them  Wot's the use of ONE regimenteven twoagin a

nationon their own ground?〃

〃A nation;and on their own ground;that's just whar you've hit

it; Softy。  That's the argument of that Congressman Atherly; as

I've heard him talk with the kernel。〃

〃And what did the kernel say?〃

〃The kernel reckoned it was his business to obey orders;and so

should you。  So shut your head!  If ye wanted to talk about

gov'ment ye might say suthin' about its usin' us to convoy picnics

and excursion parties around; who come out here to have a day's

shootin'; under some big…wig of a political boss or a railroad

president; with a letter to the general。  And WE'RE told off to

look arter their precious skins; and keep the Injins off 'em;and

they shootin' or skeerin' off the Injins' nat'ral game; and our

provender!  Darn my skin ef there'll be much to scout for ef this

goes on。  And b'gosh!of they aren't now ringin' in a lot of

titled forriners to hunt 'big game;' as they call it;Lord This…

and…That and Count So…and…So;all of 'em with letters to the

general from the Washington cabinet to show 'hospitality;' or from

millionaires who've bin hobnobbin' with 'em in the old country。

And darn my skin ef some of 'em ain't bringin' their wives and

sisters along too。  There was a lord and lady passed through here

under escort last week; and we're goin' to pick up some more of 'em

at Fort Biggs tomorrow;and I reckon some of us will be told off

to act as ladies' maids or milliners。  Nothin' short of a good

Injin scare; I reckon; would send them and us about our reg'lar

business。  Whoa; then; will ye?  At it again; are ye?  What's gone

of the dd critter?〃

Here the fractious near horse was again beginning to show signs of

disturbance and active terror。  His quivering nostrils were turned

towards the wind; and he almost leaped the centre pole in his

frantic effort to avoid it。  The eyes of the two men were turned

instinctively in that direction。  Nothing was to be seen;the

illimitable plain and the sinking sun were all that met the eye。

But the horse continued to struggle; and the wagon stopped。  Then

it was discovered that the horse of an adjacent trooper was also

laboring under the same mysterious excitement; and at the same

moment wagon No。 3 halted。  The infection of some inexplicable

terror was spreading among them。  Then two non…commissioned

officers came riding down the line at a sharp canter; and were

joined quickly by the young lieutenant; who gave an order。  The

trumpeter instinctively raised his instrument to his lips; but was

stopped by another order。

And then; as seen by a distant observer; a singular spectacle was

unfolded。  The straggling train suddenly seemed to resolve itself

into a large widening circle of horsemen; revolving round and

partly hiding the few heavy wagons that were being rapidly freed

from their struggling teams。  These; too; joined the circle; and

were driven before the whirling troopers。  Gradually the circle

seemed to grow smaller under the 〃winding…up〃 of those evolutions;

until the horseless wagons reappeared again; motionless; fronting

the four points of the compass; thus making the radii of a smaller

inner circle; into which the teams of the wagons as well as the

troopers' horses were closely 〃wound up〃 and densely packed

together in an immovable mass。  As the circle became smaller the

troopers leaped from their horses;which; however; continued to

blindly follow each other in the narrower circle;and ran to the

wagons; carbines in hand。  In five minutes from the time of giving

the order the straggling train was a fortified camp; the horses

corralled in the centre; the dismounted troopers securely posted

with their repeating carbines in the angles of the rude bastions

formed by the deserted wagons; and ready for an attack。  The

stampede; if such it was; was stopped。

And yet no cause for it was to be seen!  Nothing in earth or sky

suggested a reason for this extraordinary panic; or the marvelous

evolution that suppressed it。  The guide; with three men in open

order; rode out and radiated across the empt
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