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tales of trail and town-第8部分

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think she confounds me with somebody else; and is strange!

Sometimes when we are in company she stands alone and stares at

everybody; without saying a word; as if she didn't understand them。

Or else she gets painfully excited and dances all night until she

is exhausted。  I thought; perhaps;〃 he added timidly; 〃that you

might know; and would tell me if she had any singular experience as

a child;any illness; or;〃 he went on still more gently; 〃if

perhaps her mother or father〃

〃No;〃 interrupted Peter almost brusquely; with the sudden conviction

that this was no time for revelation of his secret; 〃no; nothing。〃

〃The doctor says;〃 continued Lascelles with that hesitating; almost

mystic delicacy with which most gentlemen approach a subject upon

which their wives talk openly; 〃that it may be owing to Jenny's

peculiar state of health just now; you know; and that ifall went

well; you know; and there should bedon't you seea little


Peter interrupted him with a start。  A child!  Jenny's child!

Silver Cloud's grandchild!  This was a complication he had not

thought of。  No!  It was too late to tell his secret now。  He only

nodded his head abstractedly and said coldly; 〃I dare say he is


Nevertheless; Jenny was looking remarkably well。  Perhaps it was

the excitement of travel and new surroundings; but her tall; lithe

figure; nearly half a head taller than her husband's; was a

striking one among the officers' wives in the commandant's sitting…

room。  Her olive cheek glowed with a faint illuminating color;

there was something even patrician in her slightly curved nose and

high cheek bones; and her smile; rare even in her most excited

moments; was; like her brother's; singularly fascinating。  The

officers evidently thought so too; and when the young lieutenant of

the commissary escort; fresh from West Point and Flirtation Walk;

gallantly attached himself to her; the ladies were slightly

scandalized at the naive air of camaraderie with which Mrs。

Lascelles received his attentions。  Even Peter was a little

disturbed。  Only Lascelles; delighted with his wife's animation;

and pleased at her success; gazed at her with unqualified

admiration。  Indeed; he was so satisfied with her improvement; and

so sanguine of her ultimate recovery; that he felt justified in

leaving her with her brother and returning to Omaha by the regular

mail wagon next day。  There was no danger to be apprehended in her

accompanying Peter; they would have a full escort; the reservation

lay in a direction unfrequented by marauding tribes; the road was

the principal one used by the government to connect the fort with

the settlements; and well traveled; the officers' wives had often

journeyed thither。

The childish curiosity and high spirits which Jenny showed on the

journey to the reservation was increased when she reached it and

drew up before the house of the Indian agent。  Peter was relieved;

he had been anxious and nervous as to any instinctive effect which

might be produced on her excitable nature by a first view of her

own kinsfolk; although she was still ignorant of her relationship。

Her interest and curiosity; however; had nothing abnormal in it。

But he was not prepared for the effect produced upon THEM at her

first appearance。  A few of the braves gathered eagerly around her;

and one even addressed her in his own guttural tongue; at which she

betrayed a slight feeling of alarm; and Peter saw with satisfaction

that she drew close to him。  Knowing that his old interpreter and

Gray Eagle were of a different and hostile tribe a hundred miles

away; and that his secret was safe with them; he simply introduced

her as his sister。  But he presently found that the braves had

added to their curiosity a certain suspiciousness and sullen

demeanor; and he was glad to resign his sister into the hands of

the agent's wife; while he prosecuted his business of examination

and inspection。  Later; on his return to the cabin; he was met by

the agent; who seemed to be with difficulty suppressing a laugh。

〃Your sister is exciting quite a sensation here;〃 he said。  〃Do you

know that some of these idiotic braves and the Medicine Man insist

upon it that she's A SQUAW; and that you're keeping her in

captivity against your plighted faith to them!  You'll excuse me;〃

he went on with an attempt to recover his gravity; 〃troubling you

with their dd fool talk; and you won't say anything to HER about

it; but I thought you ought to know it on account of your position

among 'em。  You don't want to lose their confidence; and you know

how easily their skeery faculties are stampeded with an idea!〃

〃Where is she now?〃 demanded Peter; with a darkening face。

〃Somewhere with the squaws; I reckon。  I thought she might be a

little skeered of the braves; and I've kept them away。  SHE'S all

right; you know; only if you intend to stay here long I'd〃

But Peter was already striding away in the direction of a thicket

of cottonwood where he heard the ripple of women's and children's

voices。  When he had penetrated it; he found his sister sitting on

a stump; surrounded by a laughing; gesticulating crowd of young

girls and old women; with a tightly swaddled papoose in her lap。

Some of them had already half mischievously; half curiously

possessed themselves of her dust cloak; hat; parasol; and gloves;

and were parading before her in their grotesque finery; apparently

as much to her childish excited amusement as their own。  She was

even answering their gesticulations with equivalent gestures in her

attempt to understand them; and trying amidst shouts of laughter to

respond to the monotonous chant of the old women who were

zigzagging a dance before her。  With the gayly striped blankets

lying on the ground; the strings of beads; wampum; and highly

colored feathers hanging from the trees; and the flickering lights

and shadows; it was an innocent and even idyllic picture; but the

more experienced Peter saw in the performances only the uncertain

temper and want of consecutive idea of playing animals; and the

stolid unwinking papoose in his sister's lap gave his sentiment a

momentary shock。

Seeing him approach she ran to meet him; the squaws and children

slinking away from his grave face。  〃I have had such a funny time;

Peter!  Only to think of it; I believe they've never seen men or

women with decent clothes before;of course the settlers' wives

don't dress much;and I believe they'd have had everything I

possess if you hadn't come。  But they're TOO funny for anything。

It was killing to see them put on my hat wrong side before; and try

to make one out of my parasol。  But I like them a great deal better

than those gloomy chiefs; and I think I understand them almost。

And do you know; Peter; somehow I seem to have known them all

before。  And those dear little papooses; aren't they ridiculously

lovely。  I only wish〃she stopped; for Peter had somewhat

hurriedly taken the Indian boy from her arms and restored it to the

frightened mother。  A singular change came over her face; and she

glanced at him quickly。  But she resumed; with a heightened color;

〃I like it ever so much better here than down at the fort。  And

ever so much better than New York。  I don't wonder that you like

them so much; Peter; and are so devoted to them。  Don't be angry;

dear; because I let them have my things; I'm sure I never cared

particularly for them; and I think it would be such fun to dress as

they do。〃  Peter remembered keenly his sudden shock at her

precipitate change to bright colors after leaving her novitiate at

the Sacred Heart。  〃I do hope;〃 she went on eagerly; 〃that we are

going to stay a long time here。〃

〃We are leaving to…morrow;〃 he said curtly。  〃I find I have urgent

business at the fort。〃

And they did leave。  None too soon; thought Peter and the Indian

agent; as they glanced at the faces of the dusky chiefs who had

gathered around the cabin。  Luckily the presence of their cavalry

escort rendered any outbreak impossible; and the stoical

taciturnity of the race kept Peter from any verbal insult。  But

Mrs。 Lascelles noticed their lowering dissatisfaction; and her eyes

flashed。  〃I wonder you don't punish them;〃 she said simply。

For a few days after their return she did not allude to her visit;

and Peter was beginning to think that her late impressions were as

volatile as they were childlike。  He devoted himself to his

government report; and while he kept up his communications with the

reservation and the agent; for the present domiciled himself at the


Colonel Bryce; the commandant though doubtful of civilians; was not

slow to appreciate the difference of playing host to a man of

Atherly's wealth and position and even found in Peter's reserve and

melancholy an agreeable relief to the somewhat boisterous and

material recreations of garrison life; and a gentle check upon the

younger officers。  For; while Peter did not gamble or drink; there

was yet an unobtrusive and gentle dignity in his abstention that

relieved him from the attitude of a prig or an 〃example。〃  Mrs。

Lascelles was popular with the officers; and accepted more

tolerantly by the wives; since they recognized her harmlessness。

Once or twice she was found apparently interested in the

gesticulations of a few 〃friendlies〃 who had penetrated the parade

ground of the fort to barter beads and wampum。  The colonel was

obliged at last to caution her against this; as it was found that in

her inexperience she had given them certain articles that were

contraband of the rules; and finally to stop them from an intrusion

which was becoming more frequent and annoying。  Left thus to

herself; she relieved her isolation by walks beyond the precincts of

the garrison; where she frequently met those 〃friendly〃 wanderers;

chiefly squaws and children。  Here she was again cautioned by the

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