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on the firing line-第14部分

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〃No;〃 he assented; 〃but neither can one ever really be chums with his hero。 Or; even if he can; he doesn't care to try the experiment。〃

Alice glanced at her watch; rose; then lingered。

〃I am not so sure of that;〃 she replied thoughtfully。 〃I want the pedestal of my hero to be a low one; and Cooee declares that she wishes no pedestal at all。 If her hero is worthy of the name; he must bear inspection even from above。 The worst flaw of all might lurk in the very crown of his head。〃

Half an hour later; she came back again。

〃Mr。 Weldon; do you feel strong enough to see Kruger Bobs for exactly five minutes?〃 she asked。

The gray eyes lighted。

〃For ten times five;〃 he answered eagerly。

Kruger Bobs shuffled in upon the heels of an orderly。 Under his bristly hair; his face was a study of mingled emotions which culminated in his mouth。 A grin of pure happiness had drawn up the upper lip; at sight of his prostrate master; the lower one was rolling outward in a sudden wave of pure pity。 Beside the cot; he halted and stood looking down at Weldon with eyes which; for the moment; transformed his lazy; jolly; simian face into a species of nobility。 Lying back on his pillow; Weldon waited for him to speak; waited with an odd; restless beating of the heart for which he was wholly at a loss to account。

The pause between them lengthened。 At last Kruger Bobs drew his mangy brown felt hat across his eyes。

〃I's here; Boss;〃 he said simply。

However; it was enough。

The next morning found Weldon sitting up。 A clean…cut hole through the flesh of a man who has lived a clean…cut life is swift in healing。 Now that his fever had left him; his superb vitality was asserting itself once more; and he rallied quickly。 Meanwhile; it was good to be able to sit up and eat his breakfast like a civilized being。 Weldon had all the detestation of the average healthy being for invalid ways。 Moreover; he longed to be up and doing。 With his growing strength; the orderly; noiseless routine of the hospital came upon his nerves。 One of the nurses always walked on the points of her toes; and he was conscious of a wild longing to throw a pillow at her; as she went diddling to and fro past him; a dozen times a day。 The doctor; a man of iron nerve and velvet hand; was a daily delight to him。 And there was always Alice; frank; friendly and altogether enjoyable。 During the past three days; their liking had grown apace。 Absolutely feminine; yet with the healthy impersonality of a growing boy; Alice Mellen was a born comrade; and Weldon enjoyed her just as; in her place; he would have enjoyed Carew。

She came down the ward; that morning; and paused beside his chair。

〃You look like your old self at last;〃 she said; as she held out her hand in congratulation。

〃I might echo your words;〃 he answered; while he looked up into her eyes; shining with merriment and with something that yet seemed to him closely akin to annoyance。 〃Granted the apron; you might be pouring tea at home。〃

〃Not tea; but malted milk; in these latter days;〃 she said; laughing。 〃But I am about to retire from your case。 May I introduce your new nurse; Mr。 Weldon?〃

His reluctant assent was changed to eager greeting。 Light; swift steps came down the room; a tall figure stopped at his side in the full glare of a sunshiny window which all at once seemed focussing its light upon waving strands and heaped…up coils of vivid yellow hair。

〃Cooee!〃 Then; too late; he bethought himself of his manners and tried to bite the word off short。

Linking her arm in that of her cousin; the girl stood looking down at him with merry; mocking blue eyes。

〃Invalids are supposed to have privileges denied to well men;〃 she answered demurely。 〃It might perhaps be Cooee here; to…day; but it will have to be Miss Dent; to…morrow; when you are back in the field again。 After all; it is hardly worth while to make the change; Trooper Weldon。〃


Upon one side; at least; the meeting between the two cousins on the previous night had been wholly unexpected。

Late that afternoon; an ambulance train had come in; loaded with men from the over…crowded field hospital at Krugersdorp; and for hours Alice had been in ceaseless attendance upon the surgeon in charge。 Little by little; the girl had found her nerves steadying down to the task in hand; nevertheless; the past ten weeks; in return for the increase of her poise; had taken something from her vitality。 Quickness of eye; firmness of hand; evenness of temper: all these may be gifts of the gods。 Their use is a purely human function; and proportionately exhausting。 The girl's one salvation lay in the fact that her quick sympathy with her patients was for the most part impersonal。 Up to this time; Weldon had been her only patient whom she had known outside the routine duties of her hospital life。 In a sense; it had been a relief to meet some one whom she knew to be of her own world; in a sense; the case had worn upon her acutely。 She could watch with a greater degree of stolidity the sufferings of other men。

Among her new charges; that day; only one had made any distinct impression upon her overworked brain。 That was a jovial young fellow; handsome as Phoebus Apollo; in spite of a slashing scar across one cheek。 He had answered to her questions regarding his wounded foot with an accent so like that of Weldon that involuntarily she lingered beside him to add a word of cheery consolation。 His was her final case; that night。 As she wearily turned towards her own room; she made no effort to analyze her exhaustion。

She found Ethel; still in her hat and jacket; sitting on the edge of her own narrow cot。

〃Cooee Dent!〃

〃Yes; dear。〃 The girl's tone was nonchalant; even while the telltale color came into her cheeks。

〃What are you doing here?〃

〃Visiting you; of course。〃

〃Visiting me! But; Cooee; I really don't know where I can put you。〃

With perfect composure; Ethel passed her hand over the surface of the cot。

〃Oh; I think this nutmeg…grater will carry two。 Still; Alice; I must say that your hospitality isn't exactly exuberant。〃

Alice dropped into a chair and wearily pushed her hair still farther back from her forehead。

〃But; Cooee〃

〃Aren't you glad to see me?〃 Ethel demanded。

〃Certainly。 You are always a dear; butI wish I had known you were coming。〃

Ethel raised her brows; and a slight edge came into her voice。

〃If you don't want me; Alice; I can go home in the morning。〃

Dimly aware that her cousin was fencing with an invisible adversary; nevertheless Alice Mellen was too tired; that night; to range herself upon the side of that adversary。 As far as she was concerned; Ethel had dropped upon her like a bolt from the blue。 She was too busy; too absorbed in her patients to give more than a passing thought to even her most intimate cousin。 And besides; WeldonShe pulled herself together sharply。

〃Of course I want you; Cooee dear。 It is only a bit sudden; and I am trying to think what to do with you。〃

Now and then Ethel turned wayward。 This was one of the times。

〃If you didn't know what to do with me; Alice; then why did you ask me to come?〃

〃But I didn't;〃 Alice responded; too astonished to modify her denial into a polite form of fibbing。

Ethers tone was gently superior。

〃Oh; yes; you did。〃


〃When you were leaving home。 You said then that I must be sure to come up to spend a week with you; early in the winter。〃 Then her accent changed。 〃You poor tired child!〃 she said; as she rose and crossed to her cousin's side。 〃This work is too hard for you; you look as if you had been fighting the Boers themselves; instead of merely enteric and bullet holes。 I think it is just as well that I am here to look out for you; for a few days。〃

Alice lifted her hand to the hand that lay against her cheek。

〃I am glad to see you; Cooee dear。 I am only so surprised that it makes me slow to tell you so。 If you can sleep here; to…night; I can find a better place for you in the morning。〃

〃This will do;〃 Ethel answered; while she slowly drew the pins from her hat。 〃It is neat; even if it isn't spacious。 Really; Alice; I should have let you know; but it was only just as I was starting that I found I could come at all。 Father is at home; and mother is unusually well; and I thought I would best make the most of the opportunity。〃

Crossing the room to the table; she stood with her back to her cousin; while she smoothed the feathers in her hat。 Then; without turning; she asked abruptly;

〃How is Mr。 Weldon?〃


〃Out of all danger?〃

〃Yes。 Not that he has been in much danger; anyway。〃

〃Oh; I thought〃

Then silence fell。

Alice; meanwhile; was busy with a swift calculation。 Five days; in these troubled times; for a letter to go from Johannesburg to Cape Town; five days since Ethel could have left Cape Town。 And her one letter to Ethel since Weldon's arrival had been posted just three days before。

〃How did you know Mr。 Weldon was here?〃 she asked sharply。

Ethel's back was still turned towards her。 Nevertheless; she could see the scarlet tide mounting to the ears and to the roots of the vivid gold hair。

〃Why; your letter; Alice;〃 Ethel answered composedly。

Alice's laugh was sharp and edged with malice。

〃Yes; dear。 My letter; telling you of his being here; will be delivered at your house to…morrow morning。〃

〃Oh; then I must have mixed things up;〃 Ethel replied; as she turned to face her cousin。 〃Probably Captain Frazer told me。〃

〃Captain Frazer?〃

〃Yes; he came down to Cape Town; just before I left there。 I remember now; he was the one who told me。 He was near Mr。 Weldon at Vlaakfontein; he knew all about his awful ride into Krugersdorp; and I believe he did say be was to be brought here。〃

For a moment more; the two pairs of eyes; the blue and the black; met in steady warfare; neither one yielding in the least; neither one quite aware how much she was betraying to the other。

〃Well; what of it?〃 Ethel demanded tempestuously then。

〃Nothing; onlyare you sure you were wise to come?〃

The blue eyes blazed。

〃And what do you mean by that; Alice? You asked me to visit you here; to see your work among your patients。 I have come。 If I came at all; it had to 
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