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on the firing line-第30部分

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e end was not yet。 From beyond the ridge; Weldon could hear the guns still pounding ceaselessly。 He knew that; half a mile in the rear; his colonel was watching for him to come to the crest of the hill; that; in a sense; the whole game was waiting upon his moves。 Whirling himself about; he gave a short; sharp order。 Scarcely a moment later; he was astonished to see the Boers in the pass giving way before the mad rush of his paltry fifteen men。 The narrow pass was his own。

Beyond the pass were more ridges; some parallel with his course; some crossing it。 Far to the eastward; he could see a moving spot; black even in the increasing darkness of the night。 Leaving Piggie to pick her own way along the rocky ridge; he rose in his stirrups; shaded his eyes with his hands and peered anxiously towards the spot。 At last his straining eyes could make out eight Boer horsemen; riding furiously towards the peak which he was in honor bound to hold。 And their course was the chord of the arc of his own circle。 He dropped back to the saddle where he bent low; yielding his whole body to the flying body of his horse。

The crest was sharp。 To the east; its approach was more easy; but on the west it offered a wall of blank; black rock。 The fat Boer ponies were still at some distance from the eastern slope; when Weldon flung himself from his panting broncho。 Carew protested; as they told off by fours and he was left; the third man; with Paddy's mount; the gray broncho and a huge brown Argentine horse on his hands。

〃Sorry; old man!〃 Weldon said briefly。 〃It's luck; and dead against you。 Still; it may save Miss Mellen a bad half…hour。 Look out for Piggie。 She deserves it。〃 And; turning; he led the way up the wall of rock; with thirteen men; breathless; grim and eager; scrambling at his heels。

For moments; it seemed to him that Fate was idly tossing the dice to and fro; before allowing herself to make the final; decisive cast。 From the farther side of the hill; he heard a sudden terrified snort from one of the Boer ponies; then the thud of feet; as they charged up the approaches of the long slope。 From behind him; there arose a groan; as one of the men; missing his foothold in the deepening dusk; crashed back against the loose rocks at the bottom of the hill。 Then a shot and a whinnying moan told him that Carew and his three comrades had edged around the base of the hill into range of the enemy above them。 The man might be wounded; too; as well as the mount。 Seven Boers; and they were thirteen in all。 The cast was all for

A dash of light! A rattle of firing! Three of his men dropped backwards。 The other ten looked up to face a second flash from the summit。 Only eight heard the answering echoes which came rolling back to them from the encircling hills。 Then Paddy's voice came in his ears; low; but as unconcerned as ever。

〃Remember the fellow who was rejected on account of his teeth; little Canuck? 'Faith;' he said; 'it's shooting the damned Boers I want to be; not eating them。' But; by the holy Virgin Mary; in another ten minutes we'll be shaking 'em between our teeth。〃

The next flash but one showed only five men on the steep rocky wall; but those five men were close to the summit。 Once on the top; their rifles could come into play。 It was maddening to be picked off; like stuffed crows resting on a tree branch; maddening to listen to the low sounds from beneath which told them that some one of their comrades was facing the end of his fight。 Then; just as they reached the summit; one of their five dropped; with a bullet shattering the bone of his ankle。

〃Go on; boys! You'll get there;〃 he said; as the next in line dashed past him。 〃The hill is Weldon's。 Mind you hold it for him。 The devil is in him; and he's bound to win。〃

On top of the hill; six Boers were huddled in the scant shelter of a few low; scattered rocks tufted with a bunch of brush whose bleached stalks marked the darkness with a pale line of range for their fire。 The next volley went astray。 It was answered by the crack of Paddy's rifle。 Paddy's chuckle followed close on the crack。 〃I rolled him over like a sausage in the hot fat;〃 he commented; as he took a second aim。 〃Here goes for another; and may his bed in heaven have a valance to hide his sins!〃 A second Boer vanished behind the rocks。

Four Boers in shelter; four Britons in the open; and; on the plain beneath; twenty…seven hundred men were waiting to see the outcome of the game。

The tension of the eight men increased。 It rendered their aim unsteady。 Under its influence; seven men fell to wasting their ammunition。 The eighth was Paddy。 Firing rarely; his rare bullets told。 Now a finger was shattered; now an ear was grazed。

〃I'm not doing much killing; but; faith; I'm warming 'em up a bit;〃 he said; as he halted to cool his rifle。 〃It's keeping the ball a… rolling; and them busy。 Else; belike they'd find Satan filling the idle hands of them with bad deeds。 Little Canuck dear; this is hot work for a boy。〃

Weldon nodded。 His hat had been lost in the scramble up the hill; his putties were dragged into heaps of khaki about his knees; the shoulder of his coat was torn by a passing bullet and a scarlet trickle lined his cheek; but his face was alert and eager; his lips parted in a half…smile which brought back to Paddy's mind a dim picture of the boyish trooper he had known and loved at Piquetberg Road。 Then another man in khaki dropped at their feet。 The lines of Weldon's mouth straightened。

〃No go;〃 he said briefly。 〃We must charge。 It's our only chance。〃

Paddy took one last; hasty shot。 Then; gripping his rifle; he turned to Weldon。

〃True; little Canuck;〃 he answered loyally。 〃Go on; and be sure Paddy will follow you to the other edge of the grave!〃

He spoke truthfully。 The reinforcements came rushing up the eastern slope of the hill; to find their pathway encumbered with bearded men in frock…coats and bandoliers。 On top of the crest; surrounded by the wounded and the dying; sat a single man in khaki; the light of victory in his gleaming eyes; and Paddy's lifeless body clasped in his weary arms。


〃Yes;〃 Carew said meditatively; 〃I wish there had been glory enough to go around。 As long as there wasn't; though; I am glad it was fated to fall to your share。〃

Weldon hurled a little black stone at a great black rock。

〃Not so much glory; after all。〃

Carew raised his eyes and apostrophized the dark gray clouds rushing across the paler gray arch of the sky。

〃Just listen to the man! What can he be wanting? 'Not so much glory!' And he recommended for a V。 C。!〃

Weldon shook his head。

〃What does it profit a man;〃 he paraphrased; 〃if he gain the V。 C。 and lose one of his best friends? Besides; I didn't gain it; it was fated。 Paddy was as brave as I; and so were half a dozen more of them。 It was only chance that brought me through the bullets。〃

〃Poor Paddy!〃 Carew's tone was full of thoughtful regret。

〃Not poor at all。 He had the end we all are wishing for。 He died with his boots on; and fighting pluckily for a forlorn hope。 We can't mourn a man that we envy。〃

Half way to the distant sky…line; the horses of the squadron were grazing peacefully over the stubbly grass。 The corporal and the third of the troopers appointed to guard them were far away towards the crest of a ridge to the westward; and Carew and Weldon were alone。 Carew sat silent for a moment; his eyes on the scattered groups of horses。 Then he turned and looked directly at his friend。

〃Perhaps;〃 he assented。 〃I was sorry to be out of the scrimmage。 It took all my grit to obey you; old man; but it was an order。 Now it is over〃

〃Well?〃 Weldon prompted him。

〃Now it is over; I am less sorry than I was。 The fact is; the future holds a good deal for us。〃

〃For you; perhaps。〃

〃For you; too。 The whole future of a man doesn't go to wreck in an hour。 There are other crises later on; and some of them are bound to come out well。 Save yourself for those; Weldon。 There is no especial use in throwing yourself away。〃

〃I'm not。 But; when the order comes; I must obey it;〃 Weldon said gloomily。

〃It depends something on the order; but it depends a good sight more on the way you obey it。 When a man comes into collision with a bulldog; it's generally wise to grapple with him back of his teeth; else; you may lose a thumb or two。 It's the same way with your orders here。 Because you don't funk; there is no reason you should flirt with an early death。〃

〃But I don't。〃

〃What about now?〃

〃What do you mean?〃

〃That you ought to be in hospital。〃

Weldon threw back his head and laughed; but mirthlessly。

〃Why; then?〃

Without speaking; Carew took out his pipe; filled it and began fumbling in his pocket。

〃Have you a match?〃 he asked。

Weldon nodded; produced the match; lighted it and held it to the extended pipe。 Carew's eyes; drooped to the bowl; watched the bit of flame。

〃Do you call that a steady hand?〃 he asked then。 〃Man; you're ill; I tell you。 Your face is hot and your hands are cold; and your nerves are worn to shoestrings; frayed shoestrings at that。 If you keep on; you'll be down flatter than you like。 You ought to have stopped four weeks ago。〃

Weldon crossed his arms at the nape of his neck and lay back at his ease on the ground。

〃Then what would have become of my V。 C。?〃 he queried; with languid indifference。

〃But I thought you claimed not to care for your V。 C。〃

〃I don't。 My friends may; however。〃 〃As a legacy? I think your friends may possibly choose you to the V。 C。〃

〃Foolish of them;〃 Weldon commented。 〃Still; 'If we could choose the time; and choose aright; 'T were best to die; our honor at the height。' I learned that when I was a small boy; but I've only just found out what it means。〃

With scoffing lips; but eyes full of unspoken love; Carew turned on his friend。

〃Don't dodder; Weldon;〃 he counselled him。 〃That's canting drivvle; made to console the unsuccessful。 No man knows when he has reached his high…water mark。 Yours may have come on the day you licked Stevie Ballard for gilding the tailless cat; it may not come till you are ninety。〃

〃No。〃 The syllable was quiet; deliberate。 Then Weldon roused himself and sat up to speak with sudden energy。
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