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tommy and co.-第10部分

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five; and Janet Helvetia; quite a beginner; who took lift 

There are no such things as facts。  Narrow…minded folksurveyors; 
auctioneers; and such likewould have insisted that the garden 
between the old Georgian house and Nevill's Court was a strip of 
land one hundred and eighteen feet by ninety…two; containing a 
laburnum tree; six laurel bushes; and a dwarf deodora。  To 
Nathaniel George and Janet Helvetia it was the land of Thule; 〃the 
furthest boundaries of which no man has reached。〃  On rainy Sunday 
afternoons they played in the great; gloomy pressroom; where silent 
ogres; standing motionless; stretched out iron arms to seize them 
as they ran。  Then just when Nathaniel George was eight; and Janet 
Helvetia four and a half; Hezekiah launched the celebrated 
〃Grindley's Sauce。〃  It added a relish to chops and steaks; 
transformed cold mutton into a luxury; and swelled the head of 
Hezekiah Grindleywhich was big enough in all conscience as it 
wasand shrivelled up his little hard heart。  The Grindleys and 
the Appleyards visited no more。  As a sensible fellow ought to have 
seen for himself; so thought Hezekiah; the Sauce had altered all 
things。  The possibility of a marriage between their children; 
things having remained equal; might have been a pretty fancy; but 
the son of the great Grindley; whose name in three…foot letters 
faced the world from every hoarding; would have to look higher than 
a printer's daughter。  Solomon; a sudden and vehement convert to 
the principles of mediaeval feudalism; would rather see his only 
child; granddaughter of the author of The History of Kettlewell and 
other works; dead and buried than married to a grocer's son; even 
though he might inherit a fortune made out of poisoning the public 
with a mixture of mustard and sour beer。  It was many years before 
Nathaniel George and Janet Helvetia met one another again; and when 
they did they had forgotten one another;

Hezekiah S。 Grindley; a short; stout; and pompous gentleman; sat 
under a palm in the gorgeously furnished drawing…room of his big 
house at Notting Hill。  Mrs。 Grindley; a thin; faded woman; the 
despair of her dressmaker; sat as near to the fire as its massive 
and imposing copper outworks would permit; and shivered。  Grindley 
junior; a fair…haired; well…shaped youth; with eyes that the other 
sex found attractive; leant with his hands in his pockets against a 
scrupulously robed statue of Diana; and appeared uncomfortable。

〃I'm making the moneymaking it hand over fist。  All you'll have 
to do will be to spend it;〃 Grindley senior was explaining to his 
son and heir。

〃I'll do that all right; dad。〃

〃I'm not so sure of it;〃 was his father's opinion。  〃You've got to 
prove yourself worthy to spend it。  Don't you think I shall be 
content to have slaved all these years merely to provide a 
brainless young idiot with the means of self…indulgence。  I leave 
my money to somebody worthy of me。  Understand; sir?somebody 
worthy of me。〃

Mrs。 Grindley commenced a sentence; Mr。 Grindley turned his small 
eyes upon her。  The sentence remained unfinished。

〃You were about to say something;〃 her husband reminded her。

Mrs。 Grindley said it was nothing。

〃If it is anything worth hearingif it is anything that will 
assist the discussion; let's have it。〃  Mr。 Grindley waited。  〃If 
not; if you yourself do not consider it worth finishing; why have 
begun it?〃

Mr。 Grindley returned to his son and heir。  〃You haven't done too 
well at schoolin fact; your school career has disappointed me。〃

〃I know I'm not clever;〃 Grindley junior offered as an excuse。

〃Why not?  Why aren't you clever?〃

His son and heir was unable to explain。

〃You are my sonwhy aren't you clever?  It's laziness; sir; sheer 

〃I'll try and do better at Oxford; sirhonour bright I will!〃

〃You had better;〃 advised him his father; 〃because I warn you; your 
whole future depends upon it。  You know me。  You've got to be a 
credit to me; to be worthy of the name of Grindleyor the name; my 
boy; is all you'll have。〃

Old Grindley meant it; and his son knew that he meant it。  The old 
Puritan principles and instincts were strong in the old gentleman
formed; perhaps; the better part of him。  Idleness was an 
abomination to him; devotion to pleasure; other than the pleasure 
of money…making; a grievous sin in his eyes。  Grindley junior fully 
intended to do well at Oxford; and might have succeeded。  In 
accusing himself of lack of cleverness; he did himself an 
injustice。  He had brains; he had energy; he had character。  Our 
virtues can be our stumbling…blocks as well as our vices。  Young 
Grindley had one admirable virtue that needs; above all others; 
careful controlling:  he was amiability itself。  Before the charm 
and sweetness of it; Oxford snobbishness went down。  The Sauce; 
against the earnest counsel of its own advertisement; was 
forgotten; the pickles passed by。  To escape the natural result of 
his popularity would have needed a stronger will than young 
Grindley possessed。  For a time the true state of affairs was 
hidden from the eye of Grindley senior。  To 〃slack〃 it this term; 
with the full determination of 〃swotting〃 it the next; is always 
easy; the difficulty beginning only with the new term。  Possibly 
with luck young Grindley might have retrieved his position and 
covered up the traces of his folly; but for an unfortunate 
accident。  Returning to college with some other choice spirits at 
two o'clock in the morning; it occurred to young Grindley that 
trouble might be saved all round by cutting out a pane of glass 
with a diamond ring and entering his rooms; which were on the 
ground…floor; by the window。  That; in mistake for his own; he 
should have selected the bedroom of the College Rector was a 
misfortune that might have occurred to anyone who had commenced the 
evening on champagne and finished it on whisky。  Young Grindley; 
having been warned already twice before; was 〃sent down。〃  And 
then; of course; the whole history of the three wasted years came 
out。  Old Grindley in his study chair having talked for half an 
hour at the top of his voice; chose; partly by reason of physical 
necessity; partly by reason of dormant dramatic instinct; to speak 
quietly and slowly。

〃I'll give you one chance more; my boy; and one only。  I've tried 
you as a gentlemanperhaps that was my mistake。  Now I'll try you 
as a grocer。〃

〃As a what?〃

〃As a grocer; sirg…r…o…c…e…rgrocer; a man who stands behind a 
counter in a white apron and his shirt…sleeves; who sells tea and 
sugar and candied peel and such…like things to customersold 
ladies; little girls; who rises at six in the morning; takes down 
the shutters; sweeps out the shop; cleans the windows; who has half 
an hour for his dinner of corned beef and bread; who puts up the 
shutters at ten o'clock at night; tidies up the shop; has his 
supper; and goes to bed; feeling his day has not been wasted。  I 
meant to spare you。  I was wrong。  You shall go through the mill as 
I went through it。  If at the end of two years you've done well 
with your time; learned somethinglearned to be a man; at all 
eventsyou can come to me and thank me。〃

〃I'm afraid; sir;〃 suggested Grindley junior; whose handsome face 
during the last few minutes had grown very white; 〃I might not make 
a very satisfactory grocer。  You see; sir; I've had no experience。〃

〃I am glad you have some sense;〃 returned his father drily。  〃You 
are quite right。  Even a grocer's business requires learning。  It 
will cost me a little money; but it will be the last I shall ever 
spend upon you。  For the first year you will have to be 
apprenticed; and I shall allow you something to live on。  It shall 
be more than I had at your agewe'll say a pound a week。  After 
that I shall expect you to keep yourself。〃

Grindley senior rose。  〃You need not give me your answer till the 
evening。  You are of age。  I have no control over you unless you 
are willing to agree。  You can go my way; or you can go your own。〃

Young Grindley; who had inherited a good deal of his father's grit; 
felt very much inclined to go his own; but; hampered on the other 
hand by the sweetness of disposition he had inherited from his 
mother; was unable to withstand the argument of that lady's tears; 
so that evening accepted old Grindley's terms; asking only as a 
favour that the scene of his probation might be in some out…of…the…
way neighbourhood where there would be little chance of his being 
met by old friends。

〃I have thought of all that;〃 answered his father。  〃My object 
isn't to humiliate you more than is necessary for your good。  The 
shop I have already selected; on the assumption that you would 
submit; is as quiet and out…of…the…way as you could wish。  It is in 
a turning off Fetter Lane; where you'll see few other people than 
printers and caretakers。  You'll lodge with a woman; a Mrs。 
Postwhistle; who seems a very sensible person。  She'll board you 
and lodge you; and every Saturday you'll receive a post…office 
order for six shillings; out of which you'll find yourself in 
clothes。  You can take with you sufficient to last you for the 
first six months; but no more。  At the end of the year you can 
change if you like and go to another shop; or make your own 
arrangements with Mrs。 Postwhistle。  If all is settled; you go 
there to…morrow。  You go out of this house to…morrow in any event。〃

Mrs。 Postwhistle was a large; placid lady of philosophic 
temperament。  Hitherto the little grocer's shop in Rolls Court; 
Fetter Lane; had been easy of management by her own unaided 
efforts; but the neighbourhood was rapidly changing。  Other 
grocers' shops were disappearing one by one; making way for huge 
blocks of buildings; where hundreds of iron presses; singing day 
and night; spread to the earth the song of the Mighty Pen。  There 
were hours when the little shop could hardly accommodate its crowd 
of customers。  Mrs。 Postwhistle; of a bulk not to be moved quickly; 
had; after mature consideration; conquering a natural 
disinclination to change; decided to seek assistance。

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