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tommy and co.-第13部分

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Peter Hope was unable to see how Grindley junior's disappearance 
into the wilds of Africa was going to assist the matter under 

Grindley junior's view was that the wilds of Africa would afford a 
fitting background to the passing away of a blighted existence。

Peter Hope had a suspicion that Grindley junior had for the moment 
parted company with that sweet reasonableness that otherwise; so 
Peter Hope felt sure; was Grindley junior's guiding star。

〃I mean it; sir;〃 reasserted Grindley junior。  〃I am〃 Grindley 
junior was about to add 〃well educated〃; but divining that 
education was a topic not pleasing at the moment to the ears of 
Helvetia Appleyard; had tact enough to substitute 〃not a fool。  I 
can earn my own living; and I should like to get away。〃

〃It seems to me〃 said the sub…editor。

〃Now; TommyI mean Jane;〃 warned her Peter Hope。  He always called 
her Jane in company; unless he was excited。  〃I know what you are 
going to say。  I won't have it。〃

〃I was only going to say〃 urged the sub…editor in tone of one 
suffering injustice。

〃I quite know what you were going to say;〃 retorted Peter hotly。  
〃I can see it by your chin。  You are going to take their partand 
suggest their acting undutifully towards their parents。〃

〃I wasn't;〃 returned the sub…editor。  〃I was only〃

〃You were;〃 persisted Peter。  〃I ought not to have allowed you to 
be present。  I might have known you would interfere。〃

〃going to say we are in want of some help in the office。  You 
know we are。  And that if Mr。 Grindley would be content with a 
small salary〃

〃Small salary be hanged!〃 snarled Peter。

〃there would be no need for his going to Africa。〃

〃And how would that help us?〃 demanded Peter。  〃Even if the boy 
were soso headstrong; so unfilial as to defy his father; who has 
worked for him all these years; how would that remove the obstacle 
of Mr。 Appleyard's refusal?〃

〃Why; don't you see〃 explained the sub…editor。

〃No; I don't;〃 snapped Peter。

〃If; on his declaring to his father that nothing will ever induce 
him to marry any other woman but Miss Appleyard; his father disowns 
him; as he thinks it likely〃

〃A dead cert!〃 was Grindley junior's conviction。

〃Very well; he is no longer old Grindley's son; and what possible 
objection can Mr。 Appleyard have to him then?〃

Peter Hope arose and expounded at length and in suitable language 
the folly and uselessness of the scheme。

But what chance had ever the wisdom of Age against the enthusiasm 
of Youth; reaching for its object。  Poor Peter; expostulating; was 
swept into the conspiracy。  Grindley junior the next morning stood 
before his father in the private office in High Holborn。

〃I am sorry; sir;〃 said Grindley junior; 〃if I have proved a 
disappointment to you。〃

〃Damn your sympathy!〃 said Grindley senior。  〃Keep it till you are 
asked for it。〃

〃I hope we part friends; sir;〃 said Grindley junior; holding out 
his hand。

〃Why do you irate me?〃 asked Grindley senior。  〃I have thought of 
nothing but you these five…and…twenty years。〃

〃I don't; sir;〃 answered Grindley junior。  〃I can't say I love you。  
It did not seem to me youyou wanted it。  But I like you; sir; and 
I respect you。  Andand I'm sorry to have to hurt you; sir。〃

〃And you are determined to give up all your prospects; all the 
money; for the sake of thisthis girl?〃

〃It doesn't seem like giving up anything; sir;〃 replied Grindley 
junior; simply。

〃It isn't so much as I thought it was going to be;〃 said the old 
man; after a pause。  〃Perhaps it is for the best。  I might have 
been more obstinate if things had been going all right。  The Lord 
has chastened me。〃

〃Isn't the business doing well; Dad?〃 asked the young man; with 
sorrow in his voice。

〃What's it got to do with you?〃 snapped his father。  〃You've cut 
yourself adrift from it。  You leave me now I am going down。〃

Grindley junior; not knowing what to say; put his arms round the 
little old man。

And in this way Tommy's brilliant scheme fell through and came to 
naught。  Instead; old Grindley visited once again the big house in 
Nevill's Court; and remained long closeted with old Solomon in the 
office on the second floor。  It was late in the evening when 
Solomon opened the door and called upstairs to Janet Helvetia to 
come down。

〃I used to know you long ago;〃 said Hezekiah Grindley; rising。  
〃You were quite a little girl then。〃

Later; the troublesome Sauce disappeared entirely; cut out by newer 
flavours。  Grindley junior studied the printing business。  It 
almost seemed as if old Appleyard had been waiting but for this。  
Some six months later they found him dead in his counting…house。  
Grindley junior became the printer and publisher of Good Humour。

STORY THE FOURTH:  Miss Ramsbotham gives her Services

To regard Miss Ramsbotham as a marriageable quantity would have 
occurred to few men。  Endowed by Nature with every feminine quality 
calculated to inspire liking; she had; on the other hand; been 
disinherited of every attribute calculated to excite passion。  An 
ugly woman has for some men an attraction; the proof is ever 
present to our eyes。  Miss Ramsbotham was plain but pleasant 
looking。  Large; healthy in mind and body; capable; self…reliant; 
and cheerful; blessed with a happy disposition together with a keen 
sense of humour; there was about her absolutely nothing for 
tenderness to lay hold of。  An ideal wife; she was an impossible 
sweetheart。  Every man was her friend。  The suggestion that any man 
could be her lover she herself would have greeted with a clear; 
ringing laugh。

Not that she held love in despite; for such folly she was possessed 
of far too much sound sense。  〃To have somebody in love with you
somebody strong and good;〃 so she would confess to her few close 
intimates; a dreamy expression clouding for an instant her broad; 
sunny face; 〃why; it must be just lovely!〃  For Miss Ramsbotham was 
prone to American phraseology; and had even been at some pains; 
during a six months' journey through the States (whither she had 
been commissioned by a conscientious trade journal seeking reliable 
information concerning the condition of female textile workers) to 
acquire a slight but decided American accent。  It was her one 
affectation; but assumed; as one might feel certain; for a 
practical and legitimate object。

〃You can have no conception;〃 she would explain; laughing; 〃what a 
help I find it。  'I'm 'Muriken' is the 'Civis Romanus sum' of the 
modern woman's world。  It opens every door to us。  If I ring the 
bell and say; 'Oh; if you please; I have come to interview Mr。 So…
and…So for such…and…such a paper;' the footman looks through me at 
the opposite side of the street; and tells me to wait in the hall 
while he inquires if Mr。 So…and…So will see me or not。  But if I 
say; 'That's my keerd; young man。  You tell your master Miss 
Ramsbotham is waiting for him in the showroom; and will take it 
real kind if he'll just bustle himself;' the poor fellow walks 
backwards till he stumbles against the bottom stair; and my 
gentleman comes down with profuse apologies for having kept me 
waiting three minutes and a half。

〃'And to be in love with someone;〃 she would continue; 〃someone 
great that one could look up to and honour and worshipsomeone 
that would fill one's whole life; make it beautiful; make every day 
worth living; I think that would be better still。  To work merely 
for one's self; to think merely for one's self; it is so much less 

Then; at some such point of the argument; Miss Ramsbotham would 
jump up from her chair and shake herself indignantly。

〃Why; what nonsense I'm talking;〃 she would tell herself; and her 
listeners。  〃I make a very fair income; have a host of friends; and 
enjoy every hour of my life。  I should like to have been pretty or 
handsome; of course; but no one can have all the good things of 
this world; and I have my brains。  At one time; perhaps; yes; but 
nowno; honestly I would not change myself。〃

Miss Ramsbotham was sorry that no man had ever fallen in love with 
her; but that she could understand。

〃It is quite clear to me。〃  So she had once unburdened herself to 
her bosom friend。  〃Man for the purposes of the race has been given 
two kinds of love; between which; according to his opportunities 
and temperament; he is free to choose:  he can fall down upon his 
knees and adore physical beauty (for Nature ignores entirely our 
mental side); or he can take delight in circling with his 
protecting arm the weak and helpless。  Now; I make no appeal to 
either instinct。  I possess neither the charm nor beauty to 

〃Beauty;〃 reminded her the bosom friend; consolingly; 〃dwells in 
the beholder's eye。〃

〃My dear;〃 cheerfully replied Miss Ramsbotham; 〃it would have to be 
an eye of the range and capacity Sam Weller frankly owned up to not 
possessinga patent double…million magnifying; capable of seeing 
through a deal board and round the corner sort of eyeto detect 
any beauty in me。  And I am much too big and sensible for any man 
not a fool ever to think of wanting to take care of me。

〃I believe;〃 remembered Miss Ramsbotham; 〃if it does not sound like 
idle boasting; I might have had a husband; of a kind; if Fate had 
not compelled me to save his life。  I met him one year at Huyst; a 
small; quiet watering…place on the Dutch coast。  He would walk 
always half a step behind me; regarding me out of the corner of his 
eye quite approvingly at times。  He was a widowera good little 
man; devoted to his three charming children。  They took an immense 
fancy to me; and I really think I could have got on with him。  I am 
very adaptable; as you know。  But it was not to be。  He got out of 
his depth one morning; and unfortunately there was no one within 
distance but myself who could swim。  I knew what the result would 
be。  You remember Labiche's comedy; Les Voyage de Monsieur 
Perrichon?  Of course; every man hates having had his life saved; 
after it is over; and you can imagine how he must hate having it 
saved by a woman。  But what was I to do?  In ei
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