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tommy and co.-第16部分

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pimples grew in size and number。  The cream and white of her 
complexion was merging into a general yellow。  A certain greasiness 
of skin was manifesting itself。  Babyish ways in connection with a 
woman who must have weighed about eleven stone struck Bohemia as 
incongruous。  Her manners; judged alone; had improved。  But they 
had not improved her。  They did not belong to her; they did not fit 
her。  They sat on her as Sunday broadcloth on a yokel。  She had 
learned to employ her 〃h's〃 correctly; and to speak good grammar。  
This gave to her conversation a painfully artificial air。  The 
little learning she had absorbed was sufficient to bestow upon her 
an angry consciousness of her own invincible ignorance。

Meanwhile; Miss Ramsbotham had continued upon her course of 
rejuvenation。  At twenty…nine she had looked thirty…five; at 
thirty…two she looked not a day older than five…and…twenty。  
Bohemia felt that should she retrograde further at the same rate 
she would soon have to shorten her frocks and let down her hair。  A 
nervous excitability had taken possession of her that was playing 
strange freaks not only with her body; but with her mind。  What it 
gave to the one it seemed to take from the other。  Old friends; 
accustomed to enjoy with her the luxury of plain speech; wondered 
in vain what they had done to offend her。  Her desire was now 
towards new friends; new faces。  Her sense of humour appeared to be 
departing from her; it became unsafe to jest with her。  On the 
other hand; she showed herself greedy for admiration and flattery。  
Her former chums stepped back astonished to watch brainless young 
fops making their way with her by complimenting her upon her 
blouse; or whispering to her some trite nonsense about her 
eyelashes。  From her work she took a good percentage of her brain 
power to bestow it on her clothes。  Of course; she was successful。  
Her dresses suited her; showed her to the best advantage。  
Beautiful she could never be; and had sense enough to know it; but 
a charming; distinguished…looking woman she had already become。  
Also; she was on the high road to becoming a vain; egotistical; 
commonplace woman。

It was during the process of this; her metamorphosis; that Peter 
Hope one evening received a note from her announcing her intention 
of visiting him the next morning at the editorial office of Good 
Humour。  She added in a postscript that she would prefer the 
interview to be private。

Punctually to the time appointed Miss Ramsbotham arrived。  Miss 
Ramsbotham; contrary to her custom; opened conversation with the 
weather。  Miss Ramsbotham was of opinion that there was every 
possibility of rain。  Peter Hope's experience was that there was 
always possibility of rain。

〃How is the Paper doing?〃 demanded Miss Ramsbotham。

The Paperfor a paper not yet two years oldwas doing well。  〃We 
expect very shortlyvery shortly indeed;〃 explained Peter Hope; 
〃to turn the corner。〃

〃Ah! that 'corner;'〃 sympathised Miss Ramsbotham。

〃I confess;〃 smiled Peter Hope; 〃it doesn't seem to be exactly a 
right…angled corner。  One reaches it as one thinks。  But it takes 
some getting roundwhat I should describe as a cornery corner。〃

〃What you want;〃 thought Miss Ramsbotham; 〃are one or two popular 

〃Popular features;〃 agreed Peter guardedly; scenting temptation; 
〃are not to be despised; provided one steers clear of the vulgar 
and the commonplace。〃

〃A Ladies' Page!〃 suggested Miss Ramsbotham〃a page that should 
make the woman buy it。  The women; believe me; are going to be of 
more and more importance to the weekly press。〃

〃But why should she want a special page to herself?〃 demanded Peter 
Hope。  〃Why should not the paper as a whole appeal to her?〃

〃It doesn't;〃 was all Miss Ramsbotham could offer in explanation。

〃We give her literature and the drama; poetry; fiction; the higher 
politics; the〃

〃I know; I know;〃 interrupted Miss Ramsbotham; who of late; among 
other failings new to her; had developed a tendency towards 
impatience; 〃but she gets all that in half a dozen other papers。  I 
have thought it out。〃  Miss Ramsbotham leaned further across the 
editorial desk and sunk her voice unconsciously to a confidential 
whisper。  〃Tell her the coming fashions。  Discuss the question 
whether hat or bonnet makes you look the younger。  Tell her whether 
red hair or black is to be the new colour; what size waist is being 
worn by the best people。  Oh; come!〃 laughed Miss Ramsbotham in 
answer to Peter's shocked expression; 〃one cannot reform the world 
and human nature all at once。  You must appeal to people's folly in 
order to get them to listen to your wisdom。  Make your paper a 
success first。  You can make it a power afterwards。〃

〃But;〃 argued Peter; 〃there are already such paperspapers devoted 
toto that sort of thing; and to nothing else。〃

〃At sixpence!〃 replied the practical Miss Ramsbotham。  〃I am 
thinking of the lower middle…class woman who has twenty pounds a 
year to spend on dress; and who takes twelve hours a day to think 
about it; poor creature。  My dear friend; there is a fortune in it。  
Think of the advertisements。〃

Poor Peter groanedold Peter; the dreamer of dreams。  But for 
thought of Tommy! one day to be left alone to battle with a stony…
eyed; deaf world; Peter most assuredly would have risen in his 
wrath; would have said to his distinguished…looking temptress; 〃Get 
thee behind me; Miss Ramsbotham。  My journalistic instinct whispers 
to me that your scheme; judged by the mammon of unrighteousness; is 
good。  It is a new departure。  Ten years hence half the London 
journals will have adopted it。  There is money in it。  But what of 
that?  Shall I for mere dross sell my editorial soul; turn the 
temple of the Mighty Pen into a den ofof milliners!  Good 
morning; Miss Ramsbotham。  I grieve for you。  I grieve for you as 
for a fellow…worker once inspired by devotion to a noble calling; 
who has fallen from her high estate。  Good morning; madam。〃

So Peter thought as he sat tattooing with his finger…tips upon the 
desk; but only said …

〃It would have to be well done。〃

〃Everything would depend upon how it was done;〃 agreed Miss 
Ramsbotham。  〃Badly done; the idea would be wasted。  You would be 
merely giving it away to some other paper。〃

〃Do you know of anyone?〃 queried Peter。

〃I was thinking of myself;〃 answered Miss Ramsbotham。

〃I am sorry;〃 said Peter Hope。

〃Why?〃 demanded Miss Ramsbotham。  〃Don't you think I could do it?〃

〃I think;〃 said Peter; 〃no one could do it better。  I am sorry you 
should wish to do itthat is all。〃

〃I want to do it;〃 replied Miss Ramsbotham; a note of doggedness in 
her voice。

〃How much do you propose to charge me?〃 Peter smiled。


〃My dear lady〃

〃I could not in conscience;〃 explained Miss Ramsbotham; 〃take 
payment from both sides。  I am going to make a good deal out of it。  
I am going to make out of it at least three hundred a year; and 
they will be glad to pay it。〃

〃Who will?〃

〃The dressmakers。  I shall be one of the most stylish women in 
London;〃 laughed Miss Ramsbotham。

〃You used to be a sensible woman;〃 Peter reminded her。

〃I want to live。〃

〃Can't you manage to do it withoutwithout being a fool; my dear。〃

〃No;〃 answered Miss Ramsbotham; 〃a woman can't。  I've tried it。〃

〃Very well;〃 agreed Peter; 〃be it so。〃

Peter had risen。  He laid his shapely; white old hand upon the 
woman's shoulder。  〃Tell me when you want to give it up。  I shall 
be glad。〃

Thus it was arranged。  Good Humour gained circulation andof more 
importance yetadvertisements; and Miss Ramsbotham; as she had 
predicted; the reputation of being one of the best…dressed women in 
London。  Her reason for desiring such reputation Peter Hope had 
shrewdly guessed。  Two months later his suspicions were confirmed。  
Mr。 Reginald Peters; his uncle being dead; was on his way back to 

His return was awaited with impatience only by the occupants of the 
little flat in the Marylebone Road; and between these two the 
difference of symptom was marked。  Mistress Peggy; too stupid to 
comprehend the change that had been taking place in her; looked 
forward to her lover's arrival with delight。  Mr。 Reginald Peters; 
independently of his profession; was in consequence of his uncle's 
death a man of means。  Miss Ramsbotham's tutelage; which had always 
been distasteful to her; would now be at an end。  She would be a 
〃lady〃 in the true sense of the wordaccording to Miss Peggy's 
definition; a woman with nothing to do but eat and drink; and 
nothing to think of but dress。  Miss Ramsbotham; on the other hand; 
who might have anticipated the home…coming of her quondam admirer 
with hope; exhibited a strange condition of alarmed misery; which 
increased from day to day as the date drew nearer。

The meetingwhether by design or accident was never knowntook 
place at an evening party given by the proprietors of a new 
journal。  The circumstance was certainly unfortunate for poor 
Peggy; whom Bohemia began to pity。  Mr。 Peters; knowing both women 
would be there and so on the look…out; saw in the distance among 
the crowd of notabilities a superbly millinered; tall; graceful 
woman; whose face recalled sensations he could not for the moment 
place。  Chiefly noticeable about her were her exquisite neck and 
arms; and the air of perfect breeding with which she moved; talking 
and laughing; through the distinguished; fashionable throng。  
Beside her strutted; nervously aggressive; a vulgar; fat; pimply; 
shapeless young woman; attracting universal attention by the 
incongruity of her presence in the room。  On being greeted by the 
graceful lady of the neck and arms; the conviction forced itself 
upon him that this could be no other than the once Miss Ramsbotham; 
plain of face and indifferent of dress; whose very appearance he 
had almost forgotten。  On being greeted gushingly as 〃Reggie〃 by 
the sallow…complexioned; over…dressed young woman he bowed with 
evident astonishment; and apologised for a memory that; so he 
assured the lady; had always been to him a source of despa
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