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tommy and co.-第18部分

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ever…increasing income from his pen; with a tastefully furnished 
house overlooking Regent's Park; an excellent and devoted cook and 
house…keeper; and relatives mostly settled in the Colonies; Joseph 
Loveredge; though inexperienced girls might pass him by with a 
contemptuous sniff; was recognised by ladies of maturer judgment as 
a prize not too often dangled before the eyes of spinsterhood。  Old 
foxesso we are assured by kind…hearted country gentlemen rather 
enjoy than otherwise a day with the hounds。  However that may be; 
certain it is that Joseph Loveredge; confident of himself; one 
presumes; showed no particular disinclination to the chase。  
Perhaps on the whole he preferred the society of his own sex; with 
whom he could laugh and jest with more freedom; to whom he could 
tell his stories as they came to him without the trouble of having 
to turn them over first in his own mind; but; on the other hand; 
Joey made no attempt to avoid female company whenever it came his 
way; and then no cavalier could render himself more agreeable; more 
unobtrusively attentive。  Younger men stood by; in envious 
admiration of the ease with which in five minutes he would 
establish himself on terms of cosy friendship with the brilliant 
beauty before whose gracious coldness they had stood shivering for 
months; the daring with which he would tuck under his arm; so to 
speak; the prettiest girl in the room; smooth down as if by magic 
her hundred prickles; and tease her out of her overwhelming sense 
of her own self…importance。  The secret of his success was; 
probably; that he was not afraid of them。  Desiring nothing from 
them beyond companionableness; a reasonable amount of appreciation 
for his jokeswhich without being exceptionally stupid they would 
have found it difficult to withholdwith just sufficient 
information and intelligence to make conversation interesting; 
there was nothing about him by which they could lay hold of him。  
Of course; that rendered them particularly anxious to lay hold of 
him。  Joseph's lady friends might; roughly speaking; be divided 
into two groups:  the unmarried; who wanted to marry him to 
themselves; and the married; who wanted to marry him to somebody 
else。  It would be a social disaster; the latter had agreed among 
themselves; if Joseph Loveredge should never wed。

〃He would make such an excellent husband for poor Bridget。〃

〃Or Gladys。  I wonder how old Gladys really is?〃

〃Such a nice; kind little man。〃

〃And when one thinks of the sort of men that ARE married; it does 
seem such a pity!〃

〃I wonder why he never has married; because he's just the sort of 
man you'd think WOULD have married。〃

〃I wonder if he ever was in love。〃

〃Oh; my dear; you don't mean to tell me that a man has reached the 
age of forty without ever being in love!〃

The ladies would sigh。

〃I do hope if ever he does marry; it will be somebody nice。  Men 
are so easily deceived。〃

〃I shouldn't be surprised myself a bit if something came of it with 
Bridget。  She's a dear girl; Bridgetso genuine。〃

〃Well; I think myself; dear; if it's anyone; it's Gladys。  I should 
be so glad to see poor dear Gladys settled。〃

The unmarried kept their thoughts more to themselves。  Each one; 
upon reflection; saw ground for thinking that Joseph Loveredge had 
given proof of feeling preference for herself。  The irritating 
thing was that; on further reflection; it was equally clear that 
Joseph Loveredge had shown signs of preferring most of the others。

Meanwhile Joseph Loveredge went undisturbed upon his way。  At eight 
o'clock in the morning Joseph's housekeeper entered the room with a 
cup of tea and a dry biscuit。  At eight…fifteen Joseph Loveredge 
arose and performed complicated exercises on an indiarubber pulley; 
warranted; if persevered in; to bestow grace upon the figure and 
elasticity upon the limbs。  Joseph Loveredge persevered steadily; 
and had done so for years; and was himself contented with the 
result; which; seeing it concerned nobody else; was all that could 
be desired。  At half…past eight on Mondays; Wednesdays; and 
Fridays; Joseph Loveredge breakfasted on one cup of tea; brewed by 
himself; one egg; boiled by himself; and two pieces of toast; the 
first one spread with marmalade; the second with butter。  On 
Tuesdays; Thursdays; and Saturdays Joseph Loveredge discarded eggs 
and ate a rasher of bacon。  On Sundays Joseph Loveredge had both 
eggs and bacon; but then allowed himself half an hour longer for 
reading the paper。  At nine…thirty Joseph Loveredge left the house 
for the office of the old…established journal of which he was the 
incorruptible and honoured City editor。  At one…forty…five; having 
left his office at one…thirty; Joseph Loveredge entered the 
Autolycus Club and sat down to lunch。  Everything else in Joseph's 
life was arranged with similar preciseness; so far as was possible 
with the duties of a City editor。  Monday evening Joseph spent with 
musical friends at Brixton。  Friday was Joseph's theatre night。  On 
Tuesdays and Thursdays he was open to receive invitations out to 
dinner; on Wednesdays and Saturdays he invited four friends to dine 
with him at Regent's Park。  On Sundays; whatever the season; Joseph 
Loveredge took an excursion into the country。  He had his regular 
hours for reading; his regular hours for thinking。  Whether in 
Fleet Street; or the Tyrol; on the Thames; or in the Vatican; you 
might recognise him from afar by his grey frock…coat; his patent…
leather boots; his brown felt hat; his lavender tie。  The man was a 
born bachelor。  When the news of his engagement crept through the 
smoky portals of the Autolycus Club nobody believed it。

〃Impossible!〃 asserted Jack Herring。  〃I've known Joey's life for 
fifteen years。  Every five minutes is arranged for。  He could never 
have found the time to do it。〃

〃He doesn't like women; not in that way; I've heard him say so;〃 
explained Alexander the Poet。  〃His opinion is that women are the 
artists of Societydelightful as entertainers; but troublesome to 
live with。〃

〃I call to mind;〃 said the Wee Laddie; 〃a story he told me in this 
verra room; barely three months agone:  Some half a dozen of them 
were gong home together from the Devonshire。  They had had a joyous 
evening; and one of themJoey did not notice whichsuggested 
their dropping in at his place just for a final whisky。  They were 
laughing and talking in the dining…room; when their hostess 
suddenly appeared upon the scene in a costumeso Joey described 
itthe charm of which was its variety。  She was a nice…looking 
woman; Joey said; but talked too much; and when the first lull 
occurred; Joey turned to the man sitting nighest to him; and who 
looked bored; and suggested in a whisper that it was about time 
they went。

〃'Perhaps you had better go;' assented the bored…looking man。  
'Wish I could come with you; but; you see; I live here。'〃

〃I don't believe it;〃 said Somerville the Briefless。  〃He's been 
cracking his jokes; and some silly woman has taken him seriously。〃

But the rumour grew into report; developed detail; lost all charm; 
expanded into plain recital of fact。  Joey had not been seen within 
the Club for more than a weekin itself a deadly confirmation。  
The question became:  Who was shewhat was she like?

〃It's none of our set; or we should have heard something from her 
side before now;〃 argued acutely Somerville the Briefless。

〃Some beastly kid who will invite us to dances and forget the 
supper;〃 feared Johnny Bulstrode; commonly called the Babe。  〃Old 
men always fall in love with young girls。〃

〃Forty;〃 explained severely Peter Hope; editor and part proprietor 
of Good Humour; 〃is not old。〃

〃Well; it isn't young;〃 persisted Johnny。

〃Good thing for you; Johnny; if it is a girl;〃 thought Jack 
Herring。  〃Somebody for you to play with。  I often feel sorry for 
you; having nobody but grown…up people to talk to。〃

〃They do get a bit stodgy after a certain age;〃 agreed the Babe。

〃I am hoping;〃 said Peter; 〃it will be some sensible; pleasant 
woman; a little over thirty。  He is a dear fellow; Loveredge; and 
forty is a very good age for a man to marry。〃

〃Well; if I'm not married before I'm forty〃 said the Babe。

〃Oh; don't you fret;〃 Jack Herring interrupted him〃a pretty boy 
like you!  We will give a ball next season; and bring you out; if 
you're goodget you off our hands in no time。〃

It was August。  Joey went away for his holiday without again 
entering the Club。  The lady's name was Henrietta Elizabeth Doone。  
It was said by the Morning Post that she was connected with the 
Doones of Gloucestershire。

Doones of GloucestershireDoones of Gloucestershire mused Miss 
Ramsbotham; Society journalist; who wrote the weekly Letter to 
Clorinda; discussing the matter with Peter Hope in the editorial 
office of Good Humour。  〃Knew a Doon who kept a big second…hand 
store in Euston Road and called himself an auctioneer。  He bought a 
small place in Gloucestershire and added an 'e' to his name。  
Wonder if it's the same?〃

〃I had a cat called Elizabeth once;〃 said Peter Hope。

〃I don't see what that's got to do with it。〃

〃No; of course not;〃 agreed Peter。  〃But I was rather fond of it。  
It was a quaint sort of animal; considered as a catwould never 
speak to another cat; and hated being out after ten o'clock at 

〃What happened to it?〃 demanded Miss Ramsbotham。

〃Fell off a roof;〃 sighed Peter Hope。  〃Wasn't used to them。〃

The marriage took place abroad; at the English Church at Montreux。  
Mr。 and Mrs。 Loveredge returned at the end of September。  The 
Autolycus Club subscribed to send a present of a punch…bowl; left 
cards; and waited with curiosity to see the bride。  But no 
invitation arrived。  Nor for a month was Joey himself seen within 
the Club。  Then; one foggy afternoon; waking after a doze; with a 
cold cigar in his mouth; Jack Herring noticed he was not the only 
occupant of the smoking…room。  In a far corner; near a window; sat 
Joseph Loveredge reading a magazine。  Jack Herring rubbed his eyes; 
then rose and crossed the room。

〃I thought at fir
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