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tommy and co.-第25部分

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runner。  Holding now his skirt and petticoat high in his left hand; 
Johnny moved across the Square at the rate of fifteen miles an 
hour。  A butcher's boy sprang in front of him with arms held out to 
stop him。  The thing that for the next three months annoyed that 
butcher boy most was hearing shouted out after him 〃Yah! who was 
knocked down and run over by a lidy?〃  By the time Johnny reached 
the Strand; via Clement's Inn; the hue and cry was far behind。  
Johnny dropped his skirts and assumed a more girlish pace。  Through 
Bow Street and Long Acre he reached Great Queen Street in safety。  
Upon his own doorstep he began to laugh。  His afternoon's 
experience had been amusing; still; on the whole; he wasn't sorry 
it was over。  One can have too much even of the best of jokes。  
Johnny rang the bell。

The door opened。  Johnny would have walked in had not a big; raw…
boned woman barred his progress。

〃What do you want?〃 demanded the raw…boned woman。

〃Want to come in;〃 explained Johnny。

〃What do you want to come in for?〃

This appeared to Johnny a foolish question。  On reflection he saw 
the sense of it。  This raw…boned woman was not Mrs。 Pegg; his 
landlady。  Some friend of hers; he supposed。

〃It's all right;〃 said Johnny; 〃I live here。  Left my latchkey at 
home; that's all。〃

〃There's no females lodging here;〃 declared the raw…boned lady。  
〃And what's more; there's going to be none。〃

All this was very vexing。  Johnny; in his joy at reaching his own 
doorstep; had not foreseen these complications。  Now it would be 
necessary to explain things。  He only hoped the story would not get 
round to the fellows at the club。

〃Ask Mrs。 Pegg to step up for a minute;〃 requested Johnny。

〃Not at 'ome;〃 explained the raw…boned lady。

〃Notnot at home?〃

〃Gone to Romford; if you wish to know; to see her mother。〃

〃Gone to Romford?〃

〃I said Romford; didn't I?〃 retorted the raw…boned lady; tartly。

〃Whatwhat time do you expect her in?〃

〃Sunday evening; six o'clock;〃 replied the raw…boned lady。

Johnny looked at the raw…boned lady; imagined himself telling the 
raw…boned lady the simple; unvarnished truth; and the raw…boned 
lady's utter disbelief of every word of it。  An inspiration came to 
his aid。

〃I am Mr。 Bulstrode's sister;〃 said Johnny meekly; 〃he's expecting 

〃Thought you said you lived here?〃 reminded him the raw…boned lady。

〃I meant that he lived here;〃 replied poor Johnny still more 
meekly。  〃He has the second floor; you know。〃

〃I know;〃 replied the raw…boned lady。  〃Not in just at present。〃

〃Not in?〃

〃Went out at three o'clock。〃

〃I'll go up to his room and wait for him;〃 said Johnny。

〃No; you won't;〃 said the raw…boned lady。

For an instant it occurred to Johnny to make a dash for it; but the 
raw…boned lady looked both formidable and determined。  There would 
be a big disturbanceperhaps the police called in。  Johnny had 
often wanted to see his name in print:  in connection with this 
affair he somehow felt he didn't。

〃Do let me in;〃 Johnny pleaded; 〃I have nowhere else to go。〃

〃You have a walk and cool yourself;〃 suggested the raw…boned lady。  
〃Don't expect he will be long。〃

〃But; you see〃

The raw…boned lady slammed the door。

Outside a restaurant in Wellington Street; from which proceeded 
savoury odours; Johnny paused and tried to think。

〃What the devil did I do with that umbrella?  I had itno; I 
didn't。  Must have dropped it; I suppose; when that silly ass tried 
to stop me。  By Jove! I am having luck!〃

Outside another restaurant in the Strand Johnny paused again。  〃How 
am I to live till Sunday night?  Where am I to sleep?  If I 
telegraph homedamn it! how can I telegraph?  I haven't got a 
penny。  This is funny;〃 said Johnny; unconsciously speaking aloud; 
〃upon my word; this is funny!  Oh! you go to。〃

Johnny hurled this last at the head of an overgrown errand…boy 
whose intention had been to offer sympathy。

〃Well; I never!〃 commented a passing flower…girl。  〃Calls 'erself a 
lidy; I suppose。〃

〃Nowadays;〃 observed the stud and button merchant at the corner of 
Exeter Street; 〃they make 'em out of anything。〃

Drawn by a notion that was forming in his mind; Johnny turned his 
steps up Bedford Street。  〃Why not?〃 mused Johnny。  〃Nobody else 
seems to have a suspicion。  Why should they?  I'll never hear the 
last of it if they find me out。  But why should they find me out?  
Well; something's got to be done。〃

Johnny walked on quickly。  At the door of the Autolycus Club he was 
undecided for a moment; then took his courage in both hands and 
plunged through the swing doors。

〃Is Mr。 HerringMr。 Jack Herringhere?〃

〃Find him in the smoking…room; Mr。 Bulstrode;〃 answered old Goslin; 
who was reading the evening paper。

〃Oh; would you mind asking him to step out a moment?〃

Old Goslin looked up; took off his spectacles; rubbed them; put 
them on again。

〃Please say Miss BulstrodeMr。 Bulstrode's sister。〃

Old Goslin found Jack Herring the centre of an earnest argument on 
Hamletwas he really mad?

〃A lady to see you; Mr。 Herring;〃 announced old Goslin。

〃A what?〃

〃Miss BulstrodeMr。 Bulstrode's sister。  She's waiting in the 

〃Never knew he had a sister;〃 said Jack Herring; rising。

〃Wait a minute;〃 said Harry Bennett。  〃Shut that door。  Don't go。〃  
This to old Goslin; who closed the door and returned。  〃Lady in a 
heliotrope dress with a lace collar; three flounces on the skirt?〃

〃That's right; Mr。 Bennett;〃 agreed old Goslin。

〃It's the Babe himself!〃 asserted Harry Bennett。

The question of Hamlet's madness was forgotten。

〃Was in at Stinchcombe's this morning;〃 explained Harry Bennett; 
〃saw the clothes on the counter addressed to him。  That's the 
identical frock。  This is just a 'try on'thinks he's going to 
have a lark with us。〃

The Autolycus Club looked round at itself。

〃I can see verra promising possibilities in this; provided the 
thing is properly managed;〃 said the Wee Laddie; after a pause。

〃So can I;〃 agreed Jack Herring。  〃Keep where you are; all of you。  
'Twould be a pity to fool it;〃

The Autolycus Club waited。  Jack Herring re…entered the room。

〃One of the saddest stories I have ever heard in all my life;〃 
explained Jack Herring in a whisper。  〃Poor girl left Derbyshire 
this morning to come and see her brother; found him outhasn't 
been seen at his lodgings since three o'clock; fears something may 
have happened to him。  Landlady gone to Romford to see her mother; 
strange woman in charge; won't let her in to wait for him。〃

〃How sad it is when trouble overtakes the innocent and helpless!〃 
murmured Somerville the Briefless。

〃That's not the worst of it;〃 continued Jack。  〃The dear girl has 
been robbed of everything she possesses; even of her umbrella; and 
hasn't got a sou; hasn't had any dinner; and doesn't know where to 

〃Sounds a bit elaborate;〃 thought Porson。

〃I think I can understand it;〃 said the Briefless one。  〃What has 
happened is this。  He's dressed up thinking to have a bit of fun 
with us; and has come out; forgetting to put any money or his 
latchkey in his pocket。  His landlady may have gone to Romford or 
may not。  In any case; he would have to knock at the door and enter 
into explanations。  What does he suggestthe loan of a sovereign?〃

〃The loan of two;〃 replied Jack Herring。

〃To buy himself a suit of clothes。  Don't you do it; Jack。  
Providence has imposed this upon us。  Our duty is to show him the 
folly of indulging in senseless escapades。〃

〃I think we might give him a dinner;〃 thought the stout and 
sympathetic Porson。

〃What I propose to do;〃 grinned Jack; 〃is to take him round to Mrs。 
Postwhistle's。  She's under a sort of obligation to me。  It was I 
who got her the post office。  We'll leave him there for a night; 
with instructions to Mrs。 P。 to keep a motherly eye on him。  To…
morrow he shall have his 'bit of fun;' and I guess he'll be the 
first to get tired of the joke。〃

It looked a promising plot。  Seven members of the Autolycus Club 
gallantly undertook to accompany 〃Miss Bulstrode〃 to her lodgings。  
Jack Herring excited jealousy by securing the privilege of carrying 
her reticule。  〃Miss Bulstrode〃 was given to understand that 
anything any of the seven could do for her; each and every would be 
delighted to do; if only for the sake of her brother; one of the 
dearest boys that ever breatheda bit of an ass; though that; of 
course; he could not help。  〃Miss Bulstrode〃 was not as grateful as 
perhaps she should have been。  Her idea still was that if one of 
them would lend her a couple of sovereigns; the rest need not worry 
themselves further。  This; purely in her own interests; they 
declined to do。  She had suffered one extensive robbery that day 
already; as Jack reminded her。  London was a city of danger to the 
young and inexperienced。  Far better that they should watch over 
her and provide for her simple wants。  Painful as it was to refuse 
a lady; a beloved companion's sister's welfare was yet dearer to 
them。  〃Miss Bulstrode's〃 only desire was not to waste their time。  
Jack Herring's opinion was that there existed no true Englishman 
who would grudge time spent upon succouring a beautiful maiden in 

Arrived at the little grocer's shop in Rolls Court; Jack Herring 
drew Mrs。 Postwhistle aside。

〃She's the sister of a very dear friend of ours;〃 explained Jack 

〃A fine…looking girl;〃 commented Mrs。 Postwhistle。

〃I shall be round again in the morning。  Don't let her out of your 
sight; and; above all; don't lend her any money;〃 directed Jack 

〃I understand;〃 replied Mrs。 Postwhistle。

〃Miss Bulstrode〃 having despatched an excellent supper of cold 
mutton and bottled beer; leant back in her chair and crossed her 

〃I have often wondered;〃 remarked Miss Bulstrode; her eyes fixed 
upon the ceiling; 〃what a cigarette would taste like。〃

〃Taste nasty; I should say; the first time;〃 thought Mrs。 
Postwhistle; who was knitting。

〃Some girls; so I have heard;〃 remarked Miss Bulstrode; 〃smoke 

〃Not nice girls;〃 thought Mrs。 P
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