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remember the alamo-第29部分

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It was some minutes before the child could be soothed。  She
lay in her mother's arms; sobbing in speechless distress; but
at length she was able to articulate her fright:

〃Listen; mi madre; and may the Holy Lady make you believe me! 
I have had a dream。  God be blessed that it is not yet true! 
I will tell you。  It was about Fray Ignatius and our uncle the
Marquis de Gonzaga。  My good angel gave it to me; for myself
and you all she gave it; and; as my blessed Lord lives!  I
will not go to them!  SI!  I will cut my white throat
first!〃 and she drew her small hand with a passionate gesture
across it。  She had stood up as she began to speak; and the
action; added to her unmistakable terror; her stricken face
and air of determination; was very impressive。

〃You have had a dream; my darling?〃

〃Yes; an awful dream; Antonia!  Mary!  Mary!  Tender Mary;
pity us!〃

〃And you think we should not go to the house of the marquis?〃

〃Oh; Antonia!  I have seen the way。  It is black and cold; and
full of fear and pain。  No one shall make me take it。  I have
the stiletto of my grandmother Flores。  I will ask Holy Mary
to pardon me; and thenin a momentI would be among the
people of the other world。  That would be far better than Fray
Ignatius and the house of Gonzaga。〃

The Senora was quite angry at this fresh complication。  It was
really incredible what she had to endure。  And would Antonia
please to tell her where else they were to go?  They had not
a friend left in San Antoniothey did not deserve to have
oneand was it to be supposed that a lady; born noble; could
follow the Americans in an ox…wagon?  Antonia might think it
preferable to the comfortable house of her relation; but
blessed be the hand of God; which had opened the door of a
respectable shelter to her。

〃I will go in the ox…wagon;〃 said Isabel; with a sullen
determination; 〃but I will not go into my uncle's house。  By
the saint of my birth I swear it。〃

〃Mother; listen to Antonia。  When one door shuts; God opens
another door。  Our own home is yet undisturbed。  Do you
believe what Fray Ignatius says of the coming of Santa Anna? 
I do not。  Until he arrives we are safe in our own home; and
when the hour for going away comes; even a little bird can
show us the way to take。  And I am certain that my father is
planning for our safety。  If Santa Anna was in this city; and
behaving with the brutality which is natural to him; I would
not go away until my father sent the order。  Do you think he
forgets us?  Be not afraid of such a thing。  It cannot take

Towards dusk Senor Navarro called; and the Senora brought him
into her private parlor and confided to him the strait they
were in。  He looked with sympathy into the troubled; tear…
stained faces of these three helpless women; and listened with
many expressive gestures to the proposal of the priest and the
offer of the old marquis。

〃Most excellent ladies;〃 he answered; 〃it is a plot。  I assure
you that it is a plot。  Certainly it was not without reason I
was so unhappy about you this afternoon。  Even while I
was at the bull…fight; I think our angels were in a
consultation about your affairs。  Your name was in my ears
above all other sounds。〃

〃You say it is a plot; Senor。  Explain to us what you mean?〃

〃Yes; I will tell you。  Do you know that Fray Ignatius is the
confessor of the marquis?〃

〃We had not thought of such a thing。〃

〃It is the truth。  For many years they have been close as the
skin and the flesh。  Without Fray Ignatius the marquis says
neither yes or no。  Also the will of the marquis has been
lately made。  I have seen a copy of it。  Everything he has is
left to the brotherhoods of the Church。  Without doubt; Fray
Ignatius was the; lawyer who wrote it。〃

〃Senor; I always believed that would happen。  At my marriage
my uncle made the determination。  Indeed; we have never
expected a piastreno; not even a tlaco。  And to…day he was
kind to me; and offered me his home。  Oh; Holy Mother; how
wretched I am!  Can I not trust in the good words of those who
are of my own family?〃

〃The tie of race will come before the tie of the family。  The
tie of religion is strongest of all; Senora。  Let me tell you
what will take place。  When you and your children are in the
house of the marquis; he will go before the Alcalde。  He will
declare that you have gone voluntarily to his care; and that
he is your nearest and most natural guardian。  Very well。  But
further; he will declare; on account of his great age; and the
troubled state of the time; he is unable to protect you; and
ask for the authority to place you in the religious care of
the holy sisterhood of Saint Maria。  And he will obtain all he

〃But; simply; what is to be gained by such treachery?  He said
to…day that I was like his sister Mercedes; and he spoke very
gently to me。〃

〃He would not think such a proceeding really unkind。  He would
assure himself that it was good for your eternal salvation。 
As to the reason; that is to be looked for in the purse; where
all reasons come from。  This house; which the good doctor
built; is the best in the city。  It has even two full stories。 
It is very suitable for a religious house。  It is not far
from the Plaza; yet secluded in its beautiful garden。 
Fray Ignatius has long desired it。  When he has removed you;
possession will be taken; and Santa Anna will confirm the

〃God succor our poor souls!  What shall we do then; Senor? 
The Mexican army has entered Texas; it will soon be here。〃

〃Quien sabe?  Between the Rio Grande and the San Antonio are
many difficulties。  Urrea has five thousand men with him;
horses and artillery。  The horses must graze; the men must
rest and eat。  We shall have heavy rains。  I am sure that it
will be twenty days ere he reaches the settlements; and even
then his destination is not San Antonio; it is Goliad。  Santa
Anna will be at least ten days after him。  I suppose; then;
that for a whole month you are quite safe in your own home。 
That is what I believe now。  If I saw a reason to believe what
is different; I would inform you。  The good doctor; to whom I
owe my life many times; has my promise。  Lopez Navarro never
broke his word to any man。  The infamy would be a thing
impossible; where the safety of three ladies is concerned。〃

〃And in a month; mi madre; what great things may happen! 
Thirty days of possibilities!  Come; now; let us be a little
happy; and listen to what the Senor has to tell us。  I am sure
this house has been as stupid as a convent〃; and Isabel lifted
the cigarette case of the Senora; and with kisses persuaded
her to accept its tranquilizing consolation。

It was an elegant little golden trifle studded with gems。  Her
husband had given it to her on the anniversary of their
twenty…fifth wedding day; and it recalled vividly to her the
few sweet moments。  She was swayed as easily as a child by the
nearest or strongest influence; and; after all; it did seem
the best to take Isabel's advice; and be a little happy while
she could。

Lopez was delighted to humor this mood。  He told them all the
news of their own social set; and in such vivid times
something happened every day。  There had been betrothals and
marriages; quarrels and entertainments; and Lopez; as a
fashionable young man of wealth and nobility; had taken his
share in what had transpired。

Antonia felt unspeakably grateful to him。  After the
fretful terror and anxiety of the dayafter the cruel visit
of Fray Ignatiusit was indeed a comfort to hear the pleasant
voice of Navarro in all kinds of cheerful modulations。  By and
by there was a slow rippling laugh from Isabel; and the
Senora's face lost its air of dismal distraction。

At length Navarro had brought his narrative of small events
down to the afternoon of that day。  There had been a bull…
fight; and Isabel was making him describe to her the chulos;
in their pale satin breeches and silk waist…scarfs; the
toreros in their scarlet mantles; and the picadores on their

〃And I assure you;〃 he said; 〃the company of ladies was very
great and splendid。  They were in full dress; and the golden…
pinned mantillas and the sea of waving fans were a sight
indeed。  Oh; the fans alone!  So many colors; great crescents;
growing and waning with far more enchantments than the moons。 
Their rustle and movement has a wonderful charm; Senorita
Isabel; no one can imagine it。

〃Oh; I assure you; Senor; I can see and feel it。  But to be
there!  That; indeed; would make me perfectly happy。〃

〃Had you been there to…day you would have admired; above all
things; the feat of the matadore Jarocho。  It was upon the
great bull Sandovala very monster; I assure you。  He came
bellowing at Jarocho; as if he meant his instant death。  His
eyeballs were living fire; his nostrils steamed with fury;
well; then; at the precise moment; Jarocho put his slippered
feet between his horns; and vaulted; light as a bird flies;
over his back。  Then Sandoval turned to him again。  Well; he
calmly waited for his approach; and his long sword met him
between the horns。  As lightly as a lady touches her cavalier;
he seemed to touch Sandoval; but the brute fell like a stone
at his feet。  What a storm of vivas!  What clapping of hands
and shouts of ‘valiente!'  And the ladies flung their flowers;
and the men flung their hats into the arena; and Jarocho
stepped proudly enough on them; I can tell you; though he was
watching the door for the next bull。〃

〃Ah; Senor; why will men fight each other; when it is so much
more grand and interesting to fight bulls?〃

〃Senorita Isabel; if you could only convince them of
that!  But then; it is not always interesting to the matadore;
for instance; it is only by the mercy of God and the skill of
an Americano that Jarocho is at this moment out of purgatory。〃

The Senora raised herself from among the satin pillows of her
sofa; and asked; excitedly; 〃Was there then some accident;
Senor?  Is Jarocho wounded?  Poor Jarocho!〃

〃Not a hair of his head is hurt; Senora。  I will tell you。 
Saint Jago; who followed Sandoval; was a little devil。  He was
light and quick; and had intelligence。  You cou
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