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remember the alamo-第40部分

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marquee; and among other comforts the Senora found there the
chocolate she had so long craved; and some cigaritos of most
delicate flavor。

In a short time a luxurious meal was prepared by Antonia; and
just as they were sitting down to it; Luis and Lopez entered
the tent together。  Isabel had expected the visit and prepared
for it as far as her limited wardrobe permitted。  And her fine
hair; and bright eyes; her perfect face and form; and the
charming innocence of her manners; adorned her as the color
and perfume of the rose make the beauty of the flower。  She
was so lovely that she could dare to banter Luis on the
splendor of his attire。

〃It is evident; mi madre; that Luis has found at least
the baggage of a major…general。  Such velvet and silver
embroidery! Such a silk sash!  They are fit at the
very least for a sultan of the Turks。〃

He came to her crowned with victory。  Like a hero he came; and
like a lover。  They had a thousand pretty things to say to
each other; and a thousand blissful plans in prospect。  Life
to them had never before been so well worth living。

Indeed; a wonderful exaltation possessed both Luis and Lopez。 
The sombre; handsome face of the latter was transfigured by
it。  He kissed the hand of the Senora; and then turned
to Antonia。  Her pallor and emaciation shocked him。  He could
only murmur; 〃Senorita!〃  But she saw the surprise; the
sorrow; the sympathy; yes; the adoring love in his heart; and
she was thankful to him for the reticence that relieved her
from special attention。

Doctor Worth made room for Lopez beside him。  Luis sat by
Isabel; upon a pile of splendid military saddle…cloths。  As
she sipped her chocolate; he smoked his cigarito in a lazy
fashion; and gave himself up with delight to that
foolishness of love…making which is often far wiser than the
very words of wisdom。

As yet the ladies had not spoken of the battle。  It was won。 
That great fact had been as much as they could bear at first。 
The Senora wanted to sleep。  Isabel wanted to see Luis。  Only

Antonia was anxious for the details; and she had been busy in
preparing the respectable meal which her mother had so long
craved。  The apparent indifference was natural enough。  The
assurance of good fortune is always sufficient for the first
stage of reaction from anxiety。  When the most urgent personal
feelings have been satisfied; then comes the demand for detail
and discussion。  So now; as they sat together; the Senora

〃No one has told me anything about the battle。  Were you
present; Roberto?〃

〃I had that great honor; Maria。  Lopez and Luis were with the
cavalry; and Ortiz also has had some satisfaction for all his

〃Very good!  But I am impatient for the story; so is Antonia;
and as for Isabelbah! the little one is listening to another
story。  One must excuse her。  We expected the battle on the
twentieth; but no!〃

〃The enemy were expecting it also; and were in high spirits
and perfect preparation。  Houston thought it prudent to dash
their enthusiasm by uncertainty and waiting。  But at dawn; on
the twenty…first; we heard the three taps of the drum; and
seven hundred soldiers sprang to their feet as one man。 
Houston had been watching all night。  He spoke to us with a
tongue of fire and then; while we cooked and ate our
breakfast; he lay down and slept。  The sun came up without a
cloud; and shone brightly on his face。  He sprang to his feet
and said to Burleson; as he saluted him:  ‘The sun of
Austerlitz has risen again。'

〃Some one brought him a piece of cornbread and broiled beef。 
He sat upon the grass and ate itor rather upon the blue
hyacinths that covered the grass; they are red now。  For many
weeks I had not seen his countenance so bright; all traces of
trouble and anxiety were gone。  He called Deaf Smiththe
scout of scoutsand quickly ordered him to cut down the only
bridge across the bayou。

〃At nine o'clock; General Cos joined Santa Anna with five
hundred and forty men; and for a moment I thought we had
made a mistake in not attacking the enemy before his
reinforcements came up。  But the knowledge that Cos was
present; raised enthusiasm to the highest pitch。  Our troops
remembered his parole at the Alamo; and the shameful manner in
which he had broken it; and there was not a man who did not
long to kill him for it。

〃About three o'clock in the afternoon; Houston ordered the
attack。  The seven hundred Americans were divided into three
bodies。  I saw Houston in the very centre of the line; and I
have a confused memory of Milard and Lamar; Burleson and
Sherman and Wharton; in front of their divisions。〃

〃Were the Mexicans expecting the attack; father?〃

〃They were in perfect order; Antonia; and when Sherman shouted
ALAMO!' it was taken up by the whole seven hundred; and such
a shout of vengeance mortal ears never heard before。  The air
was full of it; and it appeared to be echoed and repeated by
innumerable voices。

〃With this shout on our lips; we advanced to within sixty
paces of the Mexican lines; and then a storm of bullets went
flying over our heads。  One ball; however; shattered Houston's
ankle; and another struck his horse in the breast。  But both
man and horse were of the finest metal; and they pressed on
regardless of their wounds。  We did not answer the volley
until we poured our lead into their very bosoms。  No time for
reloading then。  We clubbed our rifles till they broke; flung
them away and fired our pistols in the eyes of the enemy;
then; nothing else remaining; took our bowie…knives from our
belts and cut our way through the walls of living flesh。〃

Lopez rose at the words。  It was impossible for him to express
himself sufficiently in an attitude of repose。  His eyes
glowed like fire; his dark face was like a flame; he threw up
his hands as he cried:

〃Nothing comparable to that charge with knives was ever made
on earth!  If I had seen through the smoke and vapor the
mighty shade of Bowie leading it; I should not have been

〃Perhaps indeed; he did lead it;〃 said the Senora; in a solemn
voice。  〃I saw yes; by all the saints of God!  I saw a
great host with my Juan。  They stretched out vast; shadowy
armsthey made me FEEL what I can never tell。  But I shall
honor Senor Houston。  I shall say to him some day。  ‘Senor;
the unseen battalionsthe mighty dead as well as the mighty
livingwon the battle。'  Roberto; believe me; there are
things women understand better than wise men。〃

A little awe; a solemn silence; answered the earnest woman。 
Luis and Isabel came close to her; and Isabel took her hand。 
Lopez resumed the conversation。  〃I know Colonel Bowie;〃 he
said。  〃In the last days at San Antonio I was often with him。 
Brave as a lion; true to his friends; relentless to his foes;
was he。  The knife he made was the expression of his character
in steel。  It is a knife of extreme unctionthe oil and
wafer are all that remains for the men who feels its edge。 
For my part; I honor the Senora's thought。  It is a great
satisfaction to me to hope that Bowie; and Crockett; and
Travis; and Fannin; and all their company were present at San
Jacinto。  If the just God permitted it; 'twas a favor of
supreme justice。〃

〃But then you are not alone in the thought; Lopez。  I heard
General Sherman say; ‘Poor Fannin!  He has been blamed for not
obeying Houston's orders。  I THINK HE OBEYED THEM TO…DAY。' 
At the moment I did not comprehend; but now it is plain to me。 
He thought Fannin had been present; and perhaps it was this
belief made him so impetuous and invincible。  He fought like
a spirit; one forgot that he was flesh and blood。〃

〃Sherman is of a grand stock;〃 said the doctor; descended from
the wise Roger Sherman; bred in Massachusetts and trained in
all the hardy virtues of her sons。  It was from his lips the
battle…cry of ‘REMEMBER THE ALAMO!' sprang。〃

〃But then; Roberto; nothing shall persuade me that my
countrymen are cowards。〃

〃On the contrary; Maria; they kept their ground with great
courage。  They were slain by hundreds just where they stood
when the battle began。  Twenty…six officers and nearly seven
hundred men were left dead upon the field。  But the flight was
still more terrible。  Into the bayou horses and men rolled
down together。  The deep black stream became red; it was
choked up with their dead bodies; while the mire and water of
the morass was literally bridged with the smothered mules and
horses and soldiers。〃

〃The battle began at three o'clock; but we heard the firing
only for a very short time;〃 said Antonia。

〃After we reached their breastworks it lasted just eighteen
minutes。  At four; the whole Mexican army was dead; or flying
in every direction; and the pursuit and slaughter continued
until twilight。  Truly an unseen power made all our moves for
us。  It was a military miracle; for our loss was only eight
killed and seventeen wounded。〃

〃I am sorry Houston is among the wounded。〃

〃His ankle…bone is shattered。  He is suffering much。  I was
with him when he left the field and I was delighted with his
patience and dignity。  The men crowded around him。  They
seized his bridle; they clasped his hands。  ‘Have we done well
to…day; General?  Are you satisfied with us?' they cried。

〃‘You have covered yourselves with glory;' he answered。  ‘You
have written a grand page in American history this day;
boys。  For it was not for fame nor for empire you fought; but
for your rights as freemen; for your homes and your faith。'

〃The next moment he fell from his horse and we laid him down
at the foot of an oak tree。  He had fainted from loss of blood
and the agony of his wound; combined with the superhuman
exertions and anxieties of the past week。〃

〃But he is better now?〃

〃Yes; I dressed the wound as well as my appliances permitted;
but he will not be able to use his foot for some time。  No one
slept that night。  Weary as the men were; their excitement and
happiness were too great for the bonds of sleep。  In the
morning the rich spoils of the enemy's camp were divided among
them。  Houston refused any part in them。  ‘My share of the
honor is suffic
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