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remember the alamo-第9部分

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advantage; and was following it up by a defiant little
monologue of rebellious speeches。

In the midst of this scene; Antonia entered。  She was dressed
for the carriage; and the carriage stood at the door waiting;
but her face was full of fear; and she said; hurriedly:

〃Rachela; can you not make some excuse to my mother which will
permit us to remain at home?  Hark!  There is something wrong
in the city。〃

In a moment the three women were on the balcony; intently;
anxiously listening。  Then they were aware of a strange
confusion in the subtle; amber atmosphere。  It was as if they
heard the noise of battle afar off; and Rachela; without a
word; glided away to the Senora。  Isabel and Antonia stood
hand in hand; listening to the vague trouble and the echo of
harsh; grating voices; mingled with the blare of clarions; the
roll of drums; and the rattle of scattering rifle…shots。  Yet
the noises were so blended together; so indistinct; so
strangely expressive of both laughter and defiance; that it
was impossible to identify or describe them。

Suddenly a horseman came at a rapid pace towards the house;
and Antonia; leaning over the balcony; saw him deliver a note
to Rachela; and then hurry away at the same reckless speed。 
The note was from the doctor to his wife; and it did not tend
to allay their anxiety。  〃Keep within the house;〃 it said;
〃there are difficulties in the city。  In an hour or two I will
be at home。〃

But it was near midnight when he arrived; and Antonia saw that
he was a different man。  He looked younger。  His blue eyes
shone with the light behind them。  On his face there was the
impress of an invincible determination。  His very walk had
lost its listless; gliding tread; and his steps were firm;
alert and rapid。

No one had been able to go to bed until he arrived; though
Isabel slept restlessly in her father's chair; and the Senora
lay upon the couch; drowsing a little between her frequent
attacks of weeping and angry anticipation。  For she was sure
it was the Americans。  〃Anything was possible with such a man
as Sam Houston near the city。〃

〃Perhaps it is Santa Anna;〃 at length suggested Antonia。  〃He
has been making trouble ever since I can remember。  He was
born with a sword in his hand; I think。〃

〃Ca!  And every American with a rifle in his hand!  Santa Anna
is a monster; but at least he fights for his own country。 
Texas is not the country of the Americans。〃

〃But; indeed; they believe that Texas is their country〃; and
to these words Doctor Worth entered。

〃What is the matter?  What is the matter; Roberto?  I have
been made sick with these uncertainties。  Why did you not come
home at the Angelus?〃

〃I have had a good reason for my delay; Maria。  About three
o'clock I received a message from the Senora Alveda; and I
visited her。  She is in great trouble; and she had not been
able to bear it with her usual fortitude。  She bad

〃Ah; the poor mother!  She has a son who will break her

〃She made no complaint of Luis。  She is distracted about her
country; and as I came home I understood why。  For she is a
very shrewd woman; and she perceives that Santa Anna is
preparing trouble enough for it。〃

〃Well; then; what is it?〃

〃When I left her house; I noticed many Americans; as well as
many Mexicans; on the streets。  They were standing together;
too; and there was something in their faces; and in the way
their arms were carried; which was very striking and
portentous。  I fancied they looked coldly on me; and I was
troubled by the circumstance。  In the Plaza I saw the military
band approaching; accompanied by half a dozen officers and a
few soldiers。  The noise stopped suddenly; and Captain Morello
proclaimed as a bando (edict) of the highest authority; an
order for all Americans to surrender their arms of every
description to the officials and at the places notified。〃

〃Very good!〃

〃Maria; nothing could be worse!  Nothing could be more
shameful and disastrous。  The Americans had evidently been
expecting this useless bombast; and ere the words were well
uttered; they answered them with a yell of defiance。  I do not
think more than one proclamation was necessary; but Morello
went from point to point in the city and the Americans
followed him。  I can tell you this; Maria: all the millions in
Mexico can not take their rifles from the ten thousand
Americans in Texas; able to carry them。〃

〃We shall see!  We shall see!  But; Roberto; you at least will
not interfere in their quarrels。  You have never done so

〃No one has ever proposed to disarm me before; Maria。  I tell
you frankly; I will not give up a single rifle; or revolver;
or weapon of any kind; that I possess。  I would rather be
slain with them。  I have never carried arms before; but I
shall carry them now。  I apologize to my countrymen for not
having them with me this afternoon。  My dearest wife!  My good
Maria! do not cry in that despairing way。

You will be killed; Roberto!  You will be a rebel!  You
will be shot like a dog; and then what will become of me and
my daughters?〃

〃You have two sons; Maria。  They will avenge their father; and
protect their mother and sisters。〃

〃I shall die of shame!  I shall die of shame and sorrow!〃

〃Not of shame; Maria。  If I permitted these men to deprive me
of my arms; you might well die of shame。〃

〃What is it?  Only a gun; or a pistol; that you never use?〃

〃Great God; Maria!  It is everything!  It is honor!  It is
liberty!  It is respect to myself!  It is loyalty to my
country!  It is fidelity to my countrymen!  It is true that
for many years the garrison has fully protected us; and I have
not needed to use the arms in my house。  But thousands of
husbands and fathers need them hourly; to procure food for
their children and wives; and to protect them from the
savages。  One tie binds us。  Their cause is my cause。  Their
country is my country; and their God is my God。  Children; am
I right or wrong?〃

They both stepped swiftly to his side。  Isabel laid her
cheek against his; and answered him with a kiss。  Antonia
clasped his hand; stood close to him; and said:  〃We are all
sure that you are right; dear father。  My mother is weary and
sick with anxiety; but she thinks so too。  Mother always
thinks as you do; father。  Dear mother; here is Rachela with
a cup of chocolate; and you will sleep and grow strong before

But the Senora; though she suffered her daughter's caresses;
did not answer them; neither did she speak to her husband;
though he opened the door for her and stood waiting with a
face full of anxious love for a word or a smile from her。  And
the miserable wife; still more miserable than her husband;
noticed that Isabel did not follow her。  Never before had
Isabel seemed to prefer any society to her mother's; and the
unhappy Senora felt the defection; even amid her graver

But Isabel had seen something new in her father that night;
something that touched her awakening soul with admiration。 
She lingered with him and Antonia; listening with vague
comprehension to their conversation; until Rachela called
her angrily; and as she was not brave enough for a second
rebellion that night; she obediently answered her summons。

An hour afterwards; Antonia stepped cautiously within her
room。  She was sleeping; and smiling in her sleep。  Where was
her loving; innocent soul wandering?  Between the myrtle
hedges and under the fig…tree with her lover?  Oh; who can
tell where the soul goes when sleep gives it some release? 
Perhaps it is at night our angels need to watch us most
carefully。  For the soul; in dreams; can visit evil and
sorrowful places; as well as happy and holy ones。  But Isabel
slept and smiled; and Antonia whispered a prayer at her side
ere she went to her own rest。

And the waning moon cast a pathetic beauty over the Eden…like
land; till dawn brought that mystical silence in which every
new day is born。  Then Robert Worth rose from the chair in
which he had been sitting so long; remembering the past and
forecasting the future。  He walked to the window; opened it;
and looked towards the mountains。  They had an ethereal hue;
a light without rays; a clearness almost polar in its
severity。  But in some way their appearance infused into
his soul calmness and strength。

〃Liberty has always been bought with life; and the glory of
the greatest nations handseled with the blood of their
founders。〃  This was the thought in his heart; as looking far
off to the horizon; he asked hopefully:

       〃What then; O God; shall this good land produce
        That Thou art watering it so carefully?〃


        〃So when fierce zeal a nation rends;
            And stern injustice rules the throne;
         Beneath the yoke meek virtue bends;
            And modest truth is heard to groan。
         But when fair Freedom's star appears;
         Then hushed are sighs; and calmed are fears。
         And who; when nations long opprest;
            Decree to curb the oppressor's pride;
         And patriot virtues fire the breast;
            Who shall the generous ardor chide?
         What shall withstand the great decree;
         When a brave nation will be free?

It is flesh and blood that makes husbands and wives; fathers
and children; and for the next few days these ties were sorely
wounded in Robert Worth's house。  The Senora was what Rachela
called 〃difficult。〃  In reality; she was angry and sullen。  At
such times she always went early to mass; said many prayers;
and still further irritated herself by unnecessary fasting。 
But there are few homes which totally escape the visitations
of this‘pious temper in some form or other。  And no
creed modifies it; the strict Calvinist and strict Catholic
are equally disagreeable while under its influence。

Besides; the Senora; like the ill…tempered prophet; thought
she 〃did well to be angry。〃  She imagined herself deserted and
betrayed in all her tenderest feelings; her husband a rebel;
her home made desolate; her sons and daughters supporting
their father's imprudent views。  She could only see one
alternative before her;
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