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masterman ready-第25部分

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h came into the bay; and we did not much like the idea。

〃There were; as I told you; some other boys as well as myself; who belonged to the Indiaman; and we kept very much together; not only because we were more of an age; but because we had been shipmates so long。 Two of these boys; one of whom I have mentioned as Jack Romer; and the other Will Hastings; were my particular friends; and one day; as we were sitting under the wall warming ourselves; for it was winter time; Romer said; ‘How very easy it would be for us to get away; if we only knew where to go to!'

〃‘Yes;' replied Hastings; ‘but where are we to go to; if it is not to the Hottentots and wild savages; and when we get there; what can we do? … we can't get any further。' ‘Well;' said I; ‘I would rather be living free among savages; than be shut up in a prison。' That was our first talk on the subject; but we had many others afterwards; and as the one or two Dutch soldiers who stood sentry spoke English; and we could talk a little Dutch; we obtained a good deal of information from them; for they had very often been sent to the frontiers of the colony。 We continued to ask questions; and to talk among ourselves for about two months; and at last we resolved that we would make our escape。 We should have done much better if we had remained where we were; but there is no putting old heads upon young shoulders。 We saved up our provisions; bought some long Dutch knives; tied our few clothes up in bundles; and one dark night we contrived to remain in the yard without being perceived; when the prisoners were locked up; and raising a long pole; which lay in the yard; to the top of the wall; with a good deal of scrambling we contrived to get over it; and made off as fast as we could for the Table Mountain。〃

〃What was your reason for going there; Ready?〃

〃Why; Hastings; who was the oldest; and; I will say; the sharpest of the three; said that we had better stay up there for a few days; till we had made up our minds what to do; and try if we could not procure a musket or two; and ammunition; for; you see; we had money; as; when the Indiaman was first taken; the captain divided a keg of rupees; which was on board; among the officers and men; in proportion to the wages due to them; thinking it was better for the crew to have the money than to leave it for the Frenchmen; and we had spent very little while in prison。 There was also another reason why he persuaded us to go to the Table Mountain; which was; that as soon as our escape was found out; they would send parties to look for us; thinking; of course; that we had made for the interior; and we should have less chance of being retaken if we travelled after the first search was over。 The soldiers had told us of the lions; and other wild animals; and how dangerous it was to travel; and Hastings said; that not finding us; they would suppose we had been destroyed by the wild beasts; and would not look for us any more。〃

〃Foolish indeed;〃 observed Mrs。 Seagrave; 〃to set off you knew not where; in a country full of wild beasts and savages。〃

〃True enough; madam;〃 replied Ready。 〃We ran at first until we were out of breath; and then we walked on as fast as we could … not going right up the mountain; but keeping a slanting direction to the south…west; so as to get away from the town; and more towards False Bay。

〃We had walked about four hours; and began to feel very tired; when the day dawned; and then we looked out for a place to conceal ourselves in。 We soon found a cave with a narrow entrance; large enough inside to hold half…a…dozen of such lads as we were; and we crawled in。 It was quite dry; and; as we were very tired; we lay down with our heads on our bundles; intending to take a nap; but we had hardly made ourselves comfortable and shut our eyes; when we heard such a screaming and barking that we were frightened out of our lives almost。 We could not think what it could be。 At last Hastings peeped out; and began to laugh; so Homer and I looked out also; and there we saw about one hundred and fifty large baboons leaping and tumbling about in such a way as I never saw; they were bigger than we were … indeed; when they stood on their hind legs they were much taller; and they had very large white tusks。 Some of them were females; with young ones on their backs; and they were just as active as the males。 At last they played such antics; that we all burst out into a loud laugh; and we had not ceased when we found the grinning face of one of the largest of those brutes close to our own。 He had dropped from the rock above us; like magic。 We all three backed into the cave; very much frightened; for the teeth of the animal were enormous; and he looked very savage。 He gave a shrill cry; and we perceived all the rest of the herd coming to him as fast as they could。 I said that the cave was large enough to hold six of us; but there was a sort of inner cave which we had not gone into; as the entrance was much smaller。 Homer cried out; ‘Let us go into the inside cave … we can get in one by one;' and he backed in; Hastings followed with his bundle; and I hurried in after him just in time; for the baboons; who had been chattering to each other for half a minute; came into the outer cave just as I crawled into the inner。 Five or six of them came in; all males; and very large。 The first thing they did was to lay hold of Homer's bundle; which they soon opened … at once they seized his provisions and rammed them into their pouches; and then they pulled out the other things and tore them all to pieces。 As soon as they had done with the bundle; two of them came towards the inner cave and saw us。 One put his long paw in to seize us; but Hastings gave him a slash with his knife; and the animal took his paw out again fast enough。 It was laughable to see him hold out his hand to the others; and then taste the blood with the tip of his tongue; and such a chattering I never heard … they were evidently very angry; and more came into the cave and joined them; then another put in his hand; and received a cut just as before。 At last; two or three at once tried to pull us out; but we beat them all off with our knives; wounding them all very severely。 For about an hour they continued their attempts; and then they went away out of the cave; but remained at the mouth shrieking and howling。 We began to be very tired of this work; and Homer said that he wished he was back in prison again; and so did I; I can assure you; but there was no getting out; for had we gone out the animals would have torn us to pieces。 We agreed that we had no chance but the animals becoming tired and going away; and most anxious we were; for the excitement had made us very thirsty; and we wanted water。 We remained for two hours in this way imprisoned by baboons; when all of a sudden a shrill cry was given by one of the animals; and the whole herd went galloping off as fast as they could; screaming louder than ever。 We waited for a short time to see if they would return; and then Hastings crawled out first; and looking out of the cave very cautiously; said that they were all gone; and that he could see nothing but a Hottentot sitting down watching some cattle; we therefore all came out; very happy at our release。 That was our first adventure; we had plenty afterwards; but I think it is now time we should go to bed。 It is my opinion we shall have a fine day to…morrow; sir; but there's no saying。〃

〃I do so want to hear what happened to you afterwards; Ready;〃 said William。

〃Well; so you shall; but there's a time for everything; and this is bed…time; unless you like to go with me; the weather has cleared up; and I want to catch a fish or two for to…morrow。〃

Chapter XXXV

As Ready had predicted; the weather set in fine after the violent storm of which we have made mention。 For a fortnight; with little intermission; it continued fine; and during that time; Ready; Mr。 Seagrave; and William worked from daylight till dusk at the storehouse; which they were so anxious to complete; and were so tired when their work was over; that even William did not ask Ready to go on with his history。 At last the storehouse was complete; thatched and wattled in on three sides; leaving one open for ventilation; the lower part; which had been arranged for the folding of the stock at night and during the rainy season; was also wattled in with cocoa…nut boughs on three sides; and made a very comfortable retreat for the animals。 The winding path to the storehouse was also cut through the cocoa…nut grove; but the stumps were not removed; as they could not spare the time。 All the stores that they had brought round were put into the storehouse; and they were now ready to take up some other job。 It was; however; agreed that; on the day after the building was finished; they should all have a day's holiday; which they certainly did require。 William caught some fish; a turtle was speared and wheeled up to the house; and they not only had a holiday; but a feast。 Mr。 Seagrave and William had been walking on the beach with Mrs。 Seagrave and the children; while Ready was assisting Juno in cutting up the turtle; they had shown Mrs。 Seagrave the storehouse; and the goats with the four kids had been led there; as there was no longer any occasion for them to remain in the house。 The weather was beautiful; and they agreed to go and examine the garden。 They found that the seeds had not yet commenced sprouting; notwithstanding the heavy rains。

〃I should have thought that so much rain would have made them come up;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave。

〃No; my dear;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; 〃they require more of the sun than they will have till the rainy season is nearly over; a few days like this; and they will soon be above…ground。〃

〃Let us sit down on this knoll; it is quite dry;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave。 〃I little thought;〃 continued she; 〃that I could have been so happy in a desert island。 I thought I should feel the loss of books very severely; but I really do not think that I could have found time to read。〃

〃Employment is a source of happiness; especially when you are usefully employed。 An industrious person is always a happy person; provided he is not obliged to work too hard; and even where you have cause for unhappiness; nothing makes
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