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masterman ready-第36部分

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l propose that you and I get the boat out of the sand and examine her; and give Mr。 Seagrave some work indoors。〃

〃But the flags; Ready; they are round my mother's bed。 How shall we get them?〃

〃Suppose I say that it is time that the house should be well cleaned; and that the canvas hangings of the beds should he taken out to be aired this fine day。 Ask your father to take the direction of the work while we dig out the boat; that will employ them all inside the house。〃

〃Yes; that will do; Ready。〃

During breakfast…time; Ready observed that he intended to get the boat out of the sand; and that William should assist him。

〃And what am I to do; Ready?〃 said Mr。 Seagrave。

〃Why; sir; I think; now that the rains are over; it would not be a bad thing if we were to air bedding; as they say at sea; it is a fine; warm day; and if all the bedding was taken out of the house and well shaken; and then left out to air; it would be a very good job over; for you see; sir; I have thought more than once that the house does smell a little close。〃

〃It will be a very good thing; Ready;〃 observed Mrs。 Seagrave; 〃and; at the same time; Juno and I will give the house a thorough cleaning and sweeping。〃

〃Had we not better have the canvas screens down; and air them too?〃

〃Yes;〃 replied Ready; 〃we had better air everything。 We will assist in taking down the screens and flags; and spread them out to air; and then; if Mr。 Seagrave has no objection; we will leave him to superintend and assist Madam and Juno。〃

〃With all my heart;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave。 〃We have done breakfast; and will begin as soon as you please。〃

Ready and William took down the canvas screens and flags; and went out of the cottage with them; they spread out the canvas at some distance from the house; and then William went down to the beach with the flags; while Ready procured the block and small rope to hoist them up with。

Ready's stratagem answered well。 Without being perceived by those in the cottage; the flag…staff was raised; and fixed in the ground; and the flags all ready for hoisting; then Ready and William returned to the fuel…stack; and each carried down as much stuff as they could hold; that they might make a smoke to attract the notice of those on board of the vessel。 All this did not occupy much more than an hour; during which the brig continued her course steadily towards the island。 When Ready first saw her the wind was light; but latterly the breeze had increased very much; and at last the brig took in her top…gallant sails。 The horizon behind the vessel; which had been quite clear; was now banked up with clouds; and the waves curled in white foam over the reefs of rocks extending from the island。

〃The breeze is getting up strong; William;〃 said Ready; 〃and she will soon be down; if she is not frightened at the reefs; which she can see plainer now the water is rough; than she could before。〃

〃I trust she will not be afraid;〃 replied William。 〃How far do you think she is off now?〃

〃About five miles; not more。 The wind has hauled round more to the southward; and it is banking up fast; I see。 I fear that we shall have another smart gale; however; it won't last long。 Come; let us hoist the flags; we must not lose a chance; the flags will blow nice and clear for them to see them。〃

William and Ready hoisted up the ensign first; and below it the flag; with the ship's name; Pacific; in large letters upon it。 〃Now then;〃 said Ready; as he made fast the halyards; 〃let us strike a light and make a smoke; that will attract their notice。〃

As soon as the cocoa…nut leaves were lighted; Ready and William threw water upon them; so as to damp them and procure a heavy column of smoke。 The vessel approached rapidly; and they were watching her in silent suspense; when they perceived Mr。 and Mrs。 Seagrave; Juno carrying Albert; with Tommy and Caroline running down as fast as they could to the beach。 The fact was; that Tommy; tired of work; had gone out of the house and walked towards the beach; there he perceived; first; the flags hoisted; and then he detected the vessel off the island。 He immediately ran back to the house; crying out; 〃Papa! Mamma! Captain Osborn come back … come back in a big ship。〃 At this announcement; Mr。 and Mrs。 Seagrave ran out of the house; perceived the vessel and the flags flying; and ran as fast as they could down to where William and Ready were standing by the flag…staff。

〃Oh! Ready; why did you not tell us this before?〃 exclaimed Mr。 Seagrave。

〃I wish you had not known it now; sir;〃 replied Ready; 〃but; however; it can't be helped; it was done out of kindness; Mr。 Seagrave。〃

〃Yes; indeed it was; papa。〃

Mrs。 Seagrave dropped down on the rock; and burst into tears。 Mr。 Seagrave was equally excited。

〃Does she see us; Ready?〃 exclaimed he at last。

〃No; sir; not yet; and I waited till she did; before I made it known to you;〃 replied Ready。

〃She is altering her course; Ready;〃 said William。

〃Yes; sir; she has hauled to the wind; she is afraid of coming too near to the reefs。〃

〃Surely she is not leaving us!〃 exclaimed Mrs。 Seagrave。

〃No; madam; but she does not see us yet。〃

〃She does! she does!〃 cried William; throwing up his hat; 〃see; she hoists her ensign。〃

〃Very true; sir; she does see us。 Thanks be to God!〃

Mr。 Seagrave embraced his wife; who threw herself sobbing into his arms; kissed his children with rapture; and wrung old Ready's hand。 He was almost frantic with joy。 William was equally delighted。

As soon as they were a little more composed; Ready observed: 〃Mr。 Seagrave; that they have seen us is certain; and what we must now do is to get our own boat out of the sand。 We know the passage through the reefs; and they do not。 I doubt if they will; however; venture to send a boat on shore; until the wind moderates a little。 You see; sir; it is blowing up very strong just now。〃

〃But you don't think it will blow harder; Ready?〃

〃I am sorry to say; sir; that I do。 It looks very threatening to the southward; and until the gale is over; they will not venture near an island so surrounded with rocks。 It would be very imprudent if they did。 However; sir; a few hours will decide。〃

〃But; surely;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave; 〃even if it does blow; they will not leave the island without taking us off。 They will come after the gale is over。〃

〃Yes; madam; if they can; I do think they will; but God knows; some men have hard hearts; and feel little for the misery of others。〃

The brig had; in the meantime; kept away again; as if she was running in; but very soon afterwards she hauled to the wind; with her head to the northward; and stood away from the island。

〃She is leaving us;〃 exclaimed William; mournfully。

〃Hard…hearted wretches!〃 said Mr。 Seagrave; with indignation。

〃You are wrong to say that; sir;〃 replied Ready: 〃excuse me; Mr。 Seagrave; for being so bold; but the fact is; that if I was in command of that vessel; I should do just as they have done。 The gale rises fast; and it would be very dangerous for them to remain where they now are。 It does not at all prove that they intend to leave us; they but consult their own safety; and; when the gale is over; we shall; I trust; see them again。〃

No reply was made to Ready's judicious remarks。 The Seagraves only saw that the vessel was leaving them; and their hearts sank。 They watched her in silence; and as she gradually diminished to the view; so did their hopes depart from them。 The wind was now fierce; and a heavy squall; with rain; obscured the offing; and the vessel was no longer to be distinguished。 Mr。 Seagrave turned to his wife; and mournfully offered her his arm。 They walked away from the beach without speaking; the remainder of the party; with the exception of old Ready; followed them。 Ready remained some time with his eyes in the direction where the vessel was last seen。 At last he hauled down the ensign and flag; and; throwing them over his shoulder; followed the disconsolate party to the house。

Chapter XLIV

When Ready arrived; he found them all plunged in such deep distress; that he did not consider it advisable to say anything。 The evening closed in; it was time to retire。 The countenance of Mr。 Seagrave was not only gloomy; but morose。 The hour for retiring to rest had long passed when Ready broke the silence by saying; 〃Surely; you do not intend to sit up all night; Mr。 Seagrave?〃

〃Oh; no! there's no use sitting up now;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; rising up impatiently。 〃Come; my dear; let us go to bed。〃

Mrs。 Seagrave rose; and retired behind the canvas screen。 Her husband seemed as if he was about to follow her; when Ready; without speaking; laid the Bible on the table before him。 Mr。 Seagrave did not appear to notice it; but William touched his father's arm; pointed to the book; and then went inside of the screen; and led out his mother。

〃God forgive me!〃 exclaimed Mr。 Seagrave。 〃In my selfishness and discontent I had forgotten〃

〃Yes; sir; you had forgotten those words; ‘Come unto me; all ye who are weary and heavy laden; and I will give you rest。'〃

〃I am ashamed of myself;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave; bursting into tears。

Mr。 Seagrave opened the Bible; and read the psalm。 As soon as he had closed the book; 〃good night〃 were all the words that passed; and they all retired to rest。

During the night; the wind howled and the rain beat down。 The children slept soundly; but Mr。 and Mrs。 Seagrave; Ready; and William were awake during the whole of the night; listening to the storm; and occupied with their own thoughts。

Ready was dressed before daylight; and out on the beach before the sun had risen。 The gale was at its height; and after a careful survey with his telescope; he could see nothing of the vessel。 He remained on the beach till breakfast…time; when he was summoned by William; and returned to the house。 He found Mr。 and Mrs。 Seagrave up; and more composed than they were the evening before; and they welcomed him warmly。

〃I fear; Ready;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave; 〃that you have no good news for us。〃

〃No; sir; nor can you expect any good news until after the gale is over。 The vessel could not remain here during the gale … that is certain; and there is no saying what the effects of the gale may be。 She may lie
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