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masterman ready-第40部分

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 pork and flour from the storehouse; they completed the load by spearing one of the turtles which remained; and putting it into the bottom of the boat; they then set off again for their new residence; and arrived in time for breakfast。

〃What a delightful spot this is!〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave。 〃I think we ought always to make it our summer residence; and only go back to the house during the rainy season。〃

〃It is much cooler here; madam; during the summer; and much more pleasant; but we are more protected in the house by the cocoa…nut grove。〃

〃Yes; that is true; and it is very valuable during the rainy season; but it makes it warmer in the summer time。 I like the change; Ready; and shall be sorry when we have to go back again。〃

〃Now I must go; and help Juno to cut up the turtle;〃 said Ready。 〃We must make our larder among the banana trees。〃

〃But what are we all to do; Ready?〃 said Mr。 Seagrave。 〃We must not be idle。〃

〃No; sir; but I think we must give up this day to putting everything to rights; and making everything comfortable inside the tents; to…morrow we will commence the ditch and hedge round the yam plantation。 We need not work very hard at it; for I don't think the pigs will venture here again; as I mean to tie up all the dogs round the yam patch every night; and their barking will keep them off。〃

〃That will be a very good plan; Ready。 What beautiful food there is for the sheep and goats!〃

〃Yes; this must be their future residence for the best part of the year。 I think to…morrow we will begin a piece of the ditch; and show William how to put in the cuttings of prickly pear for the hedge; and then; I should propose that you and I go to the cove to examine the stores and select what it will be necessary to bring round。 I think you said that you must go yourself?〃

〃Yes; Ready; I wish to go。 When we have made our selection; I will return; and then you and William; who is more used to the boat than I am; can bring the stores round。 I presume we shall not bring them here?〃

〃No; sir; we will take them round to the storehouse。 When we have done that job; we must then commence our alterations and our stockade。〃

Chapter XLIX

The next morning they went with their shovels to the yam plantation; and commenced their work。 As the ground was soft and swampy; the labour was very easy。 The ditch was dug nearly a yard wide; and the earth thrown up on a bank inside。 They then went to where the large patch of prickly pears grew; and cut a quantity; which they planted on the top of the bank。 Before night; they had finished about nine or ten yards of the hedge and ditch。

〃I don't think that the pigs will get over that when it is finished;〃 said Ready; 〃and William will be able to get on by himself when we are gone; as well as if we were with him。〃

〃I'll try if I cannot shoot a pig or two;〃 said William。

〃Let it be a young one; then; we must not kill the old ones。 Now I think we may as well go back。 Juno is carrying in the supper。〃

Before Mr。 Seagrave and Ready started on the following morning; the latter gave William directions as to the boat。 The provisions and the knapsack having been already prepared; they took leave of Mrs。 Seagrave; and set off; each armed with a musket; and Ready with his axe slung over his shoulder。 They had a long walk before them; as they had first to find their way back to the house; and from thence had to walk through the wood to the cove。

In two hours after leaving the house they reached the spot where they had first landed。 The rocks near to it were strewed with timber and planks; which lay bleaching in the sun; or half…buried in the sand。 Mr。 Seagrave sat down; and sighed deeply as he said; 〃Ready; the sight of these timbers; of which the good ship Pacific was built; recalls feelings which I had hoped to have dismissed from my mind; but I cannot help them rising up。 The remains of this vessel appear to me as the last link between us and the civilised world; which we have been torn from; and all my thoughts of home and country; and I may say all my longing for them; are revived as strong as ever。〃

〃And very natural that they should; Mr。 Seagrave; I feel it also。 I am content; it is true; because I have nothing to wish or look forward to; but still I could not help thinking of poor Captain Osborn and my shipmates; as I looked upon the wreck; and wishing that I might take them by the hand again。 It is very natural that one should do so。 Why; sir; do you know that I feel unhappy even about the poor ship。 We sailors love our vessels; especially when they have good qualities; and the Pacific was as fine a vessel as ever was built。 Now; sir; I feel quite melancholy when I see her planks and timbers lying about here。 But; sir; if we cannot help feeling as we do; it is our duty to check the feeling; so that it does not get the mastery over us。 We can do no more。〃

〃Very true; Ready;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave; rising up; 〃it is not only useless; but even sinful to indulge in them; as they only can lead to our repining at the decrees of heaven。 Let us now examine the rocks; and see if anything has been thrown up that may be of use to us。〃

They walked round; but; with the exception of spars and a barrel or two of tar; they could find nothing of value。 There was no want of staves and iron hoops of broken casks; and these; Ready observed; would make excellent palings for the garden when they had time to bring them round。

After they had returned; they sat down to rest themselves; and then they went to the tents in the cocoa…nut grove; in which they had collected the articles thrown up when the ship went to pieces。

〃Why; the pigs have been at work here!〃 said Ready; 〃they have contrived to open one cask of flour somehow or another; look; sir … I suppose it must have been shaky; or they could not have routed into it; the canvas is not good for much; I fear; fortunately; we have several bolts of new; which I brought on shore。 Now; sir; we will see what condition the stores are in。 All these are casks of flour; and we run no risk in opening them; and seeing if they are in good order。〃

The first cask which was opened had a cake round it as hard as a board; but when it was cut through with the axe; the inside was found in a good state。

〃That's all right; sir; and I presume the others will be the same; the salt water has got in so far and made a crust; which has preserved the rest。 But now let us go to dinner; and to work afterwards。〃

Chapter L

After dinner they resumed their labour。 〃I wonder what's in this case?〃 said Mr。 Seagrave; pointing to the first at hand。 Ready set to work with his axe; and broke off the lid; and found a number of pasteboard boxes full of tapes; narrow ribbons; stay…laces; whalebones; and cottons on reels。

〃This has been sent out for some Botany Bay milliner;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave。 〃I presume; however; we must confiscate it for the benefit of Mrs。 Seagrave and Miss Caroline。 We will take them to them as soon as we have time。〃

The next was a box without a lock; the lid was forced up; and they found a dozen half…gallon square bottles of gin stored in divisions。

〃That's Hollands; sir; I know;〃 said Ready; 〃what shall we do with it?〃

〃We will not destroy it; Ready; but at the same time we will not use it but as a medicine;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; 〃we have been so long used to spring…water; that it would be a pity to renew a taste for spirituous liquors。〃

〃I trust we shall never want to drink a drop of it; sir; either as a medicine or otherwise。 Now for this cask with wooden hoops。〃

The head was soon out; and discovered a dinner set of painted china with gold edges。

〃This; Mr。 Seagrave; may be useful; for we are rather short of plates and dishes。 Common white would have served as well。〃

〃And be more suitable with our present outfit;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave。

〃Here's a box with your name on it; sir;〃 said Ready; 〃do you know what is in it?〃

〃I have no idea; Ready; but your axe will decide the point。〃

When the box was opened; everything appeared in a sad mouldy state from the salt water which had penetrated; but on removing the brown paper and pasteboard; it was found to contain stationery of all sorts; and; except on the outside; it was very little injured。

〃This is indeed a treasure; Ready。 I recollect now; this is paper; pens; and everything requisite for writing; besides children's books; copy…books; paint…boxes; and a great many other articles in the stationery line。〃

〃Well; sir; that is fortunate。 Now we may set up our school; and as the whole population of the island will attend it; it will really be a National School。〃

〃Very true; Ready。 Now for that cask。〃

〃I can tell what that is by the outside; it is oil; and very acceptable; for our candles are nearly out。 Now we come to the most valuable of all our property。〃

〃What is that; Ready?〃

〃All the articles which I brought on shore in the different trips I took in the boat before the ship went to pieces; for you see; sir; iron don't swim; and; therefore; what I looked after most was ironware of all sorts; and tools。 Here are three kegs of small nails; besides two bags of large; and there are several axes; hammers; and other tools; besides hanks of twine; sailing needles; and bees'…wax。〃

〃They are indeed valuable; Ready。〃

〃Here's some more of my plunder; as the Americans say。 All these are wash…deck buckets; this a small harness cask for salting meat; and here's the cook's wooden trough for making bread; which will please Miss Juno; and in it; you see; I have put all the galley…hooks; ladles; and spoons; and the iron trivets; and here's two lamps。 I think I put some cotton wicks somewhere … I know I did; we shall find them by and by。 Here's the two casks; one of cartridges made up; and the other of gunpowder; and the other six muskets。〃

〃These are really treasures; Ready; and yet how well we have done without them。〃

〃Very true; sir; but we shall do better with them; and when we fit up the storehouse for a dwelling; Mr。 Seagrave; we shall be able to make it a little more comfortable in every respect than the present one; for you see there; all the fir…planking and deals; which William and I buried in the sand。〃

〃I really had quite forgotten them; R
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