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masterman ready-第42部分

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〃Why; madam; this is Wednesday; of course we shall be back on Saturday night。〃

〃My dear William; I cannot bear the idea of your being absent so long; and as you will be on the water every day; I shall be in a continual fright until I see you again。〃

〃Well; mamma; I suppose I must write by the penny post; to let you know how I am。〃

〃Don't laugh at me; William。 I do wish there was a penny post; and that you could write every day。〃

Ready and William made every preparation for a continued absence。 They took their blankets with them; and a small pot for cooking; and when all was prepared they bade Mr。 and Mrs。 Seagrave farewell。 They were now to pull to the bay; and leave their luggage; and then go round to the cove。 As they shoved off; William took the dog Remus into the boat。

〃Why do you take the dog; William? he will be of use here in keeping the pigs away; but of no use to us。〃

〃Yes; he will; Ready; I must take him; for I have an idea come into my head; so let me have my own way。〃

〃Well; William; you can always have your own way; as far as I'm concerned; if you wish to take the dog; there is an end of the matter。〃

They hoisted the sail; and as the breeze was fresh; were round to the bay in a very short time。 They took their provisions and stores up to the house; and made fast the door; called the fowls; and gave them some damaged rice which Ready had brought from the cove; and found; to their great delight; that they had now upwards of forty chickens; some; indeed; quite grown; and large enough to kill。

They then got into the boat again; and pulled away for the cove; the wind was fresh; and against them; so they had a long pull; but; as Ready observed; it was much better that it should be so; as; when the boat was loaded; they could very quickly sail back again to the bay。

As soon as they arrived at the cove; they lost no time in loading the boat; the nails; and iron work of every description; with the twine and tools; composed the major part of the first cargo; and calling Remus; who was lying on the sandy beach; they shoved off; hoisted their sail; and in an hour had regained the bay; and passed through the reef。

〃I am glad that this cargo has arrived safe; William; for it is very valuable to us。 Now we will take them all up; and that will be sufficient for to…day; to…morrow; if we can; we will make two trips。〃

〃We can; if we start early;〃 replied William; 〃but now let us have our dinner; and carry the remainder of the things up afterwards。〃

As they were eating their dinner; and William was giving the bones to the dog; Ready said; 〃Pray; William; what was the idea in your head which made you bring Remus with you?〃

〃I will tell you; Ready; I mean him to carry a letter to mamma; you know that he always goes back when he is ordered; and now I wish to see if he will not go back to the tents; if he is told。 I have brought a piece of paper and pencil with me。〃

William then wrote on the paper;

〃Dear Mamma:We are quite well; and just returned with the first cargo quite safe。 Your affectionate son; WILLIAM。〃

William tied the paper round the dog's neck with a piece of twine; and then calling him out of the house; said to him; 〃Remus; go back; sir … go back; sir;〃 the dog looked wistfully at William; as if not sure of what he was to do; but William took up a stone; and pretended to throw it at the dog; who ran away a little distance; and then stopped。

〃Go back; Remus … go back; sir。〃 William again pretended to throw the stone; repeating the order; and then the dog set off as fast as his legs could carry him through the cocoa…nut grove。

〃He is gone at all events;〃 said William; 〃I think he will go home。〃

〃We shall see; sir;〃 replied Ready; 〃and now that we have finished our dinner; we will bring up the things; and put them in the storehouse。〃

Chapter LIII

As soon as they had carried up the whole of the cargo; they secured the boat; and went up to the house to sleep。 Just as they went in; Remus came bounding up to them with a letter round his neck。

〃Here's the dog; William;〃 said Ready; 〃he won't go home after all。〃

〃How provoking! I made sure he would go back; I really am disappointed。 We will give him nothing to eat; and then he will; but; dear me; Ready! this is not the paper I tied round his neck。 I think not。 Let me see。〃 William took the paper; opened it; and read

〃Dear William:Your letter arrived safe; and we are glad you are well。 Write every day; and God bless you; it was very clever of you and Remus。 Your affectionate mother; SELINA SEAGRAVE。〃

〃Well; it is clever;〃 said Ready; 〃I'm sure I had no idea he had gone; and his coming back again; too; when he was ordered。〃

〃Dear Remus; good dog;〃 said William; caressing it: 〃now I'll give you a good supper; for you deserve it。〃

〃So he does; sir。 Well; you've established a post on the island; which is a great improvement。 Seriously; William; it may prove very useful。〃

〃At all events it will be a great comfort to my mother。〃

〃Yes; especially as we shall be obliged all three to be here when we fit up the storehouse; and make the proposed alterations。 Now I think we had better go to bed; for we must be up with the lark to…morrow。〃

〃Here I suppose we ought to say; up with the parrots; for they are the only land birds on the island。〃

〃You forget the pigeons; I saw one of them in the wood the other day。 Good night!〃

The next morning; they were off before breakfast。 The boat was soon loaded; and they returned under sail。 They then breakfasted; and having left the things they had brought on the beach; that they might lose no time; they set off again; and returned with another cargo two hours before dusk; this they landed; and then secured the boat。 As soon as they were in the house; William wrote on a piece of paper:

〃Dear Mamma: We have brought round two cargoes to…day。 All well; and very tired。 Yours; WILLIAM。〃

Remus did not require any teaching this time。 William patted him; and said; 〃Good dog。 Now; Remus; go back … go home; sir;〃 and the dog wagged his tail; and set off immediately。

Before they were in bed; the dog returned with the answer。

〃How fast he must run; Ready! he has not been away more than two hours。〃

〃No。 So; now; Remus; you shall have plenty of supper; and plenty of patting and coaxing; for you are a clever; good little dog。〃

The next day; as they had to take the two cargoes up to the house; they could only make one trip to the cove。 On Saturday they only made one trip; as they had to return to the tents; which they did by water; having first put a turtle into the boat; on their arrival; they found them all at the little harbour; waiting to receive them。

〃Well; William; you did keep your promise and send me a letter by post;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave。 〃How very delightful it is! I shall have no fear now when you are all away。〃

〃I must teach Romulus and Vixen to do the same; mamma。〃

〃And I'll teach the puppies;〃 said Tommy。

〃Yes; Tommy; by the time you can write a letter; the puppies will be old enough to carry it;〃 said Ready。 〃Come; Albert; I'll carry you up; you and I haven't had a game of play for a long while。 How does the ditch and hedge get on; Mr。 Seagrave?〃

〃Pretty well; Ready;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; 〃I have nearly finished two sides。 I think by the end of next week I shall have pretty well inclosed it。〃

〃Well; sir; you must not work too hard; there is no great hurry; William and I can get through a great deal together。〃

〃It is my duty to work; Ready; and I may add; it is a pleasure。〃

As they were at supper the conversation turned upon the cleverness shown by the dog Remus。

Mr。 Seagrave narrated many instances of the sagacity of animals; when William asked the question of his father: 〃What is the difference then between reason and instinct?〃

〃The difference is very great; William; as I will explain to you; but I must first observe; that it has been the custom to say that man is governed by reason; and animals by instinct; alone。 This is an error。 Man has instinct as well as reason; and animals; although chiefly governed by instinct; have reasoning powers。〃

〃In what points does man show that he is led by instinct?〃

〃When a child is first born; William; it acts by instinct only: the reasoning powers are not yet developed; as we grow up; our reason becomes every day more matured; and gains the mastery over our instinct; which decreases in proportion。〃

〃Then when we have grown to a good old age; I suppose we have no instinct left in us?〃

〃Not so; my dear boy; there is one and a most powerful instinct implanted in man which never deserts him on this side of the grave。 It is the fear; not of death; but of utter annihilation; that of becoming nothing after death。 This instinctive feeling could not have been so deeply implanted in us; but as an assurance that we shall not be annihilated after death; but that our souls shall still exist; although our bodies shall have perished。 It may be termed the instinctive evidence of a future existence。〃

〃That is very true; Mr。 Seagrave;〃 observed Ready。

〃Instinct in animals; William;〃 continued Mr。 Seagrave; 〃is a feeling which compels them to perform certain acts without previous thought or reflection; this instinct is in full force at the moment of their birth; it was therefore perfect in the beginning; and has never varied。 The swallow built her nest; the spider its web; the bee formed its comb; precisely in the same way four thousand years ago; as they do now。 I may here observe; that one of the greatest wonders of instinct is the mathematical form of the honeycomb of the bee; which has been proved by demonstration to be that by which is given the greatest possible saving of time and labour。〃

〃But that is all pure instinct; papa; now you said that animals had reasoning powers。 Will you point out to me how they show that they have?〃

〃I will; my dear boy; but we had better defer it till another evening。 It is now time to go to bed。〃

Chapter LIV

The following day; being Sunday; was devoted to the usual religious exercises。 Tommy stole away out of the tent; while Mr。 Seagrave was reading a sermon; to have a peep at the turtle…soup; which was boiling on the fire; however; Juno 
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