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masterman ready-第46部分

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That evening the prayers were more than usually solemn; and the thanksgivings more heartfelt and sincere。 Exhausted with the exciting scene of the day; they all retired early to bed。

Chapter LIX

When Tommy was questioned on the following morning as to his inducement to get into the boat; to their great surprise he replied; that he wanted to go round to the tents again; to see if the bananas were ripe; that he intended to eat some of them and be back before dinner…time; that he might not be found out。

〃I suspect; Tommy; you would have been very hungry before you ate any bananas if we had not perceived you;〃 said Ready。

〃I won't go into the boat any more;〃 said Tommy。

〃I rather think you will keep to that resolution; Tommy;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; 〃however; I must leave your mother to point out to you the danger you were in yourself; and in which you placed others by your folly。〃

The stockade was now almost finished; the door was the occasion of a good deal of consultation; at last; it was agreed that it would be better to have a door of stout oak plank; but with second door…posts inside; about a foot apart from the door; between which could be inserted short poles one above the other; so as to barricade it within when required。 This would make the door as strong as any other portion of the stockade。 As soon as this was all complete; the storehouse was to be altered for a dwelling…house; by taking away the wattles of cocoa…nut boughs on the sides; and filling them up with logs of cocoa…nut trees。

Before the week was ended the stockade and door were complete; and they now began to fell trees; to form the sides of the house。 This was rapid work; and while Mr。 Seagrave; William; and Juno felled the trees; and brought them on the wheels to the side of the stockade; all ready cut to their proper lengths; Ready was employed in flooring the house with a part of the deal planks which they had brought round from the cove。 But this week they were obliged to break off for two days; to collect all their crops from the garden。

A fortnight more passed away in continual hard work; but the house was at last finished; and very complete; compared to the one they were residing in。 It was much larger; and divided into three rooms by the deal planking: the middle room which the door opened into was the sitting and eating room; with a window behind; the two side rooms were sleeping…rooms; one for Mrs。 Seagrave and the children; and the other for the male portion of the family。

〃See; William;〃 said Ready; when they were alone; 〃what we have been able to do by means of those deal planks; why; to have floored this house; and run up the partitions; would have taken us half a year if we had had to saw the wood。〃

〃Yes; and what a comfort it is to have so many shelves about。 When shall we shift into this house?〃

〃The sooner the better。 We have plenty of work still to do; but we can work outside of the stockade。〃

〃And what do you propose to do with the old house?〃 said William。

〃We had better put some of our stores of least value in it for the present; until we can fit up another storehouse inside the stockade。〃

〃Then we'll put those casks in; for they take up a great deal of room。〃

〃All but that large one; William; we shall want that。 I shall fix it up in a corner。〃

〃What for; Ready?〃

〃To put water in。〃

〃But we are closer to the spring than we were at the other house。〃

〃I know that; but; perhaps; we may not be able to go out of the stockade; and then we shall want water。〃

〃I understand; Ready; how thoughtful you are!〃

〃If at my age I did not think a little; William; it would be very odd。 You don't know how anxious I am to see them all inside of this defence。〃

〃But why should we not come in; Ready?〃

〃Why; sir; as there is still plenty of work; I do not like to press the matter; lest your mamma should be fidgeted; and think there was danger; but danger there is; I have a kind of forewarning of it。 I wish you would propose that they should come in at once; the standing…bed places are all ready; except the canvas; and I shall nail on new by to…night。〃

In consequence of this conversation; William proposed at dinnertime that the next day they should go into the new house; as it was so much more handy to work there and live there at the same time。 Mr。 Seagrave was of the same opinion; but Mrs。 Seagrave thought it better that everything should be tidy first。

〃Why; ma'am;〃 said Ready; 〃the only way to get things tidy is to go yourself and make them so。 Nothing will ever be in its place unless you are there to put it in。〃

〃Well; Ready;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave; 〃since you are against me as well as all the rest; I give it up。 and if you please we will shift over to…morrow。〃

〃Indeed; ma'am; I think it will be better; this is the last month of fine weather; and we shall have plenty to do。〃

〃Be it so; Ready; you are the best judge; to…morrow we will take up our quarters in the stockade。〃

〃Thank God!〃 muttered Ready very softly。

The next day was fully employed in changing their residence; and shifting over the bedding and utensils; and that night they slept within the stockade。 Ready had run up a very neat little outhouse of plank; as a kitchen for Juno; and another week was fully employed as follows: the stores were divided; those of least consequence; and the salt provisions; flour; and the garden produce; &c。; were put into the old house; the casks of powder and most of the cartridges were also put there for security; but a cask of beef; of pork; and flour; all the iron…work and nails; canvas; &c。; were stowed away for the present under the new house; which had; when built as a storehouse; been raised four feet from the ground to make a shelter for the stock。 This was very spacious; and; of course; quite dry; and contained all they wished to put in。 Ready also took care; by degrees; to fill the large water…butt full of water; and had fixed into the bottom a spigot for drawing the water off。

〃Well; Mr。 Seagrave;〃 said Ready on the Saturday; 〃we have done a good many hard weeks' work lately; but this is the last of them。 We are now comfortably settled in our new house: our stores are all under cover; and safe from the weather; and so we may now take things a little easier。 William and I must repair the boat; so that we may take a trip round to examine how the stock and yams get on。〃

〃And the bananas and the guavas;〃 said Tommy。

〃Why; we have quite forgotten all about them;〃 observed Mrs。 Seagrave。

〃Yes; ma am; we have been so busy; that it is no wonder; however; there may be some left yet; and I will go round as soon as the boat is able to swim; and bring all I can find。〃

〃We must put our seeds and potatoes in before the rainy season; Ready。〃

〃It will be better; sir; if we can find time; as we shall not have much more fine weather now; at all events; we can get them in at intervals when the weather is fine。 Now I shall go my rounds for turtle。 Good…night; ma'am; … good…night; sir。 Come; William。〃

William and Ready succeeded in turning six more turtles to add to their stock; and having taken a careful survey with the telescope; they came back; fastened the door of the stockade; and went to bed。

Chapter LX

Another week passed away; during which Ready repaired the boat; and William and Mr。 Seagrave were employed in digging up the garden。 It was also a very busy week at the house; as they had not washed linen for some time。 Mrs。 Seagrave and Juno; and even little Caroline were hard at work; and Tommy was more useful than ever he had been; going for the water as they required it; and watching little Albert。 Indeed; he was so active; that Mrs。 Seagrave praised him before his papa; and Tommy was quite proud。

On the Monday William and Ready set off in the boat to the little harbour; and found all the stock doing well。 Many of the bananas and guavas had ripened and withered; but there were enough left to fill the boat half full。

〃We cannot do better than to leave the stock where it is at present; William; they can run into the cocoa…nut grove for shelter if there is a storm; and there is feed enough for ten times as many。〃

〃Yes; but will you not dig up a few yams first?〃

〃I had quite forgotten it; William。 I will go for the spade。〃

Having procured the yams; they set off on their return。 Before they arrived at the bay; the sky clouded over and threatened a storm。 It did not; however; rain till after they had landed; when a small shower announced the commencement of the rainy season。 The fruit was very welcome to all of them; it was so long since they had tasted any。

The following day was beautifully fine; and everything appeared refreshed by the rain which had fallen。 It was; however; agreed; that Ready and William should go round the next morning; bring home the tents; and as many yams as the boat could carry。 William and Ready went out at night as usual; when Ready observed that the wind had chopped round to the eastward。

〃That will be bad for us to…morrow; Ready;〃 replied William。 〃We may sail to the harbour; but we shall have to pull back with the loaded boat。〃

〃I trust it will be no worse than that; at all events;〃 replied Ready; 〃but we must now return; and go to bed。 I shall be up by daylight; so you need not wake without you like。〃

〃I can't help waking;〃 replied William; 〃and I shall; therefore; be up with you。〃

〃Very well; I am always glad of your company。〃

The next morning; just before the day dawned; Ready and William unfastened the door of the stockade; and went down to the beach。 The wind was still to the eastward; and blowing rather fresh; and the sky was cloudy。 As the sun rose; Ready; as usual; had his telescope with him; and looked through it at the offing to the eastward。 As he kept the spy…glass to his eye for some time without speaking; William said:

〃Do you see anything; Ready; that you look so long in that direction?〃

〃Either my old eyes deceive me; or I fear that I do;〃 replied Ready; 〃but a few minutes more will decide。〃

There was a bank of clouds on the horizon to the eastward; but as soon as the sun had risen above them; Ready; who had the telescope fixed in the same direction; said:

〃Yes; William; I am righ
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