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the glimpses of the moon-第10部分

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fashion; that summer; to pop down to Venice and take a look at

the Lansings。  Streffy had set the example; and Streffy's

example was always followed。  And then Susy's marriage was still

a subject of sympathetic speculation。  People knew the story of

the wedding cheques; and were interested in seeing how long they

could be made to last。  It was going to be the thing; that year;

to help prolong the honey…moon by pressing houses on the

adventurous couple。  Before June was over a band of friends were

basking with the Lansings on the Lido。

Nick found himself unexpectedly disturbed by their arrival。  To

avoid comment and banter he put his book aside and forbade Susy

to speak of it; explaining to her that he needed an interval of

rest。  His wife instantly and exaggeratedly adopted this view;

guarding him from the temptation to work as jealously as she had

discouraged him from idling; and he was careful not to let her

find out that the change in his habits coincided with his having

reached a difficult point in his book。  But though he was not

sorry to stop writing he found himself unexpectedly oppressed by

the weight of his leisure。  For the first time communal dawdling

had lost its charm for him; not because his fellow dawdlers were

less congenial than of old; but because in the interval he had

known something so immeasurably better。  He had always felt

himself to be the superior of his habitual associates; but now

the advantage was too great:  really; in a sense; it was hardly

fair to them。

He had flattered himself that Susy would share this feeling; but

he perceived with annoyance that the arrival of their friends

heightened her animation。  It was as if the inward glow which

had given her a new beauty were now refracted upon her by the

presence of the very people they had come to Venice to avoid。

Lansing was vaguely irritated; and when he asked her how she

liked being with their old crowd again his irritation was

increased by her answering with a laugh that she only hoped the

poor dears didn't see too plainly how they bored her。  The

patent insincerity of the reply was a shock to Lansing。  He knew

that Susy was not really bored; and he understood that she had

simply guessed his feelings and instinctively adopted them:

that henceforth she was always going to think as he thought。  To

confirm this fear he said carelessly:  〃Oh; all the same; it's

rather jolly knocking about with them again for a bit;〃 and she

answered at once; and with equal conviction:  〃Yes; isn't it?

The old darlingsall the same!〃

A fear of the future again laid its cold touch on Lansing。

Susy's independence and self…sufficiency had been among her

chief attractions; if she were to turn into an echo their

delicious duet ran the risk of becoming the dullest of

monologues。  He forgot that five minutes earlier he had resented

her being glad to see their friends; and for a moment he found

himself leaning dizzily over that insoluble riddle of the

sentimental life:  that to be differed with is exasperating; and

to be agreed with monotonous。

Once more he began to wonder if he were not fundamentally

unfitted for the married state; and was saved from despair only

by remembering that Susy's subjection to his moods was not

likely to last。  But even then it never occurred to him to

reflect that his apprehensions were superfluous; since their tie

was avowedly a temporary one。  Of the special understanding on

which their marriage had been based not a trace remained in his

thoughts of her; the idea that he or she might ever renounce

each other for their mutual good had long since dwindled to the

ghost of an old joke。

It was borne in on him; after a week or two of unbroken

sociability; that of all his old friends it was the Mortimer

Hickses who bored him the least。  The Hickses had left the Ibis

for an apartment in a vast dilapidated palace near the

Canareggio。  They had hired the apartment from a painter (one of

their newest discoveries); and they put up philosophically with

the absence of modern conveniences in order to secure the

inestimable advantage of 〃atmosphere。〃  In this privileged air

they gathered about them their usual mixed company of quiet

studious people and noisy exponents of new theories; themselves

totally unconscious of the disparity between their different

guests; and beamingly convinced that at last they were seated at

the source of wisdom。

In old days Lansing would have got half an hour's amusement;

followed by a long evening of boredom; from the sight of Mrs。

Hicks; vast and jewelled; seated between a quiet…looking

professor of archaeology and a large…browed composer; or the

high priest of a new dance…step; while Mr。 Hicks; beaming above

his vast white waistcoat; saw to it that the champagne flowed

more abundantly than the talk; and the bright young secretaries

industriously 〃kept up〃 with the dizzy cross…current of prophecy

and erudition。  But a change had come over Lansing。  Hitherto it

was in contrast to his own friends that the Hickses had seemed

most insufferable; now it was as an escape from these same

friends that they had become not only sympathetic but even

interesting。  It was something; after all; to be with people who

did not regard Venice simply as affording exceptional

opportunities for bathing and adultery; but who were reverently

if confusedly aware that they were in the presence of something

unique and ineffable; and determined to make the utmost of their


〃After all;〃 he said to himself one evening; as his eyes

wandered; with somewhat of a convalescent's simple joy; from one

to another of their large confiding faces; 〃after all; they've

got a religion 。。。。〃  The phrase struck him; in the moment of

using it; as indicating a new element in his own state of mind;

and as being; in fact; the key to his new feeling about the

Hickses。  Their muddled ardour for great things was related to

his own new view of the universe:  the people who felt; however

dimly; the wonder and weight of life must ever after be nearer

to him than those to whom it was estimated solely by one's

balance at the bank。  He supposed; on reflexion; that that was

what he meant when he thought of the Hickses as having 〃a

religion〃 。。。。

A few days later; his well…being was unexpectedly disturbed by

the arrival of Fred Gillow。  Lansing had always felt a tolerant

liking for Gillow; a large smiling silent young man with an

intense and serious desire to miss nothing attainable by one of

his fortune and standing。  What use he made of his experiences;

Lansing; who had always gone into his own modest adventures

rather thoroughly; had never been able to guess; but he had

always suspected the prodigal Fred of being no more than a well…

disguised looker…on。  Now for the first time he began to view

him with another eye。  The Gillows were; in fact; the one uneasy

point in Nick's conscience。  He and Susy from the first; had

talked of them less than of any other members of their group:

they had tacitly avoided the name from the day on which Susy had

come to Lansing's lodgings to say that Ursula Gillow had asked

her to renounce him; till that other day; just before their

marriage; when she had met him with the rapturous cry:  〃Here's

our first wedding present!  Such a thumping big cheque from Fred

and Ursula!〃

Plenty of sympathizing people were ready; Lansing knew; to tell

him just what had happened in the interval between those two

dates; but he had taken care not to ask。  He had even affected

an initiation so complete that the friends who burned to

enlighten him were discouraged by his so obviously knowing more

than they; and gradually he had worked himself around to their

view; and had taken it for granted that he really did。

Now he perceived that he knew nothing at all; and that the

〃Hullo; old Fred!〃 with which Susy hailed Gillow's arrival might

be either the usual tribal welcomesince they were all 〃old;〃

and all nicknamed; in their private jargonor a greeting that

concealed inscrutable depths of complicity。

Susy was visibly glad to see Gillow; but she was glad of

everything just then; and so glad to show her gladness!  The

fact disarmed her husband and made him ashamed of his

uneasiness。  〃You ought to have thought this all out sooner; or

else you ought to chuck thinking of it at all;〃 was the sound

but ineffectual advice he gave himself on the day after Gillow's

arrival; and immediately set to work to rethink the whole


Fred Gillow showed no consciousness of disturbing any one's

peace of mind。  Day after day he sprawled for hours on the Lido

sands; his arms folded under his head; listening to Streffy's

nonsense and watching Susy between sleepy lids; but he betrayed

no desire to see her alone; or to draw her into talk apart from

the others。  More than ever he seemed content to be the

gratified spectator of a costly show got up for his private

entertainment。  It was not until he heard her; one morning;

grumble a little at the increasing heat and the menace of

mosquitoes; that he said; quite as if they had talked the matter

over long before; and finally settled it:  〃The moor will be

ready any time after the first of August。〃

Nick fancied that Susy coloured a little; and drew herself up

more defiantly than usual as she sent a pebble skimming across

the dying ripples at their feet。

〃You'll be a lot cooler in Scotland;〃 Fred added; with what; for

him; was an unusual effort at explicitness。

〃Oh; shall we?〃 she retorted gaily; and added with an air of

mystery and importance; pivoting about on her high heels:

〃Nick's got work to do here。  It will probably keep us all


〃Work?  Rot!  You'll die of the smells。〃  Gillow stared

perplexedly skyward from under his tilted hat…brim; and then

brought out; as from the depth of a rankling grie
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