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the glimpses of the moon-第17部分

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you!〃  She turned and laid a deprecating hand on his arm。

〃Streffy; old dear; don't mind me:  but for God's sake find a

gondola and send me home。〃



It was never any concern of Streff's if people wanted to do

things he did not understand; and she knew that she could count

on his obedience。  They walked on in silence to the next canal;

and he picked up a passing gondola and put her in it。

〃Now go and amuse yourself;〃 she called after him; as the boat

shot under the nearest bridge。  Anything; anything; to be alone;

away from the folly and futility that would be all she had left

if Nick were to drop out of her life 。。。。

〃But perhaps he has dropped alreadydropped for good;〃 she

thought as she set her foot on the Vanderlyn threshold。

The short summer night was already growing transparent:  a new

born breeze stirred the soiled surface of the water and sent it

lapping freshly against the old palace doorways。  Nearly two

o'clock!  Nick had no doubt come back long ago。  Susy hurried up

the stairs; reassured by the mere thought of his nearness。  She

knew that when their eyes and their lips met it would be

impossible for anything to keep them apart。

The gondolier dozing on the landing roused himself to receive

her; and to proffer two envelopes。  The upper one was a telegram

for Strefford:  she threw it down again and paused under the

lantern hanging from the painted vault; the other envelope in

her hand。  The address it bore was in Nick's writing。  〃When did

the signore leave this for me?  Has he gone out again?〃

Gone out again?  But the signore had not come in since dinner:

of that the gondolier was positive; as he had been on duty all

the evening。  A boy had brought the letteran unknown boy:  he

had left it without waiting。  It must have been about half an

hour after the signora had herself gone out with her guests。

Susy; hardly hearing him; fled on to her own room; and there;

beside the very lamp which; two months before; had illuminated

Ellie Vanderlyn's fatal letter; she opened Nick's。

〃Don't think me hard on you; dear; but I've got to work this

thing out by myself。  The sooner the better…don't you agree?  So

I'm taking the express to Milan presently。  You'll get a proper

letter in a day or two。  I wish I could think; now; of something

to say that would show you I'm not a brutebut I can't。 N。 L。 〃

There was not much of the night left in which to sleep; even had

a semblance of sleep been achievable。  The letter fell from

Susy's hands; and she crept out onto the balcony and cowered

there; her forehead pressed against the balustrade; the dawn

wind stirring in her thin laces。  Through her closed eyelids and

the tightly…clenched fingers pressed against them; she felt the

penetration of the growing light; the relentless advance of

another daya day without purpose and without meaninga day

without Nick。  At length she dropped her hands; and staring from

dry lids saw a rim of fire above the roofs across the Grand

Canal。  She sprang up; ran back into her room; and dragging the

heavy curtains shut across the windows; stumbled over in the

darkness to the lounge and fell among its pillows…face

downwardgroping; delving for a deeper night 。。。。

She started up; stiff and aching; to see a golden wedge of sun

on the floor at her feet。  She had slept; thenwas it

possible?it must be eight or nine o'clock already!  She had

sleptslept like a drunkardwith that letter on the table at

her elbow!  Ah; now she rememberedshe had dreamed that the

letter was a dream!  But there; inexorably; it lay; and she

picked it up; and slowly; painfully re…read it。  Then she tore

it into shreds hunted for a match; and kneeling before the empty

hearth; as though she were accomplishing some funeral rite; she

burnt every shred of it to ashes。  Nick would thank her for that

some day!

After a bath and a hurried toilet she began to be aware of

feeling younger and more hopeful。  After all; Nick had merely

said that he was going away for 〃a day or two。〃  And the letter

was not cruel:  there were tender things in it; showing through

the curt words。  She smiled at herself a little stiffly in the

glass; put a dash of red on her colourless lips; and rang for

the maid。

〃Coffee; Giovanna; please; and will you tell Mr。 Strefford that

I should like to see him presently。〃

If Nick really kept to his intention of staying away for a few

days she must trump up some explanation of his absence; but her

mind refused to work; and the only thing she could think of was

to take Strefford into her confidence。  She knew that he could

be trusted in a real difficulty; his impish malice transformed

itself into a resourceful ingenuity when his friends required


The maid stood looking at her with a puzzled gaze; and Susy

somewhat sharply repeated her order。  〃But don't wake him on

purpose;〃 she added; foreseeing the probable effect on

Strefford's temper。

〃But; signora; the gentleman is already out。〃

〃Already out?〃  Strefford; who could hardly be routed from his

bed before luncheon…time!  〃Is it so late?〃 Susy cried;


〃After nine。  And the gentleman took the eight o'clock train for

England。  Gervaso said he had received a telegram。  He left word

that he would write to the signora。〃

The door closed upon the maid; and Susy continued to gaze at her

painted image in the glass; as if she had been trying to

outstare an importunate stranger。  There was no one left for her

to take counsel of; thenno one but poor Fred Gillow!  She made

a grimace at the idea。

But what on earth could have summoned Strefford back to England?


NICK LANSING; in the Milan express; was roused by the same bar

of sunshine lying across his knees。  He yawned; looked with

disgust at his stolidly sleeping neighbours; and wondered why he

had decided to go to Milan; and what on earth he should do when

he got there。  The difficulty about trenchant decisions was that

the next morning they generally left one facing a void 。。。。

When the train drew into the station at Milan; he scrambled out;

got some coffee; and having drunk it decided to continue his

journey to Genoa。  The state of being carried passively onward

postponed action and dulled thought; and after twelve hours of

furious mental activity that was exactly what he wanted。

He fell into a doze again; waking now and then to haggard

intervals of more thinking; and then dropping off to the clank

and rattle of the train。  Inside his head; in his waking

intervals; the same clanking and grinding of wheels and chains

went on unremittingly。  He had done all his lucid thinking

within an hour of leaving the Palazzo Vanderlyn the night

before; since then; his brain had simply continued to revolve

indefatigably about the same old problem。  His cup of coffee;

instead of clearing his thoughts; had merely accelerated their


At Genoa he wandered about in the hot streets; bought a cheap

suit…case and some underclothes; and then went down to the port

in search of a little hotel he remembered there。  An hour later

he was sitting in the coffee…room; smoking and glancing vacantly

over the papers while he waited for dinner; when he became aware

of being timidly but intently examined by a small round…faced

gentleman with eyeglasses who sat alone at the adjoining table。

〃HulloButtles!〃  Lansing exclaimed; recognising with surprise

the recalcitrant secretary who had resisted Miss Hicks's

endeavour to convert him to Tiepolo。

Mr。 Buttles; blushing to the roots of his scant hair; half rose

and bowed ceremoniously。

Nick Lansing's first feeling was of annoyance at being disturbed

in his solitary broodings; his next; of relief at having to

postpone them even to converse with Mr。 Buttles。

〃No idea you were here:  is the yacht in harbour?〃 he asked;

remembering that the Ibis must be just about to spread her


Mr。 Buttles; at salute behind his chair; signed a mute negation:

for the moment he seemed too embarrassed to speak。

〃Ahyou're here as an advance guard?  I remember nowI saw

Miss Hicks in Venice the day before yesterday;〃 Lansing

continued; dazed at the thought that hardly forty…eight hours

had passed since his encounter with Coral in the Scalzi。

Mr。 Buttles; instead of speaking; had tentatively approached his

table。  〃May I take this seat for a moment; Mr。 Lansing?  Thank

you。  No; I am not here as an advance guardthough I believe

the Ibis is due some time to…morrow。〃  He cleared his throat;

wiped his eyeglasses on a silk handkerchief; replaced them on

his nose; and went on solemnly:  〃Perhaps; to clear up any

possible misunderstanding; I ought to say that I am no longer in

the employ of Mr。 Hicks。〃

Lansing glanced at him sympathetically。  It was clear that he

suffered horribly in imparting this information; though his

compact face did not lend itself to any dramatic display of


〃Really;〃 Nick smiled; and then ventured:  〃I hope it's not

owing to conscientious objections to Tiepolo?〃

Mr。 Buttles's blush became a smouldering agony。  〃Ah; Miss Hicks

mentioned to you 。。。 told you 。。。?  No; Mr。 Lansing。  I am

principled against the effete art of Tiepolo; and of all his

contemporaries; I confess; but if Miss Hicks chooses to

surrender herself momentarily to the unwholesome spell of the

Italian decadence it is not for me to protest or to criticize。

Her intellectual and aesthetic range so far exceeds my humble

capacity that it would be ridiculous; unbecoming 。。。。〃

He broke off; and once more wiped a faint moisture from his

eyeglasses。  It was evident that he was suffering from a

distress which he longed and yet dreaded to communicate。  But

Nick made no farther effort to bridge the gulf of his own

preoccupations; and Mr。 Buttles; after an 
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