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the glimpses of the moon-第19部分

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Altringham; and possessor of one of the largest private fortunes

in England。  It was vertiginous to think of their old

impecunious Streff as the hero of such an adventure。  And what

irony in that double turn of the wheel which; in one day; had

plunged him; Nick Lansing; into nethermost misery; while it

tossed the other to the stars!

With an intenser precision he saw again Susy's descent from the

gondola at the calle steps; the sound of her laughter and of

Strefford's chaff; the way she had caught his arm and clung to

it; sweeping the other men on in her train。  StreffordSusy and

Strefford! 。。。  More than once; Nick had noticed the softer

inflections of his friend's voice when he spoke to Susy; the

brooding look in his lazy eyes when they rested on her。  In the

security of his wedded bliss Nick had made light of those signs。

The only real jealousy he had felt had been of Fred Gillow;

because of his unlimited power to satisfy a woman's whims。  Yet

Nick knew that such material advantages would never again

suffice for Susy。  With Strefford it was different。  She had

delighted in his society while he was notoriously ineligible;

might not she find him irresistible now?

The forgotten terms of their bridal compact came back to Nick:

the absurd agreement on which he and Susy had solemnly pledged

their faith。  But was it so absurd; after all?  It had been

Susy's suggestion (not his; thank God!); and perhaps in making

it she had been more serious than he imagined。  Perhaps; even if

their rupture had not occurred; Strefford's sudden honours might

have caused her to ask for her freedom 。。。。

Money; luxury; fashion; pleasure:  those were the four

cornerstones of her existence。  He had always known itshe

herself had always acknowledged it; even in their last dreadful

talk together; and once he had gloried in her frankness。  How

could he ever have imagined that; to have her fill of these

things; she would not in time stoop lower than she had yet

stooped?  Perhaps in giving her up to Strefford he might be

saving her。  At any rate; the taste of the past was now so

bitter to him that he was moved to thank whatever gods there

were for pushing that mortuary paragraph under his eye 。。。。

〃Susy; dear 'he wrote'; the fates seem to have taken our future

in hand; and spared us the trouble of unravelling it。  If I have

sometimes been selfish enough to forget the conditions on which

you agreed to marry me; they have come back to me during these

two days of solitude。  You've given me the best a man can have;

and nothing else will ever be worth much to me。  But since I

haven't the ability to provide you with what you want; I

recognize that I've no right to stand in your way。 We must owe

no more Venetian palaces to underhand services。  I see by the

newspapers that Streff can now give you as many palaces as you

want。  Let him have the chanceI fancy he'll jump at it; and

he's the best man in sight。  I wish I were in his shoes。

〃I'll write again in a day or two; when I've collected my wits;

and can give you an address。  NICK。〃

He added a line on the subject of their modest funds; put the

letter into an envelope; and addressed it to Mrs。 Nicholas

Lansing。  As he did so; he reflected that it was the first time

he had ever written his wife's married name。

〃Wellby God; no other woman shall have it after her;〃 he

vowed; as he groped in his pocketbook for a stamp。

He stood up with a stretch of wearinessthe heat was stifling!

and put the letter in his pocket。

〃I'll post it myself; it's safer;〃 he thought; 〃and then what in

the name of goodness shall I do next; I wonder?〃  He jammed his

hat down on his head and walked out into the sun…blaze。

As he was turning away from the square by the general Post

Office; a white parasol waved from a passing cab; and Coral

Hicks leaned forward with outstretched hand。 〃I knew I'd find

you;〃 she triumphed。  〃I've been driving up and down in this

broiling sun for hours; shopping and watching for you at the

same time。〃

He stared at her blankly; too bewildered even to wonder how she

knew he was in Genoa; and she continued; with the kind of shy

imperiousness that always made him feel; in her presence; like a

member of an orchestra under a masterful baton; 〃Now please get

right into this carriage; and don't keep me roasting here

another minute。〃  To the cabdriver she called out:  Al porto。〃

Nick Lansing sank down beside her。 As he did so he noticed a

heap of bundles at her feet; and felt that he had simply added

one more to the number。  He supposed that she was taking her

spoils to the Ibis; and that he would be carried up to the deck…

house to be displayed with the others。  Well; it would all help

to pass the dayand by night he would have reached some kind of

a decision about his future。

On the third day after Nick's departure the post brought to the

Palazzo Vanderlyn three letters for Mrs。 Lansing。

The first to arrive was a word from Strefford; scribbled in the

train and posted at Turin。  In it he briefly said that he had

been called home by the dreadful accident of which Susy had

probably read in the daily papers。  He added that he would write

again from England; and thenin a blotted postscript:  〃I

wanted uncommonly badly to see you for good…bye; but the hour

was impossible。  Regards to Nick。  Do write me just a word to


The other two letters; which came together in the afternoon;

were both from Genoa。  Susy scanned the addresses and fell upon

the one in her husband's writing。  Her hand trembled so much

that for a moment she could not open the envelope。  When she had

done so; she devoured the letter in a flash; and then sat and

brooded over the outspread page as it lay on her knee。  It might

mean so many thingsshe could read into it so many harrowing

alternatives of indifference and despair; of irony and

tenderness!  Was he suffering tortures when he wrote it; or

seeking only to inflict them upon her?  Or did the words

represent his actual feelings; no more and no less; and did he

really intend her to understand that he considered it his duty

to abide by the letter of their preposterous compact?  He had

left her in wrath and indignation; yet; as a closer scrutiny

revealed; there was not a word of reproach in his brief lines。

Perhaps that was why; in the last issue; they seemed so cold to

her 。。。。  She shivered and turned to the other envelope。

The large stilted characters; though half…familiar; called up no

definite image。  She opened the envelope and discovered a post…

card of the Ibis; canvas spread; bounding over a rippled sea。

On the back was written:

〃So awfully dear of you to lend us Mr。 Lansing for a little

cruise。  You may count on our taking the best of care of him。




WHEN Violet Melrose had said to Susy Branch; the winter before

in New York:  〃But why on earth don't you and Nick go to my

little place at Versailles for the honeymoon?  I'm off to China;

and you could have it to yourselves all summer;〃 the offer had

been tempting enough to make the lovers waver。

It was such an artless ingenuous little house; so full of the

demoralizing simplicity of great wealth; that it seemed to Susy

just the kind of place in which to take the first steps in

renunciation。  But Nick had objected that Paris; at that time of

year; would be swarming with acquaintances who would hunt them

down at all hours; and Susy's own experience had led her to

remark that there was nothing the very rich enjoyed more than

taking pot…luck with the very poor。  They therefore gave

Strefford's villa the preference; with an inward proviso (on

Susy's part) that Violet's house might very conveniently serve

their purpose at another season。

These thoughts were in her mind as she drove up to Mrs。

Melrose's door on a rainy afternoon late in August; her boxes

piled high on the roof of the cab she had taken at the station。

She had travelled straight through from Venice; stopping in

Milan just long enough to pick up a reply to the telegram she

had despatched to the perfect housekeeper whose permanent

presence enabled Mrs。 Melrose to say:  〃Oh; when I'm sick of

everything I just rush off without warning to my little shanty

at Versailles; and live there all alone on scrambled eggs。〃

The perfect house…keeper had replied to Susy's enquiry:  〃Am

sure Mrs。 Melrose most happy〃; and Susy; without further

thought; had jumped into a Versailles train; and now stood in

the thin rain before the sphinx…guarded threshold of the


The revolving year had brought around the season at which Mrs。

Melrose's house might be convenient:  no visitors were to be

feared at Versailles at the end of August; and though Susy's

reasons for seeking solitude were so remote from those she had

once prefigured; they were none the less cogent。  To be alone

alone!  After those first exposed days when; in the persistent

presence of Fred Gillow and his satellites; and in the mocking

radiance of late summer on the lagoons; she had fumed and turned

about in her agony like a trapped animal in a cramping cage; to

be alone had seemed the only respite; the one craving:  to be

alone somewhere in a setting as unlike as possible to the

sensual splendours of Venice; under skies as unlike its azure

roof。  If she could have chosen she would have crawled away into

a dingy inn in a rainy northern town; where she had never been

and no one knew her。  Failing that unobtainable luxury; here she

was on the threshold of an empty house; in a deserted place;

under lowering skies。  She had shaken off Fred Gillow; sulkily

departing for his moor (where she had half…promised to join him

in September); the Prince; young Breckenridge; and the few

remaining survivors of the Venetian group; had dispersed in the

direction of the En
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