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the glimpses of the moon-第26部分

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the book altogether; and try to look out for a job that will

pay。  To indulge in my kind of literature one must first have an

assured income。〃

He was instantly annoyed with himself for having spoken。

Hitherto in his relations with the Hickses he had carefully

avoided the least allusion that might make him feel the heavy

hand of their beneficence。  But the idle procrastinating weeks

had weakened him and he had yielded to the need of putting into

words his vague intentions。  To do so would perhaps help to make

them more definite。

To his relief Miss Hicks made no immediate reply; and when she

spoke it was in a softer voice and with an unwonted hesitation。

〃It seems a shame that with gifts like yours you shouldn't find

some kind of employment that would leave you leisure enough to

do your real work 。。。。〃

He shrugged ironically。  〃Yesthere are a goodish number of us

hunting for that particular kind of employment。〃

Her tone became more business…like。  〃I know it's hard to

findalmost impossible。  But would you take it; I wonder; if it

were offered to you?〃

She turned her head slightly; and their eyes met。  For an

instant blank terror loomed upon him; but before he had time to

face it she continued; in the same untroubled voice:  〃Mr。

Buttles's place; I mean。  My parents must absolutely have some

one they can count on。  You know what an easy place it is 。。。。

I think you would find the salary satisfactory。〃

Nick drew a deep breath of relief。  For a moment her eyes had

looked as they had in the Scalziand he liked the girl too much

not to shrink from reawakening that look。  But Mr。 Buttles's

place:  why not?

〃Poor Buttles!〃 he murmured; to gain time。

〃Oh;〃 she said; 〃you won't find the same reasons as he did for

throwing up the job。  He was the martyr of his artistic


He glanced at her sideways; wondering。  After all she did not

know of his meeting with Mr。 Buttles in Genoa; nor of the

latter's confidences; perhaps she did not even know of Mr。

Buttles's hopeless passion。  At any rate her face remained calm。

〃Why not consider itat least just for a few months?  Till

after our expedition to Mesopotamia?〃 she pressed on; a little


〃You're awfully kind:  but I don't know〃

She stood up with one of her abrupt movements。  〃You needn't;

all at once。  Take time think it over。  Father wanted me to ask

you;〃 she appended。

He felt the inadequacy of his response。  〃It tempts me awfully;

of course。  But I must wait; at any ratewait for letters。  The

fact is I shall have to wire from Rhodes to have them sent。  I

had chucked everything; even letters; for a few weeks。〃

〃Ah; you are tired;〃 she murmured; giving him a last downward

glance as she turned away。

》From Rhodes Nick Lansing telegraphed to his Paris bank to send

his letters to Candia; but when the Ibis reached Candia; and the

mail was brought on board; the thick envelope handed to him

contained no letter from Susy。

Why should it; since he had not yet written to her?

He had not written; no:  but in sending his address to the bank

he knew he had given her the opportunity of reaching him if she

wished to。  And she had made no sign。

Late that afternoon; when they returned to the yacht from their

first expedition; a packet of newspapers lay on the deck…house

table。  Nick picked up one of the London journals; and his eye

ran absently down the list of social events。

He read:

〃Among the visitors expected next week at Ruan Castle (let for

the season to Mr。 Frederick J。 Gillow of New York) are Prince

Altineri of Rome; the Earl of Altringham and Mrs。 Nicholas

Lansing; who arrived in London last week from Paris。 〃Nick threw

down the paper。  It was just a month since he had left the

Palazzo Vanderlyn and flung himself into the night express for

Milan。  A whole monthand Susy had not written。  Only a month

and Susy and Strefford were already together!


SUSY had decided to wait for Strefford in London。

The new Lord Altringham was with his family in the north; and

though she found a telegram on arriving; saying that he would

join her in town the following week; she had still an interval

of several days to fill。

London was a desert; the rain fell without ceasing; and alone in

the shabby family hotel which; even out of season; was the best

she could afford; she sat at last face to face with herself。

》From the moment when Violet Melrose had failed to carry out her

plan for the Fulmer children her interest in Susy had visibly

waned。  Often before; in the old days; Susy Branch had felt the

same abrupt change of temperature in the manner of the hostess

of the moment; and oftenhow oftenhad yielded; and performed

the required service; rather than risk the consequences of

estrangement。  To that; at least; thank heaven; she need never

stoop again。

But as she hurriedly packed her trunks at Versailles; scraped

together an adequate tip for Mrs。 Match; and bade good…bye to

Violet (grown suddenly fond and demonstrative as she saw her

visitor safely headed for the station)as Susy went through the

old familiar mummery of the enforced leave…taking; there rose in

her so deep a disgust for the life of makeshifts and

accommodations; that if at that moment Nick had reappeared and

held out his arms to her; she was not sure she would have had

the courage to return to them。

In her London solitude the thirst for independence grew fiercer。

Independence with ease; of course。  Oh; her hateful useless love

of beauty 。。。 the curse it had always been to her; the blessing

it might have been if only she had had the material means to

gratify and to express it!  And instead; it only gave her a

morbid loathing of that hideous hotel bedroom drowned in yellow

rain…light; of the smell of soot and cabbage through the window;

the blistered wall…paper; the dusty wax bouquets under glass

globes; and the electric lighting so contrived that as you

turned on the feeble globe hanging from the middle of the

ceiling the feebler one beside the bed went out!

What a sham world she and Nick had lived in during their few

months together!  What right had either of them to those

exquisite settings of the life of leisure:  the long white house

hidden in camellias and cypresses above the lake; or the great

rooms on the Giudecca with the shimmer of the canal always

playing over their frescoed ceilings!  Yet she had come to

imagine that these places really belonged to them; that they

would always go on living; fondly and irreproachably; in the

frame of other people's wealth 。。。。  That; again; was the curse

of her love of beauty; the way she always took to it as if it

belonged to her!

Well; the awakening was bound to come; and it was perhaps better

that it should have come so soon。  At any rate there was no use

in letting her thoughts wander back to that shattered fool's

paradise of theirs。  Only; as she sat there and reckoned up the

days till Strefford arrived; what else in the world was there to

think of?

Her future and his?

But she knew that future by heart already!  She had not spent

her life among the rich and fashionable without having learned

every detail of the trappings of a rich and fashionable

marriage。  She had calculated long ago just how many dinner…

dresses; how many tea…gowns and how much lacy lingerie would go

to make up the outfit of the future Countess of Altringham。  She

had even decided to which dressmaker she would go for her

chinchilla cloak…for she meant to have one; and down to her

feet; and softer and more voluminous and more extravagantly

sumptuous than Violet's or Ursula's 。。。 not to speak of silver

foxes and sables 。。。 nor yet of the Altringham jewels。

She knew all this by heart; had always known it。  It all

belonged to the make…up of the life of elegance:  there was

nothing new about it。  What had been new to her was just that

short interval with Nicka life unreal indeed in its setting;

but so real in its essentials:  the one reality she had ever

known。  As she looked back on it she saw how much it had given

her besides the golden flush of her happiness; the sudden

flowering of sensuous joy in heart and body。  Yesthere had

been the flowering too; in pain like birth…pangs; of something

graver; stronger; fuller of future power; something she had

hardly heeded in her first light rapture; but that always came

back and possessed her stilled soul when the rapture sank:  the

deep disquieting sense of something that Nick and love had

taught her; but that reached out even beyond love and beyond


Her nerves were racked by the ceaseless swish; swish of the rain

on the dirty panes and the smell of cabbage and coal that came

in under the door when she shut the window。  This nauseating

foretaste of the luncheon she must presently go down to was more

than she could bear。  It brought with it a vision of the dank

coffee…room below; the sooty Smyrna rug; the rain on the sky…

light; the listless waitresses handing about food that tasted as

if it had been rained on too。  There was really no reason why

she should let such material miseries add to her depression 。。。。

She sprang up; put on her hat and jacket; and calling for a taxi

drove to the London branch of the Nouveau Luxe hotel。  It was

just one o'clock and she was sure to pick up a luncheon; for

though London was empty that great establishment was not。  It

never was。  Along those sultry velvet…carpeted halls; in that

great flowered and scented dining…room; there was always a come…

and…go of rich aimless people; the busy people who; having

nothing to do; perpetually pursue their inexorable task from one

end of the earth to the other。

Oh; the monotony of those facesthe faces one always knew;

whether one knew the people they belonged to or
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