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the glimpses of the moon-第27部分

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end of the earth to the other。

Oh; the monotony of those facesthe faces one always knew;

whether one knew the people they belonged to or not!  A fresh

disgust seized her at the sight of them:  she wavered; and then

turned and fled。  But on the threshold a still more familiar

figure met her:  that of a lady in exaggerated pearls and

sables; descending from an exaggerated motor; like the motors in

magazine advertisements; the huge arks in which jewelled

beauties and slender youths pause to gaze at snowpeaks from an

Alpine summit。

It was Ursula Gillowdear old Ursula; on her way to Scotland

and she and Susy fell on each other's necks。  It appeared that

Ursula; detained till the next evening by a dress…maker's delay;

was also out of a job and killing time; and the two were soon

smiling at each other over the exquisite preliminaries of a

luncheon which the head…waiter had authoritatively asked Mrs。

Gillow to 〃leave to him; as usual。〃

Ursula was in a good humour。  It did not often happen; but when

it did her benevolence knew no bounds。

Like Mrs。 Melrose; like all her tribe in fact; she was too much

absorbed in her own affairs to give more than a passing thought

to any one else's; but she was delighted at the meeting with

Susy; as her wandering kind always were when they ran across

fellow…wanderers; unless the meeting happened to interfere with

choicer pleasures。  Not to be alone was the urgent thing; and

Ursula; who had been forty…eight hours alone in London; at once

exacted from her friend a promise that they should spend the

rest of the day together。  But once the bargain struck her mind

turned again to her own affairs; and she poured out her

confidences to Susy over a succession of dishes that manifested

the head…waiter's understanding of the case。

Ursula's confidences were always the same; though they were

usually about a different person。  She demolished and rebuilt

her sentimental life with the same frequency and impetuosity as

that with which she changed her dress…makers; did over her

drawing…rooms; ordered new motors; altered the mounting of her

jewels; and generally renewed the setting of her life。  Susy

knew in advance what the tale would be; but to listen to it over

perfect coffee; an amber…scented cigarette at her lips; was

pleasanter than consuming cold mutton alone in a mouldy coffee…

room。  The contrast was so soothing that she even began to take

a languid interest in her friend's narrative。

After luncheon they got into the motor together and began a

systematic round of the West End shops:  furriers; jewellers and

dealers in old furniture。  Nothing could be more unlike Violet

Melrose's long hesitating sessions before the things she thought

she wanted till the moment came to decide。  Ursula pounced on

silver foxes and old lacquer as promptly and decisively as on

the objects of her surplus sentimentality:  she knew at once

what she wanted; and valued it more after it was hers。

〃And nowI wonder if you couldn't help me choose a grand

piano?〃 she suggested; as the last antiquarian bowed them out。

〃A piano?〃

〃Yes:  for Ruan。  I'm sending one down for Grace Fulmer。  She's

coming to stay 。。。 did I tell you?  I want people to hear her。

I want her to get engagements in London。  My dear; she's a


〃A GeniusGrace!〃 Susy gasped。  〃I thought it was Nat 。。。。〃

〃NatNat Fulmer?  Ursula laughed derisively。  〃Ah; of course

you've been staying with that silly Violet!  The poor thing is

off her head about Natit's really pitiful。  Of course he has

talent:  I saw that long before Violet had ever heard of him。

Why; on the opening day of the American Artists' exhibition;

last winter; I stopped short before his 'Spring Snow…Storm'

(which nobody else had noticed till that moment); and said to

the Prince; who was with me:  'The man has talent。'  But

geniuswhy; it's his wife who has genius!  Have you never heard

Grace play the violin?  Poor Violet; as usual; is off on the

wrong tack。  I've given Fulmer my garden…house to dono doubt

Violet told youbecause I  wanted to help him。  But Grace is my

discovery; and I'm determined to make her known; and to have

every one understand that she is the genius of the two。  I've

told her she simply must come to Ruan; and bring the best

accompanyist she can find。  You know poor Nerone is dreadfully

bored by sport; though of course he goes out with the guns。  And

if one didn't have a little art in the evening 。。。。  Oh; Susy;

do you mean to tell me you don't know how to choose a piano?  I

thought you were so fond of music!〃

〃I am fond of it; but without knowing anything about itin the

way we're all of us fond of the worthwhile things in our stupid

set;〃 she added to herselfsince it was obviously useless to

impart such reflections to Ursula。

〃But are you sure Grace is coming?〃 she questioned aloud。

〃Quite sure。  Why shouldn't she?  I wired to her yesterday。  I'm

giving her a thousand dollars and all her expenses。〃

It was not till they were having tea in a Piccadilly tea…room

that Mrs。 Gillow began to manifest some interest in her

companion's plans。  The thought of losing Susy became suddenly

intolerable to her。  The Prince; who did not see why he should

be expected to linger in London out of season; was already at

Ruan; and Ursula could not face the evening and the whole of the

next day by herself。

〃But what are you doing in town; darling; I don't remember if

I've asked you;〃 she said; resting her firm elbows on the tea…

table while she took a light from Susy's cigarette。

Susy hesitated。  She had foreseen that the time must soon come

when she should have to give some account of herself; and why

should she not begin by telling Ursula?

But telling her what?

Her silence appeared to strike Mrs。 Gillow as a reproach; and

she continued with compunction:  〃And Nick?  Nick's with you?

How is he; I thought you and he still were in Venice with Ellie


〃We were; for a few weeks。〃  She steadied her voice。  〃It was

delightful。  But now we're both on our own againfor a while。〃

Mrs。 Gillow scrutinized her more searchingly。  〃Oh; you're alone

here; then; quite alone?〃

〃Yes:  Nick's cruising with some friends in the Mediterranean。〃

Ursula's shallow gaze deepened singularly。  〃But; Susy darling;

then if you're aloneand out of a job; just for the moment?〃

Susy smiled。  〃Well; I'm not sure。〃

〃Oh; but if you are; darling; and you would come to Ruan!  I

know Fred asked you didn't he?  And he told me that both you and

Nick had refused。  He was awfully huffed at your not coming; but

I suppose that was because Nick had other plans。  We couldn't

have him now; because there's no room for another gun; but since

he's not here; and you're free; why you know; dearest; don't

you; how we'd love to have you?  Fred would be too gladtoo

outrageously gladbut you don't much mind Fred's love…making;

do you?  And you'd be such a help to meif that's any argument!

With that big house full of men; and people flocking over every

night to dine; and Fred caring only for sport; and Nerone simply

loathing it and ridiculing it; and not a minute to myself to try

to keep him in a good humour 。。。。  Oh; Susy darling; don't say

no; but let me telephone at once for a place in the train to

morrow night!〃

Susy leaned back; letting the ash lengthen on her cigarette。

How familiar; how hatefully familiar; was that old appeal!

Ursula felt the pressing need of someone to flirt with Fred for

a few weeks 。。。 and here was the very person she needed。  Susy

shivered at the thought。  She had never really meant to go to

Ruan。  She had simply used the moor as a pretext when Violet

Melrose had gently put her out of doors。  Rather than do what

Ursula asked she would borrow a few hundred pounds of Strefford;

as he had suggested; and then look about for some temporary

occupation until

Until she became Lady Altringham?  Well; perhaps。  At any rate;

she was not going back to slave for Ursula。

She shook her head with a faint smile。  〃I'm so sorry; Ursula:

of course I want awfully to oblige you〃

Mrs。 Gillow's gaze grew reproachful。  〃I should have supposed

you would;〃 she murmured。  Susy; meeting her eyes; looked into

them down a long vista of favours bestowed; and perceived that

Ursula was not the woman to forget on which side the obligation

lay between them。

Susy hesitated:  she remembered the weeks of ecstasy she had

owed to the Gillows' wedding cheque; and it hurt her to appear


〃If I could; Ursula 。。。 but really 。。。 I'm not free at the

moment。〃  She paused; and then took an abrupt decision。  〃The

fact is; I'm waiting here to see Strefford。〃

〃Strefford' Lord Altringham?〃  Ursula stared。  〃Ah; yes…I

remember。  You and he used to be great friends; didn't you?〃

Her roving attention deepened 。。。。  But if Susy were waiting to

see Lord Altringhamone of the richest men in England!

Suddenly Ursula opened her gold…meshed bag and snatched a

miniature diary from it。

〃But wait a momentyes; it is next week!  I knew it was next

week he's coming to Ruan!  But; you darling; that makes

everything all right。  You'll send him a wire at once; and come

with me tomorrow; and meet him there instead of in this nasty

sloppy desert 。。。。  Oh; Susy; if you knew how hard life is for

me in Scotland between the Prince and Fred you couldn't possibly

say no!〃

Susy still wavered; but; after all; if Strefford were really

bound for Ruan; why not see him there; agreeably and at leisure;

instead of spending a dreary day with him in roaming the wet

London streets; or screaming at him through the rattle of a

restaurant orchestra?  She knew he would not be likely to

postpone his visit to Ruan in order to linger in London with

her:  such concessions had never been his way; and were l
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