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the glimpses of the moon-第3部分

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age of poorly…paid hack…work; mitigated by brief and frugal

holidays。  He knew that he was more intelligent than the

average; but he had long since concluded that his talents were

not marketable。  Of the thin volume of sonnets which a friendly

publisher had launched for him; just seventy copies had been

sold; and though his essay on 〃Chinese Influences in Greek Art〃

had created a passing stir; it had resulted in controversial

correspondence and dinner invitations rather than in more

substantial benefits。  There seemed; in short; no prospect of

his ever earning money; and his restricted future made him

attach an increasing value to the kind of friendship that Susy

Branch had given him。  Apart from the pleasure of looking at her

and listening to herof enjoying in her what others less

discriminatingly but as liberally appreciatedhe had the sense;

between himself and her; of a kind of free…masonry of precocious

tolerance and irony。  They had both; in early youth; taken the

measure of the world they happened to live in:  they knew just

what it was worth to them and for what reasons; and the

community of these reasons lent to their intimacy its last

exquisite touch。  And now; because of some jealous whim of a

dissatisfied fool of a woman; as to whom he felt himself no more

to blame than any young man who has paid for good dinners by

good manners; he was to be deprived of the one complete

companionship he had ever known 。。。。

His thoughts travelled on。  He recalled the long dull spring in

New York after his break with Susy; the weary grind on his last

articles; his listless speculations as to the cheapest and least

boring way of disposing of the summer; and then the amazing luck

of going; reluctantly and at the last minute; to spend a Sunday

with the poor Nat Fulmers; in the wilds of New Hampshire; and of

finding Susy thereSusy; whom he had never even suspected of

knowing anybody in the Fulmers' set!

She had behaved perfectlyand so had hebut they were

obviously much too glad to see each other。  And then it was

unsettling to be with her in such a house as the Fulmers'; away

from the large setting of luxury they were both used to; in the

cramped cottage where their host had his studio in the verandah;

their hostess practiced her violin in the dining…room; and five

ubiquitous children sprawled and shouted and blew trumpets and

put tadpoles in the water…jugs; and the mid…day dinner was two

hours late…and proportionately badbecause the Italian cook

was posing for Fulmer。

Lansing's first thought had been that meeting Susy in such

circumstances would be the quickest way to cure them both of

their regrets。  The case of the Fulmers was an awful object…

lesson in what happened to young people who lost their heads;

poor Nat; whose pictures nobody bought; had gone to seed so

terribly…and Grace; at twenty…nine; would never again be

anything but the woman of whom people say; 〃I can remember her

when she was lovely。〃

But the devil of it was that Nat had never been such good

company; or Grace so free from care and so full of music; and

that; in spite of their disorder and dishevelment; and the bad

food and general crazy discomfort; there was more amusement to

be got out of their society than out of the most opulently

staged house…party through which Susy and Lansing had ever

yawned their way。

It was almost a relief to tile young man when; on the second

afternoon; Miss Branch drew him into the narrow hall to say:  〃I

really can't stand the combination of Grace's violin and little

Nat's motor…horn any longer。  Do let us slip out till the duet

is over。〃

〃How do they stand it; I wonder?〃  he basely echoed; as he

followed her up the wooded path behind the house。

〃It might be worth finding out;〃 she rejoined with a musing


But he remained resolutely skeptical。  〃Oh; give them a year or

two more and they'll collapse!  His pictures will never sell;

you know。  He'll never even get them into a show。〃

〃I suppose not。 And she'll never have time to do anything worth

while with her music。〃

They had reached a piny knoll high above the ledge on which the

house was perched。  All about them stretched an empty landscape

of endless featureless wooded hills。  〃Think of sticking here

all the year round!〃  Lansing groaned。

〃I know。  But then think of wandering over the world with some


〃Oh; Lord; yes。  For instance; my trip to India with the

Mortimer Hickses。  But it was my only chance and what the deuce

is one to do?〃

〃I wish I knew!〃  she sighed; thinking of the Bockheimers; and

he turned and looked at her。

〃Knew what?〃

〃The answer to your question。  What is one to dowhen one sees

both sides of the problem?  Or every possible side of it;


They had seated themselves on a commanding rock under the pines;

but Lansing could not see the view at their feet for the stir of

the brown lashes on her cheek。

〃You mean:  Nat and Grace may after all be having the best of


〃How can I say; when I've told you I see all the sides?  Of

course;〃 Susy added hastily; 〃 I couldn't live as they do for a

week。  But it's wonderful how little it's dimmed them。〃

〃Certainly Nat was never more coruscating。  And she keeps it up

even better。〃 He reflected。 〃We do them good; I daresay。〃

〃Yesor they us。 I wonder which?〃

After that; he seemed to remember that they sat a long time

silent; and that his next utterance was a boyish outburst

against the tyranny of the existing order of things; abruptly

followed by the passionate query why; since he and she couldn't

alter it; and since they both had the habit of looking at facts

as they were; they wouldn't be utter fools not to take their

chance of being happy in the only way that was open to them; To

this challenge he did not recall Susy's making any definite

answer; but after another interval; in which all the world

seemed framed in a sudden kiss; he heard her murmur to herself

in a brooding tone:  〃I don't suppose it's ever been tried

before; but we might。〃  And then and there she had laid before

him the very experiment they had since hazarded。

She would have none of surreptitious bliss; she began by

declaring; and she set forth her reasons with her usual lucid

impartiality。  In the first place; she should have to marry some

day; and when she made the bargain she meant it to be an honest

one; and secondly; in the matter of love; she would never give

herself to anyone she did not really care for; and if such

happiness ever came to her she did not want it shorn of half its

brightness by the need of fibbing and plotting and dodging。

〃I've seen too much of that kind of thing。  Half the women I

know who've had lovers have had them for the fun of sneaking and

lying about it; but the other half have been miserable。 And I

should be miserable。〃

It was at this point that she unfolded her plan。  Why shouldn't

they marry; belong to each other openly and honourably; if for

ever so short a time; and with the definite understanding that

whenever either of them got the chance to do better he or she

should be immediately released?  The law of their country

facilitated such exchanges; and society was beginning to view

them as indulgently as the law。  As Susy talked; she warmed to

her theme and began to develop its endless possibilities。

〃We should really; in a way; help more than we should hamper

each other;〃 she ardently explained。  〃We both know the ropes so

well; what one of us didn't see the other mightin the way of

opportunities; I mean。  And then we should be a novelty as

married people。  We're both rather unusually popularwhy not be

frank!and it's such a blessing for dinner…givers to be able to

count on a couple of whom neither one is a blank。  Yes; I really

believe we should be more than twice the success we are now; at

least;〃 she added with a smile; 〃if there's that amount of room

for improvement。  I don't know how you feel; a man's popularity

is so much less precarious than a girl'sbut I know it would

furbish me up tremendously to reappear as a married woman。〃  She

glanced away from him down the long valley at their feet; and

added in a lower tone: 〃And I should like; just for a little

while; to feel I had something in life of my very ownsomething

that nobody had lent me; like a fancy…dress or a motor or an

opera cloak。〃

The suggestion; at first; had seemed to Lansing as mad as it was

enchanting:  it had thoroughly frightened him。  But Susy's

arguments were irrefutable; her ingenuities inexhaustible。 Had

he ever thought it all out?  She asked。  No。  Well; she had; and

would he kindly not interrupt?  In the first place; there would

be all the wedding…presents。  Jewels; and a motor; and a silver

dinner service; did she mean?  Not a bit of it!  She could see

he'd never given the question proper thought。  Cheques; my dear;

nothing but chequesshe undertook to manage that on her side:

she really thought she could count on about fifty; and she

supposed he could rake up a few more?  Well; all that would

simply represent pocket…money!  For they would have plenty of

houses to live in:  he'd see。  People were always glad to lend

their house to a newly…married couple。  It was such fun to pop

down and see them:  it made one feel romantic and jolly。  All

they need do was to accept the houses in turn:  go on honey…

mooning for a year!  What was he afraid of?  Didn't he think

they'd be happy enough to want to keep it up?  And why not at

least tryget engaged; and then see what would happen?  Even if

she was all wrong; and her plan failed; wouldn't it have been

rather nice; just for a month or two; to fancy they were going

to be happy?  〃I've often fancied it all by myself;〃 she

concluded; 〃but fancying it with you would somehow be so awfully

different 。。。。〃

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