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the glimpses of the moon-第32部分

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Mother said; to be always burying or marrying a cousin。  At

other moments they were seldom seen in the glacial atmosphere of

courts; preferring to royal palaces those of the other; and more

modern type; in one of which the Hickses were now lodged。

Yes:  the Prince and his mother (they gaily avowed it) revelled

in Palace Hotels; and; being unable to afford the luxury of

inhabiting them; they liked; as often as possible; to be invited

to dine there by their friends〃or even to tea; my dear;〃 the

Princess laughingly avowed; 〃for I'm so awfully fond of buttered

scones; and Anastasius gives me so little to eat in the desert。〃

The encounter with these ambulant Highnesses had been fatal

Lansing now perceived itto Mrs。 Hicks's principles。  She had

known a great many archaeologists; but never one as agreeable as

the Prince; and above all never one who had left a throne to

camp in the desert and delve in Libyan tombs。  And it seemed to

her infinitely pathetic that these two gifted beings; who

grumbled when they had to go to 〃marry a cousin〃 at the Palace

of St。 James or of Madrid; and hastened back breathlessly to the

far…off point where; metaphorically speaking; pick…axe and spade

had dropped from their royal handsthat these heirs of the ages

should be unable to offer themselves the comforts of up…to…date

hotel life; and should enjoy themselves 〃like babies〃 when they

were invited to the other kind of 〃Palace;〃 to feast on buttered

scones and watch the tango。

She simply could not bear the thought of their privations; and

neither; after a time; could Mr。 Hicks; who found the Prince

more democratic than anyone he had ever known at Apex City; and

was immensely interested by the fact that their spectacles came

from the same optician。

But it was; above all; the artistic tendencies of the Prince and

his mother which had conquered the Hickses。  There was

fascination in the thought that; among the rabble of vulgar

uneducated royalties who overran Europe from Biarritz to the

Engadine; gambling; tangoing; and sponging on no less vulgar

plebeians; they; the unobtrusive and self…respecting Hickses;

should have had the luck to meet this cultivated pair; who

joined them in gentle ridicule of their own frivolous kinsfolk;

and whose tastes were exactly those of the eccentric; unreliable

and sometimes money…borrowing persons who had hitherto

represented the higher life to the Hickses。

Now at last Mrs。 Hicks saw the possibility of being at once

artistic and luxurious; of surrendering herself to the joys of

modern plumbing and yet keeping the talk on the highest level。

〃If the poor dear Princess wants to dine at the Nouveau Luxe why

shouldn't we give her that pleasure?〃  Mrs。 Hicks smilingly

enquired; 〃and as for enjoying her buttered scones like a baby;

as she says; I think it's the sweetest thing about her。〃

Coral Hicks did not join in this chorus; but she accepted; with

her curious air of impartiality; the change in her parents'

manner of life; and for the first time (as Nick observed)

occupied herself with her mother's toilet; with the result that

Mrs。 Hicks's outline became firmer; her garments soberer in hue

and finer in material; so that; should anyone chance to detect

the daughter's likeness to her mother; the result was less

likely to be disturbing。

Such precautions were the more needfulLansing could not but

note because of the different standards of the society in which

the Hickses now moved。  For it was a curious fact that admission

to the intimacy of the Prince and his mother who continually

declared themselves to be the pariahs; the outlaws; the

Bohemians among crowned heads nevertheless involved not only

living in Palace Hotels but mixing with those who frequented

them。  The Prince's aide…de…campan agreeable young man of easy

mannershad smilingly hinted that their Serene Highnesses;

though so thoroughly democratic and unceremonious; were yet

accustomed to inspecting in advance the names of the persons

whom their hosts wished to invite with them; and Lansing noticed

that Mrs。 Hicks's lists; having been 〃submitted;〃 usually came

back lengthened by the addition of numerous wealthy and titled

guests。  Their Highnesses never struck out a name; they welcomed

with enthusiasm and curiosity the Hickses' oddest and most

inexplicable friends; at most putting off some of them to a

later day on the plea that it would be 〃cosier〃 to meet them on

a more private occasion; but they invariably added to the list

any friends of their own; with the gracious hint that they

wished these latter (though socially so well…provided for) to

have the 〃immense privilege〃 of knowing the Hickses。  And thus

it happened that when October gales necessitated laying up the

Ibis; the Hickses; finding again in Rome the august travellers

from whom they had parted the previous month in Athens; also

found their visiting…list enlarged by all that the capital

contained of fashion。

It was true enough; as Lansing had not failed to note; that the

Princess Mother adored prehistoric art; and Russian music; and

the paintings of Gauguin and Matisse; but she also; and with a

beaming unconsciousness of perspective; adored large pearls and

powerful motors; caravan tea and modern plumbing; perfumed

cigarettes and society scandals; and her son; while apparently

less sensible to these forms of luxury; adored his mother; and

was charmed to gratify her inclinations without cost to

himself〃Since poor Mamma;〃 as he observed; 〃is so courageous

when we are roughing it in the desert。〃

The smiling aide…de…camp; who explained these things to Lansing;

added with an intenser smile that the Prince and his mother were

under obligations; either social or cousinly; to most of the

titled persons whom they begged Mrs。 Hicks to invite; 〃and it

seems to their Serene Highnesses;〃 he added; 〃the most

flattering return they can make for the hospitality of their

friends to give them such an intellectual opportunity。〃

The dinner…table at which their Highnesses' friends were seated

on the evening in question represented; numerically; one of the

greatest intellectual opportunities yet afforded them。  Thirty

guests were grouped about the flower…wreathed board; from which

Eldorada and Mr。 Beck had been excluded on the plea that the

Princess Mother liked cosy parties and begged her hosts that

there should never be more than thirty at table。  Such; at

least; was the reason given by Mrs。 Hicks to her faithful

followers; but Lansing had observed that; of late; the same

skilled hand which had refashioned the Hickses' social circle

usually managed to exclude from it the timid presences of the

two secretaries。  Their banishment was the more displeasing to

Lansing from the fact that; for the last three months; he had

filled Mr。 Buttles's place; and was himself their salaried

companion。  But since he had accepted the post; his obvious duty

was to fill it in accordance with his employers' requirements;

and it was clear even to Eldorada and Mr。 Beck that he had; as

Eldorada ungrudgingly said; 〃Something of Mr。 Buttles's

marvellous social gifts。 〃

During the cruise his task had not been distasteful to him。  He

was glad of any definite duties; however trivial; he felt more

independent as the Hickses' secretary than as their pampered

guest; and the large cheque which Mr。 Hicks handed over to him

on the first of each month refreshed his languishing sense of


He considered himself absurdly over…paid; but that was the

Hickses' affair; and he saw nothing humiliating in being in the

employ of people he liked and respected。  But from the moment of

the ill…fated encounter with the wandering Princes; his position

had changed as much as that of his employers。  He was no longer;

to Mr。 and Mrs。 Hicks; a useful and estimable assistant; on the

same level as Eldorada and Mr。 Beck; he had become a social

asset of unsuspected value; equalling Mr。 Buttles in his

capacity for dealing with the mysteries of foreign etiquette;

and surpassing him in the art of personal attraction。  Nick

Lansing; the Hickses found; already knew most of the Princess

Mother's rich and aristocratic friends。  Many of them hailed him

with enthusiastic 〃Old Nicks〃; and he was almost as familiar as

His Highness's own aide…de…camp with all those secret

ramifications of love and hate that made dinner…giving so much

more of a science in Rome than at Apex City。

Mrs。 Hicks; at first; had hopelessly lost her way in this

labyrinth of subterranean scandals; rivalries and jealousies;

and finding Lansing's hand within reach she clung to it with

pathetic tenacity。  But if the young man's value had risen in

the eyes of his employers it had deteriorated in his own。  He

was condemned to play a part he had not bargained for; and it

seemed to him more degrading when paid in bank…notes than if his

retribution had consisted merely in good dinners and luxurious

lodgings。  The first time the smiling aide…de…camp had caught

his eye over a verbal slip of Mrs。 Hicks's; Nick had flushed to

the forehead and gone to bed swearing that he would chuck his

job the next day。

Two months had passed since then; and he was still the paid

secretary。  He had contrived to let the aide…de…camp feel that

he was too deficient in humour to be worth exchanging glances

with; but even this had not restored his self…respect; and on

the evening in question; as he looked about the long table; he

said to himself for the hundredth time that he would give up his

position on the morrow。

Onlywhat was the alternative?  The alternative; apparently;

was Coral Hicks。  He glanced down the line of diners; beginning

with the tall lean countenance of the Princess Mother; with its

small inquisitive eyes perched as high as attic windows under a

frizzled thatch of hair and a pediment of uncleaned diamonds;

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