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the glimpses of the moon-第40部分

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〃Why not?〃

〃Because you're the only man with whom I can imagine the other

kind of greatness。〃

It moved himmoved him unexpectedly。  He got as far as saying

to himself:  〃Good God; if she were not so hideously rich〃 and

then of yielding for a moment to the persuasive vision of all

that he and she might do with those very riches which he

dreaded。  After all; there was nothing mean in her ideals they

were hard and material; in keeping with her primitive and

massive person; but they had a certain grim nobility。  And when

she spoke of 〃the other kind of greatness〃 he knew that she

understood what she was talking of; and was not merely saying

something to draw him on; to get him to commit himself。  There

was not a drop of guile in her; except that which her very

honesty distilled。

〃The other kind of greatness?〃 he repeated。

〃Well; isn't that what you said happiness was?  I wanted to be

happy 。。。 but one can't choose。〃

He went up to her。  〃No; one can't choose。  And how can anyone

give you happiness who hasn't got it himself?〃  He took her

hands; feeling how large; muscular and voluntary they were; even

as they melted in his palms。

〃My poor Coral; of what use can I ever be to you?  What you need

is to be loved。〃

She drew back and gave him one of her straight strong glances:

〃No;〃 she said gallantly; 〃but just to love。〃



IN the persistent drizzle of a Paris winter morning Susy Lansing

walked back alone from the school at which she had just

deposited the four eldest Fulmers to the little house in Passy

where; for the last two months; she had been living with them。

She had on ready…made boots; an old waterproof and a last year's

hat; but none of these facts disturbed her; though she took no

particular pride in them。  The truth was that she was too busy

to think much about them。  Since she had assumed the charge of

the Fulmer children; in the absence of both their parents in

Italy; she had had to pass through such an arduous

apprenticeship of motherhood that every moment of her waking

hours was packed with things to do at once; and other things to

remember to do later。  There were only five Fulmers; but at

times they were like an army with banners; and their power of

self…multiplication was equalled only by the manner in which

they could dwindle; vanish; grow mute; and become as it were a

single tumbled brown head bent over a book in some corner of the

house in which nobody would ever have thought of hunting for

themand which; of course; were it the bonne's room in the

attic; or the subterranean closet where the trunks were kept;

had been singled out by them for that very reason。

These changes from ubiquity to invisibility would have seemed to

Susy; a few months earlier; one of the most maddening of many

characteristics not calculated to promote repose。  But now she

felt differently。  She had grown interested in her charges; and

the search for a clue to their methods; whether tribal or

individual; was as exciting to her as the development of a

detective story。

What interested her most in the whole stirring business was the

discovery that they had a method。  These little creatures;

pitched upward into experience on the tossing waves of their

parents' agitated lives; had managed to establish a rough…and…

ready system of self…government。  Junie; the eldest (the one who

already chose her mother's hats; and tried to put order in her

wardrobe) was the recognized head of the state。  At twelve she

knew lots of things which her mother had never thoroughly

learned; and Susy; her temporary mother; had never even guessed

at:  she spoke with authority on all vital subjects; from

castor…oil to flannel under…clothes; from the fair sharing of

stamps or marbles to the number of helpings of rice…pudding or

jam which each child was entitled to。

There was hardly any appeal from her verdict; yet each of her

subjects revolved in his or her own orbit of independence;

according to laws which Junie acknowledged and respected; and

the interpreting of this mysterious charter of rights and

privileges had not been without difficulty for Susy。

Besides this; there were material difficulties to deal with。

The six of them; and the breathless bonne who cooked and slaved

for them all; had but a slim budget to live on; and; as Junie

remarked; you'd have thought the boys ate their shoes; the way

they vanished。  They ate; certainly; a great deal else; and

mostly of a nourishing and expensive kind。  They had definite

views about the amount and quality of their food; and were

capable of concerted rebellion when Susy's catering fell beneath

their standard。  All this made her life a hurried and harassing

business; but never what she had most feared it would be a

dull or depressing one。

It was not; she owned to herself; that the society of the Fulmer

children had roused in her any abstract passion for the human

young。  She knewhad known since Nick's first kisshow she

would love any child of his and hers; and she had cherished poor

little Clarissa Vanderlyn with a shrinking and wistful

solicitude。  But in these rough young Fulmers she took a

positive delight; and for reasons that were increasingly clear

to her。  It was because; in the first place; they were all

intelligent; and because their intelligence had been fed only on

things worth caring for。  However inadequate Grace Fulmer's

bringing…up of her increasing tribe had been; they had heard in

her company nothing trivial or dull:  good music; good books and

good talk had been their daily food; and if at times they

stamped and roared and crashed about like children unblessed by

such privileges; at others they shone with the light of poetry

and spoke with the voice of wisdom。

That had been Susy's discovery:  for the first time she was

among awakening minds which had been wakened only to beauty。

》From their cramped and uncomfortable household Grace and Nat

Fulmer had managed to keep out mean envies; vulgar admirations;

shabby discontents; above all the din and confusion the great

images of beauty had brooded; like those ancestral figures that

stood apart on their shelf in the poorest Roman households。

No; the task she had undertaken for want of a better gave Susy

no sense of a missed vocation:  〃mothering〃 on a large scale

would never; she perceived; be her job。  Rather it gave her; in

odd ways; the sense of being herself mothered; of taking her

first steps in the life of immaterial values which had begun to

seem so much more substantial than any she had known。

On the day when she had gone to Grace Fulmer for counsel and

comfort she had little guessed that they would come to her in

this form。  She had found her friend; more than ever distracted

and yet buoyant; riding the large untidy waves of her life with

the splashed ease of an amphibian。  Grace was probably the only

person among Susy's friends who could have understood why she

could not make up her mind to marry Altringham; but at the

moment Grace was too much absorbed in her own problems to pay

much attention to her friend's; and; according to her wont; she

immediately 〃unpacked〃 her difficulties。

Nat was not getting what she had hoped out of his European

opportunity。  Oh; she was enough of an artist herself to know

that there must be fallow periodsthat the impact of new

impressions seldom produced immediate results。  She had allowed

for all that。  But her past experience of Nat's moods had taught

her to know just when he was assimilating; when impressions were

fructifying in him。  And now they were not; and he knew it as

well as she did。  There had been too much rushing about; too

much excitement and sterile flattery 。。。 Mrs。 Melrose?  Well;

yes; for a while 。。。 the trip to Spain had been a love…journey;

no doubt。  Grace spoke calmly; but the lines of her face

sharpened:  she had suffered; oh horribly; at his going to Spain

without her。  Yet she couldn't; for the children's sake; afford

to miss the big sum that Ursula Gillow had given her for her

fortnight at Ruan。  And her playing had struck people; and led;

on the way back; to two or three profitable engagements in

private houses in London。  Fashionable society had made 〃a

little fuss〃 about her; and it had surprised and pleased Nat;

and given her a new importance in his eyes。  〃He was beginning

to forget that I wasn't only a nursery…maid; and it's been a

good thing for him to be reminded 。。。 but the great thing is

that with what I've earned he and I can go off to southern Italy

and Sicily for three months。  You know I know how to manage 。。。

and; alone with me; Nat will settle down to work:  to observing;

feeling; soaking things in。  It's the only way。 Mrs。 Melrose

wants to take him; to pay all the expenses again…well she

shan't。  I'll pay them。〃  Her worn cheek flushed with triumph。

〃And you'll see what wonders will come of it 。。。。  Only there's

the problem of the children。  Junie quite agrees that we can't

take them 。。。。〃

Thereupon she had unfolded her idea。  If Susy was at a loose

end; and hard up; why shouldn't she take charge of the children

while their parents were in Italy?  For three months at most…

Grace could promise it shouldn't be longer。  They couldn't pay

her much; of course; but at least she would be lodged and fed。

〃And; you know; it will end by interesting youI'm sure it

will;〃 the mother concluded; her irrepressible hopefulness

rising even to this height; while Susy stood before her with a

hesitating smile。

Take care of five Fulmers for three months!  The prospect cowed

her。  If there had been only Junie and Geordie; the oldest and

youngest of the band; she might have felt less hesitation。  But

there was Nat; the second in age; whose motor…horn had driven

her and Nick out to the hill…side on their fatal day at the

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