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the glimpses of the moon-第5部分

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from which she emerged like a rosy Nereid。  〃How many boxes of

them are left?〃

〃Only four。〃

〃Unpack them; please。〃

Before she moved there was a pause so full of challenge that

Lansing had time for an exasperated sense of the disproportion

between his anger and its cause。  And this made him still


She held out a box。  〃The others are in your suitcase

downstairs。  It's locked and strapped。〃

〃Give me the key; then。〃

〃We might send them back from Venice; mightn't we?  That lock is

so nasty:  it will take you half an hour。〃

〃Give me the key; please。〃  She gave it。

He went downstairs and battled with the lock; for the allotted

half…hour; under the puzzled eyes of Giulietta and the sardonic

grin of the chauffeur; who now and then; from the threshold;

politely reminded him how long it would take to get to Milan。

Finally the key turned; and Lansing; broken…nailed and

perspiring; extracted the cigars and stalked with them into the

deserted drawing room。  The great bunches of golden roses that

he and Susy had gathered the day before were dropping their

petals on the marble embroidery of the floor; pale camellias

floated in the alabaster tazzas between the windows; haunting

scents of the garden blew in on him with the breeze from the

lake。  Never had Streffy's little house seemed so like a nest of

pleasures。  Lansing laid the cigar boxes on a console and ran

upstairs to collect his last possessions。  When he came down

again; his wife; her eyes brilliant with achievement; was seated

in their borrowed chariot; the luggage cleverly stowed away; and

Giulietta and the gardener kissing her hand and weeping out

inconsolable farewells。

〃I wonder what she's given them?〃 he thought; as he jumped in

beside her and the motor whirled them through the nightingale…

thickets to the gate。


CHARLIE STREFFORD'S villa was like a nest in a rose…bush; the

Nelson Vanderlyns' palace called for loftier analogies。

Its vastness and splendour seemed; in comparison; oppressive to

Susy。  Their landing; after dark; at the foot of the great

shadowy staircase; their dinner at a dimly…lit table under a

ceiling weighed down with Olympians; their chilly evening in a

corner of a drawing room where minuets should have been danced

before a throne; contrasted with the happy intimacies of Como as

their sudden sense of disaccord contrasted with the mutual

confidence of the day before。

The journey had been particularly jolly:  both Susy and Lansing

had had too long a discipline in the art of smoothing things

over not to make a special effort to hide from each other the

ravages of their first disagreement。  But; deep down and

invisible; the disagreement remained; and compunction for having

been its cause gnawed at Susy's bosom as she sat in her

tapestried and vaulted bedroom; brushing her hair before a

tarnished mirror。

〃I thought I liked grandeur; but this place is really out of

scale;〃 she mused; watching the reflection of a pale hand move

back and forward in the dim recesses of the mirror。  〃And yet;〃

she continued; 〃Ellie Vanderlyn's hardly half an inch taller

than I am; and she certainly isn't a bit more dignified 。。。。  I

wonder if it's because I feel so horribly small to…night that

the place seems so horribly big。〃

She loved luxury:  splendid things always made her feel handsome

and high ceilings arrogant; she did not remember having ever

before been oppressed by the evidences of wealth。

She laid down the brush and leaned her chin on her clasped

hands 。。。。  Even now she could not understand what had made her

take the cigars。  She had always been alive to the value of her

inherited scruples:  her reasoned opinions were unusually free;

but with regard to the things one couldn't reason about she was

oddly tenacious。  And yet she had taken Streffy's cigars!  She

had taken themyes; that was the pointshe had taken them for

Nick; because the desire to please him; to make the smallest

details of his life easy and agreeable and luxurious; had become

her absorbing preoccupation。  She had committed; for him;

precisely the kind of little baseness she would most have

scorned to commit for herself; and; since he hadn't instantly

felt the difference; she would never be able to explain it to


She stood up with a sigh; shook out her loosened hair; and

glanced around the great frescoed room。  The maid…servant had

said something about the Signora's having left a letter for her;

and there it lay on the writing…table; with her mail and Nick's;

a thick envelope addressed in Ellie's childish scrawl; with a

glaring 〃Private〃 dashed across the corner。

〃What on earth can she have to say; when she hates writing so;〃

Susy mused。

She broke open the envelope; and four or five stamped and sealed

letters fell from it。  All were addressed; in Ellie's hand; to

Nelson Vanderlyn Esqre; and in the corner of each was faintly

pencilled a number and a date: one; two; three; fourwith a

week's interval between the dates。

〃Goodness〃 gasped Susy; understanding。

She had dropped into an armchair near the table; and for a long

time she sat staring at the numbered letters。  A sheet of paper

covered with Ellie's writing had fluttered out among them; but

she let it lie; she knew so well what it would say!  She knew

all about her friend; of course; except poor old Nelson; who

didn't;  But she had never imagined that Ellie would dare to use

her in this way。  It was unbelievable 。。。 she had never pictured

anything so vile 。。。。  The blood rushed to her face; and she

sprang up angrily; half minded to tear the letters in bits and

throw them all into the fire。

She heard her husband's knock on the door between their rooms;

and swept the dangerous packet under the blotting…book。

〃Oh; go away; please; there's a dear;〃 she called out; 〃I

haven't finished unpacking; and everything's in such a mess。〃

Gathering up Nick's papers and letters; she ran across the room

and thrust them through the door。  〃Here's something to keep you

quiet;〃 she laughed; shining in on him an instant from the


She turned back feeling weak with shame。  Ellie's letter lay on

the floor:  reluctantly she stooped to pick it up; and one by

one the expected phrases sprang out at her。

〃One good turn deserves another 。。。。  Of course you and Nick are

welcome to stay all summer 。。。。  There won't be a particle of

expense for youthe servants have orders 。。。。  If you'll just

be an angel and post these letters yourself 。。。。  It's been my

only chance for such an age; when we meet I'll explain

everything。  And in a month at latest I'll be back to fetch

Clarissa 。。。。〃

Susy lifted the letter to the lamp to be sure she had read

aright。  To fetch Clarissa!  Then Ellie's child was here?  Here;

under the roof with them; left to their care?  She read on;

raging。  〃She's so delighted; poor darling; to know you're

coming。  I've had to sack her beastly governess for

impertinence; and if it weren't for you she'd be all alone with

a lot of servants I don't much trust。  So for pity's sake be

good to my child; and forgive me for leaving her。  She thinks

I've gone to take a cure; and she knows she's not to tell her

Daddy that I'm away; because it would only worry him if he

thought I was ill。  She's perfectly to be trusted; you'll see

what a clever angel she is 。。。。〃  And then; at the bottom of the

page; in a last slanting postscript:  〃Susy darling; if you've

ever owed me anything in the way of kindness; you won't; on your

sacred honour; say a word of this to any one; even to Nick。  And

I know I can count on you to rub out the numbers。〃

Susy sprang up and tossed Mrs。 Vanderlyn's letter into the fire:

then she came slowly back to the chair。  There; at her elbow;

lay the four fatal envelopes; and her next affair was to make up

her mind what to do with them。

To destroy them on the spot had seemed; at first thought;

inevitable:  it might be saving Ellie as well as herself。  But

such a step seemed to Susy to involve departure on the morrow;

and this in turn involved notifying Ellie; whose letter she had

vainly scanned for an address。  Wellperhaps Clarissa's nurse

would know where one could write to her mother; it was unlikely

that even Ellie would go off without assuring some means of

communication with her child。  At any rate; there was nothing to

be done that night:  nothing but to work out the details of

their flight on the morrow; and rack her brains to find a

substitute for the hospitality they were rejecting。  Susy did

not disguise from herself how much she had counted on the

Vanderlyn apartment for the summer:  to be able to do so had

singularly simplified the future。  She knew Ellie's largeness of

hand; and had been sure in advance that as long as they were her

guests their only expense would be an occasional present to the

servants。  And what would the alternative be?  She and Lansing;

in their endless talks; had so lived themselves into the vision

of indolent summer days on the lagoon; of flaming hours on the

beach of the Lido; and evenings of music and dreams on their

broad balcony above the Giudecca; that the idea of having to

renounce these joys; and deprive her Nick of them; filled Susy

with a wrath intensified by his having confided in her that when

they were quietly settled in Venice he 〃meant to write。〃

Already nascent in her breast was the fierce resolve of the

author's wife to defend her husband's privacy and facilitate his

encounters with the Muse。  It was abominable; simply abominable;

that Ellie Vanderlyn should have drawn her into such a trap!

Wellthere was nothing for it but to make a clean breast of the

whole thing to Nick。  The trivial incident of the cigars…how

trivial it now seemed!showed her the kind of stand he would

take; and comm
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