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mohammed ali and his house-第24部分

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ing dignity and high resolve。

At the command of Mohammed; one of the governor's collectors was sent to Praousta。 He was instructed to place himself in front of the mosque; call the people together by the sound of the tomtom; and announce to them; in the name of the tschorbadji; that all who would see the victims of their rebellion should come up the mountain; but without arms; and only three at a time。 They should be allowed to enter the court…yard of the palace; where they could see that the prisoners were still alive; and that their lives and liberty rested solely with the men of Praousta。 In conformity with this proclamation; the men of the village came up to the palace in threes。

Above; upon the rock; knelt a young girl; closely veiled。 The men of Praousta knew well that this was Masa; the sheik's daughter。 They bowed low before her; and greeted her with the greeting of peace。 She raised her trembling hands toward them; exclaiming: 〃Have pity on my unhappy father! Submit to the law! Yield to necessity! O save my father; and do not make me an orphan!〃

The men of Praousta made no reply; they bowed their heads silently; and passed on; with clouded countenances; to the iron cage in which the governor's lion had once been confined; and where now stood the sheik and the ulemas; thus made wild beasts of; they; the best and wisest men of Praousta; the representatives of the people; made a public spectacle!

The sheik and the ulemas beckoned to each man who passed; and besought him to hold fast to his resolution not to pay the new tax。 〃If you yield now; and pay twofold; soon they will demand threefold; they wish to impoverish us and exact our heart's blood; but we will not submit; and we command you to stand firm!〃

〃But you; O fathers of our community; what will be your fate?〃

〃That Allah has determined;〃 replied one of the ulemas。 〃Not a bird falls to the ground; not a worm is crushed; by the careless foot of man; without his knowledge。 He who protects the spiders in the trees and in the corners of the rooms; the birds of the air; and the monsters of the deep; will also care for us。 Allah be praised!〃

〃Allah be praised!〃 echoed the men; as they turned their steps toward Praousta。

The maiden still knelt upon the rocky stairway and raised her hands in wild entreaty to the passers…by。 〃Yield; yield; I implore you! Do not deliver over your wisest and best men to a bloody death!〃

Mohammed stood in the hall; behind a pillar; listening earnestly to the words spoken by the prisoners to the men of the village。 From time to time Osman joined him; and begged him not to act the part of guard over the prisoners; but to come into the saloon and rest upon the divan。 〃They can not escape; the railing is high; and the gate securely locked。 Come; grant me the pleasure of your company; and let me seek to soften your heart; and incline you to mercy。〃

〃Impossible;〃 said Mohammed; sternly。 〃If we yield now; the tschorbadji's authority is forever lost。〃

〃But;〃 said the tschorbadji; who joined them at that moment; 〃what is to come of all this; if the prisoners do not submit?〃

〃Their heads shall fall upon the block to…morrow morning; at the hour of prayer;〃 said Mohammed; in so firm and clear a voice that his words were heard by Cousrouf Pacha; who had just entered the hall。

〃He is right; tschorbadji;〃 said he; bowing his head with great dignity。 〃Yes; he is right! If the rabble are rebellious; let the heads of some of them fall! Order and law must reign! Many…headed is the hydra; and it is no great misfortune if a few of their brawling heads are hewn off!〃

〃Allah is great! His will be done;〃 said the tschorbadji。 〃I do not wish the court…yard of my dwelling to be stained with blood。 I do not wish to rule harshly and unmercifully in the evening of my life; after governing my people so many years by mild and gentle rule。〃

〃There you are wrong;〃 said Cousrouf Pacha; 〃mildness and gentleness do not become a ruler; only by severity and an unbending will can he exalt himself to power; and; even when he reaches the goal; he must trust to arms; if he is to maintain himself。〃

〃And if with sword and dagger he reaches the throne;〃 said Osman; looking gently and reproachfully at the proud pacha; 〃may he then hope to hear music and hymns of praise; or must he not then only expect to hear cries of anguish uttered by those over whose heads he strode to power? He could not then expect to see a fair and blooming land; but a land full of corpses and blood! No; no; Cousrouf Pacha! I desire not to reach that height。 I will rather dwell in the valleys…in the shadow of the cliffs on the sea shore…and gather shells; and revel in the gladness and delight of a modest and quiet existence。〃

〃And you; Mohammed;〃 said the pacha; smiling scornfully; 〃what is your ambition? Will you gather shells upon the sea…shore with Osman; or will you climb the heights with me to a splendid goal?〃

Mohammed turned his eyes entirely away from the pacha; nodded to his friend Osman; and said: 〃I will tread my own path alone。 Where fate will lead me I know not。 I seek no companionship; and will follow no man's lead。 From time to time; I may turn aside from my path; and wander; with joy and gladness; with my only friend; on the sea… shore; and seek for shells; and revel in the delights of a modest and quiet life。〃

With a kindly glance; Osman extended his hand; as if in a grateful greeting。

The men of Praousta continued to pass before the iron cage; and the sheik still appealed to them to be firm; and not to sacrifice their rights。

Suddenly the sun disappeared; and night came down upon the earth。 The prisoners said their evening prayers in a loud voice; and when; from the minarets of Praousta; the call of the muredin rang out on the air; the prisoners commenced singing; firmly and devoutly: 〃God is great! There is no God but our God; and Mohammed is his prophet! Come to prayer! Come to be healed! God is just! There is no God but our God!〃 And from the village of Praousta the solemn hymn was echoed back: 〃God is just! There is no God but our God!〃 Then all was silent; and the night; like a silver veil; wrapped the earth in its folds。

In the house of the tschorbadji all was still; it was the custom to retire early and to rise with the sun。 God; in His goodness; created the night for repose。 The moon is a sacred lantern; which God hangs over a sleeping world; and the stars are the eyes of the guardian angels watching over the helpless sleepers。 Therefore; is it well to go to rest with the setting sun。

Profound silence reigned in Cavalla; in the palace of the governor; and in the village of Praousta the men were at the mosque; praying that Allah would vouchsafe them wisdom for the duties of the coming day。 To the slender female kneeling in the mosque they whispered: 〃Soften your father's heart; maiden; and beseech him to allow us to obey this hard command。〃

Did she understand? Was there comfort or encouragement in these words? She bowed her head still lower; and sobbed beneath her veil; she knew too well her father's immovable will; and that he preferred death to submission。

The court…yard was quiet。 The tachorbadji had offered to place two sentinels before the gate of the enclosure; but Mohammed declined the offer。 〃I alone must complete that which I alone began。 I pledged you my honor; tschorbadji; that I would subdue this rebellion; and I alone will guard the prisoners。 I will trust no man but myself。 Who knows but that the men of Praousta may try to storm the enclosure? They are crafty and deceitful。 I know them well; and will myself guard the prisoners。〃

〃Allow; at least; some of the soldiers to relieve you during the night in this hard service。〃

〃No service which honor and duty require is hard;〃 said Mohammed; proudly。 〃Let the soldiers sleep; I will keep watch。〃

Osman gave him a long and searching look; as if he would read the purpose of his soul; and; strange to say; Mohammed turned his face aside to avoid his friend's keen eye。 Was it only from a sense of honor and duty that Mohammed undertook the lonely watch? Or did he hope the clear moonlight would reveal some other beautiful picture than the golden plateau; and the great shadows thrown upon it by the palace? When night had fully settled down upon the earth; Mohammed crept forward in the shadow of the palace; to a large rock which stood at the entrance of the court…yard; there he concealed himself; and waited。 What was he waiting for? From that point he could overlook the courtyard; and; by leaning forward; he could also see the stairway in the rock。 Why did he turn his head in that direction so often? Why did he suddenly shrink back; and why did his heart tremble as he saw a white figure; illuminated by the moon; advancing? Mohammed cowered still lower behind the rock。

Probably she did not see him; and supposed the moon and the stars only had seen her glide softly through the gateway; and into the court…yard。

The veiled virgin now walks through the court…yard to the iron railing; kneels down upon the mosaic pavement; and; raising her hands; whispers softly:

〃Father; my beloved father; do you hear your daughter's voice?〃 Mohammed bows his head; and listens in breathless suspense; his heart throbbing wildly。

〃I hear you; my daughter;〃 replied the sheik; in a quiet tone。 〃I expected you; for I know my Masa's heart well。〃

〃Masa;〃 murmured Mohammed; 〃what a beautiful; glorious name! It falls like music upon my ear; and makes my heart beat strangely。 What does this mean? Allah; protect thy servant!〃

Against his will; he still listens to this heavenly voice that now entreats her father to yield; to submit to the inevitable。 But the sheik; as she continued her supplications; commanded silence; and forbade her to burden his heart with her tears。

〃Life; my daughter; is but a short span; but eternity is long; and woe to those who have not done their duty during that short period! They will suffer for it throughout eternity; for Allah is strong in his wrath; and just in his punishment。 I have sworn that I will watch over the welfare of my community while I live; and Sheik Alepp will keep his word to the end of his life。〃

〃But; father; beloved father!〃 urged the maide
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