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mohammed ali and his house-第48部分

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n the habit of doing。

〃You wished to see me about something; Osman。 What is it?〃

〃What is it?〃 said Osman; with his softest smile; laying his hand on his friend's shoulder and regarding him fixedly。 〃Well; I should think you ought to know。 Try to divine it!〃

Mohammed slowly shook his head。 〃By Allah; I am ignorant what it is; Osman!〃

〃Well;〃 said the latter; smiling; 〃I wish to speak of our departure with the troops。〃

〃What do you mean by that?〃

〃What do I mean? The pacha; Cousrouf; has appointed me captain of the three hundred soldiers; and you my lieutenant。〃

〃He has done so; to be sure; but we of course decline the appointment;〃 said Mohammed; shrugging his shoulders。

〃And why?〃 asked Osman; with an expression of profound astonishment。

〃Why? Well; my Osman; you surely cannot think of〃

〃I understand you;〃 said Osman; nodding his head; 〃you mean I cannot think of accepting any such position as it would beseem a man of my rank to hold。 But I feel myself in better health; it seems as though the thought of such a possibility had given me new strength and energy。 Who knows; perhaps; the luxurious; effeminate life I have always led is the great cause of my ill…health and weakness; a new or adventurous life may do me good。 It is often said that the greater part of disease is mere imagination。 If one shakes this off; he shakes his disease off with it。 Therefore; I have decided to try this remedy myself。 After full consideration; I have concluded to accept the position of captain of our troops。〃

〃You are really in earnest!〃 exclaimed Mohammed; springing to his feet in alarm。 〃You will actually take this position of captain; go to the war; and leave as!〃

〃Leave us? 〃 repeated Osman。 〃No; we two; of course; remain together; my friend。 You go with me。 You are selected as my lieutenant。 You know Cousrouf Pacha added words of praise and acknowledgment for you; too。〃

Mohammed's eye glittered for a moment; but he looked down quickly。 〃Yes; he did this; and his conduct is very noble and generous; for he well knows that I do not love him; and that I was once his enemy。〃

〃Once;〃 repeated Osman; closely regarding his friend。 〃But that was a long while ago; and we have done with the dreams of our youth long since; have we not; Mohammed? What then was; has passed away。 He no longer thinks of the childlike defiance you displayed toward him; the great pacha; and the sorrow and suffering he caused you are long since forgotten。〃

〃Yes;〃 replied Mohammed; in low tones; 〃yes; it is forgotten。 All sorrow and suffering are over。 You are right。 All things pass away; and time heals all wounds…mine; too。 They are healed。 Cousrouf has forgotten the boy's defiance; as you say; and you observe that what I have suffered at his hands is also forgotten。 But I shall not leave this place…I may not。〃

〃You may and you shall;〃 said Osman; and there was a more earnest and manly ring in his voice than Mohammed had ever before heard。 〃Do you not suppose; my boy; my beloved; my second selfdo you not suppose that I read your soul; and know what is smouldering and lamenting in your inmost heart? Mohammed; I believe you do not wish to understand yourself。 You have enveloped your heart in a veil which you do not wish to rend asunder; even before your own vision。 But I; my Mohammed; can see through this covering; and know your heart's most secret thoughts。 Be stillsay nothing yet。 First consider; and then give me a reply。 Your Osman accepts the position; and it seems to me it would become his friend Mohammed to go with him where laurels; glory; and magnificence; are awaiting you。 Look at me; my friend; look at the poor; frail body for which you are so necessary a support; and let us be silent about all the rest for the present。 Yet do not forget that Osman loves you; and is ready to make any sacrifice for you。 Say nothing now; Mohammed; but reflect on what I have said。 And if you love me; and think you owe me your love; and wish to prove your friendship for me; accept the proffered position; and go out with me into the world。 Go; and reflect about it; Mohammed; and; when you have decided; come to me with your answer。〃

Mohammed left the garden as his friend had asked him; the words 〃you must go with me where laurels; glory; and magnificence await you;〃 resounding in his heart。 He hears them everywhere; at home with his wife; in the midst of his family。 And then the voice of reason would in its turn make itself heard: 〃You should not abandon the woman who rescued you from death; and has given you comfort; wealth; and position。 You should not abandon the children; whom you are called on to instruct and protect。〃

〃No; I ought not to go;〃 he repeated to himself; as he sat down beside Ada; and called his children to him。 〃No; I must remain here。〃

And yet; again and again; Osman's words come back to him。

He could not bear to chat with his lips; while such voices were speaking in his heart。 He must leave the house; seek solitude; and consult with his own thoughts。 He made some pretence of pressing business requiring his attention; and went out into the street。 He started to walk rapidly toward the spot on the rock; where he had so often sought solitude and consolation。 Suddenly he felt a hand laid on his shoulder; he turned and saw the old Sheik of Praousta; the successor of Masa's father; who gave him a kindly greeting。

Mohammed always found pleasure with the old man of whom the people said that he had the gift of prophecy; and could read the future。 Mohammed did not believe in this; but he did believe in his wisdom and experience of the world; and knew that much was to be learned from the old man; who had been a great traveller; and had now returned to his home to rest; to spend the evening of his days as Sheik of Praousta。

〃How fares it with you?〃 repeated the sheik; fixing his large dark eyes on Mohammed in a kindly gaze。

〃Well; my business affairs are prosperous。〃

The sheik shook his head。 〃It was not concerning such matters that I inquired。 Ah; Mohammed; it is frequently well with our business affairs; and just the reverse with ourselves。〃

〃Well; then; things go well with myself; also;〃 replied Mohammed; but with averted gaze。

The old man shook his head。 〃I can read a man's thoughts on his forehead; Mohammed; and I tell you sad thoughts are inscribed on yours。〃 And with another shake of the head he continued: 〃The governor has; as you know; raised a body of three hundred soldiers; Osman has been appointed their captain; and yourself his lieutenant。〃

〃Cousrouf Pacha is a generous man;〃 said Mohammed; in a peculiar tone。 〃He graciously forgets the days that have been。〃

〃No; my son;〃 said the sheik; 〃Cousrouf Pacha is a proud; cruel man; and he now wishes to show himself to those who saw him in those days when he was powerless; and an exile; in his grandeur and magnificence。 You must know; my son; that oftentimes that which seems noble and generous; consists really only of vaingloriousness and love of display。〃

〃I thank you for these words; O sheik;〃 cried Mohammed; with a fierce gesture; 〃I thank you for having spoken from my soul。 Young as I then was; I believe I thoroughly understood this man; and I am glad you interpret my thoughts so well。〃

〃Mohammed;〃 said the sheik; after a pause; 〃you must accompany your young friend Osman。〃

〃Osman! no; that is impossible; how can Osman fill such a position?〃

〃He can;〃 said the sheik; 〃for you; Mohammed; will accompany him。〃

〃No; sheik; I shall not accompany him; I shall remain here。〃

〃You will remain here; and why?〃

〃I have a wife and children;〃 replied Mohammed; quickly; as if speaking to himself。 〃I cannot separate myself from them。 I must not think of it; I have a home; a family; a prosperous business; and I live a peaceful life; why; therefore; O sheik; go out into the troubled world to end my days; perhaps; in misery? Here; I know what I ama respected merchant; a favorite of the governor; the friend of his son; and I may boast of your friendship; too; sheik。 Tell me; why should I subject myself to the tempest of life again; and go to Egypt to fight the unbelievers? The distance is great; the future beset with danger and difficulties; and here I have happiness; and an assured future。〃

〃You are right; the distance is great; and your future one of danger and difficulties;〃 replied the sheik。 〃Yes; therein you are right; but you are wrong when you determine not to go。〃

〃Wrongwrong; you say?〃

〃Yes; Mohammed; you are wrong; for; though the way is long and the future one of danger and difficulty; yet is the reward that awaits you; laurels and renown; glorious。〃

〃Sheik; do not speak thus to me;〃 cried Mohammed; 〃do not tempt me to do what I may repent; what may bring misfortune upon my wife and children。 No; rather tell me to silence these voices that are ever resounding in my heart。 Oh; do not tell me to make ambition the pursuit of my life。〃

〃And yet I must do so;〃 replied the sheik。 〃I tell you; you would act with great injustice if you should refuse to awaken the hero that slumbers in you; if you should condemn the warrior to inactivity; for the sake of the merchant。 Allah himself would be displeased; Mohammed; for he has given you the capacity to perform great things; and implanted great thoughts and plans in your heart。 And now the way is open to you; and you can carry out these plans。 Therefore; when you see Osman again; tell him that you will go with him。 And now; farewell; Mohammed; consult with your thoughts; and be strong。〃

Greeting Mohammed with a wave of his hand; the sheik turned and walked away; leaving his friend gazing after him in amazement。

The people are right: the sheik is a prophet; else how could he know what he had discussed with Osman that day; inducing him to consider the matter and give his decision by the following morning? But; then; if he is a prophet; he has also announced the truth and foretold the future。 Very great things are in store for him; and the whole world of glory dreamed of in his youth lies open to him。 This may then still be realized。 No; Mohammed; deny yourself and be strong。 Bow beneath the will of Allah; and it surely cannot be his will that you should forsake wife and children; but; rath
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