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mohammed ali and his house-第57部分

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r。 Who knows but he may yet completely cast off the burden of dependence; and become absolutely free? Every thing rests on the acquisition of good and faithful friends and servants; and he will acquire such。 It is so easy for the great to acquire friends! Is not the capitan pacha his friend? Does he not owe all that he is to him? He has elevated him from the dust; and made him commander of the army with which he has come over from Turkey。 Yes; he is a true and devoted friend; and he will easily find others。 His power will become greatgreat as all Egypt。 He rises; calls one of the Nubian slaves; and bids him show him the way to the walls of the citadel。

The slave opens a secret door that leads into a narrow passage and upon the outer wall of the citadel。 Motioning to the slave to remain in the passage; Cousrouf steps out; and then stands still; astonished at the splendid spectacle that lies before him。 Spread out at his feet lies the holy Mazr; with all its minarets and towers。 Farther on lies a whole city of cupolasthese are the graves of the caliphs; they rear their heads proudly aloft in the sunlight; congratulating the new ruler on his magnificence; but also reminding him of the perishable nature of all earthly glorythe saying of a certain wise man 〃Thou first and mightiest of mortals; be thankful that thou art alive!〃

〃I thank thee; Allah; that I am alive; and I bow down in humility before thee!〃 murmurs Cousrouf; reverently。 He then again looks out with delight upon the landscape that lies before him。 There; in a wide curve; winds the river Nile like a silver ribbon; innumerable decorated boats and barks dancing upon its surface。 Here all is life and animation; beyond the Nile reigns a solemn stillness; for a certain distance from the river bank stand stately palm…trees; and then suddenly; sharply defined beside the green fields; begins the yellow sand。 That is the desertthat is the mysterious theatre of so many adventures throughout the ages; the receptacle of so much hidden wealth; the great burying…ground of the unknown dead。 There; on the horizon; where the yellow sand and the blue sky meet; stand the pyramids of Gheezeh; and farther on; in the purple distance; the pyramids of Sakkara。

〃A world lies at my feet; and I am the ruler of this world。 I have attained my aim;〃 says he to himself。 〃All is fulfilled; but one thing is left to wish for。 O Allah; grant me still many years in which to enjoy this magnificence!〃

Once more he glances around at the beautiful landscape before him; and then; conducted by the slave; returns to his private apartments。 He lies on his cushions; listening to the shouts of the delighted multitude without。

Suddenly the curtain that covers the doorway is noiselessly withdrawn; and a slave announces that a messenger from the capitan pacha; accompanied by a bim bashi; stands in the antechamber; awaiting his pleasure。

〃What is the messenger's name?〃 asks Cousrouf; wearily。

〃Hassan Aga; master; bim bashi of the capitan pacha。〃

〃And his favorite;〃 murmurs Cousrouf to himself。 〃Let Hassan Aga enter。〃

At the slave's call the messenger enters; bows his head to the ground; and hands his master's letter to the viceroy。

〃Do you know its contents?〃 asks Cousrouf; slowly opening the letter。

〃Yes; highness。 It is a farewell letter from my master; who leaves to…morrow for Stamboul。〃

For an instant a smile glides over Cousrouf's countenance; but then it assumes a sad expression。 〃The capitan pacha is about to depart to leave me。〃

〃He wishes to leave to you alone the honor of having laid subjugated Egypt at the feet of his master the grand…sultan; in Stamboul。 He has done what lay in his power。 The most dangerous Mamelukes have fallen beneath his blows。 Shall I narrate to your highness how it was done?〃

Cousrouf signifies his assent。 Hassan hastily relates the bloody story of the assassination of the Mamelukes in the roadstead of Aboukir; Cousrouf listening with the greatest attention。 〃The capitan pacha has erected a bloody but a great monument to himself;〃 says be; when Hassan has finished his narrative。 〃Yet it is questionable whether I shall be benefited by it。 It would; perhaps; have been wiser to reconcile ourselves with the Mamelukes; than to excite them to new anger。〃

〃Highness; reconciliation with the Mamelukes is impossible;〃 replies Hassan。 〃The capitan pacha; who has ever been faithful in your service; wishes to give you a final proof of his friendship。〃

〃And in what does this proof consist?〃 asks Cousrouf。

〃He sends your highness a hero who has the determination to do all things; and the capacity to do all he determines。 He gave evidence of his courage and address at Aboukir。 The capitan pacha can leave you no better token of his friendship than this young hero; who is entirely devoted to you。 May I present this last best gift of the capitan pacha; may I present to your highness the young bim bashi?〃

The pacha nods his assent; and Hassan noiselessly withdraws; returning in a few moments; accompanied by the young bim bashi; so warmly recommended to the viceroy。 Cousrouf Pacha wearily raises his head and casts a glance of indifference at the tall figure of the bim bashi; but as his glance falls on the young man's countenance; he starts。 It seems; to him that he has seen those eagle eyes before。 He hastily casts his eyes down; and then looks up again at the bim bashi; who holds his head proudly erect; awaiting the viceroy's address。

〃What is your name; bim bashi? Where do you come from?〃 asks Cousrouf; after along pause。

The bim bashi advances a step; and; looking steadily in the viceroy's countenance; bows profoundly。 〃My name is Mohammed Ali; and I come from Cavalla。〃

〃Cavalla!〃 repeats Cousrouf; with a start。 Now he remembers that he has sometimes seen these eyes before him in sleepless nights。 They have impressed themselves deeply into his heart with their fearful glances。 The haughty pacha had never reproached himself for killing the slave Masathat was his right; he acted according to law when he punished the runaway slave by deathbut it was cruel to compel the man who loved her to witness her death。 Cousrouf had felt this at the time; and that was why these eyes had penetrated his heart like daggers' points。 But that was long ago; and these eyes are now very different。 They no longer glitter with curses; they now sparkle with animation; energy; and courage; only。

〃You come from Cavalla;〃 says he; after a pause; 〃and your name is Mohammed Ali? It seems to me that once; when I sojourned for a time at Cavalla; I also knew a Mohammed Ali; a daring young lad; the friend of Osman; with whose father I resided; I had appointed Osman bim bashi of the soldiers he was to bring over to me; and I also permitted him to select young Mohammed Ali as his boulouk bashi。 Yet Osman has not come; nor do you appear to be the Mohammed Ali I then knew。〃

〃Pardon me; highness;〃 said Mohammed Ali; with a slight smile; for he well understood the secret meaning of this question; 〃pardon me; highness; I am this Mohammed; and yet another。 The first was a bold; insolent lad; who dared to defy your authority and refused to bow his head in humility before your highness。 He who now stands before you; however; is your devoted servant; who brings you greetings from his friend Osman。 He is deeply touched by your graciousness; and; hoping for a continuance of your favor; he undertook to do your bidding。 But alas! the will of man is often frustrated by bodily weakness。 It was thus with my friend Osman。 The first day of the conflict at Aboukir prostrated him so completely that he was compelled to return home to Cavalla; and the capitan graciously granted his request and placed me in his position。 Yet I lay my new dignity at your feet; all that I am I wish to receive at your hands。〃

Cousrouf had regarded him fixedly while he spoke; and had listened attentively to his words and voice。 He was satisfied with him。 〃Yes; Mohammed; you are right;〃 said Cousrouf; 〃there is nothing of the fierce boy of those days in you now。 Your voice is flattering; and your words well chosen and devoted; and Cousrouf will attach you to himself through gratitude。 He will cherish you; and make of you a devoted servant。 You say; you lay your dignity of bim bashi at my feet?〃

〃Yes; highness; I lay all at your feet; and all that I am I wish to receive at your hands。〃

〃Well; then; if your destiny rests with me; I must promote the bim bashi to a higher dignity。 From this moment the bim bashi is the sarechsme; the general of the Albanian troops。 You are their countryman; and you shall be their leader。〃

〃O highness; how great is your generosity!〃 exclaims Mohammed; his countenance beaming with joy。

Cousrouf had observed him closely; and the young man's delight showed him that he had acquired in Mohammed a true and devoted friend; and he will have great need of such friends in the impending struggles to uphold his power; which the course pursued by his friend the capitan pacha will have made inevitable。 The bloody massacre at Aboukir; which the capitan claims as a friendly service rendered him; has; he well knows; made him many passionate and irreconcilable enemies。 Yes; he needs true friends; and Mohammed shall be chained to his service through gratitude。

Mohammed expresses his gratitude and devotion in such eloquent terms that Cousrouf's heart is touched; and he feels impelled to address some kindly words to the new sarechsme。 He dismisses Hassan Aga with friendly greetings to the capitan pacha; and motioned to the sarechsme to remain。 Cousrouf walks thoughtfully to and fro in the room for a time; his gold…embroidered caftan trailing on the carpet behind him; and the crescent on his turban glittering in the sunlight。 Mohammed raises his eyes for an instant; and sees the figure sweep past him like a brilliant meteor。 Quickly he casts down his eyes again; that his soul's inmost thoughts may not be betrayed; and least of all to the viceroy。 No one but Allah hears the oath that now resounds in his soul; as he stands in an humble attitude at the door; waiting to be addressed。 〃I have sworn vengeance; and I will keep my oath。 Vengeance for Masa; vengeance for the torments I have endured。 My head is now b
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