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mohammed ali and his house-第62部分

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Sitta Nefysseh sighed profoundly as the two disappeared through the gateway; falling back upon her cushions as if overwhelmed with grief。 She heard nothing of the music; that still resounded from the rose…bushes; she heard only the secret and sacred voices which lamented in her soul; and she shuddered at what they said。

〃No; no; it may not be;〃 said she to herself。 〃I saved myself from their importunity by the falsehood of the oath。 I never swore to my husband that Mourad's wife would become the wife of no other。 It was not because an oath bound her that she rejected them; but because her heart so willed it。 Not without love is Mourad's widow; but whom she loves no one must know; no one must even suspect。〃

She arose and threw back her veil to wipe away the tears that burned her eyes。 Suddenly she trembled; a deep blush overspreading her countenance。 She saw the young kachef Youssouf coming up the walk。 She saw his proud; erect figure; his countenance full of youthful freshness and nobility。 She drew heir veil more closely about her; but the veil cannot hide the brightness of her eyes。 They fairly sparkled as he advanced。 He approached slowly。 She seemed not to see him; leaned back on her cushions; raised the crimson rose to her face; and inhaled its fragrance。 Kachef Youssouf; his arms folded on his breast; stood at the entrance of the kiosk。

〃Sitta Nefysseh; mistress; you command to have your carriage ready; as you wished to drive out at this hour。 It is ready; and I humbly ask if it is your pleasure to go now; and if I may have the honor of accompanying your suite; and riding at the side of your carriage?〃

Sitta Nefysseh; who was still inhaling the fragrance of the rose; slowly let fall her hand to her side; and the flower fell from her fingers to the ground。

〃You are an attentive; punctual servant;〃 said she。 〃I thank you; I will drive out at once with two of my women; you may ride beside my carriage。〃

Sitta Nefysseh arose and left the kiosk。 She passed close by him; and her white veil lightly touched Youssouf's shoulder。 He stood as if touched by a magic wand and fixed to the spot。 He could not follow his mistress; who walked proudly toward the place where the women awaited her。 He followed her with his eyes; however; and saw how her long flowing garment adjusted itself to her lovely figure; and how her white veil fluttered about her noble head; enveloping it as with a delicate white cloud。

〃Would that I were the wind that kisses your cheek!〃 murmured he; lost in contemplation of his idol。 〃Would I were the sand your foot blesses with its touch! To die near you; beholding you in death; were heavenly bliss。〃

Sitta Nefysseh had disappeared behind the clump of bushes。 Kachef Youssouf still stood before the kiosk。 He listened。 The music had ceased。 He knew that his mistress was returning with her women to the house。 He hastily glanced around the garden; fastening his large; black eyes; on every bush; as if expecting to find an enemy concealed there。 No one is to be seen。 Only Heaven and the bees in the air see Youssouf as he rushes into the kiosk; picks up the rose; presses it passionately to his lips; and then conceals it in his bosom。



From the day of their first meeting; when Cousrouf Pacha appointed Mohammed Ali sarechsme; the new general had proved his bravery and his shrewdness in many a skirmish and battle with the Mamelukes。 He had already captured from them two strongholds; and had returned victorious from every battle with them。 Cousrouf praised his fortune at having such a general at his side。 Mohammed Ali showed himself so zealous and devoted in his service that the viceroy listened to his advice only; and called him his favorite and confidant。

〃Truly; I am a happy man;〃 said Cousrouf to himself。 〃I am the ruler of a great kingdom。 I have friends at my side in whom I can confide; and who will assist me in all my plans; executing all I determine。 Who knows but that a great future still awaits me; and that the crown which now hangs suspended over my head may not one day adorn it in reality? Mohammed shall aid me。 He is the bravest of the brave; and the wisest of the wise。〃

He walked to and fro in his room as he said this to himself; his countenance radiant with smiles。

〃I will soon have my wives brought to me; and my daughters also。 Who knows; perhaps it were well to chain the sarechsme; Mohammed Ali; to my side with still closer bonds? Who knows? Sometimes a strange presentiment comes over me when I look at him。 Mohammed's eyes sometimes glitter so strangely and angrily; but he is conscious of it at once; and then becomes more gentle and devoted than ever。 There are times when I distrust him。 It were perhaps well to fasten him to my side so firmly that he cannot free himself。 Yes; I had best give him one of my daughters in marriage。 He must be submissive and devoted to his father…in…law at all times;〃 said he; in low tones; 〃Sometimes I think his smooth countenance conceals a gloomy soul; and that Mohammed Ali has not yet forgotten the evil done the young lad in Cavalla。 But these are mere fancies。 He has proved on every occasion that he no longer thinks of it。 I will have him called and study his countenance while speaking with him。〃

He sent one of his slaves to request the sarechsme to come to him。 After a few minutes Mohammed entered。 He bowed profoundly before Cousrouf; and seemed delighted when invited to seat himself beside the pacha on the divan; and smoke the chibouque with him。

〃Tell me; Mohammed; how old are you?〃 asked Cousrouf; after a pause; blowing clouds of smoke from his lips; and seeming to regard the general with kindly composure。 〃How old are you?〃

〃I hardly know; highness;〃 replied Mohammed; smiling。 〃But let me count。 I believe I was fifteen when; at Cavalla; I first had the happiness of meeting you; my distinguished master。〃

〃Let us proceed with the calculation;〃 said Cousrouf。 〃I remained three years in Cavalla。 By Allah; they seemed to me to be three centuries! Yes; I remained there three years; and you were therefore eighteen when I left Cavalla?〃

〃Yes; eighteen years old; and a wild; reckless lad I was; too! Even now I beg your forgiveness for my conduct at that time;〃 said Mohammed; humbly。

The viceroy bowed a gracious consent。

〃Since then twelve years have passed; and you are therefore now thirty。〃

〃You see; I am an old man! And when I look back at the past it seems to me I have lived an eternity。 Yes; highness; I am an old man; and can hardly say that any wishes or aspirations now find a place in my bosom。〃

〃Are you alone in the world?〃 asked Cousrouf。 〃Have you no family?〃

A strange fire gleamed for an instant in Mohammed's eyes; and he compressed his lips firmly。 How could he who had inflicted such intolerable anguish upon him; how could he question him as to his heart's history? Woe to him for so doing! for this; too; shall retribution be visited upon him!

〃Yes; highness; I have a family。 I have a wife and three sons at home in Cavalla。〃

〃One wife only!〃 said the pacha。 〃Are you contented with one wife?〃

〃One is often too many;〃 replied Mohammed。 〃But this does not apply to my wife。 She is the niece of the tschorbadji; and devoted to me。 I have no cause to complain of her。〃

〃Is that all?〃 asked the pacha; with an air of indifference。 〃You have nothing further to say of her? Then you do not love her; I suppose?〃

〃Highness; I believe love was torn from my heart in my youth。〃

〃Everyone says that until he loves;〃 replied Cousrouf; composedly blowing clouds of smoke from his mouth。 〃Yet; in my opinion; one is never too old to love; the heart never grows old。 Let me know it if you feel that another love can blossom in your heart; and that you wish; in addition to the wife you have long possessedand I know that possession gives satietyanother; a young and beautiful wife。 Perhaps I can find such a one for you。 And I will do so; Mohammed; if you return victorious from the new campaign。〃

〃A new campaign? and against whom?〃 was Mohammed's only response。

〃Against whom? Against the insolent Mameluke beys; of course。 The time has come to dispose of them finally;〃 said Cousrouf。 〃Listen; general。 The grand…sultan; weary of these incessant struggles with the rebellious Mameluke beys; is resolved to bring them to a conclusion; and restore peace to the province of Egypt。 You; however; have now been here long enough to know that peace in Egypt means death and destruction to the Mameluke beys。〃

〃Yes; highness; peace in Egypt means death to the Mameluke beys!〃 replied Mohammed Ali。 〃Truly; while one of them survives; so long will his proud; ambitious heart prompt him to endeavor to reconquer the rule which he believes is predestined for the Mameluke beys by Allah and the prophet。〃

〃They shall learn that Allah has doomed them to destruction!〃 cried Cousrouf; passionately。 〃All is arranged。 To the Franks we are indebted for one thing; and that is for having fought these rebellious beys。 Since the French expedition the number of the Mamelukes is diminished by at least one…half。 In order to prevent them from recruiting their decimated ranks; the grand…sultan has issued a firman which prohibits further importation into Egypt of Circassian and Georgian slaves。〃

〃And yet; as I have heard; they resort to other sources to refill their depleted ranks;〃 said Mohammed; respectfully。 〃I am told that they recruit their forces with the inhabitants of the desert; with the children of Albania; and the tribe of Achmed Ali。〃

〃They do; it is true。 But the Arabs and Bedouins are poor substitutes for the Georgian and Circassian slaves。 You cannot make lions of wild…cats; nor tigers of jackals。 Moreover; discord has fallen out among the Mameluke beys themselves; since Mourad Bey fell。 He was a great man and a hero! But since his death they have lacked a chieftain who could unite them; Tamboudji Bey was such a one for a brief season; but; as you know; he fell at Aboukir。 Three others are now quarrelling over the succession。 There is Osman Bey Bardissi; Ibrahim Bey; the old Mameluke chieftain; and finally; L'Elfi Bey; a protege of the English; as Bardissi is of the French。 These three are now at dagg
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