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mohammed ali and his house-第71部分

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on the ground that smoked with the blood of so many victims? Was this his mission; and was there a way that would lead him up the steep ascent to the throne? All this he considered earnestly and profoundly throughout the entire night; and; when the rising sun had dispelled the clouds of the morning; it was clear; too; in his soul。 He saw the way he must go to reach his goal。

〃And this way I will go;〃 said he to himself; in low tones。 〃I will consider nothing but my interest and my aim。 I will avail myself of all means that are useful。 Wise; shrewd; cautious; using every thing; and recoiling from nothing; let this be the motto of my immediate future: 'To overthrow the enemy by rebellion were unwise; he who usurps another's place is always a rebel; and deserving of punishment。' I must be called to the throne by the people themselves; then I shall be a legitimate ruler。 To attain this be your task; Mohammed Ali。 Equip yourself and collect your energies。 Be the lion and the tiger; the serpent and the hero: in this way only can you accomplish your end。〃

Early on the following morning the videttes announced to the sarechsme that no trace of the enemy was anywhere to be seen。

〃Then we shall return to Cairo;〃 said the sarechsme to his bim bashis; 〃give orders to prepare to march。〃

The loud shouts of joy that resounded without announced to the sarechsme that the soldiers were well pleased to return home。 〃I am; too!〃 said he to himself; smiling。 〃I am well pleased that we are not compelled to confront the Mamelukes! Perhaps we shall soon be fighting side by side!〃

In the meanwhile intelligence of the defeat of the Turkish army had reached Cairo。 Many had heard it with intense satisfaction; many with sorrow; according to whether they were friends or enemies of the viceroy。

Yet; when Mohammed Ali's troops marched through the streets; they were greeted with shouts of joy。 They returned; as the sarechsme had ordered; quietly to their barracks。

Mohammed Ali also repaired to his house to rest and to wait。

In the meanwhile the remnant of the defeated army had also returned to Cairo; and Youssouf Bey; who had succeeded in making his escape from the slaughter; repaired; at the very hour when Mohammed entered the city with his troops to the citadel; to the viceroy。 With furious despair and tears of rage; he told the story of his terrible defeat; thinking by this display of anguish to wash his hands of the disgrace of having been vanquished with three thousand Turks by eight hundred Mamelukes! But; as though the number of his troops ought not to have been sufficient to insure victory over the small force of the Mamelukes; he sought to throw the blame on others。

〃I was betrayedbetrayed! Mohammed Ali and Taher Pacha are to blame for this disaster。 They should have come to my assistance; but they left me to shift for myself。 That is infamous conduct! Here; before your throne; I accuse of treason; above all; Mohammed Ali; and also Taher Pacha! They knew I was in danger: had they come up; I should not have lost the battle; but they did not come; because they desired my downfall; in order that they might ascend to the height of your favor over my neck! They are both traitors。 I entreat you to cause searching inquiries to be made; and to hold to a strict accountability those who so shamefully deserted me。〃

Cousrouf Pacha felt deeply touched by the anguish and despair of his favorite; and perhaps he also felt a foreboding rise in his heart that Mohammed Ali was still his enemy; and was seeking revenge for his long…since…destroyed happiness。

〃You are right; Youssouf Bey。 I promise you strict investigation shall be made; and woe to them if they fail to justify themselves!〃

A messenger entered to announce to the viceroy that Mohammed Ali had returned to Cairo with his troops。 The viceroy immediately dispatched a messenger to the sarechsme; ordering him to come up to the citadel at once; and without any delay whatever; to render account to the viceroy of his action。

Mohammed heard the command with perfect composure。 〃Tell the viceroy that I will come up to the citadel tomorrow; in the broad light of day; with my soldiers。 My weary troops must rest tonight; and without them I do not desire to appear before your master。 Therefore; tomorrow morning; rest assured that I shall come。〃

As he had said; in the broad light of day; and accompanied by his soldiers; the sarechsme repaired to the citadel。 An ominous cry resounded from their lips as they stood before the gateway; and this cry was heard in the apartment of the viceroy。

〃We demand our pay! We want bread; we want money!〃 This was the soldiers' cry。 Now; surrounded by his bim bashis and boulouk bashis; the sarechsme entered the apartment of the viceroy; Cousrouf Pacha; who was awaiting him。 In utter disregard of deference and usage; the general did not wait to be addressed by the viceroy。 With a military greeting; he stepped forward and said; in a loud voice:

〃As you hear; highness; your troops have come to demand of you that to which they have assuredly long been entitledthey have come to demand their pay!〃

〃I see;〃 said Cousrouf; in low tones; casting a furtive glance of hatred at Mohammed〃I see that you are still the insolent boy of Cavalla!〃

〃I believe;〃 replied Mohammed; also speaking in subdued tones〃 I believe we are both what we then were; and I shall prove it to you!〃

He stepped back。 No one had heard the brief conversation that passed between them; but every one saw Cousrouf's cheek grow pale; and his eye sparkle with anger。

〃I will send you an answer;〃 said he; after a pause。 〃Return to your house; and order the soldiers to return to their barracks。 My defterdar will bring you an answer。〃

He turned and left the apartment。

〃Well; for this time we will be patient and wait;〃 said Mohammed; addressing his officers。

His voice was threatening; and his officers understood that their general was prepared to resort to extreme measures; and they rejoiced over it; for the viceroy was always haughty and overbearing in his manner toward them; and they all hated him。 They would all have been pleased to see their bold general revolt against him。

〃We will wait;〃 they whispered to each other〃 we will wait! What our sarechsme does; we will do also!〃

They returned; in obedience to his command; to their quarters and barracks。

The sarechsme; Mohammed Ali; a peculiar smile on his lips; also returned to his palace。

〃The decisive hour approaches! Cousrouf Pacha shall be convinced that I; as he says; am still the same Mohammed Ali I was at Cavalla! Yes; still the same; and still determined to have revenge!



To have gained a week is to have gained a great deal。

Within this time the viceroy will succeed in replenishing his coffers。 His defterdar is very skillful in the art of getting money; and who should understand the art if not the minister of finance? He will find means to collect from the ulemas; from the rich sheiks; and from the merchants; money enough to quiet his rebellious troops。 A week is a long period; and he will find means to satisfy them all。

But; after a few days; the terrible intelligence reaches Cousrouf pacha: Taher Pacha is defeated; the stronghold Migne has been captured by the Mameluke beys。 Taher Pacha is defeated; and is returning with his army…corps to Cairo!

〃He shall not come; he must not come!〃 cried the viceroy; angrily。 〃No; he must not come; as it is; we have rebellious soldiers enough here now。 They would unite with Taher's troops; and clamor for pay again。 And our coffers are empty。 Send messengers to meet the advancing troops; with instructions to General Taher to march with his corps to Tantah; and there await further orders。 In any case; I forbid him to return here to Cairo。 Is my capital to be made a camp? Is it merely an immense barrack in which these insolent fellows are to puff themselves up and do violence to all honest and respectable people? It is enough to have to tolerate Mohammed Ali and his men here。 Taher Pacha shall not unite with them。 Quick; dispatch the messengers at once!〃

The messengers; in accordance with the viceroy's instructions; hastened forth in the direction from which Taher must come。 But the messengers did not meet him。 He did not come by the expected route。 He had taken anothera secret messenger having come to him with this warning:

〃Hasten forward; Taheryou are to be kept at a distance from the capitol! It is intended to withhold their pay from your soldiers!〃

He did not know from whom this messenger came; but he believed him。 Resolved not to remain where a message from the viceroy could reach him; Taher Pacha took another road; and; before another messenger could reach him; Taher entered Cairo with his army。 The uproar in the streets; the shouting of the soldiers as they greeted their friends; announced to the viceroy what had taken place。 And in great wrath he learned from the defterdar; who came running to the viceroy in despair; that his fears were only too well founded。

Yes; it was as he expected。 The soldiers had not gone to their barracks; Taher had not come to seek repose in his house; but to demand his and his soldiers' pay。 〃We are in rags; and starving; we need shoes and clothes。 Give us our pay; that we may satisfy our hunger and clothe ourselves!〃

〃But how am I to pay them?〃 said the defterdar; addressing the viceroy in anxious tones。 〃Our coffers are empty; and all resources exhausted。 I know not what to do or where to turn。〃

The viceroy sat gazing at him gloomily。 Suddenly a thought seemed to occur to him; his countenance brightened。 〃Mohammed Ali is shrewd and fertile in resources。 We must apply to him。 He will help us out of our difficulty。 He is thoughtful; cool; and resolute。 True; he assumed a hostile attitude toward me a few days ago; but he must be reconciled。

He must be prevented from uniting with Taher。 The two united would be a fearful combination against me。〃

He instructs the defterdar to go in person to Mohammed Ali to request him to come to the viceroy。 〃We cannot pay the troops; but we can find enough to pay the general's salary。〃

Cousrouf Pacha takes from his own private funds ten purses of gol
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