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mohammed ali and his house-第72部分

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h to pay the general's salary。〃

Cousrouf Pacha takes from his own private funds ten purses of gold… pieces。 He carries them himself to the apartment in which be intends to receive the sarechsme。

In the mean while the minister of finance had; in accordance with the viceroy's instructions; repaired with great haste to the palace in which the sarechsme resided。 A body of Albanian soldiers were encamped about the palace。 They called themselves the body…guard of the sarechsme。 The heart of the finance minister throbbed with dismay when he beheld their daring; resolute faces。

〃If this is the sarechsme's body…guard; then woe to the viceroy!〃 said he to himself; as he ascended the stairway that led to the general's apartment。 With a trembling voice and humble demeanor; he delivered the viceroy's message to the general。

〃He begs you to come to him。 He wishes to be reconciled to you; he will himself hand you the arrearages of pay。 But I entreat you; come without your great suiteit might be wrongly interpreted。 I mean well with you; I am your friend。 Do not come with your body…guard; sarechsme。〃

〃We two should understand each other better;〃 replied Mohammed; smiling derisively。 〃You tremble for me。 I thank you; but see; I am not trembling at all myself。 He who pursues an honest course and is faithful to his master and his service; has no occasion to tremble。 This you shall see; for I intend to go to the viceroy entirely alone。 Only my men shall at least know where I have gone; that is all。 Come!〃

With a haughty smile; the defterdar following; he descended the broad stairway of his palace; and cordially greeted the soldiers standing about the gateway; who received him with shouts of joy。

〃Be patient; my friends; I entreat you; be patient; and await my return。 I will return in an hour; wait here for me that long。 Should I not return by that time; seek me。〃

The defterdar; who hears every word of this; murmurs to himself: 〃It will be necessary to acquaint his highness with this; that he may be on his guard; and not detain the sarechsme in his fortress too long。 The consequences might be dangerous。〃

In humble terms he begs to be permitted to hasten in advance to announce his coming to the viceroy。 The sarechsme assents with a gracious inclination of the head; and smiles benignantly on the finance minister。

〃We understand each other right well; my good defterdar。 You are right; go in advance; and announce me to the viceroy。〃

He waited a short time in the court…yard; conversing with the soldiers who gathered around him to complain of their wrongs。

〃I am going up to the citadel to the viceroy; in your interests。 Wait patiently for an entire hour;〃 repeated Mohammed。

He then mounts his horse and rides up to the citadel。 The defterdar has hardly had time to convey the warning to the viceroy:

〃Do not detain him here too long; highness。 If he remains here longer than an hour; his soldiers will come up here after him in open revolt。 Taher's troops have not gone to their barracks; and are only awaiting the signal to join them。〃

Cousrouf nodded his assent; and muttered to himself: 〃I was wrong in not treading this viper under foot in Cavalla; now it intends to bite meI feel it; it intends to bite me; but it shall not。 I will draw its fangs。〃

His Nubian slave now enters and announces to his master that the sarechsme; Mohammed Ali; stands without; awaiting his pleasure。 Cousrouf's countenance quickly assumes a friendly expression。

〃Leave me; defterdar; and await me in the next room。 I shall not detain the sarechsme long。〃

The defterdar withdrew; and the Nubian slave opened the door to admit the general。 With a military greeting; Mohammed Ali entered; and advanced toward the viceroy; who; on this occasion; received him standing; and not indolently reclining on his cushions; as was his habit; he even stepped forward to meet him; extending his hand; and saluting more cordially than usual。

〃Sarechsme; when we last met; it was in anger。 This I have deeply regretted; for you know what I think of you。〃

〃Yes; highness; I know what you think of me;〃 replied Mohammed; quietly。

The viceroy saw the derisive smile that played about his lips。

〃I think well of you; Mohammed! I expect great things of you; and know that you are the truest and most devoted of my servants。〃

Mohammed looked up at him with a strange; inquiring glance。 〃Of your servants; highness? I did not know that I was one of them。 I am devoted to you; as the general of the viceroy's troops should be; yet both of us are the servants of our master; the grand…sultan; at Stamboul。〃

〃You are right; both of us are servants; the grand…sultan is master of us both; but I am his representative here; and it therefore follows that the proud sarechsme need not blush when I call him my faithful servant; as I stand for him in the place of the grand… sultan。 And it is because you recognize in me his representative; and because you have sworn to serve him faithfully; that I have such confidence in your devotion to me。〃

〃Highness; I am faithful to my oath; faithful to the grand…sultan; and faithful to you。 I deeply regret that discord has arisen between you and me; ever devoted to you as I am。 But let us not speak of this。 I suppose you have called me on account of my troops。 They have long received no pay; they are without food; and their clothes are in rags。 They need and demand their pay。 I; as their protector and general; must insist on your compliance with their just demand。〃

〃The week within which I promised to pay them has not yet elapsed; four days still remain;〃 said Cousrouf; suppressing his rage with difficulty; 〃therefore wait for your soldiers' pay; but you; Mohammed; you shall not wait。 See how I honor and esteem you! There lie ten purses of gold…pieces; that is your salary。 I joyously give it you out of my own private funds。 Take your pay; my sarechsme!〃

He pointed to a little marble table; on which the ten purses; through whose meshes the gold…pieces glittered; were laid in a row。

〃I accept them; highness。 It is my salary; and I am justly entitled to it。 I accept them; and; though you only gave me my due; I nevertheless thank you for having done so。〃

〃And you are now reconciled; Mohammed Ali; and no longer angry?〃 said Cousrouf; in flattering tones。

Mohammed bowed profoundly。

〃How could I presume to be angry with your gracious highness? You know my devotion to you; Cousrouf。〃

〃Prove it! Give me your advice。 You know the country; you know the city; your eye is quick; and you observe much。 I know Mohammed Ali never walks indolently through the streets; his eye sees more than other eyes; his ear hears more than other ears; he knows far more than any of my servants。 O Mohammed; if many of them were like you; I need not be anxious and pass sleepless nights。 But you; Mohammed; are wise and shrewd; and have much experience and knowledge of the world。 Advise me; sarechsme; as to the means of raising money。 I myself; I confess; am at a loss to devise new means of replenishing my empty coffers。〃

〃I thank you for the high honor you do me;〃 replied Mohammed。 〃Advise you; the wise and experienced statesman! How flattering such a privilege to me! Yet; unfortunately; I must confess that I know not what to advise。 But;〃 he suddenly added; 〃one thing occurs to me。 You have taxed the merchants; you have taken money from the ulemas; you have exacted it from the sheiks; but one thing you have forgottento tax the women; highness!〃

〃The women!〃 said Cousrouf; recoiling a step。 〃How could I tax the women? What women?〃

〃The wives of the Mameluke beys!〃 replied Mohammed。 〃You were gracious enough; highness; to permit these ladies to remain here in their palaces; in which they were accustomed to live like princesses。〃

〃I gave my word; Mohammed Ali; that the wives of the Mameluke beys should remain here; and that they should not be molested。 I gave my word。 I did it because I knew that the people would suffer if the rich ladies; whose splendid house holds give employment and food to so many people; should be banished from the city。 I did it for this reason; and must now keep my word。〃

〃And they shall remain here unmolested; highness。 Their liberty is not to be curtailed; neither is any harm to be done to their persons。 But they must yield to necessity; and surrender some of their treasure。 Mourad Bey's widow alone is very rich。〃

〃Rich and courted by all the world!〃 cried Cousrouf Pacha。 〃All Cairo is devoted to her! She is honored like a saint almost。〃

〃Because she is rich;〃 replied Mohammed; quietly。 〃The rich are always honored; the world falls down and worships them; but let them become poor; and the world drags them into the dust; and thus avenges itself for its former humiliation。 Sitta Nefysseh; Mourad's widow; is rich。 Her apartments; I am told; glitter with golden dishes and vases; gold and silver coins are piled up in closets; and whole chests are filled with jewelry and precious stones of every description; brought home by Mourad from his wars。〃

The viceroy's eyes sparkled。

〃It would certainly be desirable to get possession of some of this treasure; yet we cannot become robbers。 If we could do so by lawful means; it would be well。 Tell me of some such means; Mohammed Ali。〃

〃I know of no such means; highness;〃 said Mohammed; shrugging his shoulders。 〃I only know that Sitta Nefysseh; as it is said; has a secret understanding with the beys; the comrades of her deceased husband。 As I understand it; you only promised the wives of the Mamelukes permission to remain here; and protection under the condition that they were to abstain from all intercourse with the Mameluke beys。 Yet it is known that Osman Bardissi and L'Elfi Bey; the two Mameluke chieftains; were not long since in Cairo; and that they paid the Sitta a visit。 They both love her。 They adore her; and defy every danger in order to see her。 Of this I am certain; highness。〃

〃If this is true;〃 cried Cousrouf; 〃I have some pretext for calling her to account。〃

〃And true it is; I assure you;〃 replied Mohammed。 〃I myself saw Bardissi as he stepped out of the back gate of the park and mounted his horse; and a short time before I saw L'Elfi。 Perhaps they had both c
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