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mohammed ali and his house-第73部分

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ate of the park and mounted his horse; and a short time before I saw L'Elfi。 Perhaps they had both come for money for the payment of their troops。〃

〃I well know; myself;〃 said Cousrouf; 〃that Mourad's widow is very rich; and generous to her friends。 I will see her this very day; and this very day shall she be called to account。〃

〃But by whom?〃 asked Mohammed; quickly。 〃The cadi and the sheik will not answer; for they; like all Cairo; love Sitta Nefysseh。〃

〃Then I will call her to account myself!〃 cried Cousrouf; in resolute tones。

〃But have you proofs of her guilt?〃 asked Mohammed。 〃Sitta Nefysseh is wise; and knows how to defend herself。 Therefore proofs; and not the accusation only; are needed。〃

〃I shall secure proofs! When we are determined to accuse any one; proofs are never wanting。 Else of what use were our clerks and police? And now you may go; sarechsme。 I thank you for your advice; and will quickly proceed to raise money from the Sitta before she suspects any thing。 I thank you once more for your advice; Mohammed; and I shall always remember that you are the shrewdest and most faithful of all those who surround meyou perceive; I no longer say; of my servants。 Let me say; as I most gladly do; Mohammed Ali let me say; the most faithful of my friends! Does that please you?〃

Mohammed replied with a profound bow only; and then silently withdrew。

The hour had not yet passed; and his soldiers waited peaceably; as he had commanded them。 The Nubian slave of the viceroy followed his horse; carrying the ten purses of gold…pieces。 The general dismounted at the door of the palace; and waited till the slave had come up and taken the golden treasure into his house。 Mohammed then went to the grand hall and sent word down by a servant; that a deputation of twenty…two of his men were to come up to him。 The sarechsme received them standing beside a table; on which lay the ten purses of gold pieces。 He greeted them cordially。

〃I saw the viceroy in your behalf; and begged for your pay。 I was told that the week had not yet expired; and that you should wait。 The viceroy; however; my soldiers; paid me the salary due me。 They had forgotten to pay my salary ever since I have been in Egypt; it has therefore now become a considerable sum。 I have received ten purses of gold; and I am really in need of this money to meet my household expenses。 But who knows when you will receive your pay? We a11 share danger and want together; however; therefore let us share the good things of this world together。 Five purses I will keep for myself; five purses belong to my soldiers。 My housekeeper will go down into the courtyard with you; and distribute the money among you。 I give it; not as your pay; but as a token of my friendship and satisfaction。〃

〃Long live our general!〃 shouted the men; and they rushed forward; fell on their knees; and kissed his garments。 He bade them rise; called his housekeeper; and gave him the five purses。 The latter then went down with the soldiers to the courtyard。 Mohammed followed them with his eyes; his countenance lighted up with a peculiar smile

〃Now they are mine! With the money I gave them; I have bought their souls! Yes; they are mine! The seed I have sown is ripening。 O Cousrouf; only follow my advice! Insult the one woman who is above all honored and esteemed in Cairo; the one before whom all bow in reverenceinsult her; that the harvest…day of my revenge may soon come! But one thing still remains to be done: Sitta Nefysseh must be warned。〃

He stealthily stepped out into the garden through the side gate。 Unseen by his soldiers he hastily crossed the park; and; opening a small door in the high wall that surrounded it; stepped out into the street。

It was silent and deserted。 No one saw the cautious sarechsme; closely enveloped in his mantle; wend his way hastily through the narrow alleys to a little house that stood alone in the outskirts of the city。 He crossed the threshold without meeting any one。 All was still in the dark; narrow passage。 He opened the door of the chamber。 On a mat sat an old woman; weaving woolen cloth。

〃Are you the mother of Kachef Youssouf?〃 asked the sarechsme。

She turned around。 〃Yes; I am。 You have not come to arrest my son? He has not gone out to battle; he remains in Cairo; and is the faithful servant of his gracious mistress; Sitta Nefysseh。〃

〃That I know。 I have not come on a hostile errand; but merely to speak to him。 Where is he?〃

〃Where he always is; master; with his gracious mistress。 If you wish it; I will call him; a door opens from this house into Sitta Nefysseh's park; and I know where my son is to be found。〃

〃Then call him quickly。〃

The old woman hastened away。 In a short time she returned with her son Youssouf。

〃Do you know me?〃 asked Mohammed; advancing to meet him。

〃Yes; who does not know the brave sarechsme; Mohammed Ali?〃

〃Do you love your mistress? 〃 asked Mohammed

Youssouf looked at him with an expression of dismay and anxiety。

〃I mean; you love her as it beseems every faithful servant to love his mistress…you are ready to do her every service?〃

〃Yes; sarechsme; so do I love her;〃 replied Youssouf; in low tones。

〃Then listen! Come close to meit is a secret。 I tell you of it for your mistress's sake; reward me by letting no one know who told you。〃

〃I swear that I will not; sarechsme!〃

〃Go to your mistress and tell her to have all her treasure; her gold and silver plate; and all her other valuables; put in a safe place。 You probably have some such places in your cellars or vaults。 It must be done quickly。 Say a dream has warned you or what you will; but do not name me!〃

He enveloped himself in his mantle; and hurried back to his palace; in which all was now still。 The soldiers had gone out to spend the present given them by their general in joy and revelry。 Mohammed was again alone in his chamber。 e walked to and fro; reflecting on all he had done; with silent self…applause :

〃It would have been unfortunate had he found Sitta Nefysseh's treasure。 It would help him out of his difficulties。 That would never do。 You are falling; Cousrouf! and it is I who am hurling you down! Your peril increases with every hour! You have only to insult Sitta Nefysseh; and all Cairo will rise up in arms against you。 Let that be your last deed! Then; Cousrouf; when you have fallen; you shall know who has destroyed you!Masa; sleep quietly in your cold grave! You are being avenged!〃



Mohammed Ali's warning to the kachef Youssouf had not been disregarded。 In the secret vault; the entrance to which had been confided by Mourad Bey to his wife on his deathbed; Sitta Nefysseh's treasure now lay in security。

No one in the house knew of this vault; Sitta Nefysseh had confided it to the kachef Youssouf only; and they two had conveyed all her valuables to this hiding place。

When all was completed; and the Sitta had retired to her apartments; Youssouf announced himself; and; upon being admitted; stepped humbly forward; fell on his knees; and handed her the keys。

She looked at him in surprise。 〃What does this mean? What do you bring me?〃

〃The keys to the vault。 This one opens the inner; and the other the outer door。〃

〃You will keep them for me; Youssouf;〃 said his mistress; inclining her beautiful head。

〃You confide them to me;〃 said he; his countenance radiant with delight。 〃You wish to confide to your slave the keys to your treasure?〃

〃Does that surprise you?〃 asked she; gently。 〃I know I can safely confide to the kachef of my deceased husband all that I have and possess。 You will keep the keys; and listen; Youssouf; should I die… …〃

〃Die!〃 he exclaimed; with a cry which he found it impossible to repress。 〃Die!you; Sitta Nefysseh?〃

〃I am mortal; as we all are; as great Mourad was!〃 said she; gravely。 〃If I should die; you will take these keys to Osman Bey Bardissi; and tell him that Sitta Nefysseh sends them to him; and that in the vault here are souvenirs for her friends。 You; however; Youssouf; I make the executor of my last will; you are to distribute the souvenirs according to a list that I will give you。〃

She arose and took from a little closet in the wall a small book; bound with gold and richly studded with diamonds。

〃This book contains the names of those to whom I wish to leave a present at my death; you will act according to the instructions contained in it; but the book itself you will keep。 My initials are on it; set in splendid diamonds。 It was given me by Bonaparte; the general of the Franks。 Keep it; and; when you read my name; think of me!〃

〃Mistress; I can bear it no longer!〃 cried he; bursting into tears and falling on his knees。 〃No; I can bear it no longer! The thought of your dying robs me of all self…control。 O mistress; be merciful; and do not speak of your death!〃

〃We have already dismissed that subject;〃 said she; smiling。 〃We must be firm and brave。 Youssouf must not weep like a young girl! Dry your tears; I will not see them!〃

Obedient to her command; he arose and brushed the tears from his eyes。 〃Mistress; at your bidding my heart is strong again; and your slave awaits your commands;〃 said he; in a firm voice。

She seemed to be struggling to regain control of herself。 Youssouf's eyes rested on her in a glance of such passionate tenderness that she felt it without seeing it。

〃I have a final commission to give you;〃 said she。

〃A command; mistress! You know that your slightest is a command for me; and would be carried out if I should die in the performance!〃

〃Die?〃 said she; with a slight start。 〃Now you speak of death; Youssouf。 No; you shall not die! No; thoughts of death overtake us soon enough! Listen: I wish you to mount your horse and ride to Osman Bey Bardissi's camp。〃

〃Now; mistress! No; do not require this of me! 〃 cried he; anxiously。 〃You are aware an unknown friend has warned us; and said that Sitta should hide her treasure; as danger threatened her。 And now you require Youssouf to leave you; him who promised his master; Mourad Bey; that he would faithfully stand beside you his life long! You cannot send me away; you will wait until the danger is past; then will I go wherever you send me; were it to the ends of th
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