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mohammed ali and his house-第77部分

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ffered my soldiers double pay。 She is now in my power; and I will punish her; yet; I will be merciful on your account。 Let her do as she offeredlet her give my soldiers their pay; and her offence shall be overlooked this time。〃

〃That would be a punishment not prescribed by law;〃 replied the sheik; quietly。 〃If Sitta Nefysseh is really guilty of the crime of which you accuse her; she is indeed very culpable; highness; but she can not atone for it with money。 Her guilt must; however; be proven; and it devolves upon us; the representatives of public justice; to consider and determine whether Sitta Nefysseh is guilty or not。〃

〃Does not my word suffice?〃 cried Cousrouf; passionately。 〃I tell you that she is guilty; that I have proof of her guilt; and I declare that this suffices。 I repeat what I have said; if she pays my soldiers she is free。〃

〃That does not suffice!〃 replied the sheik。 〃We must first know whether Sitta Nefysseh confesses herself guilty。 In accordance with the law and with your permission; highness; let two of the sheiks go to Sitta Nefysseh and ask her if she confesses herself guilty; and; further; what she has to say in her defence。 This is just; and this must be done。〃

〃Do as you say。 Go to her。 But her own declaration of her innocence will not suffice for me。 She must have as much proof of her innocence as I have of her guilt。 Go to Sitta Nefysseh。 You will find her in the house of Sheik Hesseyni。〃

With a profound bow the sheiks withdrew from the viceroy's apartment and repaired to the house of Sheik Hesseyni。

Sitta Nefysseh greeted the cadis and sheiks with profound deference and perfect composure。

〃I see;〃 said she; gently; 〃you believe in my innocence; and know that Sitta Nefysseh is guilty of no crime; and has been unjustly covered with shame。〃

〃We well know that you have committed no crime;〃 said the sheik。 〃The viceroy; however; accuses you of having attempted to corrupt his soldiers through your kachef; tell us; is this true?〃

〃You well know that it is not true! Why should I do it; and how could I be so foolish as to attempt such a thing? I give you my word; I swear by the memory of Mourad Bey; I am innocent of the crime of which I am accused。 I have not attempted to corrupt the soldiers of Cousrouf Pacha; nor have I authorized my kachef to do so。 Believe me; I speak the truth。 But; tell me; was that all the viceroy said? I think I see through his plans; and understand this accusation。 Did he not name the punishment he intended to inflict on me?〃

〃He did。 You are to he set at liberty as soon as you pay his soldierswhat he maintains you promisedtheir double pay。〃

〃Is it not as I said?〃 cried she; in derisive tones。 〃Cousrouf Pacha wants money! He has heard stories of my wealth; and believes me rich; and now; relying on a woman's timidity; he endeavors to extort money from me。 He wants money; and therefore makes this shameful charge。 Go; I beg you; to the viceroy; and tell him Mourad's widow is poor; and has nothing with which to appease his rapacity。 Let him take my life if he will。 I am innocent; and if be causes me to be put to death; I shall charge him with murder at Allah's footstool! I have nothing else to give him。 Let him deal with me as he thinks proper。〃

〃We will tell him all you say; for you are in the right; Sitta Nefysseh;〃 replied the sheik。 〃 And if you possessed all the wealth of Egypt; with the millions that lie buried in its deserts; you would be justified in secreting them from the tyranny and fraud that seek to extort from you your property。 We will therefore defend you to the best of our ability。Come; sheiks; let us return to the viceroy。〃

They repaired to the citadel; and told the viceroy what had passed。

〃She is really poor; highness;〃 said the cadi。 〃She declares her innocence。 She does not possess the treasure you speak of; and therefore she can not comply with your demands。 Her house has been searched through; and; as you are aware; nothing has been found。〃

〃No; nothing has been found;〃 said the viceroy to himself; stepping; back and walking thoughtfully to and fro。 〃A fearful thought occurs to me! Mohammed Ali may have advised me to take this step with an evil purpose; seeking my destruction。 He hates me in his heart! I was a fool to allow myself to be persuaded to stretch out my hand after this woman's wealth。 But I will be avenged on Mohammed! However; having once embarked in this undertaking; I will at least endeavor to withdraw from it creditably。 I must give myself the appearance of still believing in Sitta Nefysseh's guilt。〃

He turned to the sheiks; who were awaiting his decision in respectful silence。 In haughty terms he declined to admit that he had been deceived; and that Sitta Nefysseh was innocent。

〃The accused must be punished! 〃 cried Cousrouf; in loud and threatening tones。

The cadi drew himself up and gazed firmly at the viceroy。

〃Highness; our patience is now at an end。 We have sought to obtain justice by peaceful entreaties。 You refuse it; and your refusal is an insult to us; the servants of our holy religion; and the representatives of the people。 Here; we have therefore nothing more to say or to do。 Nothing is left us but to depart and repair to the mosque of El…Azar; where the head of the martyr Sel…Kosyn is buried。 There we will gather the people about us and decide as justice shall require。Come; ye sheiks; let us go to the mosque!〃

〃Do so!〃 cried Cousrouf; haughtily。 〃But; let me tell you this: if you excite the people to revolt; my cannon shall thunder among you! You will be responsible for the consequences。〃

They made no reply; but turned and left the apartment。



Without in the vestibule they met Mustapha; the guardian of the revenues of the holy temple of Mecca。 Beside him stood several of the leading citizens of Cairo。 They had come to settle amicably; if possible; the grave difficulty between the viceroy and the sheiks。

〃Do not let it come to extremes; cadi;〃 said the oualy; in warning tones。 〃You know the viceroy is very powerful; and his fierce soldiers take delight in slaughter。〃

〃No; do not let it come to extremes;〃 said the others; joining in his entreaty。 〃Consider that they are strong; and we are weak。〃

〃No we are strong; for we are in the right;〃 said the cadi。 〃We cannot allow justice to be set at defiance; and the noblest of the women of Cairo to be shamefully insulted。 The people look to us; their representatives; to protect them; and woe to us if we fail to discharge our duty! Come; let us to the mosque; and there render to the people an account of what we have done。〃

〃Do this at your peril!〃 cried Mustapha。 〃O cadi; the viceroy is resolute and defies us with his troops。 Let me at least make an attempt to settle the matter peaceably。〃

〃Let him do so;〃 cried the others。 At last; the cadi consented to wait until the oualy should have seen the viceroy。

〃If he liberates Sitta Nefysseh; and allows you to conduct her through the streets; will you be satisfied?〃

〃Not satisfied; but we will demand nothing more;〃 said the cadi; 〃although the viceroy should be required to confess; publicly; that the accusation is unjust。〃

〃That is too much。 This the viceroy cannot and will not do;〃 cried the oualy。 〃Be contented if he sets the Sitta at liberty; and allows you to show her to the people。〃

〃But we demand; in addition;〃 said the cadi; 〃that he with draw his police from her house。〃

〃That he has already done;〃 said the oualy; smiling。 〃Not finding what they sought; the soldiers have quietly with drawn。〃

〃Then I shall go at once to the viceroy; and endeavor to soften his severity;〃 cried Mustapha Aga。 〃Await my return here。〃

Mustapha hastened to the viceroy's apartment。 In a few minutes he returned; his countenance radiant with delight。

〃Ye men; the viceroy has graciously accorded what we demand; and you are to conduct the Sitta in triumph through the city。 What; cadi! you receive this intelligence calmly and gloomily?〃

〃The times are gloomy and lowering;〃 said the cadi。 〃That the viceroy sets the Sitta at liberty proves only that he had no right to arrest her; and that the viceroy does right or wrong at his own pleasure。 That saddens me。 Come; let us go after Sitta Nefysseh。〃

〃Wait a moment;〃 said Mustapha。 〃The viceroy annexes a little condition to his consent。〃

〃I thought so;〃 said the cadi; quietly。

〃The viceroy requires that the Sitta shall not return to her house; as he has been informed that she often receives the visits of the Mameluke chieftains there。 Her house is in the outskirts of the city; and it is difficult to observe those who enter and leave it。 It is peculiarly accessible to the enemy; and the viceroy therefore requires that Sitta Nefysseh shall no longer reside there; but in the house of Sheik Sadat。 She cannot refuse to do this。〃

〃And she will not;〃 said Sheik Sadat。 〃No; she will not refuse to honor the abode of her old friend with her presence。 Come; let us go。〃

They then repaired at once to the house of Sheik Hesseyni; who; already informed of what had taken place; came forward to meet them; leading Sitta Nefysseh。 She extended her hand to the cadi; and then turned to Sadat:

〃Will you receive me into your dwelling? Will you extend your hospitality to the poor woman who has been driven from her own home?〃

〃Welcome to my house; Sitta!〃 cried Sadat。 〃It seems to me that with you my noble friend Mourad Bey will also cross my threshold once more。 Your presence in my humble house will do me great honor。 How delighted my wives will be to receive you!〃

The people had again assembled in front of the gates of the citadel。 As these were now opened; and Sitta Nefysseh appeared coming toward them in the midst of her escort; the people recognized her queenly figure and bearing; although her face was veiled。 Shouts of delight rent the air。 〃Long live Sitta Nefysseh; and the cadi! Praised be Allah that we have a cadi who enforces our rights!〃 ‘ Cousrouf sat on his divan in his apartment。 He heard this cry; and muttered between his teeth; 〃These rebels shall pay for this!〃

The shouting populace conducted Sitta Nefysseh in triumph through the streets。 The cadi was loudly applauded; and the viceroy d
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