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mohammed ali and his house-第92部分

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Ada's heart trembles as she approaches it; and her thoughts are with the house in Cavalla。 Oh that Mohammed Ali had returned to live with her there! 〃Departed are all the sweets of domestic happiness for poor Ada!〃 a voice whispers in her heart。

The women now come forward; four at a time; and with loud congratulations lay the presents at her feet; the golden dishes; the jewelled buckles; the gold…inworked cloths; and every thing that delights the heart of woman。 With kindly words Ada thanks them for their gifts; hardly realizing what they are。 She thanks Allah when the affair is concluded; and the master of ceremonies approaches; and with a deferential bearing requests her to descend from the throne; and walk to the door that leads to the inner apartments。 It alarms her to walk between the long rows of women who bow low as she passes。 But behind the door are the private apartments; and there she will be alone。 This thought cheers her as she walks on unconscious that a number of female slaves are following her to the private apartments。 Those who fill such exalted stations as that of the wife of the Viceroy of Egypt; know no solitude; not even in their private apartments。 The slaves now gather around her; fall on their knees; and swear to serve her faithfully; and her first maid asks if her gracious mistress will now retire to the toilet…chamber to change her dress。 She dares not refuse; and allows herself to be conducted thither; where the most splendid garments lie in readiness for her。 She makes no selection; but permits her women to dress her as they think proper。 This is at last concluded; and one of them now announces that she may enter the private apartments; where his highness the viceroy is to receive her。

Her heart throbs wildly; like the heart of a young girl; as she enters the apartment。 At the entrance she stands still; timidly。 Alas! he is not yet therethe room is empty。 The viceroy makes no haste to greet his wife。

The door now opens; and Mohammed Ali enters。

Ah! she would hardly have recognized him; to her he seems quite changed。 His countenance is so radiant; his bearing so proud; so splendid his gold…embroidered uniform; so gracious the smile with which he advances to meet her; so gracious the manner in which he extends his hand and smiles on her。Ada is conscious that it is the viceroy; the good friend; who stands before her; but the husband it is not。

〃Welcome; dear Ada!〃 he says; in kindly tones。 Ah! she is familiar with these loveless tones。 〃Welcome; dear Ada; I rejoice heartily to see you again after this long separation。〃

She takes his hand; presses it in her own; and looks at him earnestly。

〃Yes; after so long a separation; do you know how long we have been separated? Do you feel it in your heart?〃

〃I well know bow long; Ada。 We have been separated five years;〃 he replies; with a kindly smile。 〃You see five years have effected great changes。〃

〃Yes;〃 murmurs she; releasing his hand。 〃They have brought about great changes。 I see it; Mohammed。〃

〃But; dear Ada; my heart and my affection for you are unchanged;〃 he says; gently。 〃I shall ever honor you; Ada; as my first wife; as the mother of my first…born sons。 Yes; as my first wife。〃

She bows her head。 She understands the tone with which Mohammed had pronounced that fearful word。 Yes; she understands it; and bows her head in humility。 And what would opposition avail her? The law of the prophet allows the man to have several wives。 Love is fleeting; and its ardor soon passes away after marriage。 Friendship is the successor of love; and men say this is happiness。

The women sigh; and bow their heads in silence。

What would it avail Ada to rise in arms against Mohammed's words; 〃My first wife〃?

〃Yes; Ada; you will ever remain my first wife; the honored mother of my sons。 You will ever remain my friend。〃

Yes; that was the word。 She closes her eyes and shudders。

〃'Tis well。 Your friend; Mohammed! I will not; however; honor you as my friend; but as my lord; and as the man I have loved alone and best on earth!〃

He gently encircles her neck with his arm; and impresses a kiss on her forehead。 Such a kiss as makes the heart of the woman who loves writhe in anguish。

Now he begins to speak to her; in gay tones; of his handsome; manly sons。

〃They shall come to greet their mother; they are waiting in the next room。〃

He walks hastily to the door; opens it; and the three boys enter; each holding a small package wrapped in paper in his hand。

〃What do you bring me; boys!〃 asks Mohammed; seating himself on a divan; and calling them to his side。

〃What do we bring you; father?〃 says the eldest; Ibrahim。 〃We have brought you keepsakes from Cavalla; and with them we wish to show you that we have learned something; and have endeavored to imitate you。 The merchant; Lion; has often told me how daring a boatman you were; and I determined to learn to manage a boat and defy the treacherous waves; also。〃

The viceroy regards his son with a radiant smile。 The boy's sparkling eyes gladden his heart and inspires it with high hopes。

〃I rejoice in you; Ibrahim; and expect you to become a hero;〃 cries Mohammed。 〃Continue。 You were resolved to defy the waves〃

〃Yes; father; and I did learn to make the waves obey me; and I became the best boatman in Praousta。 I also learned to dive; and no diver could surpass me。 To prove what I say; I have brought you this keepsake。 I brought it up from the depths of the sea; it was tied up in a bag。 I dragged it to the shore and opened it。 And what do you suppose it contained; father? Only think; a skeleton! As these were the first things I had taken out of the deep as a diver I have brought you something out of the bag as a keepsake。 Here it is; I lay it at your feet。〃

〃From the depths of the sea? 〃 repeated the viceroy; with pallid cheeks。 〃Tell me; Ibrahim; were you diving off the shore of Praousta?〃

〃Yes; father。 You know the shore is steep; and the sea deep; close in to the beach。 There I dived and found the bag; with which I swam to the shore。 The bag contained bones; and also that which I have brought you。〃

〃A bag that contained a skeleton?〃 repeated Mohammed; with quivering lips。 〃And what is it you have brought me?〃

〃A tress of haira tress of long; black hair。 It must have been a woman that was cast into the sea in the bag。〃

Mohammed does not take the package from his son's hand; and Ibrahim lays it at his feet and looks at him with astonishment。 He is completely changed; his cheeks are pallid and his eyes dim。 Ada also observes this change with dismay; and calls her sons to her side。 Aroused by her voice; Mohammed awakens from his stupor; and waves his hand as if to ward off some spectre。

〃And what have you brought me; Ismail?and you; Toussoun?〃

〃We have also brought you keepsakes from Cavalla;〃 they reply。 〃We endeavored to make of ourselves what you were when a boy。 We were told that you had been a famous climber; that no rock was too high; and the entrance to no cave too narrow; for you。 And we discovered a large cave down by the shore; near Praousta。 It was necessary to creep through a long; narrow passage to get into it; and what do you think we found there? It seemed as if people had lived therethere were cushions and all sorts of things scattered around on the floor。 Oh; we often enjoyed ourselves in the cave; singing songs; and eating fruit we had taken there with us。 However; when we visited the cave for the last time; we determined; each of us; to bring you a keepsake from it; and here are the things we have brought。 I bring you a beautiful little cup I found there。〃

〃And I bring you a piece of clotha beautiful gold…embroidered cuffei which I found in the cave。 It is very handsome; only there are a few spots; as though blood had dropped on it。〃

And; like Ibrahim; the two boys also lay the packages they had brought at their father's feet。 He sits there for a moment as motionless and pale as a marble statue; and then motions with his hand toward the door。 He cannot speak; he only motions to them to leave the room; and the boys hasten to their mother's side in alarm。 Ada takes them by the hand and leaves the room with them。

Mohammed is now alone with his sons' offerings。

He stares down at them for a while; and then takes up the package Ibrahim had laid at his feet。

He tears it open; and there lies Masa's long; black hair。 A cry escapes his lips! It is not the viceroy; not the man; who cries out。 It is the death…cry of his first love!

He presses the hair to his lips; and two tears trickle slowly down his cheeks。 His gaze fastens on his Masa's hair in a long; painful glance。

He had often kissed these tresses while they clung to her beloved head。 He now kisses them for the last time; and then conceals them in his bosom。

He bends down again and takes up the presents of his other sons。

He remembers the cup well。 Masa had often drunk out of it。

He kisses the rim of the cup; the place where Masa's crimson lips had touched; he then carefully places it on the cushion beside him。

He now takes up the third presentthe gold…embroidered cuffei he had purchased for Masa from the merchant; Lion。

She wore it around her neck for the last time when he pressed her to his heart and took leave of her for a short time; as he thought。 She wore it when he left her that night; and when he returned she was gone; and he did not see her again until her death…hour。

He holds the cloth up before him; and sees the dark…red spots…her blood! She had struggled with her captor; and he had injured her shoulder; where the cloth rested; with the point of his dagger! He can tell this by the incision in the cloth where the spots of blood are。

This is Masa's blood; shed for him! He kisses the spot; and binds the cloth around his neckthe cloth she has worn; the cloth inscribed with her blood! A holy remembrance of her; he will never part with it。 It shall protect him from the rude wind of the world。

He lays his hand on Masa's tresses again; he looks at the cup; and sits there motionless; absorbed in thought; for a long time。

His whole past rises up before him。 He is once more at home; on the rude rock where he spent his youth。

He sees every thing once more; s
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