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mohammed ali and his house-第93部分

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His whole past rises up before him。 He is once more at home; on the rude rock where he spent his youth。

He sees every thing once more; sees; also; the pale face of his Osman; of his dear friend。

He is deadhis sons have told him that Osman is dead。

〃It is well for him that he is; he suffered much;〃 he murmurs; in low tones。 〃I; also; have suffered much。 And yet I have also experienced much happiness; and shall probably do so in the future; also;〃 he continues; in louder tones。 〃Sink down behind me; past! the future is mine。 And now be strong; Mohammed; arise and be a man! The past is at an end! Masa; you have to…day sent me a greeting through my sons。 Farewell! Now I belong to the present and to the future。 Farewell!〃

He rises; walks with firm footstep through the apartment; and enters the room where Ada and his sons are awaiting him。

〃Come; my sons; I will show you my capital; the most beautiful of all citiesI will show you Cairo。 Come!〃

He takes his sons by the hand; and; alas! he forgets the poor woman who is regarding him tenderly; and down whose cheeks two tears slowly trickle as the door closes behind him。

Mohammed leads his sons through the long suite of splendid apartments; which they regard with wonder; into the grand reception… chamber; and steps out with them upon the balcony。 The beautiful city of Cairo now lies spread out before them。 Over there glitters the Nile; like a silver ribbon; and beyond tower aloft the wondrous forms of the great Pyramids of Gheezeh。

A cry of delight escapes the lips of the boys。 〃Oh; how beautiful; how glorious; father!〃

〃Yes; beautiful is Cairo; beautiful is Egypt; my sons。 All that you see spread out before you is mine。 I am the ruler of Egypt; you shall be its rulers after me; and our house shall become great and glorious。 This I swear; by Allah! I will not; like my predecessors; be deposed from my throne and descend the hill on which stands the proud citadel of Cairo。 I swear; by Allah; that my house shall continue to rule over Egypt; and it shall be inscribed in the books of history: 'Mohammed Ali was the first free viceroy of Egypt; and his sons succeeded him on the throne。' Swear to me; my sons; that you will one day become good and just rulers over Egypt!〃

〃We swear that we will; father! We will one day become good and just rulers over Egypt!〃 the three boys reply; as with one voice; their eyes sparkling; their countenances radiant with the light of high resolve。

〃You have heard it; Allah!〃 cries the father; in solemn tones; his head bowed down; his right hand uplifted。 〃I will firmly establish the rule of my house; and my sons have sworn to become good and just rulers。 Then be thou; also; our gracious ruler; and with thy great prophet; Mohammed; look down with favor upon the four human beings who stand humbly in thy presence! Not the vassal of the grand…sultan at Stamboul; but the free; independent viceroy; will I be; and after me shall my sons rulethis I swear! Seal thou my resolve with thy blessing; O Allah!〃

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