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riders of the purple sage-第2部分

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 her continual delight。 In her extremity she found herself murmuring; 〃Whence cometh my help!〃 It was a prayer; as if forth from those lonely purple reaches and walls of red and clefts of blue might ride a fearless man; neither creed…bound nor creed…mad; who would hold up a restraining hand in the faces of her ruthless people。

The restless movements of Tull's men suddenly quieted down。 Then followed a low whisper; a rustle; a sharp exclamation。

〃Look!〃 said one; pointing to the west。

〃A rider!〃

Jane Withersteen wheeled and saw a horseman; silhouetted against the western sky; coming riding out of the sage。 He had ridden down from the left; in the golden glare of the sun; and had been unobserved till close at hand。 An answer to her prayer!

〃Do you know him? Does any one know him?〃 questioned Tull; hurriedly。

His men looked and looked; and one by one shook their heads。

〃He's come from far;〃 said one。

〃Thet's a fine hoss;〃 said another。

〃A strange rider。〃

〃Huh! he wears black leather;〃 added a fourth。

With a wave of his hand; enjoining silence; Tull stepped forward in such a way that he concealed Venters。

The rider reined in his mount; and with a lithe forward…slipping action appeared to reach the ground in one long step。 It was a peculiar movement in its quickness and inasmuch that while performing it the rider did not swerve in the slightest from a square front to the croup before him。

〃Look!〃 hoarsely whispered one of Tull's companions。 〃He packs two black…butted gunslow downthey're hard to seeblack akin them black chaps。〃

〃A gun…man!〃 whispered another。 〃Fellers; careful now about movin' your hands。〃

The stranger's slow approach might have been a mere leisurely manner of gait or the cramped short steps of a rider unused to walking; yet; as well; it could have been the guarded advance of one who took no chances with men。

〃Hello; stranger!〃 called Tull。 No welcome was in this greeting only a gruff curiosity。

The rider responded with a curt nod。 The wide brim of a black sombrero cast a dark shade over his face。 For a moment he closely regarded Tull and his comrades; and then; halting in his slow walk; he seemed to relax。

〃Evenin'; ma'am;〃 he said to Jane; and removed his sombrero with quaint grace。

Jane; greeting him; looked up into a face that she trusted instinctively and which riveted her attention。 It had all the characteristics of the range rider'sthe leanness; the red burn of the sun; and the set changelessness that came from years of silence and solitude。 But it was not these which held her; rather the intensity of his gaze; a strained weariness; a piercing wistfulness of keen; gray sight; as if the man was forever looking for that which he never found。 Jane's subtle woman's intuition; even in that brief instant; felt a sadness; a hungering; a secret。

〃Jane Withersteen; ma'am?〃 he inquired。

〃Yes; she replied。

〃The water here is yours?〃


〃May I water my horse?〃

〃Certainly。 There's the trough。〃

〃But mebbe if you knew who I was〃 He hesitated; with his glance on the listening men。 〃Mebbe you wouldn't let me water himthough I ain't askin' none for myself。〃

〃Stranger; it doesn't matter who you are。 Water your horse。 And if you are thirsty and hungry come into my house。〃

〃Thanks; ma'am。 I can't accept for myselfbut for my tired horse〃

Trampling of hoofs interrupted the rider。 More restless movements on the part of Tull's men broke up the little circle; exposing the prisoner Venters。

〃Mebbe I've kind of hindered somethin'for a few moments; perhaps?〃 inquired the rider。

〃Yes;〃 replied Jane Withersteen; with a throb in her voice。

She felt the drawing power of his eyes; and then she saw him look at the bound Venters; and at the men who held him; and their leader。

〃In this here country all the rustlers an' thieves an' cut…throats an' gun…throwers an' all…round no…good men jest happen to be Gentiles。 Ma'am; which of the no…good class does that young feller belong to?〃

〃He belongs to none of them。 He's an honest boy。〃

〃You know that; madame?〃


〃Then what has he done to get tied up that way?〃

His clear and distinct question; meant for Tull as well as for Jane Withersteen; stilled the restlessness and brought a momentary silence。

〃Ask him;〃 replied Jane; her voice rising high。

The rider stepped away from her; moving out with the same slow; measured stride in which he had approached; and the fact that his action placed her wholly to one side; and him no nearer to Tull and his men; had a penetrating significance。

〃Young feller; speak up;〃 he said to Venters。

〃Here stranger; this's none of your mix;〃 began Tull。 〃Don't try any interference。 You've been asked to drink and eat。 That's more than you'd have got in any other village of the Utah border。 Water your horse and be on your way。〃

〃EasyeasyI ain't interferin' yet;〃 replied the rider。 The tone of his voice had undergone a change。 A different man had spoken。 Where; in addressing Jane; he had been mild and gentle; now; with his first speech to Tull; he was dry; cool; biting。 〃I've lest stumbled onto a queer deal。 Seven Mormons all packin' guns; an' a Gentile tied with a rope; an' a woman who swears by his honesty! Queer; ain't that?〃

〃Queer or not; it's none of your business;〃 retorted Tull。

〃Where I was raised a woman's word was law。 I ain't quite outgrowed that yet。〃

Tull fumed between amaze and anger。

〃Meddler; we have a law here something different from woman's whim Mormon law!。。。Take care you don't transgress it。〃

〃To hell with your Mormon law!〃

The deliberate speech marked the rider's further change; this time from kindly interest to an awakening menace。 It produced a transformation in Tull and his companions。 The leader gasped and staggered backward at a blasphemous affront to an institution he held most sacred。 The man Jerry; holding the horses; dropped the bridles and froze in his tracks。 Like posts the other men stood watchful…eyed; arms hanging rigid; all waiting。

〃Speak up now; young man。 What have you done to be roped that way?〃

〃It's a damned outrage!〃 burst out Venters。 〃I've done no wrong。 I've offended this Mormon Elder by being a friend to that woman。〃

〃Ma'am; is it truewhat he says?〃 asked the rider of Jane; but his quiveringly alert eyes never left the little knot of quiet men。

〃True? Yes; perfectly true;〃 she answered。

〃Well; young man; it seems to me that bein' a friend to such a woman would be what you wouldn't want to help an' couldn't help。。。。What's to be done to you for it?〃

〃They intend to whip me。 You know what that meansin Utah!〃

〃I reckon;〃 replied the rider; slowly。

With his gray glance cold on the Mormons; with the restive bit…champing of the horses; with Jane failing to repress her mounting agitations; with Venters standing pale and still; the tension of the moment tightened。 Tull broke the spell with a laugh; a laugh without mirth; a laugh that was only a sound betraying fear。

〃Come on; men!〃 he called。

Jane Withersteen turned again to the rider。

〃Stranger; can you do nothing to save Venters?〃

〃Ma'am; you ask me to save himfrom your own people?〃

〃Ask you? I beg of you!〃

〃But you don't dream who you're askin'。〃

〃Oh; sir; I pray yousave him!〃

These are Mormons; en' I。。。〃

〃Atat any costsave him。 For II care for him!〃

Tull snarled。 〃You love…sick fool! Tell your secrets。 There'll be a way to teach you what you've never learned。。。e men out of here!〃

〃Mormon; the young man stays;〃 said the rider。

Like a shot his voice halted Tull。


〃Who'll keep him? He's my prisoner!〃 cried Tull; hotly。 〃Stranger; again I tell youdon't mix here。 You've meddled enough。 Go your way now or〃

〃Listen!。。。He stays。〃

Absolute certainty; beyond any shadow of doubt; breathed in the rider's low voice。

〃Who are you? We are seven here。〃

The rider dropped his sombrero and made a rapid movement; singular in that it left him somewhat crouched; arms bent and stiff; with the big black gun…sheaths swung round to the fore。

It was Venters's wondering; thrilling cry that bridged the fateful connection between the rider's singular position and the dreaded name。

Tull put out a groping hand。 The life of his eyes dulled to the gloom with which men of his fear saw the approach of death。 But death; while it hovered over him; did not descend; for the rider waited for the twitching fingers; the downward flash of hand that did not come。 Tull; gathering himself together; turned to the horses; attended by his pale comrades。


Venters appeared too deeply moved to speak the gratitude his face expressed。 And Jane turned upon the rescuer and gripped his hands。 Her smiles and tears seemingly dazed him。 Presently as something like calmness returned; she went to Lassiter's weary horse。

〃I will water him myself;〃 she said; and she led the horse to a trough under a huge old cottonwood。 With nimble fingers she loosened the bridle and removed the bit。 The horse snorted and bent his head。 The trough was of solid stone; hollowed out; moss…covered and green and wet and cool; and the clear brown water that fed it spouted and splashed from a wooden pipe。

〃He has brought you far to…day?〃

〃Yes; ma'am; a matter of over sixty miles; mebbe seventy。〃

〃A long ridea ride thatAh; he is blind!〃

〃Yes; ma'am;〃 replied Lassiter。

〃What blinded him?〃

〃Some men once roped an' tied him; an' then held white…iron close to his eyes。〃

〃Oh! Men? You mean devils。。。。Were they your enemiesMormons?〃

〃Yes; ma'am。〃

〃To take revenge on a horse! Lassiter; the men of my creed are unnaturally cruel。 To my everlasting sorrow I confess it。 They have been driven; hated; scourged till their hearts have hardened。 But we women hope and pray for the time when our men will soften。〃

〃Beggin' your pardon; ma'amthat time will never come。〃

〃Oh; it will!。。。Lassiter; do you think Mormon women wicked? Has your hand been against them; too?〃

〃No。 I believe Mormon women are the best and noblest; the most long…sufferin'; and the blindest; unhappiest women on earth。〃

〃Ah!〃 She gave him a grave; thoughtful look。 〃Then you will break bread with me?〃

Lassiter had no ready r
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